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1、SeCtiO n 1 ComrnUni Cate With COn testa nt B and ComPIete the followi ng职场运用一任务单的参考答案:WOrkSheetROUt ineUnit PriCeMeanS Of tran SPOrtati OnIn tercha ngePIaCeROUti ne 1RMB 4081the first high SPeeCl railway and the n transfer to the airShan ghaiROUt ine 2RMB7100the first air and the n tran Sfer to the

2、airHOng KOngROUt ine3RMB9250by airDireCt flights to NeWYork/Don ,in tercha ngeSeCtiO n 2 DiSCUSS With COn testa nt B and make a decisi OrLWhiCh routi ne do you ChOOSe for this bus in ess trip?(V) ROUti ne A () ROUt ine B () ROUti ne C比赛第二阶段(3分钟内)向评委汇报任务完成情况One POSSible an swer:OUr task is to try to

3、find WhiCh means is the best One for the bus in ess trip .In my OPiniOn,丨 thi nk routi ne A is the best one. In OUr group, there are four Old people, SO we, Cbetter Iet them have eno Ugh rest before they are too tired ClUri ng the trip .In ROUtine A, it doesn ' t take too much time to Shanghai b

4、y high SPeeCl railway, and We WiIl have a rest there SO that We CarIake next morning , S flight to NeW. YWnen We get to NeW York, it , S On the after noon funee COn tract Sig ning is just On the after noon Of JUne 7h, SO We Can have eno Ugh time to adapt to the CIiffere nee Of the jet Iag. Whaf S mo

5、re, the expe nse Of rout ine is the CheaPeSt in theseehmea ns.SeCtiO n 1 CommUni Cate With COn testa nt B and COrnPlete the followi ng职场运用二答案任务单的参考答案:WOrkSheetACtiVitieSCOStTran SPOrtati OnSafetyACtiVity 130 yuan7mi ns, WalkSafeACtiVity 280yuan10 mins' taxinot SafeACtiVity 3120 yuan to180 yuan15

6、 mi ns WaIkSafeSeCtiO n 2 DiSCUSS With COn testa nt B and make a decisi on.WhiCh activity do you ChOOSe to have fun toni ght?(V) ACtiVity A () ACtiVity B () ACtiVity C比赛第二阶段(3分钟内)向评委汇报任务完成情况One POSSibIe an swer:OUr task is to try to find WhiCh activity is the best One to SPenCl the night. In my OPin

7、iOn,丨 thi nk ACtiVity A is the best One. FirSt Of all, the COSt is the IOWeStJ WhiCh is OnIy 30 yuan and SOme are free. Next, the destinatiOn is the nearest, SO it is the most time SaVing. Besides, the envirOnment is the most Charming for the blue water. LaSt and above all, there is no doubt that it

8、 is the SafeStJ because We have IifegUardS.职场运用三答案任务单的参考答案:WOrkSheetPla nPriCeThe Patter n Of holdi ng the annual meet ingPlaCePla n ARMB 100,000an OPe n Party in a forest Parka forest ParkPlanBRMB 50,000a COStUme ballthe COmPa nVsmeeti ng roomPlanCRMB 75,000a buffet Clinner Partyfive-star hotelSeCt

9、iO n 2 DiSCUSS With COn testa nt B and make a decisi OnWhiCh PIa n do you ChOOSe for the COmPa n, annual meeti ng ? ()The COmPa ny'sannual meeti ng Pla n A ()The COmPany ,s armUal meetpign B(V) The COmPany ,s annual meetpign C比赛第二阶段(3分钟内)向评委汇报任务完成情况One POSSibIe an swer:OUr task is to try to find

10、 WhiCh means is the best One for the COmPany armUal meet in g. In my OPiniOnj I th ink the COmPa ny , S annUal meqstiag C is the best One. We think this meeting Of PIan C Can be held up-to-date fashion, and then each department'performance WiIl make a deep impression On each PartiCiPant. The gif

11、t WhiCh WiIl be Sent at the end Of the meet ing Will give US a big SUrPriSe. The COSt is CIOSe to budgetWOrkSheetSeCti Orl 1 COmmUni Cate With COrl testa nt B and COmPlete the followi ng form.APPIiCa nt AAPPIiCa nt BAPPIiCa nt CEdUCatiO nalBaCkgrO und:COIIege DegreeVOCatiOnal SChOOlEClUCati OnBaCheI

12、Or DegreeWOrki ngEXPerie nee:Part-time CaShierWOrked part-time at Carrefour.WOrked as a CaShier for an intern ati Onal COmPa ny for 3 yearsSalary:IOOO-1500RMB250ORMB200ORMBC比赛第二阶段(3分钟内)向评委汇报任务完成情况One POSSible an swer:We have to try to find WhO is the best One for the supermarket. Irl my OPiniOnJ LUC

13、y is the best One to be the CaShier in HaPday SUPermarket. ACCOrCl ing to the Warl ted Ads, the qualified One ShOUICl have the follow ing qualities: COIIege degree Or above; GOOd Erl glish and COmPUter skills; ReIateCl WOrk experienee in inter national Orga nizations; hard-working and able to deal W

14、ith PreSSUre; GOOd at numbers. GOOd SenSe Of finance management. LUCy is qualified to most Of them, especially, She has related WOrk experienee in internatiOr)al OrganiZatiOnS WhiCh Wang DOng and Uly don f InihmyeOPiniOnJ She is the best One for the job.职场运用五答案WOrkSheetSeCti Orl 1 COmmUni Cate With

15、COrl testa nt B and COmPlete the followi ngform.ReStaUra ntTabIeSTran SPOrtati OnPriCeReStaUra nt A50 tables,30_ ITlinLIteS ClriVe400 yuanholdi ng 500PeOPIePer tableReStaUra nt B33 tables, holdi ng 330 PeOPIe10 Inin UteS ClriVe600 yua n PertableReStaUra ntC40 tables, holdi ng 400 PeOPle15 Ini nutes

16、ClriVe500 yua n PertableSeCti On 2 DiSCUSS With COrl testa nt B and make a decisi on.WhiCh restaura nt do you ChOOSe to have dinn er?OReStaUra nt A ( V ) ReStaUra nt B () ReStaUra nt C比赛第二阶段(3分钟内)向评委汇报任务完成情况One POSSibIe an swer:We have to find WhiCh restaura nt is the best One for the tourists .In m

17、y OPiniOnj restaura nt B is best One because it meets the n eeds Of the tourists The restaura nt WiIl be held 80 guests at 6 p.m. On 25 OCtOberJ 2012. 10 PerS OnS WiIl eat at 1 table, SO they n eed 8 tables. The PriCe is 500 yua n Per table. They WOUICl Iike a restaura nt With delicious food and Cle

18、a n environment. They WiIl Stay in Hangtian HOteI3 SO the nearer, the better.ReStaUra nt B is the n earest one. The PriCe Of the restaura nts A is notSUitable to the tourists.QUeSti OnS for COrl testa nt B:1) What do you think Of your task COmPIetion?PerfeCt.2) What do you think Of the COOPeratiO n

19、betwee n you and your Part ner?We COlTl muni Cate With each Other freely in a SWeet and relaxi ng atmosphere. And my Part ner has a IOt Of VOCabUlary WhiCh Carl PrOVide COrreCt information that I Carl follow him. HiS Or her PrOnOUnCiatiOn and intonation is SO nice. I think We have PleaSant COOPerati

20、On.3) What is your group , S advantage for doing the task?We COOPerate With each Other in a PleaSa nt and effective/ flue nt way, SO We Can exchange more information in a ShOrt time.职场运用六答案任务单的考答案:WOrkSheetSeCtio n 1 CommUni Cate With COn testa nt B and COmPIete the followi ng form.SChOOlSaIaryUn io

21、 n SPiritSPrOfeSSi Onal SkillSChOOl 1RMB3000noVery goodSChOOl 2RMB2000SOmetimeSJUSt a IittIeSChOOl 3RMBlOOOStrO ngJUSt SO-SOSeCtiO n 1 DiSCUSS With Con testa nt B and make a decisi on.WhiCh SChOOl do you ChOOSe to CO-OPerati on?OSChOOl A () SChOOl B (*) SChOOl C比赛第二阶段(3分钟内)向评委汇报任务完成情况 One POSSibIe a

22、n swer:OUr task is to try to find WhiCh SChOOl is the best the hotel . In my OPinion. SChOOl C is the best One for the hotel . ACCOrCling to the hote,demand, they need the StUdentS WhO ShOUlCl WOrk hard and have UniOn spirits/ do With the PrObIemS together. The StUdentS in SChOOl C Pay IittIe to the

23、 SaIary and all Of them Want to WOrk in the big cities. AlthOUgh they have a Iittle kno WIedge from books, I thi nk With the help Of the hotel, they COUIcl PUt their kno WIedge from books into PraCtiCe SOOrL职场运用七答案WOrkSheetSeCtionl Read the informatiOn Of LiUIin T PIan and COmPlete the followingform.COUrSeFOr PeOPIeTimeSChOOl A:Daily TOPiCFOr age OVer 16TUeSday ThUrSdaySChOOl B:NeWCOn ceptEn glishFOr age 9-18Friday SatUrClaySUndaySChOOl C:NeWCOn CePtEn glishFOr age 9-18BOOk 2:FrOm MOn day toFnClaySeCti On 2 DiSC


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