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1、初二英语阅读题15篇 初二英语阅读理解15篇阅读短文,从每小题所给的选项中选择能回答问题的最佳选项。第一篇(a)my friends and i had a two-day vacation last week and we decided to visit a famous mountain. it was a nice experience(经历). we arrived at the foot of the mountain by bus. we climbed to the top of it in a cable car. then some of us took phot

2、os, and others enjoyed the beautiful scenery(风景). we were not tired at night because we were too excited. we talked late in the tents. after we got up the next morning, there was heavy fog on the mountain and we couldn't see anything. it was very easy to get lost, so we went for a walk

3、 together. we saw some beautiful plants on the way. we also saw some rubbish. we picked it up as we were walking. when we got home, it was late. after the trip, we all think we should look after our home the earth. if everyone does something for it, it will become more and more beautiful. 

4、( )1. the writer's vacation was about _.a. one dayb. two daysc. three daysd. four days( )2. they didnt _ on the top of the mountain.a. take any photos.b. enjoy the scenery.c. sleep in the tents.d. draw any pictures.( )3. the underlined word "fog" means "_" in chinese.a.雾b.霜c.

5、风d.冰( )4. which of the following is true according to the passage?a. we had a good time on the mountain.b. we arrived at the mountain in the evening.c. we went for a walk the next day and got lost soon.d. we felt very tired when we got to the top of the mountain.( )5. what do they learn after the tr

6、ip?a. friends should go out together often.b. it is everyone's duty to look after our earth.c. it will never get tired to go on vacation with friends.d. the earth will sure become more and more beautiful. 第二篇(b)our teacher takes us on a trip each year. during my first trip, we went to couzy, lao

7、n, lille, and amiens. all are in northern france. 41 students went along with three of our professors. the first place we went to was an old palace on the top of a mountain. it was very beautiful. the next place was the town of laon. we visited a notre dame cathedral there. we then went to lill

8、e, the fifth largest city in france. we walked around lille and looked at different buildings. all were very interesting and each professor told us their own opinions on each building. this became a more interesting way for us to learn architecture (建筑学). the next day we traveled to amiens, to look

9、at another notre dame cathedral. amiens is a nice little town. as there is a famous university, we learned how other european students live and study. the trip was great. it was tiring but very helpful for us to understand every aspect (方面)of architecture. ( )6. there were _ people taking

10、part in the trip.( )7. the old palace on the top of a mountain is in _.a. couzyb. laonc. lilled. amiens( )8. they saw a notre dame cathedral in _.a. laon and amiensb. lille and laonc. couzy and lilled. couzy and amiens( )9. we can learn from the passage that _.a. lille is a nice little townb. there

11、is a university in couzyc. the writer himself is from europed. there is a notre dame cathedral in lille( )10. what's the best title (标题) for this passage?a. buildings in northern france.b. a way to learn architecture.c. touring around france.d. a great trip.参考答案:(a) 篇:bdaab, (b) 篇:caacd第三篇gary i

12、s a 17-year-old high school student. he has lots of 1 habits. he likes to use the internet for fun at night, and he usually 2 late. when he feels sleepy(瞌睡), he drinks some coffee. 3 he goes to bed late, he usually gets up late the next morning and arrives at school late. for breakfast, he always ea

13、ts junk food like hamburgers. and he 4 exercises. he doesnt like to exercise at all. these habits are not good for his body or his mind. he often feels 5 and sometimes he cant think quickly. he is worried about (担心) his health and decides to do 6 . ill try not to spend too much time on the 7 ,” he s

14、ays. “ ill get up early and exercise in the park 8 three times a week. and ill try to eat healthy food. people say old habits die hard( ) 1. a. goodb.  bad   c. happy( ) 2. a. clean upb.  put up   c. stays up( ) 3. a. becauseb. &#

15、160;although   c. so( ) 4. a. alwaysb.   often  c. never( ) 5. a. hungryb.   tired c. relaxed( ) 6. a. somethingb. someone     c. somewhere( ) 7. a. homeworkb. computer     c.

16、 television( ) 8. a. at mostb. less than      c. at least(b)how do you spend your free time i think doing sports is the best way. there are many kinds of sports, such as skiing, fishing, climbing, hiking, cycling and so on. we can also do sports in the house, for exampl

17、e, playing chess. there are also some water sports such as swimming and diving. i think ball games are the most popular games in the world. in autumn, american football begins. millions of people like to watch it on tv to cheer for their favourite team. but some people don't think

18、 watching american football is a good way to spend their free time. they think if your favourite team can't win the game, you will feel bad. this kind of bad feeling is so strong that it isn't good for health. some people think reading books is the best way to spend their free time. whe

19、n they read books, they can be quiet and happy. what is your way to spend your free time? ( ) 6. according to the writer, the best way to spend free time is _.a. doing sports.b. reading books.c. sleeping at home.d. playing with friends.( ) 7. the writer thinks the most popular sport is _.a. ski

20、ing.b. climbing.c. water sports.d. ball games.( ) 8. american football begins _.a. in winter.b. in summer.c. in autumn.d. in spring.( ) 9. the underlined word "cheer" means _ in chinese.a.喝彩b.端坐c.凝视d.观察( ) 10. what is the main idea of the passage?a. how to do water sports.b. how people spe

21、nd their free time.c. football is the most popular game in the world.d. reading books is the best way to spend free time.第四篇notes: 1. survey调查  2. without没有  3. regularly有规律地  4. organize安排 what do you usually do in your free time we did a survey on students' free time activi

22、ties last week. there were 158 students taking part in the survey. here are the results. ( ) 11. about _students watch tv every day. a. 55 b. 58. c. 45 d. 20( ) 12. about _ students surf the internet every day. a. 20 b. 60 c. 47 d. 30( ) 13. some students _instead of taking exercise regularly.a

23、. go to the gym.b. stay at home.c. take a walk.d. read books.( ) 14. how do most of the students spend their free time according to the pie chart (圆形统计图)a. they spend it with friends and family.b. they do the things they organized.c. they stay at home to watch tv.d. they don't have any plans.( )

24、 15. which of the following is not true?a. about 33% of the students watch tv only when the show is interesting.b. most of the students can't live without the internet nowadays.c. some students don't organize their free time at all.参考答案:(a)篇:bcccbaba (b)篇: adcab (c)篇:cccab第五篇i'm ben. tar

25、a, tina, julia and jeff are all my good friends. we are in the same school, but in different classes. tara and tina are twins. and they look the same. tara is as tall as tina and they both work hard. julia is taller than the twins and she is taller than any other girl in her class. she is also

26、very outgoing, so she has many friends. she is good at all subjects. jeff is as tall as julia. they are in the same class. but he doesn't work as hard as julia. jeff likes playing basketball and swimming. sometimes he is quiet, and sometimes he is a little outgoing. what about me hum, i'm as

27、 tall as jeff. i'm very quiet. i like staying at home and reading books. we are different, but we don't care. oh, there's one thing we all like. we often go to the movies on weekends. ( ) 1. the five students are in the same _.a. schoolb. classc. familyd. grade( ) 2. tara and t

28、ina are twins and they're both _.a. quietb. hard-workingc. good at runningd. good at swimming( ) 3. _ is good at all subjects.a. tinab. juliac. jeffd. tara( ) 4. they all like _.a. runningb. swimmingc. watching moviesd. playing basketball( ) 5. the writer writes the passage to tell about _.a. hi

29、s friends and himselfb. his free time activitiesc. his school lifed. his happy life(b)ann has a problem. she wants to have some new friends but she is too shy. she doesn't know what to do. so she is feeling sad and upset. what should she do? jimmy you could join a club. there are a lot

30、 of new people in a new place. as for me, i made many of my friends during(在的期间)the activities after school. susan you could call me up. i'm a shy girl, too. we could read some interesting books or watch funny tv shows together. do you think it's a good idea? david you co

31、uld make new friends on the internet. of course, you don't need to know who they are. however, don't meet anyone when they want to see you. maria you should try to change your personality. be more active(活跃的). why not talk to other people first try to be friendlier. people are

32、 willing to talk with a friendly person. then you'll have more new friends. ( ) 6. ann's problem is that _.a. she has no friendsb. nothing can make her happyc. she doesn't like her old friendsd. she is too shy to make new friends( ) 7. _ thinks ann should go to a new place to meet f

33、riends.a. jimmyb. susanc. davidd. maria( ) 8. susan thinks ann could _.a. join a clubb. have fun with herc. make friends on the internetd. try to become more outgoing( ) 9. the underlined word "personality" means _ in chinese.a.命运b.素质c.个性d.信念( ) 10. from the passage, we know _.a. jimmy is

34、an active boyb. ann has a lot of good friendsc. susan is very different from annd. maria likes making friends on the internet第六篇many people think that twins are exactly the same. but theyre not! ali and ah met are twin brothers. they look the same and in some ways they are the same. but in other way

35、s they are different. ali and ah met are both very athletic(运动的). ali and ah met both like soccer. but ali plays every day and ah met plays only on weekends. ah met likes watching soccer matches on tv but ali only likes to play the game, not to watch it. ali and ah met are both outgoing and funny, b

36、ut ah met is a little more outgoing than ali. ah met is also a little more serious about schoolwork(课业). ali and ah met are very popular at school, and they both have a lot of friends.11. who are twin brothers?_12. what are differences between ali and ah met on character(性格)_13. what does ah met lik

37、e?_14. when does ah met play soccer?_15. who only likes to play the soccer game?_参考答案:(a)篇:abbca (b)篇: dabca (c)篇:1. ali and ah met are twin brothers.2. ah met is a little more outgoing than ali. ah met is also a little more serious about schoolwork.3. ah met likes soccer and he likes watching socce

38、r matches on tv.4. ah met plays only on weekends. 5. ali.阅读短文,从每小题所给的选项中选择能回答问题的最佳选项。第七篇hello, i'm jeremy and i'm working for green city daily, the largest local newspaper in shelly town. last week, i did a survey on the places in the town. here's the report: there are thirty-one clothes

39、 stores in the town, and the best one is jason's. it has the best quality clothes. it's cheaper than jeans corner and trendy teens. but jeans corner and trendy teens are good stores, too. they have good service. teenagers like trendy teens best, but it's the most expensive clothes store.

40、 funky fashions is the worst clothes store because it sells the worst clothes in the town. the best radio station is jazz fm. it plays the most interesting music. it's much better than other stations in the town. oldies fm is pretty bad. it plays the worst music. easy listening fm is the most po

41、pular radio station. ( ) 1. what's probably jeremy's job a. a teacher b. a waiter. c. a manager. d. a reporter.( ) 2. _ is the most popular clothes store with teens.a. jeans corner b. funky fashions c. trendy teens d. jason's( ) 3. the clothes in funky fashions is _ in town.a. the worst

42、b. the best c. the cheapest d. the most expensive( ) 4. the best radio station is _.a. oldies fm b. jazz fm c. easy listening fm d. jazz fm( ) 5. jeremy writes the passage to _.a. show the best clothes store in the town b. show the best radio station in the townc. introduce a local newspaper d. tell

43、 his survey result第八篇i live in beijing, the capital of china. it's a big city, and there are many big cinemas. i often go to the movies during my summer vacation because there are usually many new films on. my favorite cinema is the one at joy city. it's big and has comfortable seats. peter

44、my hometown is a small village near changchun, jilin province. there is a big river in my village. when i was young, i often swam in it. but now my parents tell me not to do that anymore because the water isn't clean as before. luckily, there is going to be a gym in my hometown next month. then

45、i can go swimming there. john i live in a town near shanghai. although my town is small, there are many clothing stores. i usually go shopping with my friends at the weekend. there is a big clothing store near my home. but the clothes in it are very dear, so i hardly ever buy things there. my favori

46、te clothing store is the one near my school. its service is the best and the clothes are cool and cheap. amy ( ) 6. peter like the cinema at joy city because_.a. because its service is the best. b. because it's close to his house.c. because it has the biggest screens. d. because it's big and

47、 has comfortable seats.( )7. john doesnt swim in the river now because _ a. because it's cold. b. because it's dangerous. c. because he has grown up. d. because the water isn't clean.( ) 8. what does the underlined word "gym" mean in chinese?a.展览馆 b.海洋馆 c.体育馆 d.天文馆( ) 9. what a

48、re the clothes in amy's favorite clothing store like?a. they are dear. b. they are cheap and big.c. they are cool and cheap. d. they are in the best quality.( ) 10. what's the best title for the passage?a. my hometown. b. some big cities. c. around the world. d. interesting places. (c)( ) 11

49、. _ plays the most wonderful music.a. happy restaurant b. people's park c. easy mall d. fun times( ) 12. what can people do in fun times?a. buy the cheapest things. b. eat the most delicious food.c. watch the most beautiful flowers. d. watch movies on the biggest screens.( ) 13. what does the wr

50、iter think of the assistants in easy mall?a. annoying. b. clever. c. funny. d. kind.( ) 14. which is free for visitors?a. easy mall. b. fun times. c. people's park.d. happy restaurant.( ) 15. the writer writes the passage to _. a. talk about what is fun b. talk about how to have func. introduce

51、four places in a town d. show his love for his hometown参考答案:(a)篇:dcadd (b)篇: ddcca (c)篇:adacc第九篇there are many tv programs about chinese dishes, but few are like "a bite of china". the seven-part documentary(记录片) tells us about food in different places in china. the different kinds of

52、 food on tv are from 60 places. you can learn about many kinds of food and they can capture your eyes and your stomach. and you can also learn how to make the food. that's why the program becomes so popular. however, the program is not only about food. there are many great stories

53、 between food and people. to know good stories, people working on the film spent three months doing research(调查) and nine months filming. liu wen, one of them, says the stories also show social transformations. "the program is like a window. it makes the world know more about china. and it help

54、s people around the world not only enjoy chinese dishes, but also learn chinese culture," he says. ( ) 1. there are _ parts in the documentary "a bite of china".a. five b. six c. seven d. eight( ) 2. the underlined word "capture" means "_" in chinese.a. 弥补 b.抢

55、占 c.填补 d.吸引( ) 3. how long did the workers spend doing research?a. one month. b. three months. c. six months. d. nine months.( ) 4. from the passage, we know liu wen is a(n) _.a. actor b. cook c. driver d. film maker( ) 5. what can we learn from the documentary?  different kinds of food. how to

56、 make the food.  how to make a film. chinese culture.a. b. c. d. (b)most children like watching cartoons. why? first of all, cartoons are funny. actually, most people do not want to be bored, especially children. children always want to do something fun. children can't concentrate(专注) on the things that are hard to do. but,


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