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1、.宁波大红鹰学院毕业论文外文翻译所在学院: 经济与管理学院 专 业: 工商管理 班 级: 11工商8班 学 号: 1131080840 姓 名: 应玲萍 指导教师: 贾学芳 2014 年 11 月 1 日译文:员工满意度的影响 摘要目的 - 本文的主要目的是调查酒店员工工作态度与人格特质的关系。 设计/方法/方式-笔者采用问卷以确定的变量调查美国西部的两个连锁酒店。被调查的员工都是非管理人员。 发现-具体而言,笔者认为,人格特质与工作态度,组织忠诚度及工作满意度显著相关。 研究限制/启示 研究的酒店员工人数是159位。一个更大的样本量可提高结果的准确性的。 实际影响-本文鼓励酒店管理要考虑酒店

2、员工的性格测试,使用结果表明,某些性格性状都与员工的工作满意度和组织忠诚度有关。 独创性或价值-本文是原始的,也就是说预先的工作主要集中于雇员工作态度与工作环境的影响,有被限制的对个性和工作态度之间的关系进行调查。本文认为:性格在雇员的态度中也许扮演一个角色。 员工离职一直是酒店业的大问题,因此需要对这个问题的产生原因展开调查。对这个问题列举了一些原因是低报酬,福利不足,工作条件差,贫困工人的士气和工作态度,以及招聘不足根据说有这些原因推测,低报偿将无疑地造成恶劣的工作者态度或士气。 对这些工作者的态度、观点评估肯定是有成效的,因为知道为什么这些工人是不幸的能帮助组织集中精力固定问题的症结所在

3、。在此之前工人的态度研究主要侧重于他们的工作环境(即工作,主管,同事)和相关的彼此态度(即工作满意度对组织承诺)或营业额,旷工以及其他各种行为。那些还没有人研究得很透彻的是潜在角色的个性,他们的态度和他们如何觉得他们的组织。所以,确切地说,个人的性格特征的态度对组织有什么样的影响? 因此,是否有一个“正确”的人,将最适合进入酒店业。如果是这样,如果是这样,有专门的特点,酒店是否要招聘他呢?本研究希望以应对这一问题。 人格在人事选拔方面的研究当然不是新的。大量的研究能够解释人格特质,我们希望找到最好的。问题是我们还没有很多一致的个性特征的预测工作性能,因为在该地区很多是混合的。本文提出,研究酒店

4、业与人格特质联系起来的员工的态度,公司应该了解招聘的员工的特质,从而预测员工需要的待遇。 传统上,人格维度研究,适合确定个人的内部组织。这项研究扩展了工作满意度和组织承诺与人格维度关系的研究。有人认为,人格维度或一个人的性格都可以调解工作满意度和组织承诺和自己的意愿的效果。此外,一个人的性格一直与工作满意度和组织承诺相关。这项研究还进一步加强了在这之前的工作满意度调查工作并没有设法确定的与人格方面的工作满意度的关系。 这些变量的研究应该有助于在人力资源招聘中的个性特点预测,较高的承诺和对组织的满意划定。本文首先确定了对组织承诺与工作满意度相关的研究,通过对五大因素讨论的研究,然后,讨论方法,最

5、后得出结果。工作态度的研究。 这项研究感兴趣的两种态度是组织承诺及工作满意度。研究发现,工作满意度和组织承诺与一个人的意图辞去工作有很大的关系。此外,工作满意度和组织承诺是相互关联的,致力于它们能产生更大的满意。如前所述,这些观念已经被广泛研究。首先,组织承诺通常被定义为一个人的认同和参与各自组织的力量。其他研究表明,理论上组织承诺关系到一个人的离开的意愿,营业额以及工作业绩。从本质上讲,致力于个人态度研究可望扩大员工在工作中加大力度,对工作绩效有直接影响。 研究表明,员工对组织的承诺由四个因素组成:组织,高层领导,直属领导和工作团队。因此,这建议其承诺可以通过这些因素的每个变化讨论一个多种因

6、素的模型,而非一个因素。原文:Effects of employee job satisfaction Department of Management, California State University, Northridge,California, USAAbstract:Purpose The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship of job attitudes to personality traits in a hospitality setting.Design/methodology/a

7、pproach The author uses a questionnaire at two hotel chains in the western US to ascertain the variables. Employees that are surveyed are all non-management personnel.Findings The author finds that job attitudes, specifically, organizational commitment and job satisfaction are significantly related

8、to the personality traits, the big five and locus of control.Research limitations/implications The number of hotel employees studied is 159. A larger sample size could increase the validity of the findings.Practical implications This paper encourages hotel management to consider the use of personali

9、ty tests in the selection of hotel employees as the results suggest that certain traits are related to an employees job satisfaction and organizational commitment.Originality/value The paper is original in the sense that prior work has mainly focused on the employee job attitude in relation to how t

10、he employee perceives the workplace. There have been limited investigations into the relationship between personality and job attitudes. This paper suggests that dispositions may play a role in the attitude of the employee.Employee turnover has been a large problem in the hospitality industry necess

11、itating an investigation into the reasons for this turnover. Some of the reasons cited for this turnover are low compensation, inadequate benefits, poor working conditions, poor worker morale and job attitudes, and inadequate recruitment. All of these reasons are presumably related as low compensati

12、on would undoubtedly contribute to poor worker attitudes or morale.The study of the attitudes of these workers is certainly fruitful from an assessment point-of-view, since knowing why these workers are unhappy can help the organization focus their efforts on fixing the root of the problem. Prior st

13、udies of workers attitudes have focused on the measures of someones attitudes about their work environment (i.e. the job, supervisors, coworkers) and related attitudes to one another (i.e. job satisfaction to organizational commitment) or turnover, absenteeism and various other behaviors. What has n

14、ot been studied extensively is the potential role of the individual characteristics on theirattitudes or how they feel about their organization. So, specifically, does the characteristic or disposition of the individual influence the type of attitude they have about the organization? Therefore, is t

15、here a “right” person that would best fit into the hospitality industry. If so, are there specific traits that hospitality organizations should recruit for? This study hopes to respond to this question.The study of personality in the area of personnel selection is certainly not new. Plenty of studie

16、s shed light on personality traits in the hopes of finding the best measures that predict job performance. The problem is that we still do not have a lot of agreement on which personality traits predict job performance since there have been mixed findings in the area. This paper proposes to study em

17、ployees in the hospitality industry with the goal of linking personality traits to the employee attitudes, and thus making predictions on what traits the hospitality firms should be looking for in the recruitment of employees.Traditionally, the study of personality dimensions is to ascertain the ind

18、ividuals fit within an organization. This study extends the research by correlating job satisfaction and organizational commitment with personality dimensions. It has been suggested that personality dimensions or ones disposition may mediate the effect of both job satisfaction and organizational com

19、mitment and ones intentions to quit. Further, ones disposition has been linked to job satisfaction and organizational commitment. The research here furthers the research in this area. This study also furthers theinvestigation of job satisfaction in that prior work did not seek to determine the relat

20、ionship of the facets of job satisfaction with personality. The personality traits studied are the big five and locus of control. Additionally, this study investigates the relationship between organizational commitment and the big five and locus of control.The study of these variables should help in

21、 human resource recruitment in the delineation of personality characteristics that predict higher commitment and satisfaction with the organization. This paper first identifies the relevant research on organizational commitment and job satisfaction, followed by a discussion of the research on the bi

22、g five and locus of control. The methodology is then discussed, followed by the interpretation of the findings and conclusion of this research.Research on job attitudesThe two attitudes of interest in this study are organizational commitment and job satisfaction. Research has found that both job sat

23、isfaction and organizational commitment are related to a persons intention to quit a job. Additionally, job satisfaction and organizational commitment are interrelated as the more satisfied one is, the more committed they are. As mentioned earlier, these attitudes have been researched extensively. F

24、irst, organizational commitment is usually defined as the strength of ones identification and involvement with their respective organization. Research shows that social involvement predicts organizational commitment where the more involved the individual, the more committed they are. Other studies s

25、how that organizational commitment is related to a persons intention to leave and turnover as well as theoretically to job performance. Essentially, committed individuals are expected to extend greater efforts on the job, having a direct impact on job performance.Research on organizational commitmen

26、t has suggested that commitment consists of four factors: commitment to the organization, to top management, to immediate supervisors and to work groups. This suggests that ones commitment can vary in each of these factors thus arguing for a multi-factor model rather than a one-factor model. In this

27、 paper, a one-factor model of organizational commitment is used (see methodology). Research more relevant to this study shows that disposition is related to organizational commitment. 译文:员工满意度和组织承诺在许多场合中,大五人格模型已被广泛研究,但相对于组织满意度和组织承诺的研究却有许多限制。大五人格测验包括五个特征:外向性,宜人性,责任心,情绪稳定性(有时称为神经质),智力或想象力(有时称为开放性)。外向性

28、是有关个人的社交能力的研究;宜人性是一个人的可靠性与合作性;情绪稳定是一个人情绪的安全稳定性;和一个人的想象力。 研究表明,大五人格模型是有关个人与他人,个人与社会环境的关系研究。在五大模型以外,其他研究已经表明,神经质,外向性和自觉性与事业成功有关。神经质也被认为是否关系到一个人愿意留在该组织。研究人格个性与工作绩效的关系,也许是对五大最具争议性的研究。一些研究表明,责任感,宜人性和外向性与工作业绩有关,而纵观所有的工作组,荟萃分析显示,责任心是最明显的工作表现预测器。更多的有关这项研究工作中,已发现神经质与工作满意度之间有负相关关系。神经质还被发现与组织承诺显著相关。在餐饮业的员工个性研究

29、中发现,热情与愉快的状态与工作能力和工作愿望呈正相关的关系。此外,这些心情状态肯定与工作满意有关。 大五人格模型分析在这项研究中将被作为其中一个评估模型。心理控制源是预计与工作态度有关的另一种性格。心理控制源是一种人格维度,归咎于个体拥有内裤控制权与外部轨迹。内部控制说,倾向于把行为结果归因于自己的内部因素,倾向于外部控制点的人,则会把行为结果归因于外部压力。研究显示,内部控制点喜欢参与管理而外部控制点则喜欢指导管理。其他工作表明,内部控制信仰一个强大的组织,就像结果回报是在他们的控制之下一样,而外部控制则有相反的信仰。此外,更有针对性的研究表明,内部控制比外部控制往往有较高的工作满意度。因此

30、,可以预计,内部比外部有较高的组织满意度。 我认为,个性的研究对研究员工是否满意自己的工作或组织是富有成效的。以下是假设的变量之间的关系,并预测员工的兴趣爱好。实行事前实验,是因为这项研究是试探性的,工作满意度与五大人格的特定关系,以及五大维度与组织承诺的关系是无法预测的。工作满意度和组织承诺将显著相关。组织承诺和五大人格及心理控制源显著相关。工作满意度和五大人格及心理控制源将显著相关。给予员工的问卷调查中包括两个美国西部主要的连锁酒店。这两个酒店包括非管理人员一共670人,其中24%的员工共159人的人参与了调查。员工告诉调查人员,他们最感兴趣的是工作环境。另外他们告诉研究人员,希望确保调查

31、完全匿名,没有任何可识别信息。对员工的统计如下:共73名男性,86名妇女,平均年龄范围为31-40岁,平均工作年限是3-4年,75%的员工年薪不到3.5万美元,25%的员工超过3.6万美元。这里的研究证实了组织承诺与工作满意度的关系。显然,忠诚的员工往往是满意的员工,反之亦然。在酒店业雇员也不例外。这项研究还发现,与工作满意度相关的内部和外部影响因素确实会影响对这项工作的态度。这一调查结果与以前的工作时期预测一致,影响工作满意度的内部因素比外部因素更令人感到满意。 这项研究的局限包括共同方法的变化,因为所有数据都来自一个来源。一个更大的样本量也将有助于调查结果的可靠性。未来的研究可以在几个不同

32、的场所进行调查,以确保员工一般化。此外对工作态度与人格特质的因果关系并没有在这里学习。今后的工作还解决这一问题。原文:Employee satisfaction and organizational commitmentThe big five has been extensively studied in many settings, but limited in relation to job satisfaction and organizational commitment. The big five tests for five personality characteristics

33、: extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability (sometimes referred to as neuroticism), and intellect or imagination (sometimes referred to as openness). Extraversion is related to an individuals sociability; agreeableness to ones cooperativeness; conscientiousness to ones depe

34、ndability; emotional stability to ones secureness; and intellectual to ones imagination.Research has shown that the big five is related to an individuals relationships with others in social settings. Further, other research on the big five has shown that neuroticism, extraversion and conscientiousne

35、ss to be related to career success. Neuroticism has also been found to be related to ones intention to remain in an organization. The relationship to job performance is perhaps the most controversial research on the big five. Some studies show that conscientiousness, agreeableness and extraversion w

36、ere related to job performance, while meta-analyses has revealed that conscientiousness was the strongest predictor of job performance across all job groups . More relevant to this work, a negative relationship has been found between neuroticism and job satisfaction. Neuroticism has also found to be

37、 significantly related to organizational commitment. Specific research on personality in the hospitality industry has found that job competence and job aspiration were positively related to enthusiasm and cheerful mood states. Further, these mood states were positively related to work satisfaction.

38、The big five is one of the assessments that will be made in this study. Locus of control is another disposition of interest that is expected to be related to job attitudes. Locus of control is a personality dimension that ascribes individuals as possessing an either internal or external locus of con

39、trol. Internals are said to look at the world and the things that happen to them as within their control, while on the other hand, externals are said to look at the world and the things that happen to them as a matter of luck or fate and thus beyond their control . Research on locus of control shows

40、 that internals prefer a participative manager while external prefer a directive manager. Other work shows that internals have a strong belief that outcomes in the organization, like rewards are under their control while externals have the opposite belief. Additionally, research more pertinent to th

41、is study, has shown that internals tend to have higher job satisfaction and organizational commitment than externals. Thus it would be expected here that internals would have higher job satisfaction and organizational commitment.I propose that a study of personality would be fruitful to pinpoint dim

42、ensions that might predict the employees disposition to be satisfied with their job and also commitment to their respective organization. What follows are hypotheses that predict relationships among the variables of interests. A priori, since this study is exploratory, the nature of the specific rel

43、ationships among the facets of job satisfaction and the big five, as well as the big five dimensions and organizational commitment are not predicted.H1. Job satisfaction and organizational commitment will be significantly related.H2. Organizational commitment will be significantly related to the big

44、 five andlocus of control.H3. Job satisfaction will be significantly related to the big five and locus of control.A questionnaire was given to employees at two major hotel chains in the western US. The employees consisted of non-management personnel. There were 670 personnel at this organization, wi

45、th a total of 159 employees who filled out the survey for a total response rate of 24 percent. Employees were told that the researcher was interested in how they felt about their work environment so that I could find out what could be done better. They were also told that only the researcher would s

46、ee the survey and were guaranteed complete anonymity. Respondents did not report any identifying information on the survey.The resulting demographics of the sample were as follows: there were 73 men, and 86 women, the average age range was 31-40 years, the average time at job was three to four years, and 75 percent of the sample made $35,000 or less, and 25 percent, $36,000 and above


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