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1、How to improve your study habitsPerhaps you are an average student with averageintelligence. You do well enough in school, but you probablythink you will never be a better grades if you want to. Yes, evenstudents of average intelligence can be top students withoutadditional work. Here show:1. Plan y

2、our time carefully. Make a list of your weekly tasks.Then make a schedule or chart of your time.Fill in committedtime such as eating, sleeping, meetings, classes, etc. Thendecide on good, regular time for studying. Be sure to set1 / 6aside enough time to complete your normal reading andwork assignme

3、nts. Of course, studying shouldn toccupy all ofthe free time on the schedule. It simportant to set aside timefor relaxation, hobbies, and entertainment as well. Thisweekly schedule may not solve all of your time. But it willmake you more aware of how you spend your time.Furthermore, it will enable y

4、ou to plan your activities so thatyou have adequate time for both work and play.2. Find a good place to study. Choose one place for yourstudy area. It may be a desk or a chair at home or in the2 / 6school library, but it should be comfortable, and it should nothave distractions. When you begin to wo

5、rk, you should beable to concentrate on the subject.3. Skim before you read. This means looking over apassage quickly before you begin to read it more carefully. Asyou preview the material, you get some idea of the contentand how it is organized. Later when you begin to read you willrecognize less i

6、mportant material and you may skip some ofthese portions. Skimming helps double you reading speedand improves your comprehension as well.3 / 64. Make good use of your time in class. Listening to whatthe teacher says in class means less work later. Site whereyou can see and hear well. Take notes to h

7、elp you rememberwhat the teacher says.5. Study regularly. Go over your notes as soon as you canafter class. Review important points mentioned in class aswell as points you remain confused about. Read about thesepoints in your textbook. If you know what the teacher willdiscuss the next day, skim and

8、read that material too. Thiswill help you understand the next class. If you review your4 / 6notes and textbook regularly, the material will become moremeaningful and you will remember it longer. Regular reviewleads to improved performance on tests.6. Develop a good attitude about tests. The purpose

9、of atest is to show what you have learned about a subject. Theworld won tend if you don tpass a test, so dontworryexcessively about a single test. Tests provide grades, but theyalso let you know what you need to spend more timestudying, and they help make you new knowledge permanent.There are other techniques that might help you with your5 / 6studying. Only a few have been mentioned here. You willprobably discover many others after you have tried these.Take with your classmates abo


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