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1、中考英语模拟试卷卷丨一、单顶坝空(本題有10小题,每小i1 . ft 10)1. OhI no .Where is my PUrSe ?-Don't WOrry .1 SaWblack One in the drawer .Is it yours ?A. aB. anC. theDJ2. HOW is thein HangZhOU ?AwfUL There are always IOng IineS Of CarS On roads .A. CUltUreB. foodC. Weather D. traffic3. I got the IaSt ticket to Jay Chou,s

2、 concert.What aguy you are !A. IaZyB. IUCkyC. SeriOUSD. funny4. HaVe you decided Where to SPend your holiday ?NOt yet. Igo to Britain A. may B. need C. must D. have to5 一IS Maryfriend, Alice?No, She is a friend Of.A. yours; Jirrl B. your; Jim's C. his; me D. you; mine6. Remember to SPend SOme ti

3、meyour IOVed OneS ,because they,re not going to bearound forever.OK.A. fromB. WithC JnD. On7. When did you buy this COmPUter? It IOOkS SO new.-I it for Only a COUPle Of days. My SiSter bought it for me as a birthday PreSentA. bought B. have bought C. have had D. had 一8. -WilI your ParentS COme back

4、from NeW York, Tom?D. HOW farIn two WeekS.A. HOW IOng B. HOW SOOn C. HOW Often9. -What did your granddaughter Say just now?She WOndered.A. What time WaS itB. Whether the book WaS Written by Mark TWainC. how COUld She USe the MP4D. When She WiIl have a final test10. Let,s go to the Car exhibition thi

5、s SUnday.IA. That ,s OKB. Thafs all right C. All right D. ThafS right.完形坝空(本趣有15小題,每小題1分,共笛分)网读下面短文,掌握大意,八每小题所给的A、B、C、D0I个选顶中选出一个最佳选顶。FOr the first time1 Zhang Shengyu, a StUdent at Laiyang MiddIe SChOOl in ShandOngl did,t ask her mother to buya new SChOOIbag Or any new PenS for the beginning Of the

6、 SChOOl term. uMy OldSChOOIbag Can StiII be USedf SO there is no need to buy a new one," Zhang ShengyU said. UrVe 12_ to be thrift* from now on.”AS the 13_ Of the family's attention, many Of the One-ChiId do not know about the hardships* Of life. They SOmetimeS have 14 idea Of the value* Of

7、 things. Many StUdentS WOUId 15 DenS and erasers that haven't been USed UP and buy new ones. SOme StUdentS Iike to have a COmPetitiOn With each Other to See WhOSe CIOtheS and SChOOl things are 16_.The MiniStry Of EdUCatiOn 17_a notice On its WebSite On Jan 20. It Called On StUdentS to form good

8、18_ SUCh as StOPPing WaSting food. Many SChOOIS think teaching the ValUe Of money to be an important 19and encourage their StUdentS to be thrifty.TeaCherS at YU Cai MiddIe SChOOl in WenZhOU gave a SPeeCh 20the food Orl the first day backto SChOOl this year. UWhen We Came back from the holiday, We fo

9、und a SIOgan UEmPty PIateSM On 21table in the dining room. It tells US that it,s22OK to waste. Irl the past, I Ordered threedishes for each meal, but now I Only Order two. 23I Want to try three, I Will ask for a Smaller one,Wang TOng said.StUdentS at NO 44 MiddIe SChOOl Of ShijiaZhUangI Hebei PIante

10、d many fruit trees in their SChOOLThrOUgh taking Care Of the trees, the StUdentS Iearned 24to cherish* things.At Tie Yi MiddIe SChOOl in Xian, StUdentS OrganiZed a group to COIIeCt USed Pen refills* and USe themfor crafts*. UWhat We StUdentS do are SmaIl things,25I think With everyone's WOrkI We

11、 Carlmake a difference,v Said Li Dongdong11 a 16-year-old StUdent at the SChOOL11. A. meB. himC. herD. you12. A. believedB. decidedC. hopedD. told13. A. CenterB. actionC. dreamD. COrner14. A. anyB. SOmeC. noD. an15. A. throw awayB. take awayC. PUt awayD. keep away16. A. more expensiveB.CheaPerC. mor

12、e COmfOrtableD. more COIOrfUl17. A. explainedB. ShOWedC. COIIeCtedD. SaW1&A. WaySB. habitsC. hobbiesD. duty19. A. IeSSOnB. OrderC. SUbjeCtD. experience20. A. aboutB. OfC. toD. With21. A. allB. SOmeC. bothD.each22. A. alwaysB. USUaIIyC. SOmetimeSD. never23. A. BeCaUSeB. WhenC. UnleSSD. If24. A. h

13、owB. WhenC. WhatD. Where25 .A. andB. butC. SOD. Or三、阅读理解(本題有15小題,毎小S2, ft30 )闻读下面短文,U每小题所给的A、B、C、D0I个选顶中选出一个最佳选顶。AThe FIying Hat By ShannOn BlaCkmanUThe most SideSPlitting StOry ve ever read. I COUIdn,t help IaUghing after I finished it. Be ready toIaUgh your heart out.nWilly King, BeSt BOOk Winner“

14、Its a StOry that makes you SmiIe in your dreams. Blackman's excellent Writing CheerS you upThe TideI LOndOnUOne Of the best-selling books Of the year. MOre than two million COPieS have been sold.MThe SUnday ReaderI NeW YOrkUThiS book has become the talk Of the country. The StOry is making its Wa

15、y into movie theaters. ICarVt Wait to See it!MMarian MiIlerl author Of Ms. LiIly26. WhO is the Writer OfThe Flying Hat?B. Willy KingD. Ms. LilyA. Marian MillerC. ShannOn BlaCkman27. What does SideSPIittinQ mean?A. Simple.B. Funny.C. SeriOUs.D. Difficult.2& WhiCh is Said about The Flying Hat?A. A

16、 movie about the StOry is COming out.B. PeOPle Carl buy the book all OVer the world.C. The Writer Started the book because Of a mista,ke.D. The StOry is about a boy With a magic book.NOW many PeOPle Iike the game AngFy Birds. Here is a PieCe Of good news for themsoOn there WiIl be a IOt Of Angry Bir

17、dS-themed activity ParkS around the WOrldeThe first two ParkS OPened in Finland IaSt year, and a few OtherParkS are going to OPen in the UK. HOWeVerI PeOPIe StilI don,t know When and Where Angry.BirdS-themed activity ParkS WiIl OPen in the UK.UAS a kind Of OnIine game, it is POPUlar With PeOPle Of a

18、ll ages. Ifs really an interesting game. Andthe ParkS Will ber interesting PIaCeS for everyone around the world/1 Said Peter Vesterbacka, an OffiCer OfAngry BirdS Company. He also Saidt U We Want to make Angry BirdS a Part Of POP culture. We,re just getting StartedJ'Angry BirdS-themed activity P

19、arkS have many interesting PlaCeS for ChiIdren to play. They Iike themVery much. PeOPle Can See the CharaCterS and COlOrS from the game in the park. PeOPIe Can also Play theAngry BirdS game On Iarge SCreenS in the park. The company WantS to invite PeOPIe to not Only Play it Onthe sofa, but to go out

20、, move around and have fun. SO everyone WiIl be happy in Angry BirdS-themed activity parks.29. Where did the first two Angry BirdS-themed activity ParkS open?A. In the UK. B. In Finland. C. In AUStralia.D. In the USA.30. Angry BirdS is.A. an Online gameB. an Online movieC. a talk ShOW On TVD. a game

21、 ShOW On TV31 LOtS Of PeOPle think Angry BirdS is VeryA. boring B. easy C. interesting D. difficult32. FrOm the PaSSageI We Can knowA. Angry BirdS is Only POPUlar With young PeOPIeB. Peter VeSterbaCka WOrkS for Angry BirdS COmPanyC. there is no SCreen in Angry BirdS-themed activity ParkSD. Angry Bir

22、dS-themed activity ParkS Will OPen in the UK in 2015COn FebrUary 9th1 2013, Sarah DarIing WaS WaIking along the Street When She met a homeless man named BiIIy Ray Harris. She reached into her Change PUrSeI emptied OUt all the COinS She had and gave them to the homeless man. Neither Of themrealized t

23、hat this Small generous act WOUld Change their lives.Sarah didn,t realize that She had given BiIIy not Only all her Change but also her diamond ring that She had PUt in her Change PUrSe earlier Until the following morning. She and her husband, BiII KrejCiJ rushed to See if they COUld find Billy. The

24、 homeless man WaS not Only in the Same place, he also immediately returned the ring. The grateful COUPIe Paid him back for his honesty by emptying OUt their POCketS Of all the money they had.BOb Krejci, a Web designer, felt that he needed to do SOmething more for this amazingly honest man. SO On Feb

25、rUary 18: he Set UP a SPeCial Page to raise money for him. In just four days, Billy received OVer $85,000 and there SeemS to be no end yet.That is not enough. Billy is IiVing With a PerSOn WhO is generous instead Of IiVing in the streets. And that,s not allThanks to the news report, he got together

26、again With his OIder brother, EdWin HarriS WhO he had been UnabIe to find for 27 years.AIl the good IUCk is just because Billy did the right thingreturning SOmething that did not belong to him.33. When did Sarah realize that She had also given Billy her diamond ring?A. Orl FebrUary 9'h, 2013B. O

27、n FebrUary 10'h, 2013C. Orl FebrUarV 18,n1 2013D. On FebrUary 22nfl 201334. WhiCh Of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?A. Billy is IiVing With a generous PerSOnB. Billy has found his brother.C. Billy bought a diamond ring.D. Billy appeared in the news report35. The Underlined WOrd UT

28、hatM in ParagraPh 4 refers to(指代)“A. returning the ringB. Setting UP a PageC. IiVing in the StreetSD. receiving money36. WhateS the best title Of the PaSSage ?A. GenerOUS WOman Changed Her OWn LifeB. Kind Man Set UP SPeCial PageC. HOmeIeSS Man RetUrned DiamOnd RingD. Many PeOPle DOnated MUCh MOneyDT

29、he human brain WeighS about 1.4 kilograms, but it can, hold much more information than most computers. HOWeVerI there is another difference between humans and computers. COmPUterS don't forget information they are given, but humans Often do. NO One remembers everything, and IUCkily We don't

30、USUally have to. BUt everyone Can improve their memory if they Want to. Here are SOme SUggeStiOnS.Try to USe new information immediately*. FOr example, if you meet SOmeOne WhO SayS "Hi! m Carlos;' don't just Say ,Hello." RePeat the person's name. Say, Break a big number into Sm

31、aIler parts. FOr example, it,s hard to memorize 109244153. BUt if you break it into three PartS-109/244/153it becomes easier.Write OUt What you need to remember OVer and OVer again. ThiS WiIl help you keep it in mind IOngerI especially for memorizing formulas * Or facts.Always review information. If

32、 you bring What you,ve Iearned back to your mind, they become easier to remember. FOr example, before you go to SleePt it,s a good idea to review the new things you Iearned that clay. Discuss With a friend. It is always easier to remember things through discussions. YOU Can have a discussion about w

33、hat,s right and what,s wrong, and it Will Iead to the right answer. Never tell yourself that you have a bad memory. YOU Carl always do SOmething to help improve your memory. And everyone's memory gets better if they USe it Often enough.AIl Of the SUggeStiOnS are helpful. If you follow them, you

34、are Certain to improve your memory37. HOW many SUggeStiOnS are mentioned in the passage?A. Three.B. Four.C. Five.D. Six.38. WhiCh ShOUId be PUt in the blank (空 IS) in ParagraPh 2?A. HeIIo, CarlOs.B. HOW do you do?C. Hello, I am SOPhia.D. Glad to meet you!39. What Can help memorize a big number more

35、easily according to the passage?A. TO StOre it in a COmPUter.B. TO break it into SmaIIer parts.C. TO discuss it With a friend.D. TO review it before you sleep.40. WhiCh Of the following is true according to the passage?A. HUman beings Can improve their memory by COmPUterB. AIWayS reviewing informati

36、on Can help you fall asleep.C. FOrmUIaS and facts Carl help you Iearn about your brain.D. Try to be COnfident and improve your memory by USing it often.小询典ChenSh v. 珍'惜 CraftS . 工艺品 fbnulas 公式 IIardSlUP n.艰辛,艰苦 Uimiediately adv.立即,马上 refills n.笔芯 thrift adj.节约的n.节俭 ValUe 价值卷IlES、同汇考查A. 用方16中所给单词

37、的适当形式坝空,每词限用一次。WOrryI they, shark, SIeePyI towards41. Take SOme rest after IUnCh and you wo,t feelin the afternoon.42. When the ChiId SaW her ParentS Waiting at the SChOOl gate, She ranthem.43. Don'tabout your exams,everything WiII be fine.44. TO PrOteCt, SCientiStS SUggeSt the PeOPIe StOP fishi

38、ng in SOme PartS Of the ocean.45. My host family is really nice .They trybest to make me feel at home .B. 根据短文内容和所给的中文提示,写出空白处各单词的正1形式,每空限览一词。I am a middle SChOOl StUdent and m 46 (十五)years OIdt m quite healthy. 47(然而)I One year ago I WaS fat. I IOVed ChiPS and ChOCOIate, and I got tired 48 (容易 i )

39、. One morning, I SaW SOme young men running in the park. They IOOked really fit and49(枳极的)SO I Started running from 50(那 IH)On .NOW I have a 1.5-mile run every morning, I 51( DS ) milk and eat fruit andVeaetableS 52 (代替)Of ChiPS and ChOCOIate. TheSe good eating habits and running help to build me up

40、. I have great fun running. I feel Well and IOOk fit. RUnning has 53 (成为)my favorite SPOrtt m 54(确信)l Will do Well in the boys, 800-metre race in OUr SChOOl SPOrtS meet.If you Want to be healthy, 55 (加人)us !五、任务里闻读请仔鈿阅读66-69 段话,UA、B、C、D中找出对应的小标题,并回答第70 go56. NO One WinS all the time. Learn from the

41、times that you lose. AIl great ChamPiOnS Were OnCe IOSerS atSOme POint But, they learned. And they kept a POSitiVe attitude Until they got better.57. YOUr happiness is UP to you. Many PeOPIe forget this. TrUly SUCCeSSfUl PeOPIe ChOOSe happiness nomatter What their PreSent SitUatiOnS are.58. ChanCeS

42、Iie in What you do every day. YOU do the Same work. YOU eat the Same foods. YOU Wear theSame clothes. Trya new way. Take a new path. EVen talk to SOmeOne new.59. OPPOrtUnity is everywhere. EVen the WOrSt SitUatiOnS have OPPOrtUnities. SeiZe (M fl) the OPPOrtUnitytand SeiZe the time. That's the SeCret Of success.A. ChOOSe to Be HaPPyB. DO SOmething NeWC. LOOk for the


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