1、P 15例子P50例子Alg 疼痛 Analgia痛觉缺乏Bacill 杆菌Bacillus杆菌属,芽孢Crin 分泌Endocrine内分泌Coccus 球菌Coccobacillus球杆菌Edem 水肿Edema浮肿,水肿Fung 真菌Fungus真菌,霉菌Emia 血症Anoxemia缺氧血症Germ 病菌Germicide杀菌剂Gen 原Antigen抗原Parasit 寄生虫Parasite寄生虫,寄生物 Strept 链Streptobacillus链球杆菌属P16Hormone 激素Parahormone 副激素P62Lymph 淋巴Lymphadenitis淋巴结炎Anti 抗
2、Antianemic drugs 抗贫血药Meno 月经Menopause绝经Contra 对抗Contraceptives 避孕药Menstru 月经Menstruation月经,行经Immuno 免疫 Immunopharmacology免疫药理学Muc 粘液Mucoid黏液样的Pyr/o 热,发热Pyrogenic致热的 Somn 睡眠Insomnia失眠P17-therapy 治疗Thermotherapy 温热疗法Pept, peps 消化Dyspepsia消化不良Phag 吞噬 Phagosome吞噬体P89Pyo 脓Pyemia脓血症Allo 异Allosome 异染色体Sali
3、v 唾液Salivation流涎,多涎-arctia 狭窄Bronchiarctia支气管狭窄Secret 分泌Secretory分泌的De 去,脱Deoxidation脱氧Somn 睡眠Somnambulism梦游症Emia 血的情况Leukemia 白血症Hemi 半Hemiparalysis偏瘫P18Hyper 超过,过多Hyperglycemia高血糖Steril 不育Sterilization绝育,灭菌Hypo 低,少于正常Hypoglycemia低血糖Tum 肿,瘤Tumefaction 肿胀,肿大Itis 炎症Hepatitis 肝炎Urin 尿Urination排尿-lysis
4、 溶解Hemolysis 溶血-oma 肿胀,肿瘤Sarcoma 肉瘤P36Para 旁,附着Paranephric肾旁的,肾上腺的Clon 克隆Monoclonal单克隆的Peri 周围Perihepatitis 肝周炎Cyt 细胞Cytochromes细胞色素体系Estr 雌Estrogen雌激素P92Exo 外Exopeptidase外肽酶Pro 在前,在后方Premolar前磨牙Gluc 甘,葡萄糖Glucokinase葡萄糖激酶Semi 半Semisynthetic半合成的Hydro 水Hydrolase水解酶类-stenosis 变窄,狭窄Arteriostenosis动脉狭窄P3
5、7P106Lipo 脂肪Lipoprotein脂蛋白Aero 气体Aerosol气溶胶,气雾剂,烟雾剂Mono 单Monooxygenase 单加氧酶Therm 热Thermostat恒温器Poly 多Polypeptide多肽Spor 孢子Sporicide杀孢子剂P118Trans 转Transaldolase转醛缩酶Amino 氨基Aminoglycoside氨基糖苷Zym 酶Zymogen酶原Aque 水Nonaqueous titration非水滴定法Chromato 颜色Chromatography色谱法pept 肽Dipeptide二肽Titri 滴定Titrimetric an
6、alysis滴定分析法uric 尿酸Uricacidemia尿酸血症uracil 尿嘧啶Fluorouracil氟尿嘧啶P137-P143Pulmon/o 肺Pulmonary 肺的 P215Pneumon/o 气,肺Pneumonia肺炎leuko 白Leukocyte白细胞Dent/i 牙齿Dentalgia牙痛leuco 白Leucocidin杀白细胞素Aden/o 腺 Adenoid腺样的Gastr/o 胃Gastric胃的Duoden/o 十二指肠Duodenostomy十二指肠造口术Bil/i 胆Bilirubin胆红素Peps/i 消化Dyspepsia消化不良-helcosis
7、 溃疡形成Gastrohelcosis 胃溃肠Nephr/o 肾Nephromegaly肾肥大Ur/o 尿,尿道Diuretic利尿剂Andr/o 男性,雄性的Androgen雄激素Gon/o,gonad/o 性腺,生殖腺Gonorrhea淋病Uter/o 子宫Uteritis子宫炎Embry/o 胎儿,胚胎Embryonic胚胎的Vas/o 血管Vasoconstrictor血管收缩剂Hemat/o 血Hematuria血尿Thromb/o 凝块,血块Thrombosis血栓形成Thyr/o 甲状腺Thyrocele甲状腺肿Derm/o 皮肤Epidermis表皮Oste/o 骨Osteob
8、last成骨细胞Vertebr/o 椎骨Intervertebral椎间的My/o,myos/o 肌肉Myitis(myositis)肌炎Kerat/o角膜Keratomalacia角质膜化Retin/o 视网膜Retinoscopy视网膜镜检查acou/o 听觉Acoustic听觉的Ot/o 耳Otitis耳炎P157-159kal 钾Hyperkalemia高钾血症natr钠Hypernatremia血钠过高calc 钙Calcium钙carb碳Carbon碳iod 碘Iodide碘化物desoxy 脱氧Desoxymorphine脱氧吗啡Acyl 酰基Acylase酰基转移酶prote
9、蛋白质Protease蛋白酶fibrin 纤维蛋白Fibrinogen纤维蛋白1.掌握医药英语练习课件的词汇部分内容。2.掌握重点词根表的内容。3.掌握每单元TAXT A课后的true or false.4.中译英: 4,5,6,8,9,11,13,14单元的前三题翻译。5.英译中: 8,11单元的TAXT A(英译中)Unit four1. 研究药物作用于人的科学叫药理学,研究这门学问的科学家便是药理学家。药理学不是一门能够独立研究的科学而是与其他学科紧密相关的。药理学家不仅要了解人体内进行的正常反应反应过程,还应懂得机体功能是怎样受疾病影响的。The science of the effe
10、cts of drugs on the body is called pharmacology, and the scientists who study it are pharmacologists. Pharmacology is not a science that can be studied on its own, but that closely related to other branches of science. Pharmacologists should not only understand the normal process that take place in
11、the body, but know how the functions of the body are affected by disease.2. 医生和医学生对药理学的理解和要求没有其定义范畴那么广泛。临床医生的主要兴趣在于药物对人类疾病的预防、诊断及治疗,或者在避孕方面所起的作用。For physicians and medical students, the scope of pharmacology is not so expansive as its common definition. The clinician is interested primarily in drugs
12、 that are useful in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of human disease, or in the prevention of pregnancy.3.所有的医生都应该负起责任解决药品滥用所引起的各种社会问题。药物用得恰当,将是人类的一大福音,用得不当,则肯能毁了人类。病人(特别是老年病人)经常性使用一种以上治疗药物的话,往往会发生产生毒性药物的相互作用。All physicians should share the responsibility to resolve kinds of sociological pr
13、oblems caused by the abuse of drugs, properly used, drugs are great blessing to mankind; improperly used, they could destroy human race. When a patient, particularly the elderly is prescribed frequently to take more than one therapeutic agent, drug interactions resulting in toxicity will occur.Unit
14、Five1. 为了对抗疾病,免疫系统生成了被称为抗体的蛋白质,它们附着于入侵细菌。但实际情况是免疫系统并不能在每次面对一个新的病原体时都制造出一种特殊的抗体,实际上,免疫系统是通过对其抗体库的大规模筛选而确定最有效的抗体。To fight against disease, the immune system generates proteins known as antibodies that bind to invading organisms. But the real case is that the immune system is not to develop a specializ
15、ed antibody each time it is faced with a new pathogen. In fact, the immune system select the most effective one by mass screening of its antibody repertoire, thus identifying the ones that work best.2. 在一种被称为“组合化学的”的方法中,化学家们首先生成很多相关化合物,然后对他们进行筛选,来找到那些可能具有药用价值的化合物。In a process called combinatorial ch
16、emistry, chemists generate a large number of related compounds and then screen the collection for the ones that could have medicinal value.3.在平行和成中,化学家们常常利用所谓的微量滴定板将所有的产物都在其各自的反应容器中集结。In a parallel synthesis, chemists often use a so-called microtiter plate to assemble all the products separately in
17、their own reaction vessels.Units six1. 植物天然产物已经并继续拥有着为医药和药剂的重要作用,不仅是作为纯化的分离提取物,而且作为合成优化的先导化合物。Plant natural products have had, and continue to have, an important role as medicinal and pharmaceutical agents, not only as purified isolates and extractives, but also as lead compounds for synthetic optim
18、ization.2. 植物次生代谢产物也有希望用于肿瘤化学预防,即“利用无细胞毒营养物或药物增强内在生理机制以保护有机体,防止恶性肿瘤细胞的突变复制”。Plant secondary metabolites also show promise for cancer chemoprevention, which has been defined as “the use of non-cytotoxic nutrients for pharmacological agents to enhance intrinsic physiological mechanisms that protect th
19、e organism against mutant clones of malignant cells”.3. 然而,世界上25万种植物的绝大部分还没有进行药物筛选评价,一小部分已经进行测试的也只是对很少几种治疗靶标进行了活性筛选。Nevertheless, the vast majority of the worlds quarter of a million plant species has not been evaluated in pharmaceutical screens, and the small percentage that has been tested has gen
20、erally been screened for activity against only a few therapeutic targets.Unit eight1. 分析化学的核心任务在于解决两个问题:一个是有什么;另一个是有多少,也就是定性分析和定量分析。定性分析是指鉴别所含的物质而定量分析是测定物质的准确含量。Analytical chemistry aims to resolve two questions: what it is and how much it is, that is qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis.
21、Qualitative analysis is to identify the elements, ions and compounds contained in a sample while quantitative analysis is to determine the exact quantity.2. 分析化的发展已经超出来了化学的边界,因此有人提议用分析学科来描述这个领域。但是,这个名词忽视了仪器发展和应用,因此有人建议使用“分析学科和技术”这一名词。Analytical chemistry has expanded beyond the bounds of just chemis
22、try, and many have advocated using the name analytical science to describe the field. Even this term falls short of recognition of the role of instrumentation development and applications. One suggestion is that we use the term analytical science and technology.3. 分析化学家致力于提高已有技术的可靠性以更好的满足社会中频繁出现的化学检
23、测的需求。他们将已证实的方法应用于新型材料,或回答关于其组成及反应机理的新问题。Analytical chemists work to improve the reliability of existing techniques to meet the demands for better chemical measurements which arise constantly in our society. Theyadopt proven methodologies to new kinds of materials or to answer new questions about the
24、ir composition and their reactivity mechanisms.Unit nine1. 新药研发涉及多学科研究人员多年的共同研究成果,并且随着遗传工程学和单克隆抗体技术的发展,人们必将研制出更多新药。The development of a new therapeutic agent involves a multidisciplinary group in many years antibodies, it is likely that even more agents should be produced .2. 生物药剂的活性依赖于其二级、三级和四级结构基础
25、上的复杂构象,并且这些构像采用目前的分析技术和方法还无法完全被确定并用于效能试验。The activity of biopharmaceuticals depends on their complicated conformation based on secondary , tertiary and quaternary structures. These structures cannot be fully defined with our present set of analytical techniques and approaches for potency testing.3.
26、处理静脉注射这一给药途径可以直接进入血液循环外,所有其他全身性作用的药物的给药途径都涉及药物从给药地点吸收进入血液的过程。Apart from the intravenous route of drug administration ,where a drug is introduced directly into the blood circulation ,all other routes of administrating systematically acting drugs involve ,the absorption of drug from the place of admin
27、istration into the blood .Unit eleven textA1药品说明书中所包含的信息来自于调查人员提供的、由药品生产厂家提交给FDA的数据,包括药品的化学结构、药理/毒理的概述、临床适应症和禁忌症、注意事项,有报道的不良反应、建议用量和可用剂型。The information the package insert contains is derived from data supplied by investigators and submitted by the pharmaceutical firm to the FDA , including the chem
28、ical structures of the drug,a summary of its pharmacological and toxicological action ,its clinical indications and contraindications ,precautions , reported adverse reactions ,dosage recommendations ,and available dosage forms. 2. 医生也许根据他的职业判断使用这些药品。但是一旦他无视药品说明书中的用药说明而出现不良反应,他就必须做好准备应付法庭诉讼,辩护是否存在医疗
29、失当。The physician may exercise his professional judgment in the use of and drug.However, if the deviates from the instructions in the package insert and adverse reactions occur , he must be prepared to defend his position in court if there is a malpractice suit.3. 如果出现严重反应而付诸法律的话,医生承认知道药品书上的禁止,还是使用这种
30、药物治疗某种疾病,那么法庭将如何裁决?公开出版的临床研究报告加上医生在开药时的判断就足够了吗?If a severe reaction occurred and litigation followed ,how would a court react if a physician admitted to he use of his drug for the treatment of some diseases in view of the prohibitions in the package insert?Would the published clinical study ,plus th
31、e physicians judgment in presribing the drug,suffice?Unit thirteen 1. 药学监护强调优化药物治疗、使药物问题最小化和提高自我管理能力,其目的是获得最优疗效并提高病人的生活质量。The focus of pharmaceutical care os to optimize drug therapy, minimize drug-related problems , and improve self-management for the purpose of achieving the optimal outcome to imp
32、rove the patients quality of life.2. 糖尿病是一种代谢性疾病,其特点是由于胰岛素分泌缺陷、胰岛素作用缺陷或二者兼有而出现慢性高血糖,最终有可能导致并发症。Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic diseases characterized by chronic hyperglycemia resulting from defects in insulin secretion , insulin action , or both, Ultimately , it is likely to lead to compli
33、cations.3. 干预组病人的药学监护过程包括三个部分,分别是在医院、出院后和活动地点提供的药学监护。The pharmaceutical Care process for the patients in Intervention Group consists of three sections.One of them is provided at hospital.then seamless care at the time of discharge from hospital and the last in the ambulatory setting.Unit Fourteen1.
34、一种新药在问世和被使用之前,制造商必须从相应的政府权威部门获得执照(英国是药品安全委员会;美国是食品与药物管理局;瑞典是药品部等等)Before a new drug goes to the market and is widely used, the manufacturer should get the license from the corresponding authorized government agency (Drug Safety Committee in Britain; Food and Drug Administration in USA; Medical Produ
35、cts Agency in Sweden and etc.).2. 在推向市场之前,这种新药很可能已在受监控的试验中给三千多个健康志愿者或病人服用过了,除非这种只是为了对付某些罕见的疾病而不需大范围试验。The new drug probably has been taken by more than 3000 healthy volunteers or patients in controlled studies before marketed unless it is only designed for some orphan disease in small scale trials.3
36、. 在现阶段,大多数药理作用已为人所知,有过量用药导致的副作用已有不少记录在案。然而,人们对药物中无法预测的毒副作用的认识却很少。这类毒副作用往往在药品已广泛使用之后才被识别。At the present stage, most of the pharmacological effects are well-known and the side effects caused by overdosages have documented. However, the recognition of unpredicted toxic and side effects are rarely known
37、 by humans until after the extensive use of the drugs.结晶固体 crystalline solid 无菌注射剂 sterile injection 有机溶剂organic solvent 分子式MF(molecular formula)淡黄色溶液 yellowish solution 溶解度solubility 抗体antibody 理化性质physicochemical properties冻干粉末freezed-dried powder 西林瓶vial无机化学inorganic chemistry 分子量MW(molecular wei
38、ght)类白色素片off-white plain tablet 抗原antigen肝炎hepatitis 热原pyrogen中枢神经系统 CNS 血脑屏障BBB(blood-brain barrier )半数致死量LD50(Lethal Dose 50) 三磷酸腺苷ATP(Adenosine Triphosphate)脑电图EEG(electroencephalogram) 心电图ECG(electrocardiogram)动脉给药ia.(Intraarterial ) 静脉给药iv. (Intravenous )肌肉给药 im. (intramuscular ) 皮下给药 sc.(Subcu
39、taneous) 半衰期Half life 血药浓度Drug plasma concentration血浆浓度Plasma concentration 血清浓度Serum concentration耐受性Tolerance 耐药性resistance临床药理Clinical pharmacology 生物活性Bio-activity感染Infection 廓清率 Clearance强力速效剂Potent short-acting agent 横纹肌Striated muscle心(肾)功能不全cardiac/renal insufficiency高血压 hypertension 痉挛spasm低血压hypotension 关节炎arthritis肝炎hepatitis 胃肠道溃疡ulcer of gastrointestinal
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