1、2017江苏省对口单招英语真题江苏省2017年普通高校对口单招文化统考英语试卷第-部分:语言知识运用(共40小题,每小题1分,共40分)第-节在本节中,你将读到10个句子,从题后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选 出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将答题卡上对应选项的方框涂满、涂黑。I. He PreferS at home, rather than to the CinemaA. stay; to go B. to stay; to go C. stay; going D. to stay; go2.1f the CUStOmerS are UnSatiSfied With your SerViC
2、ez you WiIl receive a Ietter Of .A. apology B. COmPlaintC. thanksD inVitatiOn3. NO SOOnerto SChOOl than She began to Clean her ClaSSrOOmA. She had got B. had She gotC. She got D did She get4. One fifth Of the COUntryCOVered With trees and more treesgoing to bePlanted next yearA. is; are B. is; is C.
3、 are; is D. are; are5. The boy made a IOt Of mistakes in his homework, he WaS WatChing TV at theSame time. He really tried to kill two birds With One StOneA. if B. UnleSS C. because D although6. The girl WaS greatly by the news She WOn the first PIaCeA. amazing; that B. amazing; What C. amazed; that
4、 D amazed; What7. The IeCtUreWhen I arrived, SO I found it hard to followA. StartedB WaS StartingC. WOUld Start D had Started8. The air WaS full Of horrible SmeIlS after the fire WaS in the after noon.A. PUt UP B. PUt away C. PUt OUt D. PUt Off9. If you Want to IiVe a IOng and healthy life, you ShOU
5、ld figure OUtyou ShOUldand shouldn't do.A. that B. What C. Whether D. WhiCh10. The teacher dema nds that Sheher test PaPerS Withi n ten min UteS A. turn inB. hands in C. has turned in D has handed in第二节在本节中,你将读到15个短对话或片段,从题后所给的A、B、C、D四个 选项屮选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将答题卡上对应选项的方框涂满、涂 壷OII. Wow! YOUr new dre
6、ss IOOkS SO fashiOnable! Itl my mother's design.A. Thank you B. SOUndS great C. My PIeaSUre D It's Very kind Of you12. If SOmeOne is in your Wayz you ShOUld SayzZ"and be POlite enOUgh to Wait tillhe Or She movesA. l"d IOVe to B. never mind C. excuse me D. I,m a Stranger13. m SOrry
7、I made a mistake! NObOdy is perfect.A. Take your time. B. Ifs OK. C. It all depends. D. Take it easy.14. -The CartOOn film ZOOtOPia is POPUIar recently. HoW do you Iike it?A. Take your time. B. Ifs OK. C. It all depends. D. Take it easy.15. -What a pity! YOU didn't go to the beach With us. It Wa
8、S SO much fun there! YOU must go next time I dort think l,ll have any fun. I cart SWimA. Yes, PleaSe B. No, thanks. C. YOU are WeICOme D No, not at all.M: SO What do you think Of the new ShOPPing Center?W: I Went there yesterday, and it is not as good as I expected16. What does the WOman think Of th
9、e ShOPPing center?A. It is SatiSfaCtOryB. It is expensiveC. It is old-fashiOneeLD It is disappoint!ng.M: Jane, COUId you tell me SOmething about your trip to Europe?W: SUre We SPent four days in EngIa nd, five days in Italy, and fin ally One Week in Fra nce.17. HOW IOng did Jane Stay abroad in all?A
10、. 4 days. B. 5 days. C. 9 days. D. 16 days.M: Can I Stay here for just another minuteI really need to IOOk UP SOmething On MO Yan.W: SOrryZ everyOne is SUPPOSed to PUt books back to the ShelfWhen the CIOSing bell is SOUnded18. Where is the COnVersation most PrObabIy taking place?A. In a theatreB. In
11、 a booking OffiCeC. In a IibraryD. In a furniture StOreM: d Iike to buy this tie. HOW much is it?W: Ifs 30 dollars.M: Can you give me a CliSCOUnt?W: YOUr discoUnt is already inClUdedz sir. NonnaIly We Charge 35 dollars19. HOW much does the tie COSt the man?A. 5 dollars. B. 30 dollars. C. 35 dollars.
12、 D. 65 dollars.M: HOW IOng Will We Stay at the camp?W: We WiIl Stay there for One night That means We WiIl IeaVe the CamP On AUgUSt 7th20. When WiIl the SPeakerS arrive at the camp?A. On AUgUSt 5th.B. On AUgUSt 6th.C. On AUgUSt 7th.D. On AUgUSt 8th.M: DO PeOPIe Prefer fast food?W: I SUPPOSe so. AS m
13、odern PeOPle are IiVing a faster-paced IifeZ fast food has become Very POPUIar21. Why do PeOPle Prefer fast food according to the WOman?A. It is popular.B. Ii tastes goodC. It SaVeS money.D It SaVeS timeM: EXCUSe me, Where Can I find the manager in this buildingI need to SPeak to him right now.W: SO
14、rryZ I cart help you m not familiar With this building My friend IiVeS here22. What does the WOman mean?A. She is a visitor.B. She just moved in hereC. She knoWS the managerD She is asking the WayM: Ella, do you know WhO WaS PrOmOted to OUr director?W: No. Let me guess. ll bet it is DaVid from the G
15、M OffiCeM: Wrong. ItZS PatriCk from the SaIeS DePartment.23. WhO WaS promoted?A. David. B. PatriCkC. Ella. D. DaVid and PatriCkM: I am PIanning a trip to HaWaiiz IeaVing from LOS AngeIeS COUld you help me With making my airline reservation?W: Sure.24. WhOm is the man SPeaking to?A. A ShOP assistantB
16、. A POliCe officer.C. A travel agent.D. A bank clerk.YOUr SeVen-day trip includes:visit to the FOrbidden Cityz the Great WaIlz Tiananmen Square, the SUmmer PalaCe and SOme nice museums return flights and transport to and from the airportsix nights in five-star hotelsFOr further in format! Orb COn ta
17、ct WOrld TOUrS Tel: 862337825. The above is A. a notice B. an interview C. an application D an advertisement第三节在本节中,你将读到-段对话,从方框中所给的A、B、C、D、E五个选项 中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将答题卡上对应选项的方框涂满、涂黑。A. SOz you must be Pretty interested in PhOtOgraPhy then.B. Maybe We COUId go together.C. What kind Of things do you do
18、 in your free time?D. What about you?E. DO you have any PhOtOS Of your trip there?W:M: m into WatChing films. 27W: I Iike CamPing. DO you enjoy CamPing?M: NOt SO much CamPing for an evening is OKz but I COUldrt do it for much IOnger than One night.W: HaVe you ever been CamPing in HUangshanl,m Very f
19、ond Of the PIaCeM:No. 28_W: SUre .I've taken IOtS Of PiCtUreS .I'll ShOW you n ext time M:空W: d CaIl it One Of my hobbies And I took quite a few PhOtOgraPhy CIaSSeS at University.M: HaVe you heard about the PhOtOgraPhy exhibit at OUr museum this Weekend?W: Yes.M: 30W: That,s great第四节在本节中,你将读
20、到一篇短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选 项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将答题卡上对应选项的方框涂满、涂孟OAt PreSent, more and more PeOPIe IOVe traveling. Itl a Very good 31 Of getting to know new PeOPIe and CUItUreS and acquiring experiences It helps travelers to 32 a lot. TraVel Can make OUr minds become 33 BUt travel does more than all th
21、at It Can also make US more CreatiVe .In rece nt years, SOme experts have been doing research On What many PeOPIe have already Iearned from travel experiences They believe that SPending time abroad has the 34 to affect people's mind For example, they found the StUdents WhO IiVed abroad for a IOn
22、ger PeriOd Were better at 35 PrOblemS CreatiVely than those WhO did not. If you Stay in the Same place, you can,t experience new SightSz new SOUndS and new CUItUreS AIl these Can 36 VOUr mind and make it more active 37 , that doesrt mean the more PIaCeS you,ve been to, the more CreatiVe you WiIl bec
23、ome AnOther group Of experts have been doing 38 research They found the PeOPIe WhO Often traveled from One PIaCe to another didn't have enough 39 to immerse (使沉浸)themselves in a new PIaCeand a new CUItUre They Werert as CreatiVe as the PeOPIe WhO SPent the time 40 getting to know a PIaCe YoU hav
24、e to in teract (扌口 互影 向)With the PIaCe you go to and the D you Can ben efit from it.If you go traveling, WhiCh do you prefer, Staying in a PlaCe for a Certain PenOd Or rushing all the way?31. A. Way B. area C. Sign D. State32. A. interact B. PrOdUCeC. Iearn33. A. SlOWerB. narrower C. WiderD.ChangeD.
25、 healthier1034. A. ability35. A. SOlVing36. A. Set UPB. POSSibiIity C. PerSOnaIity D. difficultyB. CaUSing C. COntrolling D SPreadingB. Wake UP C. turn UP D Clean UP37. A. InStead B. OtherWiSe C. MOreOVer D. HOWeVer38. A. SeCret B. rapid C. COmmOn D. SimiIar39. A. interest B. money C. time D. qualit
26、y40. A. nearly B. PrObably C. hardly D. really第二部分:阅读理解(共22小题:第4158题每小题2分,第5962题每小题1 分,共40分) 第五节 在本节中,你将读到三则阅读材料,从题后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项 中选出最佳答案,并将答题卡上对应选项的方框涂满、涂黑。TheSe terms and COnditiOnS ShOUld be read before you Sign your contract.Salary: YOUr Starting SaIarV is S 15,000. ThiS is adjusted almost ever
27、y yearHours: The normal WOrk hours are 8 hours a day, from MOnday to Friday. YoU WiIl Start WOrk On May 21,2017 On the first morning, report to your department manager JOhn Knight HeaIth and safety: PleaSe read the Safety regulations attached If you have any questiOns, COntact the health and Safety
28、OffiCeG WhOSe name is at the top Of the regulation Sheet If you have health problems, PIeaSe in form the SeniOr nurse, ChriS ThOmaS .Ifyou Can not go to WOrk because Of illness, PleaSe telephone the officer.Yearly leave: DUring your first year Of employment you are given 20 days' IeaVe ThiS ShOU
29、ld be arranged With your department manager.OVertime (加班):lf you WOrk more than 40 hours a week, you WiIl be Paid for extra hours YOUr department manager WiIl keep a record Of the OVertime you WOrk If you WOrk On PUbliC holidays, you Will be Paid at the CUrre nt rate .If you PrefeG time Can be taken
30、 inStead Of extra Pay for PUbliC holidays and OVertimeUnifOrms: The SUPPIieS DePartment PrOVideS Un 讦 OrrnS In form the departme nt OfyOUr SiZe two days before you need them YoU Can also Order Other equipment you need for your job from the department41. ACCOrding to the PaSSagez the SaIary Of the em
31、ployee isA. Paid WeekIyB. adjusted monthlyC. adjusted almost from year to yearD. fixed for the WhOle COntract PeriOd42. If employees have health PrObIemSz they ShOUld A. telephone the SaleS departmentB. in form the SeniOr nurseC. report to their department managerD con tact the health and SafeIy Off
32、iCer43. The department manager is respOnSible for A. giving a Pay raiseB. Signing a COntractC. arranging yearly IeaVeD helping With PerSOnal affairs44. If employees WOrk On PUbIiC holidays, USUaIIy they WiIl get A. extra days OffB. extra moneyC. a Pay raiseD Paid holidays45. When employees need Unif
33、orms, they should inform the SUPPlieS DePartmentOf .A. the SiZe B. the COIOr C. the Style D the quantity46. WhatZS the best title Of the passage?A. EmPlOymentB. A COntractC. ReqUirements to Be EmPlOyeeS D. TermS and Conditions Of EmPIOymentBTOdayz milliOnS Of PeOPIe run in the United StateS Many mor
34、e WOmen now take Part in the SPOrt Many Children in PUbliC and PriVate SChOOIS run as a Part Oftheir PhySiCal education PrOgramSRUnning has gained POPUIarity for SeVeral reasons YOU Can do it anyWherez anytime YOU do not need Other PeOPle YOU do not need much equipment. However, experts Say you ShOU
35、ld Wear a good Pair Of running ShOeS to PrOteCt your feet The manUfaCtUrer Of running ShOeS has become a huge industryPeOPle run for different reasOns. Many Say running makes them feel better PhySiCaIly It PreVents them from gaining Weight It PrOVideS needed exercise to help PreVent SOme diseases Ma
36、ny PeOPIe also Say running makes them feel better mentally. It makes them feel happier SOme Say they forget their WOrrieS When they runMany PeOPIe also run to help OtherS FOr example, Ed BUrt Of HOPedale ran in the BOStOn MarathOn to help the AmenCan LiVer FOUndatiOn ThiS deeply PleaSed his father,
37、WhO WaS SUffenng from IiVer diseaseSPOrtS experts Urge PeOPle to PrePare themselves before trying to run in IOng races They Say SPeCial exercises and repeated runs are needed to build Strength DOCtOrS also advise rurmers to make SUre they are in good health before entering a running race They Say 42
38、 kilometers is a IOng Way to run as fast as you Carb WithOUt StOPPi ng.47. SChOOl Children run A. as a SPOrtB. as an activityC. as a Part Of their PhySiCal education D as a game48. Why is running becoming popular?A. RUnning is a SPOrt easy to do.B. PeOPle Can WeargOOCl ShOeSC. MUCh equipment is need
39、edD. BUSiness for SPOrtS is developing now.49. HOW does run ning help PeOPle become better men tally?A. It PreVentS them from getting OVerWeightB. It removes WOrrieS and UnhappinessC. It PrOteCtS them from illnessesD It Can help CUre mental diseases50. Why does Ed BUrt run?A. TO PIeaSe his father Wh
40、O WaS SiCkB. TO make money for his father.C. TO help the AmeriCan LiVer FOUndation.D. TO Stay free Of IiVer disease51. What is doctors' advice for runners?A. TO run as fast as they can.B. TO take a IOng running raceC. TO keep running WithOUt StOPPingD. TO make SUre they are healthy enoUgh to run
41、.CWhen you OPen your e-mail, you may find informatiOn about how to buy medicine, CheaP airline tickets, books, COmPUter PrOdUCtSz and SO OrL There may also be OfferS for inVeStment deals, bank IOanS and SPeCial holidays HOWeVe匚 to many COmPUter USerSz this USe Of SPam to SeIl PrOdUCtS has become a m
42、ajor PrOblem as it makes COmPUter COmmUniCatiOn more difficultMany COmPanieS that Want to Send a great deal Of advertising at the Same time might USe the SerViCeS Of az/sPammer, A SPammer is a PerSOn Or COmPany that USeS COmPUterS to Send OUt millions Of COPieS Of the Same SaIeS information. SPammer
43、S get people's e-mail addresses from WebSiteSz news groups anCrChat rooms,where PeOPle SenCl messages to each other.MOSt SPam is Sent by COmPanies that are trying to get you to buy their PrOdUCtS SOme Of these are honest COmPanies that may Offer good PrOdUCtS Or SerViCeS for fair PriCeS TheSe CO
44、mPanies Can Offer their PrOdUCtS for a CheaPer PnCe than you may find in a StOre However, much Of the SPam On the Internet is Sent by CriminalS (肖E犯) WhO are trying to Sell PrOdUCtS that do not exist Or Offer SerViCeS they Will not PrOVide at all. What they are Only interested in is SteaIing your mo
45、ney. When you anSWer their SPam you find you are expected to Send them money and receive a gift. If you just follow What they ask you to do WithOUt any COnSideratiOn, it is IikeIy that you Will be Cheated and IOSe SOme mone y.52. What does the WOrd ZZSPam "in the IaSt SentenCe Ofthe first Parag
46、raPh PrObabIy refer to?A. UnWanted informationB. SenOUS COmPUter VirUSeSC. AdVertiSementS Sent by dishonest COmPanies.D. COmPanieS Sending OUt the Same SaleS information.53. SPammerS are those PeOPIe Or COmPanies that A. receive SParn On their COmPUterSB. COlIeCt e-mill addresses from the In ter net
47、C. want to Send a great deal Of advertisingD Send OUt too much the Same SaleS in formatio n On the In ter net54. SOme COmPanies Send SParn to A. SPread SOme VirUSeS to your COmPUterB. PrOmOte their PrOdUCtS On the InternetC. get to know more PeOPIe On the InternetD. make COmPUter COmrnUnicatiOn much
48、 easier55. ACCOrding to the WriterZ how Can We deal With spam?A. LOOk OUt for any SPam that reaches your COmPUter.B. Don't trust any in formatio n On the In ter net.C. BUy the CheaPer PrOdUCtS advertised in the SPamD. Don,t buy anything advertised in the SPam56. What is the author's PUrPOSe
49、Of Wnting this passage?A. TO explain What SPam is.B. TO find OUt WhO Send OUt SPamC. TO Warn readers Of POSSible dangers Of SPamD TO ShOW the advantages and disadvantages Of SPam第六节 在本节中,你将读到两个分别来自阅读理解B篇和C篇中有下划线的句 子,请根据上下文将它们翻译成中文,并将答案写在答题卡上对应处。57. DOCtOrS also advise runners to make SUre they are i
50、n good health before entering a running race58. If you just follow What they ask you to do WithOUt any COnSideratiOnz it is Iikely that you WiIl be CheateCl and IOSe SOme money.第七节 在本节中,你将读到i篇短文。根据所读内容,在短文后表格中的空格处 填入一个恰当的词,并将答案写在答题卡上对应处。每空一词。TOday OUr knowledge Of food and What it does for OUr bodies is far more advaneed than that Of
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