



1、英语作文一、书面表达应该注意的几个方面:1、开头三句话要规范地道,如果第一句话就不规范或错误很多,阅卷老师在心里很可能把该作文定在一个很低的档次. 即使后面有一两个较好的句子,也很难改变这个印象,后面的好句子很可能被忽略了,因为阅卷老师太累或类似的试卷太多.大多数作文的档次都是在评卷的前10秒钟决定的,如果前三句话看起来像高档次的作文阅卷老师就会在这一档次的作文分数段里选定一个合适的分数.2、写要点的句子要突出、清楚、不要让阅卷老师在字里行间费力搜索文章的要点。要把要点放在明显的地方,让阅卷老师一看便知道这篇文章有几层意思,不要遗漏了汉语提供的要点,无论你把其中某一个要点或两三个要点写得多么好

2、只要没写完,作文的档次就上不去。3、卷面要整洁。4、标点符号要规范:独立的简单句用句号, 并列句在有并列连词时才可用逗号,如果没有并列连词,就只能用句号或分号, 复合句中主句和从句之间可以用逗号,从句前一定要有引导词(从属连词或副词)。并列句之间、主从句之间要用逗号,除此之外,大多数情况下句子之间都要用句号。5、单词拼写要正确。6、作文字数要足:在写作时字的大小最好适中,这样整篇作文看起来要充实些。二、英语作文教学中的几个步骤:(一)、审题:1.审格式 体裁 题材 主题 2.审时态人称 (书信、议论文以现在完成时态为主) 3.审要点:根据汉语意思判定几个要点,一定要把汉语提供的要点写完, 主要

3、以五种简单句为主,适当使用定语从句、非谓语动词、倒装句、强调句、名词性从句。第一段主要简介讨论的观点;第二段为正文要点写作;第三段发表作者观点。(二)、审好题以后就找出与短文相关的主要句型。比如说要写一篇书信类文章,开头和结尾一般比较固定:书信的开头套语:1.I am writing to tell you that +(宾语从句) 2.Im writing to ask you about whether +(宾语从句)3.Im glad to tell you that +(宾语从句)4.How is everything going? 5.How are you getting alon

4、g with your studies / work ?结尾套语:1.Im looking forward to hearing from you as soon as possible. 2.Expecting / Hoping to hear from you as soon as possible. 3.Give my best regards / wishes to your father / mother .4.Looking forward to your next visit to China.再比如说要写一篇观点对比类文章,开头和结尾一般为:开头句式:介绍讨论的主题1.We h

5、ad a discussion about whether students should be allowed to . 2.Weve had a survey on whether students should be allowed to 3.Im writing to tell you about a discussion we have had about whether students should be allowed to 过度句:1.Opinions are divided on this issue. 2.Opinions are mainly divided into

6、two groups. 3.Different people, however, have different opinions on this matter. 4.Different people, however, think quite differently on this matter.提出正方观点的句式:1.Sixty percent of the students are for the idea. 2.Sixty percent of the students think it necessary to 3.Some people think that According to

7、 them, all of us should提出反方观点:1.However , Forty percent of the students think 2.On the other hand, Forty of the students think(三)、审好题以后就找出与短文相关的关联词:First of all, Besides(此外), Whats more?(再者) Moreover(而且); therefore(因此); however(然而), otherwise(否则), on the contrary(相反), on the one hand(一方面), on the ot

8、her hand(另一方面), in other words(换句话说); As far as I know(据我所知),As all know/As is known to us(正如大家都知道的那样); Generally / speaking(一般地说), in a word(总之). (四)有用的短语:in order to do(为了),take some measures to do (采取一些措施做某事), adopt/take / follow ones advice采纳某人的建议,give some advice on sth 就某事提出建议, advice sb. to d

9、o sth. 建议某人做某事, have an active /optimistic attitude to sth 对待某事有积极/乐观的态度, prevent/stop/keep sb from doing sth 阻止某人干某事 make full use of time/room 充分利用时间/空间 比如关于环保的话题作文我们就可以这样写:Our environment has suffered from a lot of pollution,In order to protect our planet.We should have an active attitude to it a

10、nd take some measure to prevent some people from cutting down trees and throwing litter away(四) 范文假定你是某中学学生魏华。最近你班同学正参加上海中学生英文报“大家谈”栏目的一个讨论,本次话题:父母的收入有没有必要让孩子知道? 请你根据下表所列情况给报社写一封信,客观地介绍讨论情况。(议论文) 70%的同学认为30%的同学认为1.父母的收入应该让孩子知道2.知道后,知其来之不易,能够更加努力学习3.知道后,可以理解家长艰辛,学会节俭,为大人分忧.1.父母的收入没有必要让孩子知道.2.如果知道父母收入

11、较好,会助长乱花钱风气.3.知道父母收入后,会认为不用努力也能靠父母,影响学习动力Dear editor,Im writing to tell you about the discussion we recently had about whether we should know our parents income.We do have different opinions on this matter. Most of us (70%) think we should know our parents income since it will help us understand how

12、 hard our parents have to work, no matter how much they earn. Then we will study harder and will not waste money any more. We may also learn to share our parents trouble.About 30% of my classmates think it unnecessary to let the children know how much their parents earn. If they know their parents h

13、ave enough money to support the family, they will not study hard since they neednt worry about the future. It is said, especially when their parents have a relatively high income, the children will easily from a wasteful habit. 附:英语写作常用句型一、There be句型,注意下列几种形式(1)There is a writing desk, a computer an

14、d piles of books in the room. (2)There seemed to be no one who really understood me(3)There used to be an old temple. (4)There will be a party next week.(5)There is a party to be held next week. (6)There is a man coming to us.二、形式主语句型:1. It is +形容词 / 名词 + (for / of sb. ) to do sth (不定式作主语); 2. It is

15、 +形容词 / 名词+ that + 主语从句三、形式宾语句型:在形式主语句型前面加上sb. think / believe / find / feel / consider / make 等, 后面的部分就成了宾语从句, 如果把从句中的is / was 去掉, 就成了形式宾语,句型如下:1.sb + think + it + 形容词+ (for sb.) to do sth 2 .sb. +think + it + 形容词+宾语从句.四、 “据称,” “据说” “据报道.”等It is said / believe / reported that sometime in the future

16、 man can travel from one planet to another.五、强调句型:对句子中除谓语以外的成分进行强调,可以用 “It si / was +被强调部分+ that / who + 其他成分”It was Tom that I met in the park on Friday morning.对谓语强调,可以用Sb. does / do / did do sth, 但只适合谓语动词为实义动词且时态是一般现在时或一般过去时.They do have difficulty understanding the lecture.六、表示倍数的句型:1.A is twice

17、 / four times as big / old / longas B.2.A is twice / four times bigger / older / longerthan B.3.A is twice / four times the size / weight / length / widthof B.七、(1)with复合结构一般用作定语或状语,有以下几种形式:1. with + n. / pron. + adj. / adv. / prep. phrase / to do / doing / doneWith the bus moving slowly, we felt ti

18、red and sleepy.With the homework unfinished, the boy dared not go to school.(2) with用作介词的常用结构: With the development of society/economy/science and technology.With the help of my teacher/my parents/my classmates/my friends八、表示“花时间”的句型1.It takes sb. some times to do sth. 2.Sb. spend / waste some time

19、(in )doing sth.3.Sb. spend / waste some time on sth.九、表示“花钱”的句型1.Sb. spend some money on sth. 2.Sb. pay some money for sth. 3.Sth cost sb. some money. 4.Sth is worth some money. 5.Sth is sold at the price of(三)比较下面的句子非谓语动词: 去年在洪水中被毁的那座桥已被重新修好了。普通:The bridge which was destroyed in the flood last year has been rebuilt.高级:The bridge destroyed in the flood last year has been rebuilt.倒装句: 工厂绝不应该把废物往河海里倒。普通:Factories should never pour waste into rivers or seas.高级:Neve


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