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1、 The Future of the English J . B. PriestleyAims: 1) Improving students ability to read between lines and understand the text properly; 2) Cultivating students ability to make a creative reading; 3) Enhancing students ability to appreciate the text from different perspectivesAims 4) Helping students

2、to understand some difficult words and expressions; 5) Helping students to understanding rhetorical devices; 6) Encouraging students to voice their own viewpoint fluently and accurately.Teaching ContentsI.Background Knowledge II.Exposition and ArgumentIII.Detailed Study of The EssayIV. Organization

3、PatternV.Style and Language FeaturesExposition and Argument 1) Type of literature: part exposition and part persuasion or argument Background Knowledge 1) About the Author and His Works 2) Admass The whole system of an increasing productivity, plus inflation, plus a rising standard of material livin

4、g, plus high-pressure advertising and salesmanship, plus mass communications, plus cultural democracy and the creation of the mass mind, the mass man the part of society that can be influenced by advertising or publicity Detailed Study of the EssayPre-class work: What do you think the author is goin

5、g to focus on: the future of the English as an international language, the future of the English as a nation or the future of the English people?CountryAdjectivesingularpluralgeneric referenceChinaChinesea Chinesetwo Chinesethe ChineseJapanJapanesea Japanese two Japanesethe JapaneseGermanyGermana Ge

6、rmantwo Germansthe GermansAmericaAmericanan Americantwo Americansthe AmericansEnglandEnglishan English-mantwo English-menthe English / EnglishmenFranceFrencha French-mantwo French-menthe French /French-menThe English are Different 1. The dominant intention or the controversial topic of his argument

7、is stated early in paragraph one in one unambiguous sentence: “ The English are different”. 1) It is instinctive feeling and not rational thought that shapes and colors actual events in England. 2) The English do not feel at home in the contemporary world, representing the accelerated development of

8、 our whole age. They are suspicious of largeness, severe efficiency and admass 3) The English are also deeply suspicious of change for changes sake. 4) The English have a sense of community, decent fellow feeling, fairness. 5) The English are at heart and at root an imaginative people immediately re

9、sponsive to any suggestion of drama in their lives.Para.1-3 The English are different draw on: take or use as a source 如果新闻记者无法取得素材,他们有时会凭想象来写他们的新闻报道。 If newspaper men cant get facts, they sometimes draw on their imaginations. 他所写的故事素材来源于他童年时代的记忆。 He draws on his childhood memories for the materials

10、 of his stories. 在制定计划时我们要吸收工人们的意见。 In making plans we must draw on workers suggestions. no doubt: certainly; (colloq.) very probably,I suppose 无疑地他原意是要帮忙,不料把事情弄得更糟。 No doubt he meant to help, but he has made things worse. 我想你一定累了吧,我给你煮杯咖啡。 Youre tired, no doubt. Ill make you a cup of coffee. Wrong:

11、 *It is no doubt that hell come. Right: There is no doubt that hell come. OR: No doubt hell come. safe to say : if it is safe to say something,it may be said without exaggeration or falsehood可以肯定地说,可以保险地说 例: As to whether he can get a high score in the exam,it is hard to say, but it is safe to say t

12、hat he will pass it至于他在考试中能不能拿到高分,不好说,但是可以肯定的是他能通过这项考试。 可以有把握的说,今天所出售的每一个硬盘都比老一代的硬盘高级得多。 It is safe to say that each and every hard drive selling today is far superior to older-generation drives. out of scale: out of proportion不成比例,不相称 在这幅画中这只狗头的比例不相称。 The dogs head is out of scale in this painting

13、它的各个部分看起来有些不合比例。 Its parts look somehow out of scale. in scale: 合乎比例,相称 这栋房子和周围的环境很谐调。 The house looks quite in scale with its surroundings.Para.413 The Future of the English hangs upon (1) The final result of a battle between Admass and Englishness. (Para.46)Para. 4 The striking contrast between ad

14、mass and Englishness to show how inevitable the battle is. Admass 1. Already conquered most of the western world 2.receive vast subsidies of dollars, francs, Deutschmarks and the rest for public relations and advertising campaigns Englishness1.ailing and impoverished2.in no position to receive vast

15、subsidies of dollars,francs, Deutschmarks and the rest for public relations and advertising campaigns 3.offers more and more things for more and more money, creates the so-called “Good Life” 4.operates in the outer visible world 5.a poster in full colour 3. offers states of mind in place of that ric

16、h variety of thins 4.belong to the invisible inner world 5. a poor shadowy show, a faint pencil sketch hang (up)on: depend on 我们是否继续进行那件事取决于他们讨论的结果。 Whether we will go on with it hangs on the outcome of their discussion. 这是一个生死攸关的问题。 It is a question upon which life and death hangs. keep/stay clear

17、of: avoid; have nothing to do with: 如果你开车,就不要沾酒。 You should keep clear of alcohol if youre driving. 你不要和那家伙来往。 You should stay clear of that fellow. 我得了流感,请离我远点。 Please stay clear of me, as I have the flu. in a/no position to do sth.: be able/unable to do sth or be qualified to/be not qualified to d

18、o 很遗憾,关于你的提升我帮不上忙。 I regret Im in no position to do anything about your promotion. (or not in a position) 我们也许可以帮助你。 We may be in a position to help you. 美国没有能力攻打伊朗, 因为它在阿富汗的冲突中陷入了泥潭。 The United States is in no position to attack Iran because it is bogged down in the conflict in Afghanistan. state o

19、f mind: mood or outlook 心态(心情、精神状态) in a state of mind: in an anxious state of mind 心急如焚 in a confused state of mind 心神恍惚;心乱如麻 她好像心神不定。 She doesnt seem to be in a calm state of mind.Para. 5 The conflict between Admass and Englishness. Admass: What is central to Admass is the production and consumpti

20、on of goods. Dissatisfaction is embedded in Admass Ruthless competitiveness Take man only as a producer and consumer Dependence upon dissatisfaction, greed and envy Englishness: With its relation to the unconscious Dependence upon instinct and intuition Adherence to the past and deep long roots Not

21、hostile to change and deeply suspicious of change for changes sake Rejecting being committed to some inevitable mechanical progress time-and-motion study or Taylorism(泰勒主义): A time and motion study (or time-motion study) is a business efficiency technique combining the Time Study work of Frederick W

22、inslow Taylor with the Motion Study work of Frank and Lillian Gilbreth. It is a major part of Scientific management (Taylorism). A time and motion study (or time-motion study). A time and motion study would be used to reduce the number of motions in performing a task in order to increase productivit

23、y. The best known experiment involved bricklaying. Through carefully observing a bricklayers job, Frank Gilbreth reduced the number of motions in laying a brick from 18 to about 5. Hence the bricklayer both increased productivity and decreased fatigue. to commit oneself to/ to be committed to: to ma

24、ke oneself responsible for; to undertake 承诺,承担; 保证,许诺 政府已经允诺减轻赋税。 The government has committed itself to reduce (reducing) taxes. 我们保证保护你们网上的私密。 We are committed to protecting your privacy online.Para. 6While Englishness can still fight on, Admass could be winning. Paraphrase: I must add that While

25、Englishness can stillfight on, Admass could be winning. I must further say that while Englishness can go on fighting, there is a great possibility of Admass winning. Reasons: Not all the English hold fast to Englishness Some important and influential men carefully train themselves out of it A horde

26、of others, shallow and foolish, wander away form it The spirits of age is working for Admass Most of what we read and what we hear is working for Admass Inflation proved that we need more and not less Admass horde: a large group or crowd of Hordes of students on bikes made crossing the road difficul

27、t. in hordes (informal): in very great numbers Football fans turned up in hordes. shrug off: reject or dismiss with a shrug, dismiss as not deserving ones attention 她能把烦恼置于脑后而依旧保持微笑。 She could shrug off her troubles and keep smiling. 他不理睬我的批评,好像我的批评不值得他一顾似的。 He shrugged off my criticism as though it

28、 were beneath his notice.Para. 78 (2) The Future of the English rests upon the decision made by English workers together with the people on the management side who will have to put an end to the conflict between Admass and Englishness. to sweat ones guts out / to sweat blood (informal) : to work unu

29、sually hard 他急切地想玩命干一整天再挣50美元。 He was eager to sweat his guts out all day for another 50 dollars. 那个运动员早就明白如果他签了一个双边协议他就得为了取得某个成绩而豁出命去干。 The player knew before that if he signed a bilateral contract he would sweat his guts out to achieve something. 为了按时完成他的论文,杰姆拼命工作。 Jim sweated blood to finish his

30、dissertation on time. Para. 9 (3) The Future of the English hangs upon men and women who are strong-minded enough to hold the Englishness and reject AdmassPara. 9 on the increase/decrease/rise/decline: going on increasing / 在中国老年人口正在以三个百分点的速度增加。 The population of aged people is on the increase at th

31、e rate of 3% in China. 台北的交通事故不断增加。 Traffic accidents in Taipei are on the increase. 随着现代化城市建设的发展,北京的四合院已经在不断减少。 With the development of modern urban construction, quadrangles in Beijing have been on the decrease.Para. 10 (4) The Future of the English depends upon the quieter young, who under the in

32、fluence of one or two of those professional men and women, far-sighted enough to think what life would be like in the future. conform to: be in agreement with; act in accordance with 我们应该努力使我们做的一切工作都达到高标准。 We should see to it that all work done conforms to high standards. 所有的学生都必须遵守校规。 All students

33、must conform to the rules. stand up to : face boldly, confront, resist, withstand 探险队决心勇敢地面对最危险的情况。 The exploring team was determined to stand up to the most dangerous circumstances. 那就是他们经受不住任何严峻考验的原因。 That is why they cannot stand up to any serious test.Para, 11 (5) The Future of the English can n

34、ot depends on the SLOPPY PEOPLEclear out (informal): to leave a place 警察在追你,你最好离开这里。 The police are after you, youd better clear out. 我的房东给我一个星期的时间要我搬出公寓。 My landlords given me a week to clear out of my flat. mess around (UK also mess about) (informal): to spend time doing various things that are no

35、t important, without any particular purpose or plan;to behave in a stupid or annoying way 鬼混,闲混;胡闹 They spend their weekends messing around on their boat. 他们周末在船上虚度时光。 mess around with sb (mainly US informal): If a married man or woman messes around with someone, they have a sexual relationship with

36、 someone who is not their wife or husband. She found out that her husband was messing around with his secretary.mess around with sth (UK also mess about with sth) informal: to use or treat something in a careless or harmful way 瞎弄,乱搞;I dont want him coming in here and messing around with our compute

37、rs.剪刀不要乱玩。Never mess around with scissors. Para. 12 Boredom is a MENACE Heavily industrially society offer boring work shatter slow rhythms, traditional skills, closely knit communities of rural societies crowd and excite people by promises that cannot be kept Boredom Boredom idiot vandalism, frustr

38、ation, ferocious robbery with violence, vicious criminality Para. 13 Other reasons: 1. Iagos “put money in thy purse”; 2. The false notion that the world owes you something while you owe it nothing; 3. The other idea that so long as you are not found out ,then all will be wellPara. 1415 English is S

39、till With Us 4.English is still with us. But it needs reinforcement, extra nourishment. 1) On a hidden level, there remains of a characteristically English sense of community, decent fellow feeling, fairness. 2) Englishness cannot be fed with the east wind of a narrow rationality, the latest figures of profit and loss, a constant appeal to self-interest. 3) English are at heart and at root an imaginative people immediately responsive to any suggestion of drama in their lives. Question: “And this is true, whether they are wearing bowler hats or ungovernable mops of hair.” The rhetorical de


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