1、ZT <XMPOftAlICM中小学课外辅导专家致易教育个性化辅导教案学生编号9NJ学生姓名王媛婷授课教师张老师辅导学科九年级英语教材版本沪教版授课时间3月23日课题名称中考英语复习之宾语从句课时数3课时教学目标止确选择宾语从句的连词和时态重点难点1. 连词和代词的选择2. 从句的语序3. 从句的时态一、考点回顾(一)宾语从句的种类宾语从句是一种名词性从句,在句中作及物动词的宾语,或介词的宾语,或形容词的宾语。根据引导宾 语从句的不同连词,宾语从句可分为三类。1. 由that引导的宾语从句。that只有语法作用,没有实在的意义,在口语和非正式文体中可以省略。 注意:a.表示个人意见的词(
2、think, guess,believe)变否疋前置。I don 'think that you are right.b.用it做形式宾语结构:I thi nk it Wrong that he told a lie to every one.He Said (that) he Wan ted to Stay at home.She doesn ' t knoWat) She is SeriOUSIy ill.I am SUre (that) he will succeed.2. 由连接代词 who, whom, whose, what, WhiCh 和连接副词 When, w
3、here, why, how 引导的宾语从句。这些连 接代词和连接副词在宾语从句中充当某个成分。Do you know who (WhOm) they are Wait ing foe?He asked whose han dwrit ing WaS the best.Can you tell me Where the No.3 bus stop is?I don' t know Why the train is late.3. 由if或Whether引导的宾语从句。if和Whether在句中的意思是是否”。注意:a.介词后面不能用if引导EVeryth ing depe nds On
4、 Whether We have eno Ugh mon ey.b.兵语从句中有or not时不能用if引导I don 'tk now Whether the movie Star will come or not.C.不定式作宾语时不能用ifWhether to go there or not hasn 'tbeen decided.I Want to know if (Whether) he lives there.He asked me Whether (if) I could help him.(二) 宾语从句的语序宾语从句的语序应为 陈述句的语序。I hear (th
5、at) PhySiCS isn' t easy.I think (that) you will like this school soon.Can you tell me how I Can get to zoo?PIeaSe tell me When We ' ll have the meeting.注意:遇到固定句型时,仍用倒装语序。I don 'tk now What is the matter With him./What is Wrong With him.(三) 宾语从句的时态1. 如果主句的时态是一般现在时,宾语从句该用什么时态就用什么时态。如: I do
6、n ' t think (that) you are right.PIeaSe tell US Where he is.Can you tell me how I Can get to the railway Stati on?2. 如果主句的时态是一般过去时,宾语从句只能用相应的过去时态(一般过去时,时,过去完成时)。He asked What time it was.He told me that he WaS PrePari ng for the SPOrtS meet.He asked if you had Written to Peter.He Said that he wo
7、uld go back to the U.S. soon.注意:a.如果宾语从句所陈述的是客观真理,其时态常用一般现在时。OUr teacher Said that JanUary is the first month of the year.SCien tists have PrOVed that the earth turns around the sun.b.Could you tell是用来征询对方意见,语气委婉,并不表示过去。Could you tell me Whe n Wewill ViSit the museum.C直接引语和间接引语转换时注意人称和时态的变化。She aske
8、d me: do you like Maths? ”D.宾语从句与简单句的转换:如果从句的主语和主句的主语一致,可以用“I don 'tk now What I should do n ext.I don 'tk now What to do n ext.1、中考链接1. Your T-Shirt is so cool. Could you tell me?A. Where you buy itB. Where do you buy itC. Where you bought itD. Where did you buy it2. EXCUSe me .Could you te
9、ll meI Can get to the SPaCe Museum?-Of course. You Can take bus No.1.A. WhereB. howC. ifD. Why3. Do you knowthe new mobile Phone last week?过去进行时,过去将来疑问代词+不定式-Maybe 900 VUan. I ' m not quite sure.-4致易教育英语教研组曲 T DflPOr中小学课外辅导专家-6致易教育英语教研组A. how much She Paid forB. how much will She Pay for C. how
10、much did She Pay forShe SUCCeedS .4. MiChaeI Jordan has failed over and over again in his life.And thatA. WhatB. Whe nC. WhyD. WhereS about'S reign恐怖e统o治)'S reign Of terrorS reig n Of terror8. I Want to know.A. Whe n We should arrive at the airportC. When the airport We should arrive at9. -W
11、ould you PIeaSe tell me?B. When should We arrive at the airportD. When the airport should We arrive at5. Alice in Won derla nd is a fan tastic movie. ItA. how did Alice end the Red QUee nB. What did Alice end the Red QUeenC. how Alice en ded the Red QUee nD. What Alice ended the Red QUe en' S re
12、ign Of terror6. Do you knowthe girl in red is?I ' m not sure. Maybe a teacher.A. Whe nB. howC. whoD. What7. What did your Pare nts think about your decisi on?-They always let me doI think I should.A. Whe nB. thatC. howD. What-At 10:00 this evening.C. Whe n does the train IeaVeA. Whe n will the t
13、rain leave B. Whe n the train will leave10. Could you tell me?-Fill in this form and I will give you a card.A. how I Can meet Cathy B. Where I Can meet CathyC. Whe n I Can meet Cathy11. -Tommy, do you know if Frankto the zoo this SUn day if it?-Sorry, I have no idea.A. will go; is fineB. goes; is fi
14、ne C. will go; is going to be fineD. goes; will be fine12. No OneCan be SUrein a milli On years.A. What man IookS likeB. What will man look likeC. What man Iooked likeD. What man will look like13. SUe told me that Sheshopp ing With her SiSter the next day.A. will go B. would goC. goes D. has gone14.
15、 The n ew-desig ned Car is On show no w. I Won der.A. how much it costB. how much did it cost C. how much it costs D. how much does it cost15. -When do you thi nk?-AbOUt half PaSt five. I will PiCk him UP at the airport.A. he will come B. will he comeC. did he comeD. he Came16. OUr teacher told US t
16、he SUnin the east.A. riseB. roseC. risingD. rises17. -Listen! It is still noisy in the teachers ' office.-Go and Seethey have fini Shed COrreCt ing the PaPerS yet.A. thoughB. WhetherC. Unl essD. while18. -What time will Mr. BroWn be back to China?-Sorry. I don ' t know.A. Whe n did he go abr
17、oadB. Why he is going abroadC. how Soon will he be backD. how Iong he will Stay abroad三.阅读练习A. Choose the words or expressiOnSand complete the passage.What will the home of the future look like? A team of architects ( 建筑师)in Hong Kong Say that City homes will be tiny, as populatiOnS Continue to 80 a
18、nd SPaCe becomes more expe nsive.They have designed Spaceflats” that are Only 30 SqUare meters in81. TheSe flatshave small rooms: a living room, a bathroom and a bedroom, as well as a balcOny (阳台),but everyth ing is82 pla nned to make good USe of the Iimited space.The livi ng room is the main room o
19、f the flat. It Can be USed as an office, a kitche n even a SeC Ond bedroom. There is a sofa that Can be Changed into a bed. The dining table Can be Changed into a COmPUter desk . And, if not needed, both the sofa-bed and the table Can be folded away (折叠收拢 )and StOred into a small SPaCe in the wall.
20、There is a flat-screen TV, WhiCh Can also SerVe as a COmPUter mon itor. In One of the room, a small cooker, a microwave ove n and a small refrigerator are83 out of sight.The other rooms are small but PraCtiCaI ( 实用).The bathroom ContainS a toilet and a ShOWer . The double bed in the bedroom Can also
21、 be a sofa, if84. The balc Ony has eno Ugh room for two people to Sit and enjoy the VieWfrom the block of flats. All the rooms have high ceiling to PrOVide as much StOrage SPaCe as possible, while the flat has large Win dows to let in85SUn light.SPaCeflatS are now being tested in a buildi ng in Hong
22、 Kong. It's Won derful, "said One CitiZe n. The flat is so well designed that you feel that here is plenty of space. ”80. A) reduceB) growC) moveD) PrOteCt81. A) SiZeB) Ien gthC) heightD) dista nce82. A) SeriOUSIyB) clearlyC) quicklyD) CarefUIly83. A) eate nB) falle nC) hiddenD) stolen84. A
23、) difficultB) thirstyC) n ecessaryD) Primary85. A) ple nty ofB) full ofC) a bitD) a little使其内容通顺,B. Read the PaSSage and fill in the bla nks With PrOPer words.(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,每空格限填一词,首字母已给。 )(14分)Do you have sleeping problems? IS it hard for you to remember or Pay attention in class? Do you get angry
24、 e86? If your an SWer is yes, you may be Un der StreSS (压力).StreSS is a normal PhySiCaI respOnSe to things that make people feel worried. In China, 70are Under high stress,PerCe nt of the 2,000 StUde nts about to take the college or high school entrance exam in ati Onaccord ing to a recent S87 by WU
25、ha n Uni VerSity of HUbei provi nce.SOmetimeS StreSS is good for people. It P 88 people to do their best, like while getting ready before abig COmPetitiOn Or exam. H , too much or Iong-term StreSS makes people feel a StreSS overload ( 负荷过多),and affects people ' S health.治 OofiPO<n中小学课外辅导专家Whe
26、n you feel stressed, there are Some WayS you Can deal With it. Learning to Work OUt small problems in everyday Iife is h90. It Can help build Confidence to move On to life 'igger Ones. Try S91 somePOSitiVe (积极的)word S to yourself, like"I will do the best that I can,处理” tos if 1'taksiorh
27、antiip at atime. ” That enCOUrageS you to work toward your goal. It is also important to relax sometimes, for example by getting a good night' S sleep, doing exercises or taking a bath.BUt if you are Un der high StreSS and can deal With it by yourself, it is also good to ask Pare nts or friends
28、for help. EVeryOne has stress. It is nOt a Shame to tell o92 that you are having a hard time. They may comfort ( 安慰)you or give you some USefUI advice. You may feel better from Shari ng your problems With them.四.习题练习1.Do you knowduri ng the Coming SUmmer holiday?A.What will Tom doB. What did Tom doC
29、. What Tom will doD. What Tom did2.I Want to knowA.What is his n ameB. What ' S his nameC. that his n ame isD. What his n ame is3. Do you knowI could PaSS the exam?A. thatB. WhetherC. WhatD. WhiCh4. Jim doesn' t Understand.A. WhiCh is the Way to the museumB. Why his Wife always goes shopp in
30、gC. What is the Way to the museumD. Why does She always go shopp ing5. -Could you tell meShe is look ing for?A. thatB. whoseC. whoD. WhiCh6. Mr. King didn' t knowyesterday evening.A. Whe n does his Son come homeB. Whe n his Son comes homeC. Whe n did his Son come homeD. Whe n his Son Came home7.
31、 Could you tell methe bike this morning?A. how does he mendB. how he mends C. how he men dedD. how did he mend8. -1 ' m Waiting for the mail. Do you knowit will arrive?-Usually it comes by 4: 00.A. howB. WhereC. Whe nD. What9. -Excuse me, would you PIeaSe tell me?-Certainly. Go Straight along he
32、re. It' S next to a hospital.A. how We Can get to the post OffiCeB. how Can We get to the post OffiCeC. how get to the post OffiCeD. how could We get to the post OffiCe10. -Can I help you?-Yes. I ' d like a ticket to MoUnt Emei. Can you tell metake to get there?A. how Soon will itB. how Soon
33、 it will C. how Iong it willD. how Iong will it11. He Wan ted to know.A. Whether he SPeakS at the meeti ngB. Whe n the meet ing would StartC. What he ' S going to do at the meeting D. Where would the meeting be he Id12. Would you PIeaSe tell men ext, Mr Wang?A. What should We doB. We should do W
34、hat C. What We should do D. should We do What13. You Can ' t imagineWhen they received these nice ChriStmaS PreSents.A. how they Were excitedB. how excited they WereC. how excited Were theyD. they Were how excited14. I Want to knowyou will come back at 8:00 tomorrow.A. thatB. Whe nC. WhereD. Whe
35、ther15. The teacher asked the StUde nts.A. if they Were in terested in dino SaUrSB. Whe n WaS AIbert Ei nstein bornC. What they will do With the COmPUterSD. how many trees they have pla nted16.lt' S UP to you to decideyou' ll go there, by air or by road.A. how B. Why C. that D. Whe n17. I do
36、n ' t know if my UnCle. If he, I will be Very happy.A. comes; will come B. will come; will come C. comes; comes D. will come; comes18. My PhySiCS teacher Said that lightfaster tha n sound.A. travelB. travelsC. traveled19. You are grow ing so fast. Can you tell menow?A. how fast are you B. how fa
37、st you areC. how tall are you D. how tall you are20. -Do you knowfor Shan ghai last ni ght?-At 9:00A. What time he IeaVeS B. What time does he leave C. What time he left D. What time did he leave Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案 )(共20分)31. Could I have an early morning callSiX o 'clock tomorrow?A
38、) onB) toC) atD) in32. We have decided to trybest to raise more money for the local charity.A) USB) our C) WeD) ours33. You really don IhaVe to worryyour Weight ,You look just right.A) forB) fromC) WithD) about34. I can,t ConneCt my COmPUter to the Internet. There must be () Wrong With it.A、SOmethin
39、g B、everythingC、anything D、nothing-9致易教育英语教研组治 <fipr>rl中小学课外辅导专家35、The baby feels () while his mother holds him in her arms.A、SaVe B、Safe C、SafeIy D、Safety36、PUdong InternatiOnal AirPOrt is One Of ( ) airports in the world.A、big B、bigger C、biggest D、the biggest37、Martinand his friends did / t
40、eat UP all the food they ordered, ( ) they took the rest away.A、for B、or C、so D、as38、Peter will cook for his Parents ( ) the International Day of FamiIieS comes.A、unless B、When C、Until D、though39、With the help of the new tech no Iogy , you ( ) e-mail your friends by mobile pho ne.A、Can B、must C、need
41、 D、should40、( ) Tony ( ) Frank likes the CD. They think the music is too noisy.A、Neither nor B、Eitheror C、Both and D、Not onIy .but also41、Stop ( )about the traffic. JUSt think about What We Can do to improve it.A、complain B、to complainC、complainingD、complained42、Don / t jump to a ConclusiOn !Let / s
42、( ) the problem first.A、to discuss B、discuss C、discussed D、discussing43、() do millions of OnIine USerS ViSit the home Page of the government?To read the news and SearCh for the information they need.A、When B、Where C、Why D、What44、 The VolUnteers ()a lot of help to the community for nearly ten years.A
43、、 Offered B、 will Offer C、 are OfferingD、 have Offered45、The StUdents ( )the Art FeStiVaI When I PaSSed by their school.A、CeIebrate B、Were CeIebrating C、will CeIebrate D、have CeIebrated46、Jenny told me that She ( )an En glish SPeeCh Con test the n ext mon th.A、takes Part in B、is taking Part in C、too
44、k Part in D、would take Part in47、( )wonderful ConCert they are PUtting On in the City square!A、How B、What C、What a D、What an48、I / m SUre that StriCter rules to Control Cigarette smoking () Very soon.A、Made B、Will makeC、Were made D、will be made49、-Shall We join in the Green World SUmmer Camp? -()A、
45、Good idea B、Youz re welcome C、Not at all D、NeVer mind50、 Congratulations! You / re got a Chance to be an exchange StUdent!()A、Thank you B、I agree C、Of COUrSe D、Good luckIII Complete the follow ing PaSSage With the words or PhraSeS in the box. EaCh Can Only be USed once.A. WeakB. breakC. Con fide ntD
46、. at the end ofE. POSSibIyF. breathG. do well inH. hobbiesI. politelyA headmasters is givi ng a SPeeCh about how to PerfOrm SUCCeSSfully in an in terview to a new school.In terviews are held so that you Can Iear n about the school and the school Can Iear n about you.You should SPe nd a couple of hou
47、rs gett ing ready for the in terview CarefUlly.The nyou will 51Un dersta nd your questi OnS better and get right an SWerS On the day of thein terview.FirSt find out about the school. Read the school in troducti OnSand look at the schoolWebSites.Then think about yourself-your Strong PointS andOnes. T
48、ry to find afew examples you could give the in terviewers.What else you Want to tell the in terviewer about yourself? For example,you might Wantto SPeak about your in terests and53OUtSideS school. TheSe tell the in terviewerWhat kind of PerS On you are. Be ready to talk about Why you enjoy them.DreS
49、S PrOPerIy On the day. ArriVe a few minu tes early. When you first meet the in terviewer,greet him or her54Don 'forgot to smile and make eye Con tact.FirSt impressi ons(印象)are Very importa nt.You Want the in terviewer to thi nk you are 55 and frien dly.If you get n ervous ,take a deep56to calm y
50、ourself down. LiSte n to theIn terviewer With great care. If you don IU ndersta nd the questi on, ask the in terviewer torepeat it. LaSt but not least,the in terview,d On 'forgot to tha nk the in terviewer andSay goodbye.I'm SUre that you Will58your in terviews. BeSt Of luck, boys and girls!
51、IV. Complete the SentenCeS With the give n words in their PrOPer forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词)(共8分)59. The StUde nts took the PISA test in .SUbjeCtS-read ing, maths and SCie nce.(third)60. Board games are more and more popular among.(tee nager)61. I liked to walk in fields On days and to See my
52、 footprints left behind.(snow)_62. people ofte n begi n their Con VerSati OnS by talk ing about the Weather.(Brita in)63. The n ews about educati On has attracted the PUbIiC atte nti On.(rece nt)64. The World Chocolate Park ShOWed a of many kinds of chocolates.(collect)-12致易教育英语教研组曲 T DfiPOrl中小学课外辅导
53、专家65. To improve your Writi ng skills, you ' bettera habit Of read in g.(developme nt)66. Don 'tell lies.Nobody likes thosepeople.(honest)V. ReWrite the following SentenCeS as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空格限填一词):(共14分)67. The new PrOdUCt Con SiStS of four main PartS in side. (改为一般疑问句 )the new Pr
54、OdUCtof four main PartS in Side ?68. JeSSiCa solved the PhySiCS problems WithOUt any help.(保持句意基本不变 )JeSSiCathe PhySiCS problems WithOUt any help.69. SUSan followed Ben's advice to design Smart shoes.(对划线部分提问)adviceSUSa n follow to desig n Smart shoes?70. Lin Dan PIayed badminton Very well. He w
55、on the ThOmaS CUP again.( 合并为一句 )Lin Dan PIayed badm inton Very wellWin the ThOmaS CUP aga in.71. My StUdents always Share ideas in class.(改为被动语态)IdeaSalwaysby my StUde nts in class.72. Choose the PerfeCt grapes Only,or you won't be able to make the best wine.(保持句意基本不变 )Yoube able to make the be
56、st Wineyou choose the PerfeCt grapes only.73. "Is it the first boys-only school in the city?"asked a Parent.(改为宾语从句)A Pare nt askeditthe first boys-Only school in the city.VI. R eading CQmPrehension (阅读理解):(共 50 分)A. Choose the best anSWer (根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案):(12分)Dear DiSn ey,LaSt Weeke nd,
57、 the four members of my family SPe nt an enjoyable holiday at the MagiC Kin gdom-Dis neyla nd. And OneeVent made our ViSit Seem truly magical.We got to the front of the Iine at SPaCe MOUntain, Only to find out that our little daughter. Gloria couldn ice-cream On the ride.Gloria broke into tears and We all had no idea What to do. Then Murphy, One of the Staff(员
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