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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上2015-2016六上精通英语词组Unit 11. during your holidays 在你放假期间2. get there 到达那3. go there by plane 乘飞机去那4. have a good time 玩得愉快5. stay in a hotel 待在旅馆里6. by the sea 在海边7. enjoy sunbathing 享受日光浴8. during the day 在白天9. at night 在夜晚10. sound wonderful 听起来很精彩11. stay at home 待在家里12. have a big part

2、y 举行一个盛大的聚会13. go to the beach 去海滩14. enjoy Spring Festival 过春节15. on your holidays 在你的假期16. tell sb (something) about sth 告诉某人关于某事17. three years ago 三年前18. use them in and out of class 在课内外使用它们19. ask sb to do sth 让某人干某事20. ask sb not to do sth 让某人别干某事21. practise listening 练习听力 22. listen to Engl

3、ish 听英语23. talk in English 用英语谈话24. in the first year 在第一年25. begin to learn English 开始学英语26. in many ways 用许多方法27. let us do things by ourselves 让我们自己做事情28. do interesting tasks 做有趣的任务29. be interested in 对.感兴趣30. do role play 进行角色扮演31. tell stories 讲故事32. work in pairs 两人合作33. work in groups 小组合作3

4、4. help each other 互相帮助35. learn from each other 互相学习36. do a good job 做得很好37. learn to do sth 学习做某事38. learn sth from sb 向某人学习某事39. learn from sb 向某人学习40. learn sth by doing sth 通过干某事学习.41. have an English party 举行英语聚会42. act in drama 表演戏剧43. here and there 到处44. again and again 一次又一次,反复45. after t

5、heir holidays 在他们的假期之后46. as a present 作为礼物47. get a new dress from her mum 从她妈妈那得到一件新连衣裙48. Welcome back to our class. 欢迎回到我们班。49. last year 去年50. in Chinese history 在中国历史上51. in wise ways 用明智的方法52. at the same time 同时53. talk actively 积极地谈话54. make notes/take notes 记笔记55. a great book called Lunyu

6、 一本叫做论语的著作56. live together 在一起生存Unit 21. this picture of my community 这张我的社区的图片2. one of the buildings 楼房之一3. on the main street 在主街上4. beside the bank 在银行旁边5. behind the park 在公园后面6. across the road 在马路对面7. between.and. 在.和.之间8. other healthy food 其他的健康食品9. in the centre of the community 在社区中心10.

7、on my way to school 在我上学的路上11. in front of-behind 在.的前面(范围外) 在.的后面12. in the front of-at the back of 在.的前部(范围内) 在.的后部13. last week 上周14. go down this street 顺着这条街走下去15. turn right 右转16. at the traffic lights 在交通灯处17. on the left 在左边18. how long 多长时间19. go there on foot 步行去那20. It takes sb some time

8、to do sth 干某事花费某人.时间21. My pleasure. 不客气22. only a few minutes 仅仅几分钟23. cross the street 穿过街道24. in her clear mind 在她清醒的头脑中25. make a clever plan 制定一个聪明的计划26. get to the City Library 到达城市图书馆27. go there by No.6 bus 乘6路公共汽车去那28. far from here 离这远29. get off the bus 下车30. get on the bus 上车31. get into

9、 the car 上车(小轿车)32. get out of the car 下车(小轿车)33. at the third stop 在第三站34. on your right 在你的右边35. on the left of. 在.的左边36. Thanks a lot. 非常感谢。37. Thank you very much. 非常感谢。38. by subway 乘地铁39. post office 邮局40. half an hour 半小时41. go straight 一直走42. one of the most famous parks 最著名的公园之一43. in the w

10、orld 在世界上44. enjoy nature 享受自然45. take their dogs to the park 46. enjoy run about带他们的狗去公园47. foreign visitors to New York 来纽约的外国游客48. a ride in a horse carriage 马车之旅 49. play chess 下象棋50. sing sweetly 甜美地歌唱51. visitors from other countries 来自其他国家的游客52. take his dog for a walk 带他的狗散步Unit 31. my famil

11、ys travel plan 我的家庭旅行计划2. travel around China 环游中国3. during the summer holidays 在暑假期间4. be going to 将要(打算)5. stay in China for two weeks 在中国呆上两星期6. in the first week 在第一个星期7. the longest wall in the world 世界上最长的墙8. in the north of China 在中国的北部9. the capital of China 中国的首都10. in the east of China 在中国

12、的东部11. the most famous place 最著名的地方12. by plane/by air 乘飞机13. by ship/by sea 乘轮船14. by train 乘火车15. What do you think of/about.? 你觉得.怎么样?16. How do you like.? 你觉得.怎么样?17. the map of China 中国地图18. learn a lot 学到许多(东西)19. the history of China 中国历史20. this morning 今天早上21. tomorrow moning 明天早上22. in the

13、 north of Beijing 在北京的北部23. the Great Wall 长城24. the Ming Tombs 明十三陵25. the Temple of Heaven 天坛26. the Summer Palace 颐和园27. the Forbidden City 紫禁城28. Beihai Park 北海公园29. this weekend 这个周末30. learn about 了解31. the famous places around the world 世界各地的著名的地方32. the capital city 首都城市33. one of the talles

14、t towers 最高的塔之一34. all those famous places 所有的那些著名的地方35. all my favourite places 我所有的最喜欢的地方36. have a meeting 开会37. travel around the world 环游世界38. take a ship to America 乘轮船去美国39. get there by bike 骑自行车到那40. in outer space 在外太空41. look out of the window 朝窗外看42. be surprised at 对.感到惊讶Fun Time1. go o

15、n summer holidays 过暑假2. everything we saw 我们看到的一切3. ask the way in pairs 两人一组问路4. famous places around China 中国各地的著名的地方5. one of the greatest wonders of the world 世界上最伟大的奇迹之一6. over/more than 超过7. 4500 miles long 4500英里长8. thousands of 数以千计的,成千上万的9. be called 被叫做10. in the south part of 在.的南部11. be

16、famous for 以.而著名12. look different 看上去不同13. in each season 在每一个季节Unit 41. on weekends 在周末2. my daily life 我的日常生活3. a big shopping centre 一个大的购物中心4. go shopping 去购物5. behind the post office 在邮局后面6. on the left of the supermarket 在超市的左边7. between the bank and the bookshop 在银行和书店之间8. in front of the ca

17、ke shop 在蛋糕店前面9. make rules 制定规则10. on time 按时11. listen to the teacher carefully 仔细听老师讲12. in class 在课上13. ask and answer questions actively 积极地问答问题14. help to do some housework 帮助做家务15. keep his room clean 保持他的房间干净16. take good care of the younger children 照顾好幼小的孩子们17. keep off the grass 远离草坪18. G

18、o for it! 为之努力!19. Whats the weather like.? 天气怎样?20. Hows the weather.? 天气怎样?Unit 51. in the shopping centre 在购物中心2. go shopping with their parents 和他们的父母去购物3. a pair of shoes 一双鞋 4. try them on 试穿它们5. How much.? .多少钱?6. Whats the price of.? .的价钱是多少? 7. be in clothes 穿着衣服8. come over here 来这里9. have/catch a bad cold 得了重感冒10. have a headache 头痛11. have a fever 发烧12. take me to the hospital 带我去医院13. get well 康复14. Whats wrong with.? .怎么了?15. feel much better 觉得好多了16. go for som


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