1、英语口语表达:用英文表达各种无奈1. BeyondBeyond这个词传递着一种高高在上的超越感,但它的另一层含义是要表达“没可能”和“搞不定”。 例:The situation is beyond our control.我们无力掌控这种局面。I think it's beyond hope.我看这事儿没戏了。 2. One of those things就是那些事儿,你还不知道吗?这里指的是某些倒霉的遭遇,讲话者其实想说这种倒霉事儿真没辙,大部分人也都经历过。 例:I missed the train and had to take a later on
2、e. It was just one of those things, I guess.我错过了那趟火车,还得等下一趟。这种事真没办法。 3. What's done is done已经做了的事没法改变了,木已成舟,覆水难收,过去的就让它过去吧! 例:It's too late to change it now. What's done is done.现在再改变已经来不及了,木已成舟。 4. I'm afraid.这个固定说法一般用来礼貌地告诉他人一些不愉快的事情,顺便表示同情。 例:-Bad news?坏消息?
3、0;-I'm afraid so.恐怕是。 5. Have no other choice没有其他选择了。这个说法有种不得不这样做的意味,说明这件事并非大家期望的。 例:They have left us with no other choice than to take formal action.他们逼得我们别无选择,只有采取正式行动。生活英语口语:无法接听电话Sorry, her line is busy now. 她正在打电话Alright. I'll try again later.She's on another line now.Ms.
4、 Kane is talking to someone else now.I'm afraid she's on the other line now. I'm sorry, she's tied up at the moment.对不起,她现在抽不开身.I'm sorry, she has company at this time. *company 表示朋友、来客(对不起,他现在正在接待客人) Would you like to hold? 您等会儿行吗No, I'll call back later. Thanks.Wo
5、uld you like to stay on the line?Can you hold the line, please?Would you like to hold on?Wanna hold? 能等会儿吗? *只用于熟人 Wanna.=Do you want to He's away from his desk now.他现在不在座位上.He's in but he's not at his desk right now. 他现在在公司但不在座位上.Is John there, please?I'm sorry, he's not in
6、 right now. 对不起,他刚刚出去了.He's not in.He's out now. /He's not here now.He's out of the office right now. When is he coming back?他什么时候回来.When do you expect him back?What time do you think he'll be back?He should be back in ten minutes.;之后(他大概十分钟后回来.)He should be back in the offi
7、ce next week.他应该下个星期来上班.He's on vacation until next week.他休假到下个星期.He called in sick today. 他打电话请病假.He's out of town now. 出差(他现在出差去了)He's out to lunch now. 午休,吃午饭他现在吃午饭去了.He's in a meeting right now.他现在正在开会.He's off today. 休息(他今天休息.)英语口语:如何用英文形容“脸皮厚”1. Thick-skinned表示“皮厚”。 a
8、thick-skinned orange 厚皮的橙子 Thick-skinned 用在人身上,指“厚脸皮”,反之“脸皮薄”可以说thin-skinned。 He was thick-skinned enough to cope with her taunts. 他脸皮厚,不怕她嘲弄。 2. Shameless表示“不知羞耻”。 Shameless由词根shame变化而来,shame本来是“羞愧,羞耻”的意思,比如Shame on you!(你真不知羞耻!)Shame加上表示“无”、“没有”的后缀-less就是“不知羞耻”的意思。
9、60;Did you see the shameless way she was chucking herself at him? 你看她涎皮赖脸地追求他了吗? 3. Cheeky表示“厚颜无耻的”。 Cheeky 用来形容人行为无礼,放肆,恬不知耻。如果有人拿你开玩笑有点过了,你可以警告对方一句“Stop being so cheeky!”或者“I want no more of your cheek!” You're getting far too cheeky! 你太放肆了! 4. Bold-faced表示“厚颜无耻的”
10、,行为够大胆,脸皮足够厚。 He is a bold-faced liar. 他是说谎眼都不眨,脸皮够厚。 5. Brazen表示“肆无忌惮的”。 Brazen 除了意指“黄铜制的”、还可表示“肆无忌惮的”、“厚颜无耻的”。 She had become brazen about the whole affair. 她对这场绯闻已经不感到羞耻了。英语口语:挂断电话时常用的英文表达So, I'll see you tomorrow.Thanks for calling. 谢谢您打来电话.Thank you for your ca
11、ll.Please call again anytime. 请随时来电话. I'd better get off the phone. 我得挂电话了Well, I have to go now.I have to get going. 我得挂电话了.I guess I'd better get going. *guess 想;(我该挂电话了) Nice talking to you. Bye.很高兴跟您通电话.拜 Please hang up the phone.请挂电话吧Please put down the receiver.Would you
12、 please get off the phone?I was cut off. 电话断了I was disconnected.She hung up on me. 她挂了我的电话了She hung up before I finished.The phone went dead. 电话不通. Thank you for returning my call.谢谢您给我回电话.Thank you for calling me back.英语口语:英文口语中的霸气口头禅1. So what?那又怎样?2. Who do you think you are?你以为你是谁啊? 3.
13、 No spells no.我说不行就不行。 4. Cut it out.省省吧。 5. What did you say?你说什么? 6. Don't keep me in suspense.别和我卖关子。 7. Do you know who you're talking to?你知道你在跟谁说话吗? 8. Knock it off.少来这一套。 9. Just wait and see!咱们走着瞧! 10. Don't waste my time anymore.别再浪费我时间了。英语口语表达:
14、重头再来、绞尽脑汁等的英语说法1 a pain in the neck 令人懊恼,烦扰的事情。 If something is very annoying, you can describe it as “a pain in the neck” or simply as “a pain.” Remember, this idiom in context refers to something that bothers or annoys you, not to literal physical pain. “Going through security at the air
15、port is a pain in the neck you have to take off your belt, keep all liquids in a bag, take out your laptop its so inconvenient.” 过机场安检真的让人头疼-你不得不解开腰带,把所有的液体都放在袋子里,拿出笔记本电脑.好麻烦。 “You can get a student visa in this country but its a real pain. There are tons of forms to fill out, and th
16、e whole process takes at least six months.” 在这个国家你也能拿到学生签证,但真的很让人烦。有数不清的表格要填,整个过程至少要六个月。 #2 back to the drawing board/back to square one 重头再来,重新开始 If you do a project that tries to accomplish a goal, but it isnt successful, then youll have to go back to the drawing board or back to square
17、one this means to start over with a new project/attempt, because the previous project didnt work. “The architect didnt approve the plan for our new house, so its back to the drawing board.” 设计师不同意我们新房子的计划,所以又得重新开始了。 “I thought Id get the job after my great interview, but I didnt. Now
18、its back to square one.“ 我原以为在非常不错的面试之后我就会找到工作,但是并没有。现在一切又得重头再来了。 #3 call the shots 拥有决策权, Someone who calls the shots is the person who makes the decisions. This person has the power to decide things without needing permission or approval from anyone else. “I make the mone
19、y, but my wife is the one who calls the shots when it comes to financial decisions.” 我挣钱但是遇到财政方面的决定时我妻子才是决策者。 #4 down to the wire 只有极少的时间就到截止时间了,赶到最后期限 If something is down to the wire, it means there is extremely little time left to finish it before the deadline. “The paper
20、 was due at 4 PM and I worked on it right down to the wire I handed it to my teacher at 3:55.”试卷最晚下午四点交,我赶在最后时间才完成。我3点55分交给老师了。 #5 have time to kill 打发时间,消磨时间 To have time to kill means you have extra time before something happens, so you need to find some way to occupy or enter
21、tain yourself. “We got to the airport five hours early, so we had time to kill before the flight.” 我们提前五个小时到了机场,因为我们在飞机起飞前得找点事情打发时间。 #6 rack your brain 绞尽脑汁,苦思冥想 When youre trying very hard to remember something, and having difficulty remembering or thinking of it, you are r
22、acking your brain. “I racked my brain trying to recall the name of the book.” 我绞尽脑汁,试图想起那本书的名字。 #7 smooth sailing 顺利进行,没有大的问题或者困恼 Smooth sailing means easy progress, without any major problems or difficulties. “It was a little tricky finding the right highway, but once we were on it, then it was smooth sailing.” (= easy to drive to the destination) 找到正确的高速路线有点难,但是一旦我们找到之后,开起来则很顺利。生活英语对话:
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