



1、    近代日荷生丝贸易盛衰分析    摘要: 在近代,由于日本养蚕缫丝技术落后,以及日本人喜欢丝织品,再加上生丝贸易有利可图,荷兰人便将生丝批量运往日本销售。文章结合历史学、经济学的研究方法,分析了1718世纪日荷生丝贸易的盛衰变化。在1640年德川幕府锁国前,日荷生丝贸易兴起并兴盛。17世纪中期日本锁国,荷兰人的商贸活动受限,生丝贸易受到不利因素影响。至18世纪,虽然荷兰一直向日本输入生丝,但其贸易额减少,相关贸易逐渐衰落。生丝无疑是日荷贸易中最重要的商品之一,通过观察这种商品,可以从宏观角度分析整个日荷贸易的盛衰,从而深入探索近代东西方的交流交往。

2、關键词:日本;荷兰;生丝;贸易;盛衰;贸易额中图分类号: f768.1;k313.3文献标志码: b文章编号: 1001-7003(2021)10-0095-06引用页码: 101205doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-7003.2021.10.015(篇序)analysis of the prosperity and decline of the japanese-dutch raw silk trade in early modern timezhang lanxing(college of history culture and tourism, sichuan norm

3、al university, chengdu 610068, china)abstract:in early modern time, as japan lagged behind in silkworm breeding and reeling technology, the japanese people loved silk fabrics, and raw silk trade was profitable, the dutchmen shipped raw silk to japan. this paper is focused on analyzing the changes in

4、 prosperity and decline of the japanese-dutch raw silk tradein the 17th and 18th centuries. before tokugawa shogunate cut off their country from the outside world in 1640, raw silk trade between the two countries emerged and reached its climax. in the middle of the 17th century, the lockdown of japa

5、n restricted the dutch business activities and the raw silk trade was affected by unfavorable factors. by the 18th century, even though the dutch had been importing raw silk into japan, its trade volume decreased and relevant trade declined.raw silk is undoubtedly one of the most important commodities in japanese-dutch trade. the investigation of the commodity is conductive to analyzing the prosperity and decline of the entire japanese-dutch raw silk tradefrom a macro perspective, thereby deeply exploring the exchanges between the east and the west in modern ti


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