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1、优秀学习资料欢迎下载一、表达提议1. -would you like some crisps. n- o, i m sorryb.a. rightb. wrong 正确回答: no, thanks.2. -would you like to go with us. -i would like. ba. rightb. wrong 正确回答: i would like to. 或 i d love to.3. -why don t we have a barbecue-.that s a good ideaa. a. rightb.wrong4. -how about going to an e

2、state agent.y- es, that s a good idaea.a.rightb. wrong二、表达恳求2. who is that man over there. do you knowname.ca. heb. hes c. his3. we have two s are peter and paul. ca. hisb. herc. their4. maria often has a walk withparents in the morning. ca. sheb. theirc. her5. we often havesupper at ho

3、me. ba. usb. ourc. ours6. you have more apples thando. butare better than yours.ba. us, web. we, oursc. ours, us7. she is makinga cup of coffee.aa. herselfb. himselfc.5. -could you sign the register, please.-of course.aa. rightb. wrongmyself2、指示代词6. -could you ring them up please. i m sometimes quit

4、e nervous on the phone.-are you. i am fine ba. rightb. wrong 正确回答: yes, of course. i will phone them for you.8.people are my friends.people are my husbandthese, thoseb. this, thatc. here, there二、考核冠词a s frieand. s.7. -could you tell me your car number, please. -no, sorry.aa. rightb. wrong8. -can i h

5、elp you. -yes, i d like to rent a flaat.a. rightb. wrong三、问路与指路9. -excuse me, where is the bus stop, please.it- s outside the greengroceraa. rightb. wrong10. -excuse me, where is the nearest bank, please.it- s not sureb.a. rightb. wrong 正确回答: it s next to the newsagent11. -excuse me, where is the ba

6、nk, please.it- s next to the newsag.enata. rightb. wrong s.9. i work inoffice in shanghai. ba. ab. anc. the10. -what is your job. - i maccountant.ba. ab. anc. /11. i work init department oflarge bank. aa. the, ab. a, thec. a, a12. she works inschool near my office.ca. /b. ac. the13. she is only acco

7、untant in my son s ccom pany.a. ab. anc. the14. paul is incanteen onthird floor. ba. the, ab. a, thec. a, a15. the business banking department is onfloor.ca. secondb. the twoc. the second12. -how do i get to the bus station. -you take the number 38 bus.aa.rightb. wrong16. the it department is on the

8、 top floor. thatb. the twentiethc. the twentyfloors. ba. twenty四、描述情感、描述经受、询问病情13. -how are you feeling. -i feel much better. thank you. aa. rightb. wrong14. -how was your day yesterday. -i ve got a bad coughb. a. rightb. wrong 正确回答: well, i m bu等sy15. -what was the party like. -it was great. aa. ri

9、ghtb. wrong五、谈论工作16. -what do they do.-they work in a bank. aa. rightb. wrong17. -what do you do.-i work in computers. aa. rightb. wrong18. -what are your parents doing right now. -my mother is retired. my father is a manager. ba. rightb. wrong 正确回答: they are watching tv.六、简略答语19. -do you have any f

10、amily.-yes, i do. my mother and father live in oxford. aa. rightb. wrong七、询问价格、数量20. -how much does the flat cost a month.i-t s on thentth floor. ba. rightb. wrong 正确回答: it costs 500 pounds a month.21. -how much is the rent of the flat. -it is near the center of the city. ba. rightb. wrong 正确回答: it

11、is 450 pounds a month.22. -how much oil do you need.-it costs about 50 pounds.ba. rightb. wrong 正确回答: 10 litres, please.八、描述人的外貌23. -what does he look like.-he looks sad.ba. rightb. wrong 正确回答: he is tall 等24. -what does her boyfriend look like.-he is quite tall with fair curly hair. aa. rightb. wro

12、ng九、描述天气25. -what s the weather like in shanghai-.that s all right.ba. rightb. wrong 正确回答: it is raining 等26. -what s the weather like in your city.-yes, the sun is shining.ba. rightb. wrong 正确回答: it is sunny 等,但不需回答 “ yes”十、表达问候27. -hello. i m xiaoyan. nice to meet y-ofuin. e, thank you ba. rightb.

13、 wrong 正确回答: nice to meet you, too.28. -hello, linda, how are you. -hello, rose, how do you do.ba. rightb. wrong 正确回答: very well, thank you. and you.十一、询问他人看法29. -what do you think of your new job.-i think it is very difficult. aa. rightb. wrong30. -what do you think of the internet.- i think it s v

14、ery usaeful.a.rightb. wrong十二、电话用语31. -who s speaking, please-.my name is polly williams. aa. rightb. wrong17. i have two brothers. one is a driver,is a policeman.ca. oneb. otherc. the other三、考核特别疑问词1、wh-:18. -singapore like.-it s small and w-eolrlganised.ba. what doesb. what isc. how is19. -time do

15、 you have lunch.- i usually have lunch at 12.ba. whereb. whatc. when20. of these two books do you prefer.aa. whichb. whatc. how21. -are you from.- i m from nanjing.ca. whatb. whenc. where22. -do you prefer watching tv.-because it helps my english a lot.ba. howb. whyc. what2、how +:23. -was your day.

16、well, i was very busy. aa. howb. whatc. why24. do i get to the bus station.ca. whatb. wherec. how25. wine do you need for the party.aa. how muchb. how littlec. how many26. rice do you want to buy.aa. how muchb. how manyc. how27. does the flat cost a month.ba. how manyb. how muchc. how about28. child

17、ren has his brother got.aa. how manyb. how muchc. how about29. how manywould you like to buy. ca. coffeeb. oilc. oranges30. -will the meal take. -i t ll take two hours, i think.ca. howmanyb. how muchc. how long3、表达提议的句型31. come to dinner tonight.aa. would you like tob. how aboutc. what about32. prep

18、are everything today. ba. how aboutb. why don t wec. what about33. how abouta taxi. ca. takeb. to takec. taking34. - i m tired-.taking a holiday. aa. what aboutb. why don t youc. would you like35. -what about wednesday evening.-sorry,then. aa. i m too busyb. i m freec. i m fine四、形容词1、形容词的比较级36. whic

19、h is, the yangtze river or the yellow river. ba. a bit longb. longerc. more long32. -could i speak to harry, please.-he s not in, i m aafraid.b. wrong十三、预约时间a. right37. she isthan him. ca. a bit fastb. much fastc. faster38. john is good at training. mary isthan him. ba. goodb. betterc. best33. -are

20、you free tomorrow. -no, i m afraid i manot.wrong十四、谈论时间a. rightb.39. i m bad at spelling, but jane is than meb. a. badb. worsec.less40. this radio isthan that one. aa. more expensiveb. veryexpensivec. as expensive34. -what time does the swimming pool close.-on tuesday.ba. rightb. wrong 正确回答: at 8 o

21、clo等ck十五、询问年龄35. -how old is the manager.-he is 35 years old.aa. rightb. wrong一、考核代词1、人称代词1.name is wanghua. ca. heb. he sc. his41. the coat isthan that one. aa. much more expensiveb. very expensivec. much expensive42. rose isthan frank. ca. very easy-goingb. much easy-goingc. much more easy-going43

22、. my housewarming party ismary s.aa. different fromb.different asc. as different as2、 too、enough 与形容词44. -the area is too dirty.-yes, i agree. it. saa. not clean enoughb. not enough cleanc. clean not enough89. he ison the 6 o clock train on friday evenicng . travelsc. travellinga. travelb.45. -the l

23、iving room is too old-fashioned.y- es, i agree. it. sca. not light enoughb. not cheap enoughc. not modern enough46. -the classroom is not big enough for 50 studentsy.-es, i agree. it. saa. too smallb. no bigc. not small enough47. -the second bedroom isn t big eno-yugesh,. i agree. it is. ba. smallb.

24、 too smallc. enough small48. hurr y up. we don t havetime. ba. manyb. enoughc. too many五、some 和 any49. i don t needcoffee, thanks.ba. someb. anyc. no50. i don t wanttea, thanks. ba. someb. anyc. /51. i don t want mkilin my coffee. aa. anyb. somec. many52. i don t needmineral water, but i d liketea,

25、thanks. ba. any, anyb. any, somec. some, some53. have you gotlychees.ba. someb. anyc. /六、考核介词1、表示交通工具54. he goes to workfoot but comes back hometaxi.ba. by, byb. on, byc. by, on55. how much does it costbus.ca. atb. onc. by56. i usually go to the officetrain.ba. atb. byc. on2、表示时间57. i have coffeebre

26、akfast time. aa. atb. inc. on58. chris usually go to the gymthe weekend. ca. fromb. inc. at59. i sometimes go to the pubfriday.ba. inb. onc. at60. mr green is nowa holiday. ca. inb. withc. on61. i go swimming on tuesdaystwo hours. aa. forb. atc. with3、固定词组62. i am not keensports.aa. onb. withc. in90

27、. whenfor london. aa. is she flyingb. she fliesc. she is going to fly91. davida holiday in scotland at the moment.aa. is havingb. havec. has92. helunch in the canteen right now. ca. hasb. havec. is having3)现在完成时93. you got any family. ba. dob. havec. has94. has the flata pretty garden. ca. getb. get

28、sc. got 4)一般过去时95. shea teacher in shanghai last year.ba. isb. wasc. were96. chris worried about the presentation last week.ba. isb. wasc. were5)将来时97. timmake a cake for the party. ba. going tob. is going toc. are going to98. sally s parents come and stay hweitrhsoon.ca. are goingb. is going toc. a

29、re going to6)情态动词与动词 need99. -i have got a pain in my chest.-yousee the doctor.aa. shouldb. needc. have100. i am not feeling very well. ito see the doctor.aa. needb. shouldc. would101. -should i take some medicine.-no, youto take any medicine.ba.should notb. don't needc. have not7) “ there be句”型

30、102. therethree plants in the corners of the room.ba. isb. arec. have103. therefour children in the picture. ba. isb. arec.have63. rose is experiencedtraining. aa. atb. ofc. on104. i think there will50 people at tomorrowa s paart.yb.eb.64. i m interestedcookinga.a. inb. toc. atbeingc. are65. this is

31、 my new watch. it was a presentmy wife. ba. withb. fromc. to66. she has a problemthe flat advertisement. aa. withb. forc. of67. he s responsiblethe central computer system.ba. inb. forc. of105. any yoga classes in the evenings.ba is thereb. are therec. have106. any computers in your office.aa. are t

32、hereb. is therec. have there3、倒装句107. -i prefer watching tv.-do i. aa. sob. neitherc. nor68. mark is responsible forc. ofthe international market. ba. inb.108. -i think the parks are lovely.-soi. ba. amb. doc. have69. i m a deputy manager. ian it company.aa. work forb. workaboutc. work70. i m a depu

33、ty manager. i workan it company.aa. forb. aboutc. with4、双宾语71. i ll give .a a. the man the bookb. the book the manc. the book for the man七、动词1、动词后接动名词和动词不定式72. my husband doesn t, but i like it very much. aa. like shoppingb. likes shoppingc. likes to shop73. does david.aa. like flyingb. likes flying

34、c. likes to fly74. my auntfor her friends at home. aa. enjoys cookingb. enjoys to cookc. enjoy cooking75. polly enjoysthe guitar in a band in her free time. ca. playb. to playc. playing76. carlosserve the drinks and take the orders.ba. hasb. has toc. have to2、时态1)一般现在时77. hein beijing. his parentsin

35、 hangzhou. ba. live, livesb. lives, livec. live, live78. hefor an it company. ba. workb. worksc. working79. it oftenin winter in the north of china. ba. snowb. snowsc. is snowing80. the shopat six every day. ba. is closingb. closesc. closed81. ibuy any wine. ca. need notb. don t needc. don t need to

36、82. -does “ am”afternoon. no, itmorning. ca. means, is meanb. means, is meansc. mean, means83. what “ nr ” meanb.a. isb. doesc. do84. -how long does the bus. itabout an hour. ca. take, takeb. takes, takec. take, takes频度副词:85. jack late because he is a good studentb. a. never comeb. never comesc. com

37、es never2)现在进行时86. itheavily here at this moment. ca. rainb. rainsc. is raining87. wang li isa new marketing campaign at the moment. ca. planb. planingc.planning88. when are youlondonparis. ba. leave, go tob. leaving, forc. leaving from, to109. i haven t got a ca-nr.eitheri. aa. haveb. doc. am110. -

38、i don t have tea in the mornin-gn.eitheri. ba. haveb. doc. am112. -i don t get up late on sunday-s. do i. aa. neitherb.eitherc. so八、词汇动词的意思113. he cangood english.aa. speakb. talkc. say114. how do ithe gym. aa. get tob. arrivec. go115. i m sorry she s not in. would you like tao message.ca. keepb. re

39、stc. leave116. i d like to you to a party this saturdayb. a. sendb. invitec. leave117. lily and lucy area picture-book in their room. ca. lookingb. watchingc. reading118. i m a list of things to buy.ba. doingb. makingc. having119. you can paint the walls andposters. you can do what you want.aa. put

40、upb. put downc. put on其他词意思120. i have an english classa week. ca. threeb. three timec. three times121. the house is very close to the railway station, so it s veryforca. expensiveb. noisyc. convenient第三部分句型变换( 5 题共 15 分)依据括号里的提示或利用括号里的词语改写以下句子,并将答案写在答题纸上;将以下句子改写成否定句;1. my computer is working. my co

41、mputer is not working.2. he was at the party last night. he was not at the party last night.3. she drinks coffee in the evening.she does not drink coffee in the evening.4. it usually snows in winter in ireland. it doesn t usually sinnowinter in ireland.5. put them on the desk.don t put them on the d

42、esk.6. i need to buy some apples.i do not need to buy any apples.7. i have to work every evening. i don t have to work every evening.8. my brother has a car. my brother doesn t have a car.9. she has got brown wavy hair.she has not got brown wavy hair.10. they will go to the wedding reception.they wi

43、ll not go to the wedding reception.11. mary will be there. mary won t be there.12. you can smoke in the bedrooms.you can not smoke in the bedrooms.13. you can use the phone in the living room.you can not use the phone in the living room.将以下句子改写为一般疑问句;14. she usually goes to work by bus.does she usua

44、lly go to work by bus.15. he always works on tuesday.does he always work on tuesday.16. she likes swimming.does she like swimming.17. they have a large house(. do they have a large house).18. he is a manager. is he a manager.19. he s currently working on tv advertisementsi.s he currently working on

45、tv advertisements.20. he is talking to a customer.is he talking to a customer.21. there are two plants in the house.are there two plants in the house.22. there are fifty students in the class.are there fifty students in the class.依据括号里的提示改写以下句子;23. she is flying for paris on thursday. 用 when 对划线部分提问

46、 when is she flying for paris.24. they are going to do the shopping on saturday morning.用 when 对划线部分提问 when are they going to do the shopping.25. the bus stop is outside the post office用. where 对划线部分提问 where is the bus stop.26. xiaoyan likes living in shanghai because it is very exciting.用 why 对划线部分

47、提问 why does xiaoyan like living in shanghai.27. he goes to work by bus. 用 how 对划线部分提问 how does he go to work.33. there will be a band at the wedding reception. unit 15 :婚礼上会有一个乐队; 34. you need to reduce your temperature. unit 16 :你需要退烧; 35. the weather in beijing is the same as the weather in new yo

48、rk. unit 17 :北京的天气和纽约的天气是一样;第四部分阅读懂得( 10 题共 20 分)一、阅读以下短文 ,并依据短文内容判定其后的句子是正确right,仍是错误wrong ,并在答题纸上写出所选的字母.短文 1(可参考开放英语(1)期末复习指导第30-31 页 activity 13 的中文翻译)hi rob.you want to know about my new boyfriend.his name is david manning. he lives in london and he s british. his parents are from london, but t

49、hey live in oxford. he is 34 years old. hemanager and he works for abhk bank.he s lovely, of course. see you on thursday. love, polly1. rob is polly s new boyfriebnd.a. rightb. wrong28. the manger is 40 years old(. manager.用 how old 对划线部分提问) how old is the2. david is british. aa. rightb. wrong3. dav

50、id s parents are britisha. a. rightb. wrong29. the meal will take two hours. 用 how long 对划线部分提问 how long will the meal take.30. the flight takes about three hours. 用 how long 划线部分提问 how long does the flight take.31. there will be 70 people. 用 how many 对划线部分提问 ( how many people will there be.)4. davi

51、 d s parents live in londonb. a. rightb. wrong5. david works at a university. ba. rightb. wrong09 秋试题: polly will meet rob on thursday. aa. rightb. wrong 其余四题与上面1、 2、 4、 5 相同 短文 2(可参考开放英语( 1)期末复习指导第54-55 页 activity 7的中文翻译)32. the flat costs 500 pounds a month.用 much does the flat cost a month.第四部分、阅

52、读懂得请看后面内容how much 对划线部分提问 howfranco: is this your calligraphy, xiaoyan. xiaoyan: yes. do you like it.franco: it s beautiful.xiaoyan: i think i m good at art because my father is an artist.franco: i m not. my handwriting is terrible, but i always write personal letters第五部分翻译( 5 题共 15 分) 英译汉;将以下英文句子翻译

53、成中文,并将答案写在答题纸上;1. do you like reading english newspapers.unit 1 :你喜爱看英文报纸吗? 2. david usually has a sandwich in his office at lunchtime.unit 2 :大卫常常是在办公室吃个三明治;3. i have a reservation for a single room. unit 2 :我预订了一间单人房; 4. the meeting rooms are on the ground floor.unit 3 :会议室在一层; 5. i m waiting for an important telephoen call from my boss in shanghai.unitby hand-i don litke using the computer for that.xiaoyan: neither do i. but my family only send emails, i don t get real lette an


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