1、本科毕业论文外文翻译外文文献译文标题:智力资本资料来源:www 点 dtic 点 mil 作者:clint b-fondo, darren b-white1. 重视人力资木的历史人的价值是由什么衡量的?将容易衡量的财富和具有无形价值的人类相比 较的观点是很吸引人,但是却难以捉摸。近些年对这个课题的广泛传播的兴趣可 能会误导人们得出错误的结论,认为这个课题上的问题和理论都是新的。但并不 是这样的。1691年,william petty就提出劳动应包括在估计的国民财富中。他利 用人力资木的概念来解释不同的经济条件和现象的经济效应,包括移民的经济 影响,在战争中毁灭掉的人力的价值,以及英国的权利(w
2、ykstra,1971)等。根据 市场利息率来把工资薪金永久的资木化来评估人力资木的股票价值,其中的工 资薪金是由国民收入减去财产性收入得到的。(wykstra,1971)。该方法不仅是最 早的一种用来估计人力资木价值的,同时也展现了非凡的持久力。在1776年,adam smith在国富论 什么有可能是现代社会经济中最基 木的工作中广泛的讨论了劳动力的价值。他达到了给北美人力指定一个确切的 价值(smith,1991)o他也清楚地表明一个区域的人力资木价值不等于另一个区的 人力资木价值,并指出在工业化的英格兰养育一个小孩会耗尽一个家庭的所有 资源;而在北美农业化社会中,一个大家庭标志着财富创造
3、能力的显著增加 (smith,1991)owilliam farr在1853年使用了一种类似于petty的方法来评估人力资木价 值。他试图通过估计未来所有的收入的方法来确定人力资木的净现值,利用精算 近似未来的盈利。fair宣称“替代现有的英国所得税制度,包括财产税产权资木化 的价值组成的盈利能力"(wykstra, 1971) °从历史上看,唯一的竞争理论一肓是人类价值评估方法是ernst engel在 1883年提出的产出成木法。engel承认petty的看法,不过认为该方法对于更有 级别的思想有着不足的地方。然而,由于他们的养育成木来自他们的父母,它可能 是估算和作为
4、衡量他们今后为社会创造货币价值的一种方法7wykstra,1971)oengel根据年龄和职业等级构建了估计一个人价值的数学公式。他的努力 备受肯定,尤其是被dublin和lotka,他们是20世纪30年代的人寿保险高管,他 们使用一个复杂的公式来确定人们应该购买多少人寿保1( wykstra, 1971)o从人力资木价值的评估到知识资木管理的飞跃是最近的事了。“知识资木的 观念是由经济学家john kenneth galbraith思首次提出的,他在1969年给他同 事,另一名经济学家michael kalecki基的信屮写到:我想知道,你是否了解有多 少人在过去的几十年中拥有你提供的智1力
5、资本” (bontis,2000)othomas stewart,于1991年在一个被冠名为“头脑风暴”的财富杂志具有开 创性的封面故事屮,被认为是一个新的世界主要力量的知识资本家 (bontis,2000)o特别是他的文章也曾帮助leif edison在斯坎迪亚的事业。在文 章发布的几个月后,stewart接至lj 了 leif edison的电话,他正从瑞典的办公室前往 纽约。他想会面并讨论这个知识资本的课题。在我的办公室里他递给我一张名 片,上面写着leif edison ,知识资本主管。我被震惊了。leif解释说他参加了 careened,斯坎迪亚的保险和金融服务部门主管的工作面试,而
6、且也把“头脑风 暴”的文章给他看,面试时说“这就是你的公司应该做的,管理你的知识资本" careened就同意了,说:“那么由你来做。"(stewart, 1997)。2. 定义知识资本管理知识资本成为成功经营企业日益重要的一部分,但如何定义知识资本 是一项艰巨的命题。对该术语日益广泛地被使用表明工业产业决定了管理这些 资产和竞争力优势创造z间有着某种联系。许多相关文献屮确实存在多种有关 知识资本的描述很具体,并且被人们应用于具体的公司屮。斯坎迪亚保险集团,总部设在瑞典斯德哥尔摩,是管理学领域的先锋,他们介 绍了知识资本是企业市场价值里的一个内在组成部分。人力资本是定义为知
7、识、 技能、能力相结合,有能力的员工可以为公司提升竞争优势做出贡献。它还包括 公司的价值、文化和哲学观等。人力资本区别于结构资本的地方在,它是无法被 公司拥有的。结构资本是由组织的其他能力组成的每一件事来支持那些员工,换句话说, 就是员工冋家后留在办公室的一切东西,结构资本也提供客户资金、与重要客户 发展出的关系。不同于人力资本,结构资本可以被拥有,从而可以从一名雇员转 移到另一个雇员那里。在斯坎迪亚公司的经营哲学屮知识资本等于人力资本和 结构资本的总和。根据edison和malone (1997)的观点,知识资本包含了应用的 经验,组织技术、客户关系和专业技能,这些都能给斯坎迪亚公司提供竞争
8、优势 的市场。3. 测量知识资本(1).为什么要测量知识资本如果管理知识资本是一种相对较新的事物,那么为什么我们看到越来越多 的私营公司和公共机构都对这个主题感兴趣?答案就在于这些公司和机构能从 测量和管理知识资本屮获得些什么。总z,经济从制造型转变成一个以信息为 基础的一个系统、知识资本的管理可以帮助提高效率并改善了生产力。为了要 促进和维持在市场上的竞争优势,许多公司正在探索如何管理知识资本,因为它 能改良未被利用的人力资源的过程和治理。(2).测量知识资本估计在某个机构的知识资本的价值是一个非常困难的命题。知识资本根据 所在位置的不同而变化,如adam smith所讨论的一样。因此,开发
9、一个比较全面 的工具来测量知识资本价值是有问题的。对该课题文献上的综合研究得出的结 论是:在一个机构的知识资本,尤其是在固定的时间间隔,它可以作为一种有效的 管理工具,但是如果试图用来比较两个机构,其至类似的机构的吋候就没有用了。 尽管事实是测量知识资本是一个非常困难的命题,世界各地的私营企业和公共 企业在测量知识资本上花越来越多的资源来努力发展和管理方法。过去的10-15年中,许多系统已经被设计了测量和管理知识资本。各式各样 的方法可分为四个主要的方法(pike,2004)o它们是: .直接计量智力资本法(dic):用评估不同部分的价值来估算每美元无形 资产的价值。通过确定各组成部分,他们就
10、可以直接被计量,不论是单独计量 或是被看成一个整体计量。 .市值计算法(mcm):计算公司市场价值和它的股东股权价值的差额作 为其知识资本的价值。 .资本回报法(roa):段时间公司的平均回报率被分为公司的平均有形 资产,结果就是一个公司的资产回报与它的行业平均值的比较的差额乘以公司 平均无形资产来计算出每年的知识资本平均收益。用平均的收益除以每年的平 均资本成本或一个利率估计价值创造的无形资产或知识资本。 .记分法(sc):知识资本的各种构成因素,确定指标,进而生成报告或图表。 记分法与直接计量法类似;除了知识资本的美元价值没有被评估,综合指数可能 产生也可能不会产生。4. 总结它可能不能像
11、量化无形资产那样的方式量化知识资本来让我们比较的机构 z间资产的价值,但对于跟踪和管理这些资产是重要的。越来越以知识为基础的 健全的管理才是真正好的管理。测量知识资本的真正价值是基于知识资本管理 作为一种手段,增加竞争优势或关联。在美国和世界各地许多公司发现测量和管 理知识资本可以提升他们的竞争优势。政府实体部门如果能运用同样的概念地 话,他们与可以期望获得相同的效益。政府机构的不同在于,他们是为了提高关联 副利润。四个测量知识资本的主要方法(市值,记分卡、资产收益率和直接计量 法)都有各白的优势和劣势。总体而言,记分卡方法似乎是政府实体部门最合适 的方法,并且斯坎迪亚导航器的修改版本也许是政
12、府机构的跟踪和管理所使用 的最好的方法,并且能帮助提高他们知识资本的相关性。任何国防部的管理者 努力來改善他们的管理方法必然会在一定程度上影响他们的关联性,而管理知 识资本就能实现这个目标。除了管理知识资本带来的固有的优点外,许多知识资 本的指挥官今天很可能会发现,该方法利用已经在追踪、提供监测、以及其他地 方。如果一个适当的工作用來管理这些资产,而不单单是发展一个相关水平上 的模型,可能会产生更多的真实利益。不然可能会浪费更多可以被利用的更好 的宝贵资源。外文文献原文title: intellectual capitalmaterial source:www 点 dtic 点 milauth
13、or: clint b-fondo, darren b-white1. the history of valuing human capitalwhat is the value of a human being ? the idea of comparing measurable wealth to the intangible value of a human being is attractive, but elusive .the recent widespread interest in the subject could lead to the erroneous conclusi
14、on that the question and theories on the subject are new. they are not jn 1691, sir william petty postulated that labor should be included in any estimate of national wealth. he used the concept of human capital to explain various economic conditions and phenomenon, including the economic effects of
15、 england (wykstra, 1971). petty estimated the value of the stock of human capital by capitalizing the wage bill to perpetuity ,at the market interest rate ;the wage bill he determined by deducting property income from national income ! (wykstra, 1971). not only was this method one of the first used
16、to estimate the value of human capital, it is a method that has displayed exceptional staying power.in 1776 adam smith discussed the value of labor extensively in what is perhaps the seminal work on economics in modern times, the wealth of nations. he went as far as to assign an exact value to a hum
17、an in north america(loo) (smith j 991)he also clearly demonstrated that the value of human capital in one area is not equal to the value of human capital in another; pointing out that while having children in industrialized england would drain the resources of a family; a large family in the largely
18、 agrarian society of north america marked an increased capacity for wealth creation (smith, 1991).william farr used a method similar to petty ' s to value human capital in 1853.he attempted to determine the net present value of a human by estimating all future income, using actuarial tables to a
19、pproximate future earnings. farr “advocate the substitution for the existing english income tax system of a property tax that would include property consisting of the capitalized value of earning capacity" (wykstra,1971).historically, the only competing theory for human value estimation has bee
20、n the cost-of -production method put forth by ernst engel in 1883. engel acknowledged pattys view, but decided that the method was inadequate to estimate the value of a superior mind/' since, however, there rearing was a cost to their parents; it might be estimated and taken as a measure of thei
21、r monetary value to society (wykstra, 1971)engel developed a mathematical formula for estimating the value of a person, based on age and class level. his efforts were continuously refined, most notably by dublin and lotka, life-insurance executives in the 1930s, who used a complex formula to determi
22、ne how much life insurance a man should carry (wykstra, 1971)the leap from the valuation of human capital to the management of intellectual capital is more recent, “the notions of intellectual capital were first advanced by economist john kenneth galbraith who wrote the following to fellow economist
23、 michael kalecki in 1969: i wonder if you realize how much those of us the world around have owed to the intellectual capital you have provided over these last decades"(bontis,2000)thomas stewart, in a ground-breaking cover-story in 1991 fortune magazine entitled "brainpower, is credited w
24、ith providing the main impetus for a new world of intellectual capitalists (bontis, 2000). in particular, his article helped launch the career of leif edison at scandia. a few months after publishing the article, stewart received a call from edison who was coming to new york from his office in swede
25、n at scandia. he wanted to meet and discuss the subject of ic. “in my office he handed me a business card. leif edison, it read, director, intellectual capital. i was floored. leif explained that he had been interviewing for a job with jan careened, head of scandia5s assurance and financial services
26、 division, and had shown" brainpower95 to him, saying this is what your company should do: manage intellectual capital careened agreed, and said: you do if" (stewart, 1997)2. defining intellectual capitalmanaging ic is an increasingly important part of running a successful business; yet de
27、fining it is a difficult proposition. the increasing use of the term suggests that industry has determined that some sort of correlation exists between the ability to manage these assets and the creation of competitive advantage. many descriptions of ic in the relevant literature are quite specific
28、and created by individuals for use within a specific industry or company.scandia, an insurance conglomerate based in stockholm .sweden, and leading pioneer in the area of knowledge management, describes ic as an integral part of the corporation' s market value.human capital is defined as the com
29、bined knowledge, skill, innovativeness, and ability of the companyz s individual employees that provide the company with a competitive advantage. it also includes the value, culture, and philosophy of the corporation. human capital is differentiated from structural capital in that it cannot be owned
30、 by the company.the structural capital is comprised of everything else of organizational capability that supports those employees productivity-in other words, everything that gets left behind at the office when employees go home structural capital also provides customer capital; the relationships de
31、veloped with key customers9 .unlike human capital, structural capital can be owned and thereby transferred from one employee to another. in the scandia philosophy, ic equals the sum of human and structural capital. according to edison and malone (1997), ic encompasses the applied experience, organiz
32、ational technology, customer relationships and professional skills that provide scandia with a competitive advantage in the market.3. measuring intellecutal capital(1) . why measure intellecutal capitalif the management of ic is a relatively new occurrence, why are we seeing an increase in the numbe
33、r of private firms and public institutions taking an interest in the subject? the answer lies in what these firms and institutions can gain from the measurement and management of ic- in a word economy that is transforming from a manufacturing based system into an information based one, ic management
34、 can lead to increased efficiency and improved proved productivity. in an effort to either foster or sustain a competitive advantage in the marketplace, many firms are exploring the management of ic because it can improve processes and harness underutilized human resources.(2) . measuring intellecut
35、al capitalestimating the value of ic at an institution is a very difficult proposition. ic varies in value from location, as discussed by adam smith; therefore developing a comprehensive tool for comparing the value of ic at various institutions is problematic a comprehensive examination of the lite
36、rature on the subject leads to the conclusion that the measurement of ic within an institution, especially at set intervals over some period, can prove to be an effective management tool; however, it is not helpful when attempting to compare two institutions, even similar institutions. despite the f
37、act that measuring ic is a very difficult proposition, private firms and public entities around the word are spending more and more resources to develop methods of measuring and managing ic.over the past 10-15years, many systems have been devised for measuring and managing ic. the various methods ca
38、n be categorized into four main methods (pike, 2004). they are: .direct intellectual capital methods (dic): estimate the dollar value of intangible assets by identifying its various components. once these components are identified, they can be directly evaluated, either individually or as an aggrega
39、ted coefficient. .market capitalization methods(mcm):calculate the difference between a companyz s market capitalization and its stockholders' equity as the value of its intellectual capital.©.return on assets methods (roa): average pre-tax earnings of a company for a period of time are div
40、ided by the average tangible assets of the company .the result is a company roa that is then compared with its industry average. the difference is multiplied by the companyf s average tangible assets to calculate an average annual earning from the ic. dividing the above-average earnings by the compa
41、ny' s average cost of capital or an interest rate creates an estimate of the value of its intangible assets or intellectual capital.©.scorecard methods (sc): the various components of ic are identified and indicators and indices are generated and reported in scorecards or as graphs. sc meth
42、ods are similar to dic methods; expect that no estimate is made of the dollar value of ic. a composite index may or may not produce.4. summarywhile it may not be possible to quantify intangibles like ic in ways that allow us to compare the value of the assets between one institution and another, it is nevertheless important to track and manage these assets within an institution. the deliberate management of knowledge assets in an economy that is becoming more and more knowledge based is sound managem
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