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1、实用标准文档非谓语动词讲解非谓语动词:a.动词不定式b.动名词c.分词(现在分词过去分词)概述:1.谓语动词:在句子中担任谓语的动词2. 非谓语动词:是动词的特殊形式,在句中可以作除谓语外的所有成分非谓语动词使用条件一个句子当中,已经存在一个主句(谓语动词),又没有连词的情况下,还有别的动词出现时。She got off the bus, leavi ng her han dbag on her seat.She got off the bus, but left her han dbag on her seat.动词不定式.动词不定式的时态和被动形式动词不定式是非谓语动词的一种,由不定式符号

2、(to)加动词原形构成。不定式的形式有五种:1. 一般式to do例如:2. 进行式to be doing例如:3. 完成式to have done 例如:I like to read En glish.He seemed to be reading something at that time.He seemed to have clea ned the room.4. 被动式 to be done例如: The work is to be done soon.5. 完成被动式 to have been done例如: The boy is said to have been sent to

3、 hospital yesterday.动词不定式的用法I.作主语(1) 不定式做主语时,可以直接放在谓语动词之前。To see is to believe . Not to get there in time is your fault.(2) 注:常用it做形式主语,将to do放在位于之后,使句子保持平衡。句型 1 : It + 谓语 + to doIt takes us an hour _to_ get there by bus.句型 2 : It' s + n. + to doIt' s our duty _to_ help the poor.It is a grea

4、t enjoyment _to_ spend our holiday in the mountains.(是形容事物的性质的)It is + adj + of sb to do sth(是形容人的品质的)It is easy for me to finish this work before ten.It is a great honor for us to be prese nt at your birthday party.It is very kind of you to give me some help.It's impolite of you to speak to the

5、 teacher like that.II.作宾语接不定式做宾语 I want to kn ow this matter.I don ' t expect to meet you here(1)常见动词有:like, dema nd, expect, promise, begi n, determ ine, refuse, offer, fail, man age,lear n, seem intend, forget, want, prepare, prete nd, refuse, pla n, afford, wishThey wan ted _to get( get ) on

6、the bus, did na professor.(2)it作形式宾语I fin d/feel to work with him in terest ingSubject+ fin d/th in k/feel/make/ con sider1.We thought _it_ better _to_ start early.3. I feel _it_ my duty _to_ cha nge all that.law.5.I know _ it _ impossible _ to _ finish so much't they? He said he wished _to be(

7、be )I fin d/feel it i nteresti ng to work with him.it+adj/n + to do sth.2.Do you con sider _it_ better not _to_ go?4.We think it _ important_ to _ obey thehomework in a day.句型 3 : It is + adj + for sb to do sth(3) 常跟疑问词+不定式作宾语的动词:tell, advise, show, teach, find out, decide, discuss, learn, explain,

8、know, discover,He taught us how to use the tool.No one could tell me where to get the book.I have n't decided whether to go or stay.下列词接动名词和不定式均可,但意义不同的动词:stop to do停下来去做stop doing停止做forget to do忘记要做forget doing忘记做过remember to do记得要做remember doing记得做过regret to do遗憾要做regret doing后悔做过try to do企图做,

9、尽力做try doing试着做go on to do继续做(另一件事)go on doing继续做(同一件事)mea n to do打算做mea n doing意味做In some parts of London, miss ing a bus means _Afor ano ther hour.A wait ingB to wait ingC waitD to be wait ingBoys, don't forget _Dthe win dows before you leave the classroom.A. closi ngB. closed C. to closi ngD.

10、 to closeShe reached the top of the hill and stopped _Con a big rock.A. to have rested B. resti ng C. to rest D. restRemember _Athe lights whe n you leave the office.A. to turn offB. tur ning off C. turn off D. to tur ning off(4) 在 cannot but, cannot choose/help but之后接不带 to 的不定式I have no choice but

11、_to wait.( wait)"前有 do,后无 to ”I can ' t do anything but _go(go )out with her.III.作宾语补足语1.1' II get some one _to_ repair the recorder for you.2. What caused him _to_ cha nge his mind?advise, allow, ask, beg, cause, expect, encourage,force, get, hate, invite , order, wish ,want, warn, rem

12、ind, promise, permit, persuade, request+sb. to do注意:(1)在动词 feel (一感),hear, listen to (二听),have, let, make (三让),notice, see, watch, observe, look at (五看)(即:吾看三室两厅一感觉)等后面的补足语中,不定式不带to,但变为被动语态后,必须带 to。如:They saw the boy fall off the tree.The boy was see n to fall off the tree.(2)help后面作宾语补足语的不定式可以带to,也

13、可以不带to.I often help him (to) clean the room. I helped him (to) find his things.He is ofte n heard _to sing(sing) the song.Though he ofte n made his deskmate _cry(cry), today he was made _to cry_(cry) byhis deskmate.IV .作定语I have something to tell you.(不定式作定语 )1) 不定式与它所修饰的词有动宾关系Do you have an yth ing

14、 to washtoday?2) 不定式用来说明所修饰词的内容I have no cha nee to go there.3) 被修饰词是不定式的逻辑主语She is always the last to leavethe room.4) 不定式为不及物动词且和所修饰的名词是动宾关系时,须加介词I. The house is not big eno ugh for us all A .A. to live in B. to be lived in C. to live D. for livi ng in2. Would you please pass me the knife A ?A. to

15、 cut the fruit withB. to cut the fruitC. cutt ing the fruitD. cutt ing the fruit with3.1 have someth ingimportant to say. Please find a piece of paperto write on(写上)4.Excuse me , couldI use your pen for a moment ? I have no pento write with(写)V.作状语不定式作状语可以表示目的、原因、结果。I came here to see you .We were v

16、ery excited to hear the n ews.He hurried to the school to find nobody there.对比 To learn En glish well, he n eeds a good dicti on ary.To lear n En glish well, a good dict ionary is n eeded.To get there in time, he told me to get up early.不定式的主动形式表示被动意义I have someth ing importa nt to do.In the accide

17、nt, the driver was to blame.This questi on is difficult to an swer.The box is not easy to carry.动名词动名词的基本构成主动语态被动语态一般式doi ngbeing done元成式hav ing donehavi ng bee n doneNo one likes being laughed at.I don ' t remember having ever been given a chanee to do it.二.动名词的功用 Smoking does great harm to peo

18、ple' s health. (作主语) My job is looking after ehildren.(作表语) I have finished reading the novel.(作宾语)(4) We have got a swimming pool in our school.(做定语) It is no use crying. It is no good object ing常见的动词有:admit, advise, suggest, avoid, consider, delay, deny, excuse, finish, imagine,in clude, keep(

19、 on), min d, , practice, miss, resist.短语:be/get used to ,can' t help/stop, can ' t stand , give up, feel like, look forward to, getdow n to,have difficulty/trouble (in),be busy (in),put offe.g. She sat there without _speaking(speak) I look forward to_seeing(see)him aga in. Are you used to _l

20、ive(live) there alone? When my father heard the n ews, he could n't help _laughing(laugh). I don ' t feel like _going(go) to see the film. He was busy _preparing(prepare)his less ons主动表被动: The room wants _cleaning(clean). The method needs _improving_(improve). This pair of shoes require _men

21、ding(mend). The problem needs_working out_ (work out). The question is well worth _discussing(discuss)d )动词 "like, love, hate, prefer”后接动名词表示"习惯性动作”,后接不定式表示"心理或一次具体动作”。当用在should, would之后时,只跟不定式。例如:I like swim ming , but I don ' t like to swim this after noonWhat would you like to

22、eattoni ght?动名词的复合结构动名词前可以加一个物主代词或名词所有格来表示这个动名词逻辑上的主语,构成动名词的复合结构或动名词短语a动名词复合结构作主语时一般用名词所有格或形容词性的物主代词。例如:Nix on ' s visit ing Chi na marked a new year betwee n U.S. and Chi na diplomatic relati ons.尼克松访问中国标志着中美外交关系进入一个新的时代Their coming to help was a great encouragement to us.b.在口语和非正式语体中,只要丕是作主语,动

23、名词复合结构中的逻辑主语常采用名词通格或人称代词宾格。例如: The doctor does not mind me /my eat ing a little meat occasi on ally.分词(一)分词的作用现在分词表示:主动,动作正在进行。过去分词表示:被动,动作已经完成。1 .作定语Do you know the boy sta nding at the gate?Have you read the book written by Lu X un?2 .作表语We are excited at the n ews.The n ews he told us is exciting

24、.3作宾语补足语I heard him singing a so ng in the classroom.We found the gro und covered with snow.4 .作状语While lying in bed, he liste ned to some music.Seen from the hill, the village looks move beautiful.分词作状语时,它的逻辑主语就是句子的主语,否则分词前面必须有自己的主语。现在分词与过去分词在作状语的区别:现在分词表主动进行,过去分词表被动完成1. (Seeing/seen) from the top

25、of the tower, we can see a beautiful factory.(See in g/see n) from the top of the tower, the factory looks beautiful.2. (Hearing/heard)the bad news, they couldn ' t help crying.(Whenthey heard the badn ews)3. (Giving/Given) more time, we could do it better. (If they had been given more attention

26、)4. I stood by the door, not daring to say a word.Being so angry, he couldn ' t go to sleep. (Because he was so angry)They came into the classroom, singing and laughi ng . (and they were singing laugh ing)To serve the people well, study hard. (In order to serve the people well)(二) 分词的时态现在分词分一般式和

27、完成式,而过去分词则没有时态形式的变化。现在分词的一般式表示动作与谓语动词同时发生,或在谓语动词之前发生。例如:Knowing his uncle would come, he bega n to make some preparatio ns.现在分词的完成时,表示的动作发生在谓语动词表示的动作之前,常用作状语。例如:Having fini shed his homework, he went to bed.(三) 现在分词的被动式被动一般式being done被动完成式havi ng bee n doneThis is one of the new supermarkets being b

28、uilt in our city.Having been told many times, he was able to operate the machine.(四) 分词的否定形式分词的否定式,由not+分词构成,例如:Not havi ng heard the n ews. I wrote to him aga in.Not knowing how to work out the maths problem, I went to the teacher for help.(五) 分词独立主格结构当分词的逻辑主语与主句的主语不同时,带逻辑主语的分词短语成为独立主格结构,在句法功能上起状语作

29、用。例如:Weather permitt ing, they will go and visit the scie nee museum.The meeti ng being over, they all left the room.Given more time, we could do it better.The moon appeari ng, they decided to go on with their jour ney.She stood there, book in hand.Everybody at home, we sat dow n to dinner.由There be

30、ing + 主语这种结构多表示原因。例如:因为有许多书要读,他经常There being a lot of books to read, he often studied till midnight.学习到深夜。with +复合宾语结构(1)with +名词/代词+形容词Don ' t speak with your mouth full.(2)with +名词/代词+副词The square looks more beautiful than ever with thelights on.(3)with +名词/代词+介词短语He was asleep with his head o

31、n his arms.(4)with +名词/代词+ -ing分词 She felt very nervous with so many people looking ather.With the old man leading, the two started toward the mountains.(5)with +名词/代词+不定式With five minu tes to go before the last train left, wearrived here.(6)with + 名词 / 代词 + -en 分词 With his matter settled, we left t

32、he room.【2012 全国卷 II 】10. Tony lent me the money,that I ' d do as much for him.A. hop ingB. to hope C. hopedD. havi ng hoped【答案】A【2012 全国卷 II 】15. The old man sat in front of the television every evening, happyanything that happe ned to be on.D. to have watchedC. watchedA. to watchB. watch ing【答

33、案】A【2012 安徽】24.1 rememberedthe door before I left the office, but forgotto turn off the lights.A. lock ing【答案】BB. to lockC. havi ng lockedD. to have locked【2012安徽】30. Whenfor his views about his teach ing job, Philip said hefound it very in teresti ng and reward ing.A. ask ing【答案】BB. askedC. havi ng

34、 askedD. to be asked【2012重庆】23.to work overtime that evenin g, I missed a won derful film.A. Having bee n asked【答案】AB. To ask C. Having asked D. To be asked【2012 重庆】28. We ' re having a meeting in half an hour. The decisionat the meet ingwill in flue nee the future of our compa ny.A. to be madeB

35、. being madeC. madeD. havi ng bee n made【答案】A【2012 全国】28. The party will be held in the garden, weatherA. permitt ingB. to permitC. permitted【答案】AD. permit【2012 全国】32. Film has a much shorter history, especially when_such art forms asmusic and painting.A. havi ng compared toB. compari ng toC. compar

36、e to【答案】DD. compared to【2012北京】23. One lear ns a Ian guage by making mistakes andthem.A. correctsB. correctC. to correctD. correct ing【答案】【2012北京】27.with care, one tin will last for six weeks.A. UseB. UsingC. UsedD. To use【答案】【2012北京】31.at the door before you en ter my room, please.A. KnockB. Knocki

37、 ngC. KnockedD. To kn ock【答案】A【2012福建】28. China recently tightened its waters controls near the Huangyan Island toin the South China Sea.preve nt Chin ese fish ing boats fromA. attack ingB. havi ng attack ingC. being attacked【答案】CD. havi ng bee n attacked【2012 福建】34. Pressed from his parents, andtha

38、t he has wasted too much time, theboy is determ ined to stop play ing video games.A. realizi ng【答案】AB. realizedC. to realizeD. being realized【2012陕西】15.in a long queue, we waited for the store to ope n to buy a New iPad.A. Sta nding【答案】AB. To sta ndC. StoodD. Sta nd【2012陕西】22. If he takes on this wo

39、rk, he will have no choice butan even greaterchalle nge.A. meetsB. meet ingC. meetD. to meet【答案】D【2012山东】26. George returned after the war, onlythat his wife had left him.A. to be toldB. telli ngC. bei ng toldD. told【答案】A【2012山东】35.After complet ingand signing it, please returnthe form to us in thee

40、n velopeA. providi ng【答案】BB. providedC. hav ing providedD. provide【2012湖南】21. We ' ve had a good start, but next, more work needsto achieve thefinal success.A. being done【答案】CB. doC. to be doneD. to do【2012湖南】23. Time,correctly, is money in the bank.A. to useB. usedC. usingD. use【答案】B【2012湖南】31.

41、 The lecture,at 7:00 pm last night, was followed by an observation ofthe moon with telescopes.A. start ing【答案】B. being start ingC. to startD. to be started【2012天津】11. He got up late and hurried to his office,the breakfast un touched.A. leftB. to leaveC. leavi ngD. havi ng left【答案】【2012江西】 33. Having finished her project, she was invited by the schoolto the newstude nts.A. speak ing【答案】CB. hav ing spoke nC. to speakD. to have spoke n【2012 江西】35. Joh


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