已阅读5页,还剩25页未读 继续免费阅读




1、第一课时:颜色教学目标:a.能听说认读单词“red/blue/green/brown/yellow”。 b.初步理解what color is this?熟练运用句型It's.教学重点:词汇red/blue/green/brown/yellow教学难点:词汇red/blue/green/brown/yellow,句型It's.教具准备:name cards、各色粉笔和彩纸纸片、奖品小星星教学过程:Period 1:1. Greetings 2. 动物图片tiger/zebra/elephant/monkey/panda/cat/dog/duck/rabbit/fish/复习单词

2、&句型What's that?和It's a .3. 引入red/blue/green/brown/yellow用五种不同颜色的粉笔,展示给小朋友,然后在黑板上画出每种颜色的一样东西,引出颜色的各个单词。4.颜色辨别每个小朋友发到一种颜色的纸片,老师说,show me red/blue/green/brown/yellow,小朋友举纸片示意。(可以从单一颜色到多个。)5.单词发音练习通过PPT上快速闪现的不同颜色的图片,让学生快速反应,说出颜色,可以小组比赛的形式。(从单一颜色的图片到多种颜色的图片。)6.彩图找颜色在卡片上呈现多种颜色的图片,然后问what color

3、 is this?引导小朋友一起回答。Period 21老师用粉笔在黑板上,用绿色画草地,蓝色画天空/湖泊,棕色画树干,红色画苹果,黄色画香蕉,完成后,指不同的部分,问小朋友是什么颜色。再用传话筒的游戏,its2每个小朋友发一张纸,用彩笔画东西,只能用学过的五种颜色,然后用小朋友画的图片练习句型。3.备用方案:如果小朋友没有彩笔,就做“这个不可以的游戏”。之前小朋友已经拿到一张纸片。老师在五种颜色中,选一种说,有这个纸片的小朋友,不可以说出颜色。其他的小朋友一次一个一个的轮,轮到自己的就说:It's red/blue/green/brown/yellow。第二课时GO SHOPPING

4、1活动目的 通过本次活动,购物句型"Can help you?” “What do you want?”“ How about?”“How much.?”等进一步扩展,并走向生活。教学的内容是在学生原有语言知识的基础上,综合运用所学过的语言知识,扩大词汇量。 2活动准备 (1)任务包 (2)把教室布置成若干个商业地点,如KFC、Toy Shop、Fruit Shop等。 (3)发给每一组学生若干钱(自己制作) (4)学生带些实物,如水果、文具、食物、玩具等。一些新出现且没有实物的用图片代替。(教师事先布置) (5)学生自制人物的头饰(教师事先布置) 3活动地点:阶梯教室 4活动过程:

5、 Step 1 Presentation T:Today lets do some shopping, OK? S:OK! T:First ,lets revision. S:学生表演T:Here are some tasks. Please choose! 1 Tom 的外婆病了,Tom 和他的父母亲(Mr. Read和Mrs. Read)想买些水果去看望她。现在,他们到了果店。水果店有下列水果:西瓜(watermelon)、菠萝(pineapple)、哈密瓜(hemi-melon)、苹果、梨、桔子、香蕉、樱桃(cherry). 2 Kate和她的父母亲(Mr. Green和Mrs. Gre

6、en)从公园出来,Kate饿了,想去KFC吃东西。KFC里有hamburger , French fried, cola, orange juice, chicken等。 3Lin Tao 想买一些文具用品,他来到了新华书店。文具用品有:pen, ball pen pencil sharpener, ruler, rubber, copybook , stapler , tape , school bag, pencil box等。 4Li Lei 和他的好友PingPing 经过一家玩具店,被一辆红色的玩具小汽车吸引住了。Li Lei 决定买下来。玩具店里还有a toy sheep, a t

7、oy panda, a toy train , a toy plane等。 Step 2 Activity Process 1分组: 四排学生选择任务包的序号,内容暂不出现。选择好后,按照任务包的内容教师安排学生分成两人组、三人组、四人组。 2出示任务包内容,小组根据内容编写剧本。新单词出示音标,让学生自学。学生编剧本前,教师统一纠正。 3小组排练并表演。 4评价 选出最佳表演拍档:一等奖1组,二等奖2组,三等奖3组,鼓励奖若干   教学反思:快乐英语四 MY一教学目标:1能力目标:a.能够向别人介绍自己的朋友及其特征,并且具备根据特征判断他/她是谁的能力。b.能够说出自己

8、或朋友的爱好。2知识目标:能听、说、读本课的单词和句子3.情感目标:培养与人交往的能力。三教学重点:1学习描述自己的朋友(包括人和小动物)的外貌特征:Hes/Shes strong /cute.He/She has small eyes/long hair.2能介绍自己朋友的爱好:3He/She likes sports/music.四教学难点:1.使用人称代词he,she,描述男性和女性朋友的特征和爱好。2.引导学生运用几句连贯的句子向别人介绍自己朋友的特征和爱好。五教学准备:1教师准备几张人物照片2学生准备白纸,自己朋友的照片(可以是老师,同学,家长,小动物的照片)。六教学步骤:(一)Wa

9、rming-up and Revision幸运大转盘:黑板上挂彩色大转盘,看箭头指向哪种颜色,一名学生站到讲台前,背向黑板,教师转转盘,看箭头指向哪种颜色,其余学生发问:Blackor white?Red or green?由该生回答。(二)Preview1.教师自己蒙上眼睛,随便点一位学生,问全班“Boy or girl?”学生答“A boy.”教师问Whats his name ?做这个游戏时教师可有意识地先点向男生。2.继续以上游戏,指向女生问:“Whos this girl? Whats her name?”(三)Presentation and Practice1.Look and

10、listen教师拿出2张自己朋友的照片进行介绍。如:Hi, boys and girls. I have many friends. Please look here.Hes my friend. He has short hair. He likes sports. Whats his  name? His name is.Shes my friend. Shes thin .She has big eyes. She likes music.Whats her name? Her name is.2Whos missing出示四幅形象对比鲜明的人物图片:Amy(quiet), S

11、arah(cute), Zhang Peng (tall,strong),Wu Yifan (short,thin) 让学生迅速看一眼,然后抽出其中一张,问学生:Boy orgirl?用s/Shes. 描述以下此人的特征。3.Listen ,draw and say教师让学生拿出白纸,学生根据教师的描述画出两个人物的简笔画。a.Hes strong. He has big eyes/a big mouth/a small mouth.b.Shes tall. Shes thin. She has long hair/big eyes/a big mouth.而后学生依次上台,教师引导学生连贯使

12、用以下两个句子对画中人物进行描述:Hes/ Shes.He/ She has.4.Whats does your friend like?教师示意学生离开座位走到自己朋友身边,主动告诉其他同学自己朋友的爱好。例如:He likes   sports/science/painting.She likes music /computer games.师生共同说唱。(三)Consolidation and extension1.Listen and guess.学生以小组(34人)为单位,用以下句型对班上某位同学进行描述,并由其余同学竞猜所描述的是谁: hes/Shes.He/S

13、he has .He/She likes.2.Fun time.教师说唱:Act like a monkey. Act like a rabbit. Act like a dog.  Act like a cat . Act like a duck. Act like a panda.  学生表演。教学反思:快乐英语五 文具用品的表达教学重点:pencil, ballpen, eraser(rubber), crayon(蜡笔,有色粉笔),ruler, pencil box, pencil case, book, sharpener, bag, school有关学校及学习用

14、品的词汇学习。 教学难点 :本课词汇的认读。 教具准备: 教师自备与本课教学有关的文具(实物)和教师卡片。 教学过程 : 1 greetings2 呈现新课 (Presentation) (1) Lets learn a. 教师边说边做:ruler, eraser, pen, pencil. I put the ruler, eraser, pen, pencil in the pencil-case.指着实物教pencil-case。 在教“铅笔袋” pencil-case时,出示“铅笔盒”pencil-box, 并说明它们的区别,即: 用软皮或塑料制成的通常称为penc

15、il-case,用铁等较坚硬材料制成的叫做pencil-box。同时教pencil-box。 b.通过实物教pencil-case, bag, book, sharpener,用图片教 school。 c.新单词教学后,询问学生都知道哪些文具词游戏:通过做Touching game,Matching game,Touch and say来巩固单词 A:Touching game :将文具的图片贴在黑板上,请两组同学站队,每次每组一位,听指令并拍文具的图片,先拍到的同学为胜利者,为组赢得一分。 B:Matching game:分别将已经学过的文具卡片发给学生,每人一张。教师读词,如pencil,

16、 拿铅笔的卡片的同学快步跑道前面。此活动可分为男、女生两大组进行。 C:Touch and say:让学生把图片或实物放在书桌上,教师说:“Touch your book. ”,学生须快速指书并大声说:“Book”,用此方法练习其它各词。 (2)Lets do 教师边做打开书的动作边说Open the book. 然后边做合上书的动作边说Close the book. (重复两次)。再拿起铅笔袋,做打开、合上的动作,并说:Open the pencil-case. Close the pencil-case. 请学生说出open, close的意思。用同样的方法教Show me your sh

17、arpener. Carry the bag. 等句子。 3 趣味操练 (Practice) (1)就学校和学习相关的文具词做巩固练习。做Show me your.的活动。教师让学生将所有学过的文具全部摆在桌上。教师说:“Show me your book. ”,学生须快速举起书并大声说:“Book”。教师还可以让学生自己说单词,进行练习。 (2)游戏:画文具。请一名同学在黑板上画一种他想画的文具,他每画一笔,就请班上的同学用英文猜他画的是什么文具。如猜得正确,就请下一位同学再重新开始画另一种他想画的文具。其他同学猜。 (3)通过游戏Simon says 来练习以show, open, clo

18、se, put, carry所引导的祈使句。教师发指令学生做动作。但只有听到老师带有Simon says的指令时,才能做出相应的动作,否则就是失败。失败的同学退出游戏。 4 扩展性活动(Add-activities) 选词游戏: 将学生分为六组,每组各派一个选手,教师说单词,选手快跑到讲台前,找到所说单词, 并举起大声读出,正确为胜。 教学目标1、认知目标: (1) 能听、说、认、读农场中有关动物及蔬菜的单词:hen, duck, chick, sheep, lamb,goat, cow, sheep, rabbit, pig, tomato, cucumber, potato, o

19、nion,carrot. (2) 能灵活运用Do you like ? Yes, I do. / No, I dont. (3)能听懂会说句子:Whats your favourite animal? Whats your favouritevegetable?并在语境中进行交际。 2、情感目标:通过活动教育学生爱护动植物。 3、学习策略: (1)培养学生学习的自信心,激发学生积极思维。 (2) 通过小组活动,培养学生的合作能力。 (3)在任务中引导学生积极运用所学的英语进行表达与交流。 教学重点Whats your favourite animal? Whatsyour favourite

20、vegetable?并在语境中进行交际运用。教学难点让学生明白单词favourite的含义;用所学的语言进行表达交际。课前准备各种农场动物与蔬菜的头饰,单词卡,调查表,应聘信息纸,磁带,课件制作教学步骤 the first periodI. Warming up: 1. Greeting and sing a song.  (课前师生都戴上头饰) T: Hello, everyone. Im Old Macdonald. S: Hello, Old Macdonald. T: Doyou like me? S: Yes. T: OK. Lets sing with Old

21、Macdonald. 齐唱歌曲:Old Macdonald. (学生边唱边跟着教师做动作) 2. Change the words of the song: (1)教师指着戴某种动物头饰的学生示范:Old MacDonald had a farm E I E I O. And on that farm he had some cows E I E I O. With a mo mo here and a mo mo there, here a mo, there a mo, everywhere a mo mo. Old Macdonald had a farm E I E I O.(2)教师

22、指着戴某种蔬菜头饰的学生示范:Old Macdonald had a farm E I E I O. And on that farm he had some cucumbers E I E I O. With green green here and green green there, here green, there green, everywhere green green. Old MacDonald had a farm E I E I O. T: Look for the same animals or the same vegetables, then sing togeth

23、er.让学生寻找戴有相同头饰的伙伴,进行讨论并创作新歌曲,最后请几组进行表演。 II. Presentation: 1. T: Do you like ? (教师出示一张单词卡问)   S: Yes, I do. / No, I dont.如果学生说喜欢,教师请戴有被喜欢的动物或蔬菜头饰的学生到回答的学生身边组成一组。教师问几次后请学生问,其他学生回答。(这样基本每一组内都有各自喜欢的动物及蔬菜。)2. T: I like hen. (在黑板上画一颗心) I like horse better.(在黑板上画两颗心) I likesheep best.(在黑板上画三颗心) S

24、heep is my favourite animal.   T: Whats your favourite animal? (让学生在自己的组内选最喜欢的动物。)   S: I like .问几次之后请学生问:Whats your favourite animal?   T: Hi, .(与动物打招呼) Whats your favourite vegetable?   S: I like .   请学生问:Whats yourfavourite vegetable?  

25、其他学生答: I like . III. Activity: 1. JigsawPuzzle   教师在黑板上摆几块拼图,让学生用最快的速度拼出句子:   Whats your favourite animal?Whats your favourite vegetable? (1)    T: Look at the JigsawPuzzle, please. Who can form the sentence: Whats your favouriteanimal? (请几位学生分别来拼,记录时间评出胜者。) (2)

26、60;   T: Lets try again. Can youform the sentence: Whats your favourite vegetable?(再请几位学生拼,记录时间选出胜者。)(3) 齐读以上两句: Whats your favourite animal? Whats your favourite vegetable? the second period1. Guessing game (1)   T: Whats your favourite animal / vegetable? Dont say ,but you

27、 can do.(示意学生不说答案,用动作来表演,其他学生猜。) (2) 教师出示单词animal, 学生齐问:Whats your favourite animal? 请一位学生来表演答案,其他学生猜。(23次) 教师出示单词vegetable, 学生齐问:Whats your favourite vegetable?请一位学生表演答案,其他学生猜。(23次) 2.Survey (让学生完成课前发的调查表) (1)T: Whats your favourite animal? S: I like .教师写下学生的姓名,并根据学生的回答在动物或蔬菜的单词下打钩。 (2)让学生示范调查

28、  T: Now, who can try?S1: Whats your favourite animal/vegetable?  S2: I like .第一位学生根据第二位学生的回答填写调查表。 (3)学生在班中进行调查  T: Finish the survey table inthe class using the sentences: Whats your favourite animal? Whatsyour favourite vegetable? I like . 学生在班中自由采访同学或老师,按示范要求填写表格。(4)教师用实物投影展示部分学生完

29、成的调查表。 T: Look, this is s survey table.请几位学生复查:Whats your favourite animal / vegetable? (问表格中被填写的学生)(5)教师将完成得好的表,帖在黑板上的三颗心下。 4. My farm (1)教师和一位学生带草帽扮演农夫,并请一些学生扮演动物和蔬菜(戴头饰)加入农场。   T: Hello. The weather isgood today. I like it. Look, this is my farm. Ss: Im sheep. / Imhorse. / Im potato. /

30、Im onion. / (扮演动物及蔬菜的学生介绍) T: Do you like?   S1(farmer): Yes, I do. / No, I dont.   T: Do you like ?   S:Yes, I do. / No, I dont.   T: Whats your favourite animal?   S1: Ilike .   T: Whats your favourite vegetable?   S1: I like .&

31、#160;  T:Theyre lovely. I love my animals and vegetables. (2)让学生自由找伙伴组成农场,一组中两个学生扮演农夫,其他学生扮演所戴头饰所示的动物及蔬菜。   T: Now make up yourfarm freely. (学生找伙伴讨论对话时,让学生听音乐:Old MacDonald。) (3)让几组学生表演展示各自的农场。    T: Lets know your farm, please. Come here withyour farm. 3. 招聘农场管理员 (1)&#

32、160;   T: I have a big farm. So I want someworkers. If you want to join our farm, finish the paper, please.教师用幻灯片出示: Name                        AgeHobby(爱好)Male (男) 

33、0;           Female (女)          Favourite AnimalFavourite Vegetable              (2)    教师在实物投影仪上示范如何填写。 T: How towrite

34、? Look at me. Name  Alexandre      Age  25Hobby(爱好) Read booksMale (男)             Female (女)         Favourite Animal   sheepFavourite Vegetable  

35、60; cucumber   (2)   学生完成填写后,教师让学生交的同时要求学生进行简短的自我介绍。 T: Introduce yourself, please. Forexample: My name is Cao Jin. Im 28.I like to read books. I likefarm, too. I love animals. Sheep is my favourite animal. Cucumber ismy favourite vegetable. Ill be a good worker of a farm.(用幻灯片出示

36、介绍的形式。) (4)将被录用的学生的信息纸贴在黑板上,并每人发一草帽以奖励Tongue Twister.一.Greeting: T:Hello! My students !         S: hello! Teacher!二、count the numbers :   T:where is the number twenty ?   S: I am here ! (the student will be  happy to stand up suddenly

37、to make a easy atmosphere beause they havent fixed seat every class.)三Revision :we will have a game to review the words that about tongue twister.四Now lets begine .   T: I spy with my eyes ,who can tell me a word beginging with “b”   S: big   S:bag , bridge  

38、S: backpack   S: basketball (this word is new word for many students )   T: please repeat the word and tell us what is basketball?   S: basketball is 篮球.   T: courage the other students to learn the word   还有什么单词以字母B为第一个字母的?   S: balloon, b

39、ag , bear    T: baby ,right?(有的学生能够说出这个词)   S:yes.   T: babies 是不只一个宝宝,right?   S:yes .   T: give the sticker to students who answered better.    Today ,we will learn a fun sentence , listen :   “Bob bought a big bag of buns

40、to bait the bears babies .”    教师要多说几遍,目的是要学生产生兴趣。为降低难度可以先擦除后半句。板书:  tongue twister    Bob bought a big bag of buns .鲍勃买了一书包的小面包。   Bob bought a big bag of buns to bait the bear s babies.   鲍勃买了一书包的小面包引诱熊的宝宝   五、Group work :s: pra

41、ctice the sentence   T: some students represent their group to show .可以用表记时间并及时纠正准确性。 (奖励)   T: write the next part of the twister.   T: bait means :引诱,那这句话的意思是?   S: 鲍勃买了一书包的小面包引诱熊的宝宝。(奖励)    T: just like first part to teach .(教师要在学生下边练习时及时给与语音

42、指导。)六 、Consolidation and entension Lets sing a song : TWO LITTLE TIGERSHappy School Lives教学目标:1.Encourage students to use the appropriate words to talk about the school life and review the words about school life.2.Learn different words which mean the same thing between British English and Amer

43、ican English.3.Learn the differences between American school lives and Chinese school lives. 4.Help students to understand team spirit and know what to do to keep the team教学方法:Communicative methodsHelp the students use the proper words to talk about their daily school lives.Grasp the spelling of Bri

44、tish words and American words such as lift and elevator, post and mail, film and movie, football and soccer, and so on.Learn the differences between American school lives and Chinese school lives.教学难点:1.Learn the differences between American school lives and Chinese school lives. Help 2.students to

45、understand team spirit and know what to do to keep the team spirit in教学内容:1.Watch a video about Lilys first day in an American high school, then have a discussion.2.Watch a short flash about a running competition between Chinese and American teams, then find out the reason why the Chinese team loses

46、. 3.A talent show of all the students.教学步骤:Step 1(5mins)Warm-upTeacher has a free talk with students.Step 2(5mins)Pre-task Show the flags of the UK and the USA. And help students to learn more different words which mean the same thing in both England and America.Step 3(15 mins)Watch and discuss: Pla

47、y a video about Lilys first day in an American high school, then let students have a discussion.Step 4(15 mins)Watch and find:Watch a short flash about a running competition between Chinese and American teams, then find out the reason why the Chinese team loses.Step 5(5mins)Show time Break your legs

48、 祝你好运 costumes 戏服 match 搭配 yawn 打哈欠 in case 以防万一 shortsighted 近视的 on ones way to 在某人去的路上 Whats up?= What happens?怎么了? handle 处理 have something planned to handle有计划好的事情要处理“Do Ray Me”1.游戏内容:学唱“Do Ray Me”。 2.会话主题:My New friends / My pen pals 3.活动过程: Part 1 学唱“Do Ray Me”,缓和第一次英语角的紧张气氛,为会话作过渡。带唱几次后,由学生齐唱

49、,再学生自我推荐唱,个人表演唱的学生获特别礼品一份。Do-Re-Mi,Let's start ,At the very beginning.A very good place to start.When you read you begin with A-B-C.When you sing you begin withDo-Re-Mi,Do-Re-MiThe first there notes,Just happen to be.Do-Re-Mi.Do-Re-Mi.Do-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La-Ti .Doe-a deer, a female deer.Ray-a drop of

50、 golden sun.Me-a name, I call myself.Far-a long long way to run.Sew-a needle pulling thread.La-a note to follow "sew".Tea-a drink with jam and bread.That will bring us.Back to Do-oh-oh.(Repeat) Part 2 Free talk and speaking:“My New friends ”为主题让学生展开自由会话、表演会话、教师小结话题,4总结,发奖品。Whats your favor

51、ite food ?Part 1以比赛形式竞出朗读好手,然后组织者朗读句子,参加的学生个人轮流跟读,谁模仿得最相似就胜出。Part 2游戏式。击鼓传花,且在场学生喊food、food、very good.当鼓声停后持花人说出所认识的食物名称和特点以及他们对食物的喜好。(可以采用多种形式,各班可分小组进行)Words explaining活动过程: 将学生分成四组,每组选四个成员上台释词,其余组员猜词,猜中一词得一分,分数最多的一组胜出。另外释词能让组员猜中词数最多的个人奖前三名,即个人优胜奖。释词的个人可任意选择一组词 A组: 1.people teacher,sister,friend,bo

52、y,driver,classmate,nurse,daughter,policeman, player, Chinese 2.animalstiger,monkey,rabbit,elephant,panda,snake,dolphin,duck,chicken,fish,horse,cat,dog,cow,sheep,bear,shark,bird,deer,fox 3.sports and entertainment football,volleyball,climbing,singing,trip,dancing,swimming,walk, running,morning exerci

53、se B组: 1.time Sunday,moment,June,spring,week, date,noon,year,Tuesday,lunch, day,September, winter,birthday,evening,weekend,minute, midnight 3.school things pencil,blackboard, paper,clock,picture,dictionary,classroom,eraser, book,desk,ruler, exercise-book,schoolbag,playground,trees,computer C组: 1.bui

54、ldings cinema,school, zoo,shop,market,library,hotel, restaurant, bank,museum 3.action jump,sing,eat,drive,hear,swim,draw,dance,sit,drink,sleep,smell,knock, laugh,cut,read,cry,buy,run,flyGO SHOPPING1活动目的 通过本次活动,使Unit 2 Shopping的购物句型"Can help you?” “What do you want?”“ How about?”“How much.?”等进一步

55、扩展,并走向生活。教学的内容是在学生原有语言知识的基础上,综合运用所学过的语言知识,扩大词汇量。 2活动准备 (1)任务包课件 (2)把教室布置成若干个商业地点,如KFC、Toy Shop、Fruit Shop等。 (3)发给每一组学生若干钱(自己制作) (4)学生带些实物,如水果、文具、食物、玩具等。一些新出现且没有实物的用图片代替。(教师事先布置) (5)学生自制人物的头饰(教师事先布置) 3活动地点:阶梯教室 4活动过程: Step 1 Sing a song “ Wheels on the bus” Step 2 Presentation T:Today lets do some sh

56、opping, OK? S:OK! T:First ,lets revision. S:学生表演Unit 2 Shopping Lesson 4 T:Here are some tasks. Please choose! (课件出示任务包) 1 Tom 的外婆病了,Tom 和他的父母亲(Mr. Read和Mrs. Read)想买些水果去看望她。现在,他们到了果店。水果店有下列水果:西瓜(watermelon)、菠萝(pineapple)、哈密瓜(hemi-melon)、苹果、梨、桔子、香蕉、樱桃(cherry). 2 Kate和她的父母亲(Mr. Green和Mrs. Green)从公园出来,

57、Kate饿了,想去KFC吃东西。KFC里有hamburger , French fried, cola, orange juice, chicken等。 3Lin Tao 想买一些文具用品,他来到了新华书店。文具用品有:pen, ball pen pencil sharpener, ruler, rubber, copybook , stapler , tape , school bag, pencil box等。 4Li Lei 和他的好友PingPing 经过一家玩具店,被一辆红色的玩具小汽车吸引住了。Li Lei 决定买下来。玩具店里还有a toy sheep, a toy panda,

58、 a toy train , a toy plane等。 Step 3 Activity Process 1分组: 四排学生选择任务包的序号,内容暂不出现。选择好后,按照任务包的内容教师安排学生分成两人组、三人组、四人组。 2出示任务包内容,小组根据内容编写剧本。(仿照Lesson 4写,也可结合以前的句型)新单词出示音标,让学生自学。学生编剧本前,教师统一纠正。 3小组排练并表演。 4评价 选出最佳表演拍档:一等奖1组,二等奖2组,三等奖3组,鼓励奖若干 (这样可进一步激发学生表演的欲望,进一步肯定他们的成绩,使他们体会到成功的喜悦,也为今后的课本剧比赛选拔苗子。) Step 4 Say a

59、 rhyme Were happy today(双手指向自己,然后手画笑脸状) Bright day, sunny day,(手在空中划一道彩虹状,然后双手 向两边伸,手作太阳状左右挥动) Were happy today. (双手指向自己,然后手画笑脸状) Lets go and play.(手握拳向上,然后手放腰的两边作跑步状) Do you know the way?(手徒手写一个大问号) Take the bus today.(手作握方向盘状) 接着唱开始时的“Wheels on the bus.”(打开此首歌的Flash),全班边唱边排成一排,教师做驾驶员,学生互相搭肩作乘客,唱到“Round and round”时,手做轮子滚动的样子。 最后,教师模仿公共汽车录音“QianQiao Central Primary School is here. Class, please take off. See you next time!”小小英语表演家活动目的: 指导学生综合运用所学知识,自设情景,自编对话,激发其学习兴趣,培养学生自主


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