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1、江苏省盐城地区2021-2021 届上学期九年级英语 12 月月考试卷分类汇编阅读表达东台市第五联盟As the fifth of seven children, I went to the same school as my elder sisters and brothers.Every year, my mother went to the same school and had the same parent-child interviews with the same teachers. The only thing different was the child. And ever

2、y child participated in an old school tradition the annual plant sale held in early May, just in time for Mother' s Day.Third Grade was the first time I was allowed to take part in the plant sale. I wanted to surprise my mother, but I didn 'htave any money. So I went to my eldest sister and

3、shared mysecret with her, and she gave me some money. When I arrived at the plant sale, I carefully made my selection. I examined each plant to make sure that I had indeed found the best one. Then Is Day, but my ssecretly carried it home. I was afraid my mother would find it before Mother that plant

4、, full of proud. I remember how bright her eyes were, and how delighted she was with my gift.assured me that she wouldnt, and indeed she did not. When Mothers finally arrived, I gave herThe year I was fifteen, my younger sister reached Third Grade. In early May she came to meand told me that there w

5、as going to be a plant sale at school, and that she wanted to surprise our mother. Like my older sister did for me, I gave her some money and of she went. She arrived home excitedly, and the plant was hidden in a paper bag under her sweater. “Ilooked at every plant, she explained."I ' m sur

6、e I got the best one!I helped my little sister hide that plant, assuring her that our mother would not find it before Mother 's Day. I was there when she gave her gift to our mother, and I sensed both their pride and delight. It was like being in a dream I had already dreamt. My mother noticed m

7、e, and she gave me a soft ,secret smile. Suddenly, I realized something. I smiled back. I had been wondering how my mother could pretended to be surprised at this gift form her sixth child, but as I watched her eyes light up with delight as she was given that most precious gift, I knew she was not p

8、retending. 每题答复不超过五个词。s family?76. How many children were there in the writer77. When could the writer take part in the plant sale for the first time?78. Who helped the writer with the gift for their mother?79. Why didn' t they tell their mother about the gifts before Mother' s Day?80. How d

9、id the writer' s mother feel after receiving children' s gifts?76. Seven.77. In the third grade./ In Grade Three.78. T he writer ' s eldest sister.79. To give her a surprise.80. Happy and proud.盐都区实验学校Who is the most famous fairy tale writer? Many of you may say Danish writer Hans Christ

10、ian Andersen. There is a big award that takes his name: the Hans Christian Andersen Award国际安徒生奖 .It is the highest award for children' s stories. A writer can only get it oncein a lifetime.On April 4, Cao Wen xua n won the 2021 Ha ns Christian An dersen Award. He is the firstChin ese writer to e

11、ver win this importa nt awardfor childre n literature.Cao Wen xua n was born in 1954 in a small village in Yan che ng, Jia ngsu Provi nee. Some of his stories are set th ere. He is now a professor at Peking University. He started to publish children' s fiction in 1979. Many of his novels have be

12、en transtied into English, French, Japaneseand Korea n.If you read Cao' stories, you will find beautiful and poetic descriptions of scenery. For example, in The Grass House 1997, Cao writes,“ The grass grows toughly. When the sun shines,the grass shines like copper wire 铜线. When the wind blows f

13、rom the sea, the grass makes surprisingly metal- like sounds.Cao also uses love as a theme in his stories, and he describes it with great beauty. You canfind this theme in Bronze and Sun flower ?青铜葵花?2005. The ending of the story is sad, butit helps make the story more realistic.“ Sadn ess is a beau

14、tiful emoti on .It helps kids un dersta nd thereal world whe n it is expressed properly, Cao once said.When Cao creates a story, he does not write specifically for some one. Adults can find beautyin his stories, and the plots he invents tend to impress childre n."I tell real Chin ese stories, b

15、istories relate to 关联huma ns. This might be a key reason why I won this award, he said.76. What is the Ha ns Christian An dersen Award?77. Whe n was Cao Wen xua n born?78. How many Ian guages have his books bee n tran slated in to?79. In Cao ' s opinion, why could he win the award?80. What can y

16、ou find if you read Cao' s stories?76. The highest award for children' s stories.77. In 1954.78. Four. / 4.79. Becau se his stories relate to humans.80. Beautiful and poetic descriptions of scenery.毓龙路实验学校24 Solar Terms24 节气:Several things you may not know about Minor Snow 小雪The traditional

17、Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms. Minor Snow, the 20th solar term of the year, begins this year on November 22 and ends on December 6.Minor Snow refers to the time when it starts to snow, mostly in China's northern areas, and the temperature continues to drop.Here are

18、several thi ngs you should know about Minor Snow.Wearing hats and scarves In China, starting in Minor Snow, the wind blows from the no rtheast a lot. Because it is not bitter yet, many people do not yet wear hats or scarves. In fact, accord ing to an old Chin ese say ing, "the head is the place

19、 where all passages of the body gather". It is importa nt to keep on e's head warm.Drinking soup During Minor Snow, in door heat ing begi ns to work. And the air in doors is dry and most people might feel their nose and mouth are dry. According to practices in traditional Chinese medicine,

20、this accumulation 积累 of "inner heat''in one's body can cause problems, including oral ulcers 口腔溃疡 .The idea is to drink more hot soup, such as cabbage with bean curd soup, spin ach with bea n curd soup and mutt on with radish soup.Maki ng preserved pork and pickled vegetables After

21、Mi nor Snow, the temperature drops sharply and the air becomes dry. It is the best time to start making preserved pork and pickled vegetables. Un til the Chin ese Spring Festival, it will be well made and enjoyed. Then eve n in the bitter win ter, the whole family could enjoy meat and vegetables wit

22、hout going out. Some even say preserved pork tastes more delicious tha n fresh meat.Not eat ing spicy food On cold days, people want to have some hot and spicy food to keep warm. Experts say that it is wise not to eat overly spicy food, since that will enhance inner heat. An swer these questio ns in

23、 no more tha n six words:76. When is Minor Snow this year?77. How can you keep heads warm in win ter?78. What can you do if you suffer from oral ulcers?79. What do people make in Minor Snow?80. Why can ' t you eat overly spicy food on cold days?76. Between November 22 and December 6./ From Novem

24、ber 22 to December 6.77. By wearing hats and scarves./ Wearing hats and scarves.78. I/We can drink more hot soup. /To drink more hot soup.79. Preserved pork and pickled vegetables.80. Because that/it will enhance inner heat.明达中学One day Doctor Ken received a call and was told that a boy called Franco

25、 needed animmediate operation. He entered the hospital hurriedly. He changed his clothes and went directlyto the operati ng room.Franco ' father was walking up and down in the hall, waiting for the doctor. On seeingDoctor Ken, the father shouted,“ Why did you take so long to come? Don' t you

26、 know my sonlife is in dan ger? Don' t you have any sense of respon sibility?Doctor Ken smiled and said, "lam sorry. I wasn' in the hospital and I came as fast as Icould and now, I wish you' d sit down and be patient so that I can do my work.“ Beatient?! What if your son was in this

27、 room right now? If your own son dies whilewaiting for the doctor, then what will you do? said FrAyico' s father angDoctor Ken smiled aga in and replied,“ We will do our best and you should also pray for your son ' s healthy life.The operation lasted several hours. Then Doctor Ken went out o

28、f the operating room happily.“ Thank goodness! Your son is saved! And without waiting for the father' s reply he ran out ohospital, saying,“ If you have any question, ask the nurse.“ Why? complained Franco' s father,“ He couldn ' t even wait some minutes so that I can askabout my son 

29、9; s state. The nurse answered, tears coming down her face,“ Doctor Ken ' s son died in a road accident.He was at the burial (葬礼) when we called him for your son' s operation. And now that he savedyour son ' s life, he left running to finish his son' s burial. Hearing this, Franco

30、9;s fathesroferrlyt .sAond at the same time he was really ashamed.76. Where did Franco ' s father wait for the doctor? ( no more than 4 words)77. How did Doctor Ken speak to Franco' s father when he shhimou?ted at( no more than 4 words)78. In what way did Doctor Ken leave the hospital after

31、the operation?79. According to th e nurse, what had happened to Doctor Ken' s son? ( no more than 7 words)80. Why did Franco ' s father feel so sorry and really ashamed?76.In the hall.77. Politely and patiently.78. He ran out of the operating room happily without waiting for the father'

32、s reply.79. He died in a road accident.80. Because the doctor is so selfless.( Because he shouted at the doctor impatiently and impolitely . )滨海县第一初级中学Li Yaotang is regarded as one of the most important Chinese writers in the 20th century. Hewrote under the pen name of Ba Jin. He started writing his

33、 first work in the late 1920s. Li was born in Chen gdu, Sichua n. He was born in a rich family of officials. As a child, Li was taught to read and write by his mother. In 1920, Li entered Chengdu Foreign Language School to study English.Three years later, Li moved to Shanghai and studied in Dongnan

34、University. On February 15th, 1927, he went to Paris with his friend for further study. After returning to Shanghai in 1928, Ba Jin continued writing and working on translation. His first novel came out in 1929. Then he wrote a lot of famous novel during ten years. Most of Ba Jin ' s works could

35、 be easily understood by anyone with high school education, which makes him one of the easiest modern Chinese writers. Ba Jin died of cancer in Shan ghai at the age of 100. His death marked the end of a cen tury for Chinese literature. He was one of the masters of Ianguage like Lao She.76. When did

36、Ba Jin start writi ng his first work? (In no more tha n four words)77. Who taught Ba Jin to read and write whe n he was a child first?78. What did Ba Jin do in Chen gdu Foreig n Lan guage School? (in no more tha n 4 words)79. Did Ba Jin go to France or Britain in 1927?80. Why is Ba Jin still one of

37、the easiest moder n Chin ese writers?76. In the late 1920s.77. His mother.78. He studied English.79. France.80. Because most of his works could be easily understood by anyone with high school education.射阳外国语学校Meet Thomas Wils on. Thomas is famous all over the world.He holds the world record for slee

38、ping in ( 睡过头).One weekend,Thomas slept i n for two days, three hours and fourtee n minu tes. It was un believable. No one in history had ever slept i n for so longbefore.Thomas was very proud of his world record. His friends were proud of him, too. WheneverThomas walked down the street, people alwa

39、ys came up to him and shook his hand. Thomas was a star.The only person who wasn 't proud of Thomas's world record wasDhaids fdaidthner.' t likeit when Thomas slept in. He complained that whenever Thomas slept in, the lawns didn 'gtetmowed. He was worried about how high the grass was getting. Every weekend, it seemed to gethigher and higher.It 's like a jungle there,抱怨) toDaTdhommoasneodne( day. But Thomaswasn' t worried


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