



1、Unit3Is this your pencil ?(知识点 )1. 人称代词和物主代词人称 主格I 我you你he 他 she她it 它we 我们you 你们they 他们代词 宾格me 我you 你himher 她it 它us 我们you 你们them 他们他物主 形 容 词 my我 your你 his他 her 她 its它 our 我们 your你们 their 他们代词 性的的的的的的的的名词性mine我 yours 你 his他 hers 她 its它 ours 我 yours你 theirs 他的的的的的们的们的们的1) 人称代词作主语时用主格;作宾语时用宾格;() like (

2、), and () likes () , too.我喜欢她,她也喜欢我。2) 并列人称代词的排列顺序:人称代词在并列使用时,单数的顺序是第二人称第三人称第一人称;复数的顺序是第一人称第二人称第三人称。 you, he, and I你,我,他3) 形容词性物主代词修饰名词,必须放在名词前面,相当于形容词,名词性物主代词相当于名词(后面不能再加名词)。 This is your ruler, it is not mine.这是你的尺子,不是我的。. 这是他的书,你的在桌子上。 (他) doesn t have eraseran. (我的) is in the bag. Give (他)(你的) .

3、 他没有橡皮擦。我的在包里。把你的给他吧。2. Is this/that ?这/那是吗?Yes, it is. / No, it isn 是的,这t./那(它)是。 / 不,这 /那 (它)不是。回答时,要用 it 来代替 this 和 that。不可回答 Yes, this/that is. / No, this/thatisn t.1)Is this your pencil ? 这是你的铅笔吗Yes, it is. Its mine是的,它是我的(铅笔)。No, it isnItsthers.不,不是的。这是她的(铅笔)2)Is that your schoolbag?那是你的书包吗?Ye

4、s, it is. Its mine是的,它是我的(书包)。No, it isnItsthis. 不,不是的。那是她的(书包)Its = It isisn t=is not3. Are these / those? 这 / 那些是 吗?Yes, they are. / No, they arent. 是的,这 / 那些(它们)是。 / 不,这 /那些 (它们 )不是。回答时,要用 they 来代替 these和 those。不可回答 Yes, these / those are / No, these / those arent.1) Are these your books?这些是你的书吗?

5、 Yes, they are.是的,这些(它们)是。No, they arent. They are hers.不,这些 (它们 )不是。这些是她的(书)。2)Are those her keys?那些是她的钥匙吗?Yes, they are.是的,那些(它们)是。No, they arent. They are mine. 不,那些 (它们 )不是。那些是我的(书)。4. Excuse me.请原谅 /打扰了 (客套语,用于问别人问题、请别人帮忙、打断别人说-1-/5话等场合。 )Sorry/I m sorry对.不起“,抱歉 ”(用于向别人表示歉意)A: Excuse me. Where

6、is my pen?打扰了,我的钢笔在那?B: Sorry/I m sorry, I don对不tknow起,我.不知道。5. What / how about ? “ 怎么样? ” “ 又如何呢? ”。后接名词,代词或动名词。6. thanks / thank you for因而感谢for 是介词, (名词 / 代词 )Thanks for the photo of your family. 谢谢你的全家福照片。Thank you for your help. 谢谢你的帮助。2)回答感谢的常用答语:You are welcome. 不用谢。8.How do you spell ? 你怎么拼写

7、 /读 ?A: How do you spell“ red ”R?-E-B:D.用于询问或要求对方拼写单词的表达方式还有:Spell it, please.请把它拼写出来。9.ask for 请.求 /要 如: I ll ask for twopencils. 我将要两支铅笔。 ask sb for sth 向某人请求 /要某物 ask the teacher for help向老师求助10. call sb at + 电话号码: “拨打号码找某人”Call Alan at 495-3539.拨打495-3539 找艾伦11.E-mail me at maryg2. (请)给我 maryg2

8、这个邮箱发邮件。1)at 放在电子邮箱的地址或电话号码等前面,表示“根据 ;按照 ”12. I must find it. 我必须找到它。13.a set of一套副串a set of keys一串钥匙a set of作句子的主语时,应看作一个整体,谓语动词用单数。如:A set of keys is on the desk.有串钥匙在桌子上。一、单项选择( ) 1.Dick is his _ name.A. lastB.firstC.familyD.Chinese( ) 2.Is this your dictionary? _.A. Yes, it'sB.Yes, it isC.No

9、, it notD.No, its not( ) 3.How do you spell pen? _.A. This is a penB.It's a penC.P E E N( ) 4.Is that your watch? _.A. Yes, I amB.No, I'm notC.Yes, that isD.No, it isn't( ) 5.Please call me _ 9543526.A. inB.ofC.atD.on() 6.This is _ eraser and that's _ gold ring.A. a, aB.an, an C.a, a

10、n D.an, a-2-/5( )7.What's this _ Chinese? It is“Dian shi”.A. inB.ofC.atD.for( ) 8._ Gina, this is _ book.A. I m, my B.I'm, anC.She's, hisD.He's, her() 9.This is _ apple. It's _ red apple.A. a, aB.a, anC .an, aD.an, an() 10.Sorry, this is not _ ruler.A. my aB.a myC.anD.my() 11.Kat

11、e is _ English. She is _ Englishstudent. A. an, anB.×,×C.an, ×D.×, an( ) 12._ you Miss Read? Yes. My name _ Sue Read.A. Are, amB.Are, isC.Is, areD.Is, is( ) 13.Tom and I _ good friends. He _ twelve.A. are, isB.am, isC.is, areD.are, are() 14.Your watch is very nice. _.A. No, it is

12、n't B.YesC.Thank youD.Sorry( ) 15._, I'm late. That's all right.A. SorryB.Excuse meC.I m sorryD.I'm wrong二、句型转换 .(10分)16.She is fine.(对划线部分提问) _ is she?17.That is my father.(对划线部分提问) _ is that?18.This is my ring.(改为同义句型) This _ is _.19.This is a bag is English.(对划线部分提问)_ _ in English

13、?20. That s my box. (对划线部分提问) _ _ that?21. Is this her ID card?(改为肯定句 )This _ _ID card.22. Is that his baseball?(作否定回答) No, _ _.23. This is her friend.(改为复数)_ _ her_?24. Those arehis rulers.(改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)_ _ his rulers? No, _ _.25.Theseare my teachers. (改为否定句 )_.三、根据句意及汉语提示完 成句子(每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)1_(

14、I) name is Lisa Barnes.2Jenny is a girl. _(she) family name is Green.3Whats _(you) name, please?4He is a boy and she is a _(boy的反义词 ).5Nice to _(遇见 ) you ,too.6I have _(yes的反义词 ) notebook.7That is _(Jim) watch.8My friends _(be) Gina and Sonia.9I am _ (一个 ) English girl.10_(he) pencil is in the penci

15、l case.11. Here are two _ (picture).-3-/512. Is _ (these) your eraser?13. _ (that) are my brothers.14. _ (Her) isn t Susan. Her name is Mary.15. Lin Hai and Guo Peng are my _ (friend).16.Are they her _(祖父母 )?17.My _(双亲 )are Peter and Nancy.18.Are they his _(钥匙 )?19.Are they your_(堂兄弟 )?20._(那些 )are

16、her apples.四、综合填空( 15 分)根据短文意思,用方框中所给词语的适当形式填空(有两项是多余的)。she,year,be,he,too,woman,two,teach,in,English,I,schoolThis is1friend.2name is Jim Green. Hes an3boy.Hesthirteenyearsold.HesinNo. 10 MiddleSchool.He isinClass4 ,Grade One. He and I5in the same class, but indifferent rows.This is my Chinese6 . She is a7 . Her name is Gao Ling. Sheis thirty8old. She is in No. Middle School


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