1、IPTV论文:IPTV 电子广告 交互 【中文摘要】 IPTV,是一项基于宽带的视频业务,集父互式网络电 视,综合互联网、IP 协议、多媒体、基于 SIP 协议的通讯等多种技术 于一体,向行业、宾馆以及普通公众用户提供交互式的视频服务。IPTV 既不同于传统的模拟式有线电视,也不同于正在兴起的数字电视。因 为,模拟电视和数字电视都具有频分制、 定时、单向广播等特点;尽管 数字电视相对于模拟电视有许多技术革新,但只是信号形式的改变, 而没有触及媒体内容的传播方式。宽带网络流媒体系统也不同于数据 广播,数据广播通过设置一定的菜单供用户挑选,可以实现用户与中 心简单的互动,但还不能实现真正意义上的多
2、种交互式服务。基于 IPTV 技术的广告投放业务是典型的 IPTV 平台上的增值业务,在充分 利用 IPTV 业务基础平台音视频播放以及机顶盒页面浏览能力的基础 上,提供了一个相对独立的业务虚拟运营环境,向运营商、行业/集团 用户营造了一个管理自身广告投放、 用户管理的平台。通过制定各种 广告资源各个时间段的播放计划,辅以灵活多样的广告页面模版,可 以实现多种广告资源、宣传方式的叠加,非常具有竞争力以及应用前 景。本论文主要描述了广告业务系统如何充分利用 IPTV 业务能力系 统的功能,实现广告业务的播放与展示功能。本文重点描述了两块内 容:一是通过部署在 IPTV EPG 服务器上的广告业务
3、模块,实现对广告 业务管理平台下发的广告播放计划的解析;二是描述了终端如何通过 与服务器的交互实现对滚动字幕、音视频、图片等自研的展示。本论 文旨在利用 IPTV 业务系统,探讨出建立一套基于 IPTV 业务系统的广 告投放业务平台的业务需求、系统方案、系统架构以及实施步骤。 【英文摘要】IPTV is a broadba nd-based video service. It in tegrate with in teractive Web TV sets, Internet access, IP protocol, multimedia, SIP-based com muni cati on
4、s and other tech no logy, and provide in teractive video service to the in dustry, hotels, and the gen eral public users. IPTV is differe nt from traditi onal cable TV, also from the emerg ing digital television. Because both analog TV and digital TV system have the characteristic of division, time,
5、 one-way radio, etc.; Although digital TV compared with an alogue TV has many technical innovations, but only the signal is changed, but did not touch the contents of the modeof transmission media. IPTV is also different from the data broadcasting, data broadcasting is by setting certain menufor the
6、 user selection, can achieve a simple user interaction with the center, but it cannot be achieved in the true sense of the variety of in teractive servicesPTV tech no logy-based advertis ing bus in ess is a typical value-added services on the IPTV platform .Depe nding on the advantage of IPTV servic
7、es based platform for audio and video playback and set-top boxes based on the brows ing page, it provides a relatively in depe ndent bus in ess virtualIPTV 业务系统概述 13 1.2 IPTV 业务发展历程 13-14 1.3 IPTV operat ing en vir onment to the telecomm operators, group users to managetheir own ads. By uploading a
8、variety of advertising resources, production of the play each time program, supported by flexible ad page templates, you can achieve a variety of advertis ing resources to promote the way of superpositi on .It has a great competiti on and prospect.This paper describes how to impleme nt AD fun cti on
9、 such as playback and display advertis ing bus in ess by IPTV system .This paper describes two key eleme nts: One is through the advertise module which is deployed on IPTV EPG ,we can an alysis the play pla n got from advertis ing man ageme nt platform ;Ano ther eleme nts this paper have described how the STB in teractive with the server to realize the marquee, play audio and video, pictures and ect.The purpose of this article is to describe the requirements, system soluti ons, and system architecture and impleme ntati on steps to establish an IPTV-based advertis ing bu
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