1、高中常用不规则动词按规律强化记忆表1.aaa 型(动词原形、过去式、过去分词同形)动词原形词义过去式过去分词现在分词broadcast 广播. 播送broadcast broadcast burst 爆炸. 迸发burst burst bid 申请,出价bid bid bidding cost 花费cost cost cut 割,切cut cut cutting hurt 受伤hurt hurt hit 打,撞hit hit hitting let 让let let letting put 放下put put putting quit 放弃,退出quit quit read 读read rea
2、d rid 摆脱. 去掉rid/ridded rid/ridded ridding set 设置,放set set setting spread 传播,展开spread spread spit 吐痰,spit/spat spit/spat spitting shut 关上. 停止shut shut shutting split 分离,分开split split splitting 注:“ 表示在动词原形后直接加ing (无需变形),厂表示可有两种变化形式(以下类推)2.aab 型(动词原形与过去式同形)动词原形词义过去式过去分词现在分词beat 打败beat beaten 3.aba 型(动词
3、原形与过去分词同形)动词原形词义过去式过去分词现在分词become 变得became become becoming come 来came come coming run 跑ran run running overcome 克服. overcame overcome overcomi 战胜. ng 4.abb 型(过去式与过去分词同形)(1 )在动词原形后加个辅首子母d, t 或 ed 构成过去式或过去分词。动词原形词义过去式过去分词现在分词burn 燃烧burnt/burned burnt/burned deal 解决. 处理. dealt dealt dream 做梦dreamed/dre
4、a mt dreamed/drea mt hear 听见. 听说heard heard hang 绞死,悬挂hanged/hung hanged/ hung learn 学习learned/learnt learned/learnt light 占燃八、丿八、lit/lighted lit/lighted mean 意思. 意味. meant meant prove 证明,证实,proved proven/prove d proving shine 照耀,shone/shined shone/shined shining 发光show 展示,给看showed showed/show n sme
5、ll 闻,嗅smelled/smelt smelled/smelt speed 加速sped/speeded sped/speeded spell 拼写spelled/spelt spelled/spelt wake 醒来,叫醒,waked/woke waked/woken waking (2) 把动词原形的最后一个辅首子母( 改为t 构成过去式或过去分词。动词原形词义过去式过去分词现在分词build 建造built built bend 弯曲. 屈服bent bent lend 借给lent lent rebuild 改建,重建rebuilt rebuilt send 发送sent sent
6、 spend 花费spent spent (3) 原形 ought ought 动词原形词义过去式过去分词现在分词bring 带来brought brought buy 买bought bought fight 打架. 战斗fought fought think 思考,想thought thought seek 寻找. 搜索sought sought (4) 原形t aught aught 动词原形词义过去式过去分词现在分词catch 捉,抓caught caught teach 教.教授taught taught (5) 变其中一个兀音字母动词原形词义过去式过去分词现在分词awake 叫醒.
7、 唤起awoke awoke/awoke n awaking dig 挖掘. 钻研. dug dug digging feed 喂养. 饲养fed fed flee 逃跑. fled fled find 发现,找到found found get 得到got got/gotten getting hold 拥有. 握住held held lead 引导,领导led led meet 遇见met met sit 坐sat sat shoot 射击shot shot stick 刺入,粘住stuck stuck strike 撞击. 罢工struck/stricke n struck strikin
8、g win 赢.获胜won won winning (6) 原形-? lt/pt/ft lt/pt/ft 动词原形词义过去式过去分词现在分词feel 感到felt felt keep 保持kept kept leave 离开left left leaving sleep 睡觉slept slept sweep 扫swept swept weep 哭泣. 流泪. wept wept (7) 其它动词原形词义过去式过去分词现在分词lay 下蛋,放置laid laid pay 付款paid paid say 说.讲. 表示said said stand 站stood stood understand
9、 明白understood understood lose 失去,迷失lost lost losing have 有?吃had had having make 制造. 安排. made made making sell 卖sold sold tell 告诉told told retell 重复. 复述retold retold wind 缠绕. 迂回wound wound slide 滑动slid slid 5.abc 型(动词原形、过去式与过去分词三者不同形)(1) 原形t过去式t原形+(e)n 动词原形词义过去式过去分词现在分词blow 吹(风)?blew blown drive 驾驶dr
10、ove driven driving draw 画.绘. 拖拽drew drawn withdraw 撤退withdrew withdrawn eat 吃ate eaten fall 落下. 跌倒fell fallen forbid 禁止. 不许forbad/forbad e forbidden forbidding give 给.提供? 授gave given giving grow 生长 . 种植grew grown forgive 原谅,饶恕forgave forgiven forgiving know 知道knew known mistake 弄错;误解,mistook mistake
11、n mistaking overeat 吃过量overate overeaten prove 证明,试验proved proven/prove d proving take 拿.获. 接受took taken taking throw 抛.扔. 掷threw thrown ride 骑.乘车rode ridden riding see 看见saw seen sew 缝制. 缝合sewed sewn show 展示. 说明. showed showed/show n shake 摇动. 震动shook shaken shaking write 写wrote written writing (2)
12、 原形过去式过去式+(e)n 动词原形词义过去式过去分词现在分词break 打破. 打碎broke broken choose 选择chose chosen choosing get 得到got got/gotten getting hide 隐藏hid hidden hiding forget 忘记. 忽略forgot forgotten forgetting freeze 冷冻. 结冰froze frozen freezing speak 说话. 演讲spoke spoken steal 偷盗. 窃取. stole stolen (3)变单词在重读音节中的兀音字母“分别为“ a( 过去式
13、)和“ u”过去分词 )即: i a u 动词原形词义过去式过去分词现在分词begin 开始began begun beginning drink 喝drank drunk sing 唱sang sung sink 下沉,沉没sank sunk swim 游泳swam swum swimming ring 响铃,环绕rang rung shrink 缩小shrank shrunk (4) 其它动词原形词义过去式过去分词现在分词be(am,is,ar e) 是was/ were been bear 负担,忍受bore born/borne bite 咬.刺痛bit bitten biting d
14、o 做did done fly 飞行flew flown go 去went gone wear 穿,戴wore worn swear 发誓swore sworn rise 升高rose risen rising tear 流泪. 撕破. tore torn ( 5)特别、/ 、亠_c a动词原形词义过去式过去分词现在分词lie 说谎lied lied lying lie 躺.位于lay lain lying lay 下蛋,放置laid laid 高中常用不规则动词按规律强化记忆表1.aaa 型(动词原形、过去式、过去分词同形)动词原形词义过去式过去分词现在分词broadcast burst b
15、id cost cut hurt hit let put quit read rid set spread spit shut split 注:“ 表示在动词原形后直接加ing (无需变形),厂表示可有两种变化形式(以下类推)2.aab 型(动词原形与过去式同形)动词原形词义过去式过去分词现在分词beat 3.aba 型(动词原形与过去分词同形)动词原形词义过去式过去分词现在分词become come run overcome 4.abb 型(过去式与过去分词同形)(1 )在动词原形后加个辅首子母d, t 或 ed 构成过去式或过去分词。动词原形词义过去式过去分词现在分词burn deal d
16、ream hear hang learn light mean prove shine show smell speed spell wake ( 2) 把动词原形的最后一个辅首子母( 改为t 构成过去式或过去分词。动词原形词义过去式过去分词现在分词build bend lend rebuild send spend ( 3) 原形 ought ought 动词原形词义过去式过去分词现在分词bring buy fight think seek ( 4) 原形t aught aught 动词原形词义过去式过去分词现在分词catch teach ( 5) 变其中一个兀音字母动词原形词义过去式过去分
17、词现在分词awake dig feed flee find get hold lead meet sit shoot stick strike win ( 6) 原形t? lt/pt/ft ? lt/pt/ft 动词原形词义过去式过去分词现在分词feel keep leave sleep sweep weep ( 7) 其它动词原形词义过去式过去分词现在分词lay pay say stand understand lose have make sell tell retell wind slide 5.abc 型(动词原形、过去式与过去分词三者不同形)( 1) 原形t过去式t原形+(e)n 动
18、词原形词义过去式过去分词现在分词blow drive draw withdraw eat fall forbid give grow forgive know mistake overeat prove take throw ride see sew show shake write ( 2) 原形过去式过去式+(e)n 动词原形词义过去式过去分词现在分词break choose get hide forget freeze speak steal ( 3)变单词在重读音节中的兀音字母“分别为“ a( 过去式 )和“ u”过去分词 )即:i a u 动词原形词义过去式过去分词现在分词begin
19、 drink sing sink swim ring shrink ( 4) 其它动词原形词义过去式过去分词现在分词be(am,is,are) bear do fly go wear swear bite rise tear (5) 特别注意动词原形词义过去式过去分词现在分词lie lie lay 不规则动词练习题1. a _ (light) cigarette burned a hole in his clothes. 2. a woman next to me _ (weep) silently, her head bowed. 3. a world depression would ha
20、ve _ (sink) all boats. 4. after he was released he put the plans on paper and (begin) producing his calculators in 1947. 5. after the earthquake only a few houses were _ (leave) standing. 6. after the old gardener died, the garden _ (grow) wild. 7. as she reached the age of thirty she _ (become) con
21、vinced she would remain single all her life 8. as the trees _ (spread) across the globe, so did the early creatures. 9. astonishingly, 43 per cent of those new riders said they had _ (ride) during that week. 10. be careful, you could end up by getting _ (hurt). 11. but these days, poverty _ (strike)
22、 north korea badly needs economic aid and seoul wants better relations with pyongyang to ease tensions. 12. by the time the fire-brigade arrived the fire had (burn) itself out. 13. day had _ (break), and he cast his net for the last time. 14. did you see his face when i _ (show) him the falls? 15. g
23、overnment officials who travel on business are _ (give) traveling allowances. 16. half the fruit crop _ (freeze) out in the sudden severe autumn. 17. he _ (shoot) four people dead and fled across town. 18. he _ (fall) behind when we were climbing the mountain. 19. he _ (give) me a lot of help. i owe
24、d much to him. 20. he _ (sell) very specialized equipment for the electronics industry. 21. he _ (foresee) that it would rain before morning. 22. he _ (rewind) the tape and replayed a few bits and pieces. 23. he came in and _ (sit) on the edge of the bed. 24. he didnt buy drugs, for example, but he
25、did sell _ (steal) jewellery. 25. he had lost weight and the suit _ (hang) loosely on him. 26. he had never _ (forgive) her for reporting his shortcomings in front of his friends. 27. he has _ (cast) her as an ambitious lawyer in his latest movie. 28. he has got through all the money me _ (lend) him
26、. 29. he hid his earnings in a pocket _ (sew) into the inside of his pants. 30. he knocked the tiger about fiercely until it _ (lie) dead. 31. he says haiti cshildren also need schools _ (rebuild) and basic social services. 32. he told me the name of the salesman to ask for and i (shake) his hand. 3
27、3. he toured the united states in luxury pullman cars, (ride) the queen elizabeth ocean liner to europe and fended off offers from western banks. 34. he was _ (choose) as president because he was a fully qualified, charismatic statesman. 35. he was _ (freeze) to death on a snowing night. 36. he was
28、_ (hang) for his crimes. 37. he _ (read) books until midnight last night. 38. his mind was at ease and he _ (feel) confident in the future. 39. his only way of dealing with his problems was to go out and get _ (drink) 40. how much money have you _ (pay) him since your husband died? 41. i _ (shut) my
29、 book and opened the window to look out. 42. i declare to you that i have never _ (lie) about the affair. 43. i didnt think you _ (mean) that seriously; i thought you were teasing. 44. i dont know why i feel so _ (feed) up this morning. 45. i dreamed of the sky of my childhood when i _ (sleep) under
30、 the stars and counted through my dreams. 46. i never knew a chick could get so _ (wind) up on a bike. 47. i shall seek this man, as i have _ (seek) truth in books. 48. i still have a ring i _ (steal) as a teenager. 49. i was _ (wake) up at some unearthly hour of the morning by someone knocking on m
31、y door. 50. i was completely attracted by that car. and i _ (swear 发誓)that one day i, too, would own one. 51. i was only able to make these moves because i _ (overcome) my shyness and learned to be confident. 52. if two people or two groups of people are _ (swear) enemies, they dislike each other ve
32、ry much 53. if you are _ (bite) by a snake or a small insect, it makes a mark or hole in your skin, and often causes the surrounding area of your skin to become painful or itchy 54. if you get _ (lose), you do not know where you are or are unable to find your way. 55. if you get a larger size, it wi
33、ll fit you even after it has (shrink 缩小 ). 56. if you have never _ (swim), then you really should have a go. 57. if you wonder what has _ (become) of someone or something, you wonder where they are and what has happened to them 58. im glad that ridiculous plan has finally been _ (lay) to rest ( 搁置).
34、 59. in a little over two hours, the titanic filled with water and (sink). 60. in many countries, confidence in the local currency has been severely _ (shake). 61. increased consumption of water has _ (lead) to rapid depletion of groundwater reserves. 62. it is difficult to relate these results with
35、 any _ (know) cause. 63. it is possible that the card has already been _ (tear) beyond repair 64. it was surprising the government was re-elected, _ (give) that( 考虑到 )they had raised taxes so much. 65. its significance is lost if it is not heard _ ( s i ng ) and seen acted. 66. jack would not have _
36、 (hit) the boy without provocation (挑拨) . 67. jane let out where she had _ (hide) her fathers birthday present. 68. john passed through a difficult period shortly after his m a r ri a g e _ (b re ak) down. 69. just then a friend _ (drive) up and gave me a ride. 70. last nights storm _ (bring) severa
37、l trees to the ground. 71. let me read that over. i must have _ (mistake) the name. 72. mary placed her sewing aside when the telephone _ (ring) 73. medicine should not be _ (keep) where it is accessible to children. 77. my wife tried to stop them and they _ (beat) her. 75. nothing is concrete, noth
38、ing is _ (set) in stone. 76. rivers are being increasingly _ (make) use of by man. 77. science _ (seek) an effective method of containing the disease. 78. she _ (sing) and we clapped. she joked and we laughed. 79. she _ (spend) lots of money on books last year. 80. she _ (write) to him during basic
39、training and decided to give ian a chance. 81. she _ (fight) down her excitement and went on with her work. 82. she _ (withdraw 撤回 ) her previous remarks, and apologized. 83. she has _ (fall) in love with a man half her age. 84. she hesitated, and then _ (put) her hand on graces arm 85. she tried to
40、 sell the shares as the stock _ (slide 滑动 ) to$ 32. 86. she was totally crazy! she almost _ (tear) my head off. 87. she was very creative and talented and _ (speak) a lot of languages. 88. since then the youth-unemployment rate has _ (rise) by over a third. 89. smoking is _ (forbid) here. please put
41、 your cigarette out. 90. so at the end of this exhausting day, i _ (swim) long at the village pool and then went home to sleep. 91. some confusion has _ (arise) as a result of the new system. 92. something in me had been _ (awake). 93. suddenly the kids, who had been eavesdropping(偷听 ), (fly) into t
42、he room. 94. thanks for reminding. ive _ (forget) all about his coming this afternoon. 95. that stupid lorry driver has _ (go) and jammed our car in. 96. the _ (write) constitution of the united states was adopted in 1787. 97. the banquet is being _ ( h o l d ) in an atmosphere of friendship and cor
43、diality. 98. the candles on the christmas tree _ (light) up the room. 99. the chemist has _ (w i n ) worldwide recognition. 100. the children _ (eat) until no food remained on the table. 101. the company has _ (grow) rapidly in the last five years. 102. the decision has _ (split 分离)some families. 10
44、3. the girl had hardly _ ( r i n g ) the bell before the door was opened suddenly, and her friend rushed out to greet her. 104. the more they are _ (understand), the more mysterious they become 105. the most serious violent incident came when people (throw) stones at opposition leader 106. the night
45、 before the test i was _ (overcome) by fear and despair 107. the play will be _ (show) again in the beijing theatre, on september 25. 108. the proposals are an attempt to get the country _ (rid) of political corruption. 109. the remains of the meal were _ (feed) to the dog. 110. the sun that _ (shin
46、e) on the british empire had passed midday. 111. the tomato is technically a fruit, although it is _ (eat) as a vegetable. 112. the train _ (draw) in and all the passengers got off. 113. the union decided to stop out until their demands were (meet). 114. these are grimm s fairy tales _ (retell) in e
47、nglish. 115. they _ (dig) in and waited for the enemys attack. 116. they _ (hide) themselves in the mountain for half a year. 117. they are _ (send) abroad because the chinese firms they work for are expanding. 118. they have _ (begin) to piece together the whole history of the universe, from the bi
48、g bang to the present day. 119. they waited until the moon _ (rise). 120. they were _ (beat) to death with baseball bats 121. this part of the hospital was _ (build) on later. 122. to investigate that, they _ (run) a follow-up experiment which had two different descriptions of the dead david? 123. tom u
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