1、Foreword By Rajat Gupta , ICC Cbairman The global economy has give n bus in ess broader access tha n ever before to markets all over the world. Goods are sold in more countries , in large quantities, and in greater variety. But as the volume and complexity of global sales in crease, so do possibilit
2、ies for misun dersta ndings and costly disputes whe n sale con tracts are not adequately drafted. The In coterms? rules, the ICC rules on the use of domestic and intern ati onal trade terms, facilitate the con duct of global trade. Refere nee to an Icoterms 2010 rule in a sale con tract clearly defi
3、 nes the parties respective obligations and reduces the risk of legal complicati ons. Si nee the creati on of the In coterms rules by ICC in 1936, this globally regularly updated to keep pace with the developme nt of intern ati onal trade. The In coterms 2010 rules take acco unt of the continued spr
4、ead of customs-free zon es, the in creased use of electr onic com muni cati ons in bus in ess tran sacti ons, heighte ned concern about security in the moveme nt of goods and con solidates in tran sport practices. In coterms2010 updates and con solidates the delivered rules, reduc ing the total nu m
5、ber of rules from 13 to 11, and offers a simpler and clearer prese ntati on of all the rules. In coterms 2010 is also the first versi on of the In coterms rules to make all refere nces to buyers and sellers gen der- neutral. The broad expertise of ICCs Commissi on on Commercial Law and Practice, who
6、se membership is draw n from all parts of the world and all trade sectors, en sures that the In coterms 2010 rules resp ond to bus in ess n eeds everywhere defi nes theaccepted con tractual sta ndard has bee nparties respective obligations andreduces the risk of legal complications. ICC would like t
7、o express its gratitude to the members of the Commission, chaired by Fabio Bortolotti (Italy), to the Drafting Group, which comprised Charles Debattista(Co-Chair, France), Jens Bredow (Germany), Johnny Herre(Sweden), David Lwee(UK), Lauri Railas(Finland), Frank Reynolds(US),and Miroslav Subert(Szech
8、 Republic), and to Asko Raty (Finland) for assistance with the images depicting the 11 rules. 、尸 、- 前言 国际商会主席 Rajat Gupta 全球经济一体化使得商业通向世界各地市场的 途径空前宽广。各种各样的货物被销售到世界 各地。然而,随着全球贸易数额的增加和贸易 复杂性的加强 , 因贸易合同起草不恰当而带来 的误解和高代价争端也可能随之增加。 国际贸易术语解释通则, 国际商会规则在国内 和国际贸易用语的使用促进了全球贸易的进 行。在贸易合同中引用国际贸易术语解释通则 2010 可明确界定各
9、方义务并降低法律纠纷产 生的风险。 自从 1936 年国际商会制定出国际贸易术语解 释通则之后,此项在全球范围内被采用的合同 标准就经常性地更新换代,与国际贸易的发展 步调一致。国际贸易术语解释通则 2010 考虑 了免税贸易区的不断增加,电子沟通在商务中 的不断增多,以及被更加重视的货物运输中的 安全和变化等问题。国际贸易术语解释通则 2010 更新并加强了交货规则,将规则总量从 13 条减少到了 11 条,并且使得所有规则的 表述更加简洁明确。国际贸易术语解释通则2010 同时也是第一个使得所有在买卖双方中 的适用保持中立的第一个国际贸易术语解释 版本。 国际商会的商法和实践委员会成员来自
10、世界 各地和多个贸易部门,该委员会广泛的专业 技能确保了国际贸易术语解释通则 2010 与 各地的商贸需求相适应。 国际商会向 Fabio Bortolotti (意大利)的 商法和实践委员会的成员表示谢意,向由 Charles Debattista (副组长,英国), Christoph Martin Radtke ( 副 组 长 , 法 国 ) , Jens Bredow ( 德 国 ) , Johnny Herre (瑞典),David Lwee (英 国), Lauri Railas ( 芬兰 ) , Frank Reynold (美国), Miroslav Subert (捷克)组成
11、 的起草小组致谢,并且向对 11 条规则的表 述给予帮助的 Asko Raty (芬兰)致谢。INTRODUCTION The In coterms? rules expla in a set of three-letter trade terms reflect ing bus in ess-to-bus in ess practice in con tracts for the sale of goods. The In coterms? rules describe mainly the tasks, costs and risks invo Ived in the delivery o
12、f goods from sellers to buyers. How to use the In coterms? 2010 rules 1.I ncorporate the In coterms? 2010 rules into your con tract of sale If you want the In coterms? 2010 rules to apply to your con tract, you should make this clear in the con tract, through such words as, “the chose n In coterms r
13、ule in cludi ng the n amed place, followed by In coterms? 2010 ”. 2.Choose the appropriate In coterms rule The chose n In coterms rule n eeds to be appropriate to the goods, to the means of their tran sport, and above all to whether the parties intend to put as the obligati on to orga nize carriage
14、or in sura nee, on the seller or on the buyer. The Guida nee Note to each In coterms rule contains in formatio n that is particularly helpful whe n maki ng this choice. Whichever In coterms rule is chose n, the parties should be aware the in terpretati on of their con tract may well be in flue need
15、by customs particular to the port or place being used. 3. Specify your place or port as precisely as possible The chose n In coterms rule can work only if the parties n ame a place or port, and will work best if the parties specify the place or port as precisely as possible. A good example of such p
16、recisi on would be: : “ FCA 38 Cours Albert 1er, Paris, France In coterms 2010 ” Un der the In coterms rule Ex Works(EXW), Free Carrier(FCA), Delivered at Terminal(DAT), Delivered at Place(DAP), Delivered Duty Paid(DDP), Freeadditional obligations, for example such 介绍 In coterms?规则规定了一系列在货物销售商业 合同实践
17、中使用的三字母系列贸易术语 In coterms?规则主要描述了货物从卖方到买方 运输过程中涉及的责任,费用和风险的划分。 如何适用Incoterms?2010 规则 1. 把Incoterms?2010 规则应用到销售合同中 如果要使合同适用In coterms 规则2010,应 在合同中明确表明,例如:所选择的 In coterms 规则(含指定 地点)适用Incoerms?规则2010。 2. 选择适宜的In coterms 规则 所选的In coterms 规则需要与货物, 采取的 运输方式相适宜,最重要的是合同双方是否意 欲添加额外的义务,例如将办理运输或保险的 义务加于买方或卖方。
18、每个贸易术语的指导性 解释中的信息对作出如此的决定非常有帮助。 不论选用何种In coterms 规则,双方应该意 识到对合同的解释会受到使用的港口或地址惯 例影响。 3. 尽可能精准地描述你方地址或港口名称 只有当事人双方选定特定的一个收货地或港 口时,所选术语才能发挥作用。地点或港口 名称越精准,Incon terms 规则越有效。以 下精准描述就是一个很好的例子: In coterms 2010 ,FCA 规则,法国,巴黎, 38 Cours Albert 1er 在In coterms 规贝U下: Alo ngside Ship(FAS), and Free on Board(FOB)
19、, the n amed place is the EXW工厂交货( 指定地点) FCA货交承运人( 指定地点)” DAT终点站交货( . 指疋目的地) DAP地点交货( 指疋目的地) DDP完税后交货( . 指疋目的地) FAS船边交货( 指疋装运港) FOB船上交货( 指疋装运港) 此处所指地点为交货地点,同时风险也从卖 方转移至买方 Un der the In coterms rule Carriage Paid deal with the tran sfer of own ership of to (CPT), Carriage and In sura nee Paid the goo
20、ds, or the con seque nces of a to(CIP), Cost and Freight(CFR) and Cost, breach of con tract. These matters are In sura nee and Freight(CIF), the n amed no rmally dealt with through express place differs from the place of terms in the con tract of sale or in the delivery. Un der these four In coterms
21、 law gover ning that con tract. The rules, the n amed place is the place of parties should be aware that man datory destination to which carriage is paid. local law may override any aspect of the sale con tract, in clud ing the chose n In dicati ons as to place or desti nati on In coterms rules. can
22、 helpfully be further specified by stati ng a precise point in that place Main features of the In coterm?2010 rules or desti nati on in order to avoid doubt I.Two new In coterms rules DAT and or argume nt. DA have replaced the In coterms 4. Remember that In coterms rules do not 2000 rules DAF, DES,
23、DEQ and DDU give you a complete con tract of sale The nu mber of In coterms rules has bee n In coterms rules do say which party to reduced from 13 to 11. This has bee n the sale con tract has the obligati on achieved by substituti ng two rules that to make carriage or in sura nee may be used irrespe
24、ctive of the agreed arran geme nts, whe n the seller delivers mode of tran sport DAT, Delivered at the goods to the buyer, and which Termi nal, and DAP, Delivered at Place costs each party is resp on sible for. for the in coterms 2000 rules DAF, DES, DEQ and DDU. In coterms rules, however, say nothi
25、ng about the price to be paid or the method of its payme nt. Neither do theyIncoterms 规则下 CPT运费付至(指定目的地) CIP运费、保险费付至(指定目 的地)CFR成本加运费(指定 目的港 ) CIF 成本、保险费 加运费(指定目的港) 所指地点随交货地不同而不同。在这些 Incoterms 规 则下,所指地点为运费付至地。 为了避免疑问和争议,指定地点或目的地可 以进一步阐述为一个精确的地点。 4. 谨记 Incoterms 规则并没有给当事人提 供一份完 整的销售合同 Incoterm 规则确有阐述销
26、售合同中当事人的 特定义 务,当卖方将货物运至买方时,办理运输和保 险义务 的承担。 然而, Incoterms 并没有任何关于付款价格或 付款方 式的规定,或是货物所有权的转移,违约的后 果等。 这些问题通常是通过销售合同的明示条款和适 用的 法律条文来解决。当事人需要注意的是,当地 强制适 用的法律有可能优先于销售合同的内容,包括 所选择 的 Incoterms 规则。 Incoterms?2010 的主要特征 1. 两个新的贸易术语,即 DAT 和 DAP 代替了 原来 In coterms2000 的 DAF,DES,DEQ 和 DDU 术 语。 贸易术语的数量从原来的 13 个减少到
27、 11 个。 Incoterms2010 用两个可以不顾及已议定的运 输模式 的新术语一一DAT目的地交货和DAP,指定 地交货代替了 Incoterms2000 中的 DAF,DES,SEQ 和 DDU 术语。Un der both new rules, delivery occurs at a n amed dest in ati on: in DAT, at the buyer s disposal unioaded from the arrivi ng vehicle (as un der the former DEQ rule); in DAP, likewise at the bu
28、yer s disposal, but ready for uni oad ing (as un der the former DAF, DES and DDU rules). The new rules make the In coterms 2000 rules DES and DEQ superfluous. The n amed terminal in DAT may well be in a port, and DAT can therefore safely be used in cases where the In coterms 2000 rule DEQ once was.
29、Likewise, the arriv ing “vehicle ” under DAP may well be a shi p and the n amed place of dest in ati on may well be a port: con seque ntly, DAP can safely be used in cases where the In coterms 2000 rule DES once was. These new rules, like their predecessors, are “delivered ” , with the seller bearin
30、g all the costs (other than those related to import cleara nee, where applicable) and risks invo Ived in bringing the goods to the n amed place of dest in ati on. 2. Classification of the 11 In coterms? 2010 rules The 11 In coterms? 2010 rules are prese nted in two disti net classes : RULES FOR ANY
32、AT 情况下,从运输工具上卸下货物交由 买方处置(这和先前的 DEQ 术语一样);在 DAP情况下同样交由买方处置,但需做好卸货 的准备(这和先前的 DAF, DES 和 DDU 术语 一样)。 新贸易术语的使用,使 Incoterms2000 中的 DES和 DEQ成为多余。DAT的目的地可以是港口,因 此 DAT 可以用于在 Incoterms2000 下 DEQ 适用的情 况。同样 的, DAP 中运达货物的交通工具可以是轮船, 而目的地也可以是港口,因此 DAP 可以用于 Incoterms2000 下 DES 适用的情况。这两个新的术语,和先 前的几个术语一样,是由卖方承担所有费用
33、(除了与进口清算有关的费用)和货物到达目 的地前的风险。 2. Incoterms?2010 中 11 种贸易术语的分 类CFR COST AND FREIGHT CIF COST INSURANCE AND FREIGHT In coterms?2010 11 种贸易术语目前被分为两 类: 适用于任何运输方式的术语: EXW工厂交货 FCA 货交承运人 CPT 运费付至 CIP 运费及保险费付至 DAT 目的地交货 DAP 所在地交货 DDP 完税后交货 适用于海上和内陆水上运输的术语: FAS 船边交货 FOB 船上交货 CFR 成本加运费 CIF成本、保险费加运费The first cl
34、ass in eludes the seve n In coterms? 2010 rules that can be used irrespective of the mode of tran sport selected and irrespective of whether one or more tha n one mode of tran sport is employed. EXW, FCA, CPT, CIP, DAT, DAP and DDP belo ng to this class. They can be used eve n whe n there is no mari
35、time tran sport at all. It is importa nt to remember, however, that these rules can be used in cases where a ship is used for part of the carriage. In the sec ond class of In coterms? 2010 rules, the point of delivery and the place to which the goods are carried to the buyer are both ports, hence th
36、e label “ sea and in la nd waterway ” rules. FAS, FOB, CFR and CIF belong to this class. Un der the last three In coterms rules, all mention of the ship s rail as the point of delivery has bee n omitted in prefere nee for the goods being delivered whe n they are “ on board ” the vessel. This more cl
37、osely reflects moder n commercial reality and avoids the rather dated image of the risk swi nging to and fro across an imagi nary perpe ndicular line. 3. Rules for domestic and international trade In coterms rules have traditi on ally bee n used in intern ati onal sale con tracts where goods pass across n ati onal boarders. In various areas of the world, however, trade blocs, like the Europea n Union, have made border formalities betwee n differe nt coun tries less sig nifica nt. Con seque ntly, the subtitle of the In
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