1、系统性红斑狼疮论文:系统性红斑狼疮中西医结合规律治疗 远期疗效【中文摘要】研究木课题在前人研究的基础上,釆用包括系统性 红斑狼疮sledai量表、中医量化评分等在内的多个量表,对年龄、性 别、病程持续时间、首次发病年龄、首发症状、常规实验室检查指标 等项冃列表登记,运用于中四医结合治疗轻中度活动期sle的研究中, 观察中西医结合治疗sle的远期疗效。积极地发掘中西医结合干预 sle的优势点,使之在sle的综合治疗中发挥更大的作用,探讨sledai 量表、中医证候分布之间有可能存在的关系,为中医药治疗sle疗效 评价方面提供依据。通过观察长期、规律运用中西医结合手段治疗患 者的疗效,探讨中西医结
2、合规律治疗对sle预后的影响。研究方法1. 根据文献研究结果,参照国内外系统性红斑狼疮(sle)的临床试验的 设计方案,选择系统性红斑狼疮疾病活动指数(sledai)作为活动指数 指标;症状体征、实验室检查、中医量化评分作为中西医结合治疗 sle疗效评价指标。2、组织冋顾性、多中心试验进行中西医结合治 疗系统性红斑狼疮远期疗效评价的研究,通过600例活动性sle病例 试验研究(中西医干预治疗组与单纯西医治疗组按1: 1的比例分配, 中西医结合治疗组150例,单纯西医治疗组150例,规律治疗组150例, 不规律治疗组150例)。患者纳入后,进行了年龄、性别、病程持续时 间、首次发病年龄、首发症状
3、、体征、实验室检查、sledai;中医量 化评分表的测量。研究结果1.本组研究中,不同证型存在不同发病率, 从高到低依次为:热毒炽盛型、瘀热痹阻型、风湿热痹型、气血两虚 型、阴虚内热型、肝肾阴虚型、脾肾阳虚型。2根据证型与病情活动 (sledai)的关系,从高到低依次为:热毒炽盛型、阴虚内热型、风湿 热痹型、瘀热痹阻型、气血两虚型、肝肾阴虚型、脾肾阳虚型。3.中西治疗组对疾病症状体征、实验室检查、病情活动度、中医量化评 分的控制优于单纯西药组。4规律治疗组对疾病症状体征、实验室检 查、病情活动度、中医量化评分的控制、缓解糖皮质激素及细胞毒性 药物的副作用优于单纯西药组。结论狼疮方加减中西医结合
4、治疗系统 性红斑狼疮在改善患者症状体征,控制病情,提高生活质量等方面都 具有良好且长远的疗效,具有广阔的应用前景。【英文摘要】:the prescription is on the basic of pass using including sledai scale and tcmss scale to evaluate the iong-term effect of integrated chinese and western medicine on sle register the data of the age sex clinical manifestation of onset, r
5、outine laboratory data the effieaey target is to work combined with western medicine, decrease dose of western medicine and lessen the side or toxic effect.there still exit some shortcomings and problems as far as the sle clinic research just like irrational clinic design and unreasonable adoption o
6、f efficacy index are concerned the research dnd the result are hard to be accepted by both domestic and international academy. there is short of index of traditional chinese medicine pattern to show adva nt age of traditional chi nese medicine so we try to find the inherent relationship between sled
7、ai and explore of the traditional chinese medicine syndrome distribution. to observe the curative effect of sle patients who treated with integrated chinese and western medicine regularly. exploration into the prognostic factors of the regular therapy of combined chinese and western medicinemethods:
8、use the data of the age,sex,clinical manifestation, routine laboratory data,sledai and tcmss sclcs to evaluateretrospectivemulticenter.control test was adopted to carry out the clinic trials .divided 600 cases with mild active sle into a to d groups (150 cases each), agroup(treatment group)treated w
9、ith integrated chinese and western medicine, bgroup (control group) treated with glueoeortieoid and cyclophosphamide cgroup(regular therapy group)treated with integrated chinese and western medicine regularly, dgroup(unregular therapy group)treated unregularly.result:1. in this research, different p
10、attern of syndrome has different disease rate.the sensitivity rates of the type of syndrome were(from high to low):excessive noxious heat type, stasis-heat accumulate type, beriberoid pyretic arthralgia type .deficiency of both vital energy and blood type, yin asthenia generating intrinsic heat type
11、 liver-kidney yin deficiency type, insufficiency of both the spleen and the kindey type 2. different pattern of syndrome has different sledai. the sledai of the syndrome were(from high to low):excessive noxious heat type,yin asthenia generaling intrinsic heat type, beriberoid pyretic arthralgia type
12、, stasis-heat accumulate type.deficiency of both vital energy and blood typeliver-kidney yin deficiency type,insufficicncy of both the spleen and the kindcy type 3. long-term effect of integrated chinese and western medicine treatment of see showed a better result than simple to use glueoeortieoid a
13、nd cyclophosphamide 4. long-term effect by integrated chinese and western medicine regularly showed a better result than treat unregulaily. cone1usionthrough integrated lupus compound formula prescription and western medicine for treatment of sle it can improve symptom, control disease, enhance life
14、 quality of patients with good andiong-term effect, and no toxic side effects of drugs .and it is worth further experiments to explore clinical study.【关键词】系统性红斑狼疮中西医结合 规律治疗 远期疗效【英文关键词】sle(systemic lupus erythematosus) integrated chinese and western medicinetreat regularlyiong-term【冃录】狼疮方加减中西更结合治疗系统性
15、红斑狼疮150例的远 期疗效分析 摘要7-8 abstract 8-9 前言10-11 第一部分 理论研究11t91.系统性红斑狼疮中医理论研究11-151. 1病名归属111.2病因病机11-121.3辨证论治12-141.4中药研究14-152.系统性红斑狼疮西医研究进展15-192. 1发病机制16 2. 2治疗进展16-19 第二部分临床研究19-36 1.资料与方法19-26 1. 1病例来源19 1.2病例纳 入标准19-241.3病例排除标准241.4剔除标准241.5治疗方法241.6分组及统计方法24-251.7观察项目251.8疗效判定指标25-262.结果与分析26-362. 1中西结合治疗组与单纯西医治疗组26-312.2规律治疗组与不规律治疗组31-36 第三部分讨论36-421. sle流行病学特点362.治则治法36-383.研究结果分析38-4
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