1、Unit 6 Is this your pencil-box?知识点:一:语音1:元音字母o 的读音规则在开音节中读字母本身的发音/ u/在闭音节中读/ /2:名词复数,词尾加-s 和 -es 的读音规则。清辅音后加 -s, 读 /s/.例 books , maps , clocks浊辅音和元音后加-s, 读 /z/例 bags , pens , apples , cars , boys , trees以 s,x 结尾的词加-es, 读 /iz/.例 Classes , boxes以 (d)ge结尾的词加 -s, 读 /iz/例 oranges二:词语1: tree n树表示果树则在前面加上这
2、种水果的名称.例如 :a banana tree , an orange tree等 .它们的复数形式是在tree词尾加 -s 。例如: banana tree, orange trees2: look at对 看;看着这是一个动词和介词搭配的词组,后面一定要跟可以用作宾语的名词或代词的宾格。Look at yourteacher , Please.请看着你的老师Look at the picture ,please请看着画片Look at him.看着他。三:语法1: 形容词性的物主代词物主代词分为形容词性和名词性物主代词两种。形容词性的物主代词起形容词的作用,1/19只能作定语,修饰名词,
3、放在所修饰的名词之前。注意:形容词性的物主代词后面一定要跟上名词。2:名词的复数名词分为可数名词和不可数名词。可数名词都有单数和复数两种形式,复数名词有几种构成形式。本单元介绍两种构成形式。( 1)一般在词尾加 -s 。例: car-cars, map-maps( 2)以 s , x结尾的词加 -es例 :class-classes, box-boxes【单元重点】1、语音掌握元音字母在重读开音节和重读闭音节中的读音及相应的拼读规则。2、词汇3、日常交际用语Yes, it is. / No, it isn't.Here youare.Thank you very much.4 语法数词
4、及名词的复数形式运用 these, those和 they运用 my, your, his, her, its和 their【重难点分析】1.元音字母o 在重读开音节和重读闭音节中的读音及相应的拼读规则。元音字母 o 在重读开音节中读它的字母读音,如 no, those, home, hello等,在重2/19读闭音节中的读音为,如 box, clock, wrong, dog 等。2. Is this your pencil-box?这是你的铅笔盒吗?this这个,that那个,these这些,those那些指示代词this,thosethese that在句中的用法相当于名词和形容词,可作
5、主语、表语、宾语和定语。例如:That is a good idea.那是个好主意。( 作主语 )How do you like these?你觉得这些什么样?(作宾语)These trousers are Jim's.这些裤子是吉姆的。(作定语)this和 these 一般用来指在时间或空间上较近的事物或人,that和 those 则指时间和空间上较远的事物或人。例如:This is a pen and that is a pencil.这是钢笔,那是铅笔。We got up very early that day.那天我们起床很早。有时that和 those 指前面讲到过的事物,t
6、his和 these 则下面将要讲到的事物。例如:I had acold . That's why I didn't come.我感冒了,所以没有来。 your 你的;形容词性物主代词人称代词和物主代词人称代词是我们经常用作主语的代词。(即:I, we, you, he,she, it, they)。表示所有关系的代词叫物主代词。人称代词分为主格和宾格。主格作主语,宾格作宾语。物主代词分为形容词性和名词性。形容词性物主代词就是在句中能作定语,修饰一个名词的代词,使用时一般放在被修饰名词的前面。人称代词和物主代词表人称代词主格:I you he sheit we you they
7、人称代词宾格:me you him her it us you them形容词性物主代词:my your his her its our your their例如: my bike我的自行车my good friend 我的好朋友our school bags我们的书包your old Chinese teacher你(你们)以前的语文老师his / her / its name他/ 她 /它的名字his / her two English books他 / 她的两本英语书their nice pictures他们的漂亮的画3/193. Here you are.给你。 Here it is.
8、 Here you are. 和 Here it is.都用来表示 " 给你!这是你(们)所要的东西。" 常在交给对方物品时使用。所给物品为单数时,两者都可用;所给物品为复数时,只能用"Here youare." 。例如:- Could I use your pen, please?- 我能用一下你的钢笔吗 ?- Certainly. Here you are.- 行,给你。在不同的场合,上述的说法有不同的理解。在商场买东西时,售货员对你说:Here you are.,表示 " 给你 " 。乘车时,司机对你说Here it is.,表
9、示 " 你到站了 " 。找东西时,别人帮你找到了,则说Here it is.,随后将找到的东西给你时,则说Here you are.如果是自己找到了,则说Here it is.。4. Those are boats.那些是船。注意这里是本单元的重点语法,名词的复数形式。首先看(1)名词的分类名词可分为专有名词和普通名词。专有名词是某个(些)人、地方、机构等专有的名称,例如:Beijing, Jim Green , theGreat Wall(长城)等。普通名词是表示一类人或事物的名称。普通名词又可分为:个体名词:表示个体的人或事物。例如:boy , student, ban
10、ana(香蕉),girl。集体名词:表示一群人,或一些事物的总称。例如:class (同学们,班级),family(家庭), group (组)4/19物质名词:表示无法分为个体的物质。例如:rice ( M饭), bread (面包), meat (肉),ice (冰), tea( 茶 ) , water (水), milk (牛奶)抽象名词:表示抽象概念的词。例如:health(健康), work (工作),information(信息)名词又可分为可数名词和不可数名词。可数名词有单 , 复数之分 , 表示一个或多个。a book一本书two books两本书不可数名词:不分单, 复数;抽
11、象名词,物质名词和专有名词一般是不可数名词。sand 沙sugar糖英语可数名词有单数和复数两种形式,表示一个人或事物用单数形式,表示一个以上的人或事物用复数形式。a book一本书two books两本书a bag一个包three bags三个包名词的单数形式就是词典上所出现的形式 , 没有变化 ,如 : a pen, a bed, a room, an English book。名词的复数形式, 多数名词的复数形式在其单数形式后面加-s或 -es构成 , 名词复数形式变化如下。1) 一般情况下 , 在词尾加 -s. 例如 : bags , maps, pens , desks , work
12、ers2) 名词以 s, x, ch, sh等结尾在其后加-es,如词尾已有e ,只加 -s 。boxes ,buses ,horses , watches , dishes3) 名词以 -f 或 -fe 结尾的 , 把 -f 或 -fe 变成 -ves. bookshelves , wives , knives4) 名词以辅音 +y 结尾的 , 变 y 为 i , 再加 es 。5/19cities, babies , factories.5) 名词以辅音 + o 结尾的 , 加 -es, 变为复数形式。heroes, potatoes,tomatoes极少数名词虽然以-o或者 -f结尾 ,
13、变成复数则只加 -s,为数不多 ,如 radios ,pianos, photos, roofs等。英语中有些名词的复数形式是不规则的, 需要一一记忆常见的有:man - menwoman - womenfoot - feettooth - teethmouse - niceox - oxensheep-sheepfish - fishdear - dear5. one banana, two bananas,表示 " 多少 " 和 " 第几 " 的词 , 叫数词。其用法相当于名词或者形容词。数词分为基数词和序数词两种。基数词 :表示数目的词是基数词,
14、最基本的数词如下:11213 1920 90百、千、百万、十亿1 one13 thirteen20 twenty100 ahundred2 two14 fourteen30 thirty1,000 athousand3 three15 fifteen40 forty1,000,000 amillion4 four16 sixteen50fifty1,000,000,000 a billion5 five17 seventeen60 sixty6 six18 eighteen70 seventy6/197 seven19 nineteen80 eighty8 eight90 ninety9 ni
15、ne10 ten11 eleven12 twelve【注意】基数词1-12是独立单词 , 需逐个记忆。基数词13 - 19是个位数词的词干后加-teen构成。其中thirteen, fifteen,eighteen,变化不规则。基数词20 90 是在十位数词后面加-ty构成。基数词21 99是在十位数词后面加上个位数词合成, 中间加上连字符" "。例如:21 twenty one 95 ninety five基数词三位以上的数词,在百位和十位之间, 一般要用连词"and "。例如 :132 one hundred and thirty two.1340
16、one thousand three hundred and forty表示 " 万 " 的词英语中没有. 如 1 万可用10 千来表示。ten thousand. 30万可用three hundred thousand来表示。6. banana trees香蕉树(1)这个短语中,名词banana 作定语,修饰后面的复数名词 trees 。类似情况例如:school bags书包 girl students女生 picture books图画书(2)注意 man和woman 作定语时,须与后面的名词在数上保持一致。例如:a man / woman doctor一位男 / 女
17、医生two men / women doctors两位男 / 女医生例题选择:7/19例一 : 按照中文意思完成下列词组或句子, 每空一词1:七只梨seven _2:十二个班级twelve_3:他们的语文书_,_books.4:凯特的好朋友们_,good_5:那些小船those_.解: 翻译如下1: seven pears2: twelve classes3: their Chinese books4: Kate's good friend5: Those boats.例二 :改错1: That's not banana2 : Mr Green isan Japanese te
18、acher3: He 's friend is an English boyThat's right.5: Are those orange trees ? No ,they are.4 : Thanks very much .解: 分析1: banana 前面应有定词a。改为That's not a banana.2: Japanese 是辅音发音的,前面应为定冠词a。改为: Mr Green is a Japaneseteacher 。3:他的在英语中应说成his 。改为: His friend is an English boy。4:没关系在英语中应说成that
19、is all right。改为: Thanks very much . That'sall right.8/195:在英语中,回答问题应一致,Yes 后应跟肯定回答,No 后应跟否定回答。Are those orange trees ? Yes ,they are.单项选择 单词1. 选出下列划线部分读音不同的单词A. which B. machineC. ChineseD. watch2. "_ is the flower?""It's red."A. WhatB. What colour C. HowD. Who3. "_
20、you see?" "_, I can."A. Can't。 NoB. Can't。YesC. Do 。 YesD. Do 。 No4. Come _, please.A. to hereB. hereC. thereD. tothere5. "_ man is your father?" "The _ over there."A. Which 。oneB. Which。 itC. Who。 manD. Who 。 one【解读】B B B B A1. 只有 B 项的 ch 和 A、C、 D 项中的 ch 发
21、音不同2. colour" 颜色 " ,名词。 what 是疑问代词,用来修饰 "colour" 。英语中,询问颜色时应用 "what colour",如 What colour is it?(它是什么颜色的?)当主语是复数时,谓语动词要用 are ,如 What colour are these cats?(这些猫是什么颜色的?)3. 回答句中用的是can ,所以应该用can 或 can't为句首,答案只能从A 或 B 项中产生。 Can't you see?这种问句相当于汉语中的反问句,形式上是否定,但说话人的意思
22、实际上是肯定的,对于这种否定句的回答,与汉语的翻译是截然不同的。如本句中的" 不" 应译成"Yes" ; " 是的 " 则应译成 "No" 。例如:· "Don't you know? " "No, I don't." "难道你不知道吗?"" 是的,我不知道。"9/19· "Can't you answer my question?" "Yes, I can.&q
23、uot; "难道你不会回答我的问题吗?""不,我会。 "4. come to . . ."来到 " ,而 here 是副词,所以不能用to ,如 come home;与之对应的是 go to . . .译为 " 去 " ,如 go there, go home, go to the classroom, go toShenyang 等。5. which通常用来询问两个人、两件事、两个物体中的" 哪一个 " 或多个人、多件事、多个物体中的 " 哪一个 " 或 " 哪几
24、个 " 。 which 可单独使用,也可修饰一个单数名词或复数名词,故本题只能选A 或 B。此句中的one 不是数词,而是代词,指前面所提到的同类人或事物中的某一个,即同类异物,(而it指前面所提到的人或物,即同类同物)故应选A。完形填空Wang Li is a good _1_. She is twenty-one years old. She drives a car in a _2_.She _3_ from Sunday to Friday. Her home isn't _4_ the factory. She gets up _5_ atsix. She goes
25、 to work at 6:30. _6_ 7:30 she must get there. She has _7_ in thefactory. She has lunch there, too. She _8_ the factory at 5 in the afternoon. Shecooks and then does housework in the evening. She likes _9_ very much. She likeswatching _10_. She goes to bed at about 10:30.1.A. workerB. driverC. teach
26、erD. doctor2.A. shopB. schoolC. factoryD. farm3.A. studiesB. buysC. comesD. works4.A. farB. in frontC. outD. near5.A. earlyB. lateC. notD. before6.A. AfterB. AtC. InD. On10/197. A. something B. breakfast C. foodD. nothing8. A. getsB. goesC. leavesD. drives9. A. readingB. to readC. readD. seeing10. A
27、. very much B. littleC. a littleD. a few答案:1.B 2.C 3.D 4.D 5.A 6.B 7.B 8.C 9.A 10.C本文大意是:王丽是个好工人,今年21 岁。在工厂开车,家离工厂很远,每天6 点半去上班, 7 点半到,在工厂吃早饭和午饭,下午5 点下班,傍晚做饭、干家务,她非常喜欢读书,也喜欢看电视。10 点半睡觉。填空时,根据she drives a car可以判断她是位司机,题 1 选 "B" 。题 2 中又可以根据后面的" 家离工厂很远" ,判断出应选"C" 。题 3是王丽工作的
28、时间,从星期天到星期五,根据句意,判断选"D" 。又因为文中说了她6:00起床, 6:30 离家, 7:30 到厂,可知题4 为 D 项 "near" ,因为isn't near意为 " 不近" 。题 5 选 "A" ,表示 " 起床早 " 。题 6 根据钟点时刻前应用介词"at" 这一原则,选"B" 。从后面的 " 也在厂里吃午饭" ,可判断题7 为 " 早餐 " ,故选 "B" 。题
29、8" 下午 5点离厂 " , " 离开 " 是 leave ,单三人称须加-s ,故选 "C" 。喜欢做什么,用like doingsth ,故题 9 选 "A" 。因前面说了 " 她很喜欢看书" ,后面紧接着应是" 有点儿喜欢看电视" ,故题 10 选 "C" 。阅读理解It's Sunday today. Mike and Lin Jia are going to thezoo. They are waiting for a bus.A red
30、 bus stops at the bus stop. Mike and Lin Jia get on the bus."Here is aseat for you, Mike.""No, thank you. There's another seat at the front. I cansit there."The bus stops at the next stop. This time, an old man gets on the bus. Mike andLin Jia both stand up.11/19Lin Jia says,
31、 "Here is a seat for you, Grandpa. Please sit here." Mike alsosays, "Please come here and have my seat.""Mine is near the door. So take thisone, please," says Lin Jia. "Thank you very much. That's very nice of you." The oldman said.1. Mike and Lin Jia are
32、going to _. A. the shop B. the zoo C. school D. play balls2. How are they going there?A. Take a car. B. By bus. C. On foot. D. Walk.3. Who wants to give the seat to the old man? A. Lin Jia. B. Mike. C. Both. D. Never.4. Whose seat is near the door of the bus?A. Lin Jia. B. Mike. C. Never. D. No.答案1.
33、B 2.B 3.C 4.A本文讲述了迈克和林佳乘公共汽车去动物园,在车上争相让座给一位老爷爷的经过。文章开始,就交待了他们是要去动物园,所以题1 选 "B" 。题 2 问他们怎么去,文中有第三然"They are waiting for a bus."他们在等公共汽车,故应选"B" 。题 3 问他们谁想让座给那位老爷爷,从文中可知,他们俩都想让座,故选"C" 。题 4 问谁的座位离车门近,文中说:林佳请老爷爷坐在他的座位上,因为他的座位离车门近,所以应选 "A" 。由此可见,我们在做这类阅读理解
34、题时,应以文中所说的事实为依据,明了题目所说的内容,判断、选择与文中事实相一致的选项,而切不可盲目臆断。习题反馈12/19I 、词汇A) 用正确的物主代词填空11. I am is class 2. Look , this is _class.12. Wang Hong , this is _bag. Here you are.13. The boy is my friend ._name is Tom.14. This is a bird . _ name is Polly.15. The girl is Lucy .Put _ bag on the desk. B) 用 am、 is 、
35、are 填空16. Excuse me ! _ this your eraser ?17. What _those? _they birds?18. This _ his ruler .Where _ my ruler?19. I _ in Class Three. _you in Class Three , too?20. _ these her English books?21. Those _ their apples. Where _ his apples?22. She _ eleven .How old _ that boy?23. He _ my friend . _ your
36、friend a boy or a girl?24. _ those maps ? No , they _ not .They _ pictures.25. These _ your bananas . Here you _ .II 、单项选择( ) 26. I don t know _ name .A. It sB. itsC. itD. it is( ) 27. Is Bill in ? _.A. No , Im notB. Yes , it13/19isC. Sorry , I don t knowD. Yes , he is at school( )28.Mr Smith and Mr
37、s Smith are English . _ my teachers.A. They reB. She sC. He sD. He andshe( )29.What class _ these children in ?A. beB. amC.isD. are( )30.“ I think you are Japanese” , “ Yes ,_ .”A. youareB. that s all rightC. that s rightD. all right( )31.Are those your friends? _ .A. Yes ,they reB. Yes ,they areC.
38、Yes ,thoseD. they are( )32.Where s my pen ? Here _.A. are youB. is itC. this isD. it is( )33.Are those _ in the picture ?A. apple treesB. apples treeC. apples treesD.apple tree( ) 34. What s my number? _ number is 10.A. MyB. HerC. YouD. Your( )35.Is Jim your friend _her friend?A. andB. butC. orD.不填(
39、 )36.Are those Chinese books or English books? _.A. Yes ,they areB. No , they aren14/19tC. They areD. English books( ) 37. Where s my eraser? _ .A. Here you areB. Here are youC. You are hereD.Here you re( ) 38. That s _ friend , TomA. JimB. Jim sC. JimsD. Jims( )39. That s _ jeep . It s _ old jeep .
40、679840A. a/aB. a/anC. an /aD. x/x( ) 40.What are these ? _ hills.A. These areB. They areC. Yes , they reD. No ,they aren t( ) 41. Is my picture here ? _.A. Yes ,you areB. Yes ,it isC. No ,they aren tD. No , he isn t( ) 42. _ your pencils ? Yes ,Thank you .A. Are theseB. Is thisC. These areD. This is
41、( ) 43. What s _ name ? Her name is Wang Ying.A. you motherB. your motherC. you mother sD. yourmother s( ) 44.“ Are those my bags ?”“ _ . I think theyre mybags. ”A. Yes , they areB. No, they arentC. Yes , they reD. No , they don t15/19( ) 45. Jim ,is this _ cat ? Yes , _ name is Mimi .A. you / itB.
42、your/it sC. your /itsD. you / itsIII、从方框中选择恰当的句子完成对话A: Excuse me !A. Goodbye1.B: _B. Yes ?2.A: _C. You are welcome .B: Yes , they are. D. Are these your English books ?3.A: _E. Here you areB: Thank you very much.F. That s right4.A: _G. Give it to youB: Goodbye.H. Thank you very much5.A: _IV 、 完型填空Th
43、is boy s name is6 .He 7 twelve . This is 8 school . 9 teacher is MissOuyang . 10 agood teacher .Jim has 11 good friend 12 school .His name 13 Zhang Lin ,They re 14 Class 2 ,Grade 1 . They are good students in 15 class.( ) 6. A. Jim GreenB. Green JiC. Jim greenD. Green jim( ) 7. A. amB. isC.areD. be(
44、 ) 8. A. heB. himC.hisD. he s( ) 9. A. HeB. HimC. He sD. His16/19( ) 10. A. She sB. SheC. HerD.He( ) 11. A. TheB. /C.aD. an( ) 12. A. toB. onC.atD. /( ) 13. A. areB. isC.beD. am()14.A. atB. onC.toD. in()15.A. theseB. theyC. they reD.theirV、阅读A)阅读短文判断正(T)误( F)Mike and Lin Hai are good friends .Theyare in No.8 Middle School .Mike is an English boy.He is eleven .He is i
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