



1、体育单招考试单词拼写专练及答案精品文档词汇复习配套练习1(必考词汇)I.单词拼写1. IS每人)here today?2. Are Tim and TOm in differe nt学校)?3. 无论如何)I must finish the work today.4. Who赢)the boys' lo ng jump?5. I don't want to go to Gan su, because the Weather there is too坏(.6. Be quiet, the StUde nts are ) classes.7. Who is the年 轻)in yo

2、ur class?8. PIeaSe给看)me your new WatCh, I' d like to have a look.9 You' d better什戈 U) your work carefully.10. The ReadS enjoy ) n ewspapers.11. The StUde nts are busy帮助)the farmers With the applePiCki ng.12. The shop only sells ) clothes and shoes.13. DeCember the twe nty- fifth is圣诞节)Day.14

3、. Bob is no不 再)a young man.15. They Can't ) the baby With them to go SWimmi ng.16. Today I Came to school没 有)breakfast.词汇复习配套练习2 (A)I.单词拼写1. YOu are notto smoke here.允许)2. If We do thi ngsn ature, We WiIl be PUni Shed by it.(违背)3. You should Pay moreto your PrOnUn CiatiO n.(注意)4. The teacher is

4、VeryWith Peter as he is always telli ng lies.(生气)5. The StUde nts n eed to be able to read积极地)andthoughtfully.6. Not knowing What to do, he asked the teacher for建议).7. To tell you the truth, I don't(同意)With your decision.8. The news(出现)in the newspaper WaS Very exciting.9. I don ' t Wan (出席)

5、his birthday party, because I haven' tgot his in Vitati on.10. A good many foreign guests are 吸弓丨)by the SCenery.词汇复习配套练习3 (B)I.单词拼写1. At a height of four miles the air becomes so thin that it is almost impossibleto呼吸).2. EriC Came running in to the room, out of呼吸)3. We had great difficulty in呼吸

6、),for the air is thi n.4. GeOrge WaS born on Jun e,1st, so ChiIdre n's Day is also his(生日)5. Hid ing himself(在后面)the door, he Waited the man tocome.6. 相目信)it Or not, travelli ng WaS SlOW and dan ger in the OIdtimes.7. A Iibraria n is a PerS on who helps you Whe n you Want to bbooksfrom a library

7、.8. Do you know the difference(在之间)AmriCanEn glish and BritiSh En glish?9. Whe n Water freezes and变成) solid, We call it ice.10.词汇复习配套练习4 (C)I.单词拼写1. When in the foreign countries, you should follow the local(风俗).2. Don't you think it is a good机会)to lear n En glish?3. Many ChemiCaI factories are

8、the mai n原 因)of polluti on.4. What will happen in the 21st 世 纪)?5. Joh n would like to go to a medical大 学)to StUdy further.6. He works as a SeCretary in the公 司).7. The assista nt is Very frie ndly to all the顾客).8. HiS mother is Very StriCt With her(孩子们)9. Great变化)have take n place in rece nt years.1

9、0. BefOre taking the medicine, PIeaSe read the inStrUCtions on the bottle 仔细).11. BUt that is not always the(情况),SOmetimeS the table Canturn.12. The kids Went(疯狂) When the film Star appeared.词汇复习配套练习5 (D E)I.单词拼写1. HaVi ng failed in the En glish exam many times, he made aC 决定)to StUdy hard.2. TO his

10、 delight, his (女儿)WOn the first PriZe in theCOmPetiti on.3. Do you know the(差别,不同)between AE and BE?4. I have(困难) in worki ng out this problem. Can you helpme out ?5. To lear n En glish well, you should have a.(词典)6. GreatIy鼓励)by the teacher's words, We StUde nts PUt ourhearts into study.7. Tomo

11、rrow is my daughteri'hday and I(决定) to buy a bikeas a PreSe nt.8. Her teacher in flue need her决定),for What he Said WaS Verypersuasive.9. I'm 梦想 of hav ing a Car of my own.10. I ' ll leave for Shanghai tomorrow. PIeaSe take Care of my house (在期间)my absenee.11. To get(足够的) Vitamin, you sho

12、uld eat VariOUS VegetabIeSand fruit.12. Can you tell me the精确的)time by your watch?13. He tried to(解释)the reason Why he WaS late.14. Boys and girls , Can you表达)yourselve in English?15. OUr government announCed every CitiZen(享有)the freedom ofreligio n(宗教)16. We had never(经历)this kind of holiday before

13、 .17. (经验)is the best teaCher.词汇复习配套练习6 (F)I.单词拼写1. 面对)With diffiCulty, he n ever loses heart.2. 熟 悉)With you ,I Can tell your ShOrtCO mings right away.3. The WOrkerS have抗 争)for better worki ng con diti ons.4. 建立)in 1921, our great Party has become mature.5. They quarreled on ce, but they Were quit

14、e友 好)now.6. He in Vited all his朋友)to his birthday Party.7. I like En glish best, What is your fsubject?8. Will you do me a帮忙)turn dow n the radio a bit while I amOn the phone?9. We all dream of being admitted into著 名)Uni VerSities.10. He has 30 SheeP On the 场).11. Walking in the deserted street, She

15、感至U) frightened.12. My(感情) at the moment are beyOnd description.13. StiCk to the task Until it is完成)14. What a poor memoryI ' Ve got! I always(忘记)everyth ing.15. When you join the organization, you must fill in the表格).16. She had(形成)the habit of getting UP early.词汇复习配套练习7 (G H )I.单词拼写1. He gfrom

16、 a key Uni VerSity, but he is still Un employed UPto now.2. He has no天 赋)for music, Let him lear n SOmeth ing thatin terests him!3. Don 'tbe discouraged eve n if We failed a比 赛).4. The teacher divided US into SiX ) in the En glish class.5. I Want to be a coach Whe n I长大) up.6. I SUggeSted the Pa

17、tie nt should be take n to the (院)immediately.7. I had a假 日),so Can I ask for a day's leave, sir?8. What发生)to him yesterday.9. He WaS绞死)in 1945.10. Look! How(高兴)they are talking!11. He will be trained in Hainan this Winter and he will have to be awayfrom(家) for a long time.12. I讨厌)it When people

18、 SPeak With their mouth full.13. AS We all know, the People's RePUIiC of China is a large COUntry With a long 历史).14. The rent is高), but On the whole the house is satisfactory.词汇复习配套练习8 (I J K )I.单词拼写1. EVery boy and every girl has gone to See the play,包括)Bob.2. EVery boy and every girl has gone

19、 to See the play, Bob包括)3. We have no信 息)about Where She has gone.4. We all should take the meeti ng of great重 要).5. What Can you推 断)from his mark?6. FeW ChiIdre n show兴趣)in playi ng musical in StrUme nt.7. Many PIaCeS of名 胜)attract the foreig ners.8. En glish is USed in国 际)COnferen ces.9. There are

20、 many岛屿)in the South Sea of China.10. 立刻)the inSPiring news SPread throughout thecoun try.11. WithOUt国际)cooperation, developing countriesCannOt develop fast.12. When you' re busy ,it '重要) to give yourself time torelax.13. On average, he has an收入)of 3,000 yua n Per mon th.14. 而不是)of taking it

21、 SeriOUsly, you'd better treat it as ajoke.15. She ShareS in my troubles as well as in my快乐).16. The(关键)to SUCCeSS is to be ready from the start.词汇复习配套练习9 (L )I.单词拼写1. The young pla nts died for ) of water.2. WhOeVer goes aga inst the法(律)will be PUni shed.3. Tom is on the Way of beco ming a 律师).

22、4. In the OId days, Childre n Of your age made a生 计)bybegg in g.5. What a ) day it is!6. The meeti ng持 续)three hours. HOW bori ng!7. There have bee n Stra nge happe nings here ).8. Hard work(引向) to SUCCeSS and failure lies in laz in ess.9. The PUPiIS Were asked to make a(清单)of the SPOrtS theyloved m

23、ost and hated most10. He's the best teacher, even though he has the(最少) experie nce.11. Annie Sullivan WaS a(活泼)young woman With Patienceand imag in atio n.12. There is not enoUgh room(剩下) for two SUCh Pianos.13. (铺)a Sheet of PaPer on the floor.14. When did the first astronaut登陆)on the moon.词汇复

24、习配套练习10 ( M N )I.单词拼写1. Early in the morning, farmers will go to (市场)to sell theirvegetables.2. To our great ast oni Shme nt, he wrote dow n the long poem from.(记忆)3. 百万)of StarS are glitteri ng(闪烁)in the sky.4. KeeP it in(L、中)that you should grasp the importa nt points.5. I have a differe nt opinio

25、n about this事 情).6. While WatChi ng the game, the football fans ofte n make a Sig n of "V"withfin gers WhiCh意思是)victory.7. I know you are Very busy. Would you(介意)SPari ng mea few mi nutes?8. You Can ' PtObabIy run a mile in two(分钟.9. He would lear n a Compositi on by heart on Wedn esda

26、y and ViSit hisgran dpare nts on周 末).10. There are two国家)Ianguages in Canada.11. We met With a(许多)of difficulties in the first week.词汇复习配套练习11 (OPQR )I.单词拼写1. She点) herself two black coffees.2. HiS father SerVeS in a gover nment 办公室 ).3. There is much difficulty in(不中植)trees in the desert.4. He fou

27、nd it hard to取悦)his wife.5. If(可能),he will PiCk you up.6. The people出 席)at the meeti ng ShOWed great in terest in hislecture.7. The生 产)of crops is in CreaS ing year by year.8. 教授)Smith had a Stra nge Way of mak ing his less OnS livelyand in teresti ng.9. There will be a(奖项) for the most inno VatiVe

28、desig n.10. It ' S nodtural for a child of his age to be so安静).11. The apple is out of his达至U).12. -It's a真)diamond necklace.-Oh,(真的)? How much does it cost you?13. The SUn升起)in the east and SetS in the west.14. BeCaUSe his family WaS Very富裕),he received collegeeducati on abroad.15. HiS job

29、is to do SCientific 研究).16. He left home WithOUt a word, determined never to返回)from the n on.词汇复习配套练习12 (ST )I.单词拼写1. With all the problems解 决),he had a sound sleep.2. He does n't Iike go购物)With his wife. It's a WaSte Of time.3. I WiSh you a(平安)journey home.4. Could you tell me the Way to th

30、e科 学)Museum?5. The CUStOmS of the U.S.A are相 似)to those of Britai nin some way.6. The形势)both at home and abroad is excelle nt.7. They have some Sdishes not found any Where else.8. Tom is PhySiCally强壮),but men tally weak.9. Chi na is肯定)to turn all her WiSheS into reality as We all know.10. Did you Se

31、e the horse race on_(视)?11. ImmediateIy the inSPiring news SPread 整个)the country.12. There is a ShOrtage of受训)nurses.13. The old couple will take a one day旅行).14. All his troubles Seemed to come同时).15. PIeaSe Write and let me have your想(法)on the matter.16. PIeaSe feel free to ask for our help When y

32、ou are in t词汇复习配套练习13 (UVW )1. Can you(理解)this PaSSage WithOUt explanation.2. Mike' S family过去)to live in a EUrOPean country.3. (通常)ChiIdre n are CUriOUS about everyth ing they Seeand meet.4. AS平常),he Went to school by bike, but on the Way hefound SOmethi ng不 寻常).5. I should n't(惊奇) if he Wi

33、nS the PriZe6. - Can I Iend you a hand?-Thank you! I WaS想知道)Where I was.7. NeVer before have I See n SUCh a精彩的)film .8. SOmething is(出毛病) With my bike. I ' Il have itrepaired.9. The PrOfeSSOr WiIl give US a IeCture On the(奇观) OfSPaCe and SPaCe exploratio n.10. No(难怪)my brother WaSn't feeling

34、 well.11. We should make(利用)of the Chance.12. I(过去) to get UP early and take an hour's walk beforebreakfast.13. I am(习惯于)to getting UP early and take an hour'swalk before breakfast.答案:词汇复习配套练习1I.单词拼写1.everybody 2.schools 3. An yhow 4. won 5. bad 6. hav ing 7. youn gese8. show 9. plan 10. rea

35、ding 11. helping 12. men ' 13. ChriStmaS 14. longer15. take 16. WithOUt词汇复习配套练习2 (A)I.单词拼写1. allowed 2. against 3. attention 4. angry 5. actively 6. advice 7.agree 8.appeared 9. atte nd 10. attracted词汇复习配套练习3 (B)I.单词拼写1. breathe 2. breath 3. breathing 4. birthday 5. behind 6. BeIieVe 7.borrow 8.

36、 betwee n 9. becomes词汇复习配套练习4 (C)I.单词拼写1.custom 2. Cha nce 3. CaUSe 4. Cen tury 5. college 6. compa ny 7. CUStOmerS8. ChiIdre n 9. Cha nges 10. carefully 11. CaSe 12. CraZy阅读理解:DCADC词汇复习配套练习5 (D E)I.单词拼写1. decisi On 2. daughter 3. differe nce 4. difficulty 5. dicti Onary 6. en COurage7. decided 8. d

37、ecisi On 9. dream ing 10. duri ng 11. eno Ugh 12. exact 13. expla in 14. express 15. enjoys 16. experie need 17. EXPerie nce词汇复习配套练习6 (F)I.单词拼写1.Faced 2. FamiIiar 3. fought 4. FOun ded 5. frie ndly 6. frie nds 7. favorite8. favour 9. famous 10. farm 11. felt 12. feeli ngs 13. fini Shed 14. forget 15. form 16. formed阅读理解:CBDAA词汇复习配套练习7 ( G H )I.单词拼写1. graduated 2. gift 3. game 4.


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