



1、units请假条(note asking for leave )一、写作技巧如何用英语写假条,也就是提前请假的状况下应该怎样写假条。往往指由于生病或特殊情况不能亲自当面请假,用假条的形式告假。所以,请假条大多 是病假条。可以自写,也可请他人代写。写假条最重要的是说明原因和请假的期限。写请假 条时,如有医生出具的证明,最好一起附上。首先是假条抬头:to:假条是递给谁的from:请假人date:写假条的日期(注意不是请假的日期)subject:写上请假字样假条抬头范例如下:to: peter stone, managerfrom: lynn chen, financial departmentda

2、te: april 2nd, 2004subject: casual leave of absence其次,在您的请假信第一段,应该开门见山、有礼貌地提出请假。第一段要中心明确, 写清您要请假的口期及期限。第一段范例如下:peter, i would like to know if i could ask for a casual leave of absence for one day on april 4th, this wednesday.然后,在假条的第二段,您应该简单明了陈述请假的原因事由。注意叙述清楚明白,并 尽可能表示对此带來工作不便的歉意。第二段范例如下:this mornin

3、g i received a telephone call from my dentist, urging me to come to his practice for immediate treatment of my teeth. i have been experiencing a stinging pain, depriving me of my sleep during the past fortnight. the situation could worsen, should infection occur.concerning my workload: as wednesday

4、is not as busy as the other weekdays, i think a one-day leave this wednesday may be the best solution. i apologize for the inconvenience my absence from work may cause.接着,在假条的最后一段,应写上您希望获得准假的句子,或者具体等候答复的时间。 最后一段范例如下:thanks. i will call you at 1:30pm or you can call me at any time.好,把以上几段综合起來,就是一则请假条

5、。写得成功的请假条,能充分表明您是一个 认真负责有条理的人。二、经典范文 例一:jan. 10thdear ms. jiang,i am terribly sorry that i shall be unable to attend this morning's two periods of english class due to a bad cold and high fever. enclosed is a certificate from the doctor who said i must stay in bed for a few days. i will go back

6、to school as soon as i recove匸yours respectfully,tian ye亲爱的江女士:我非常抱歉,由于重感冒和高烧,我无法上今天上午的两节英语课。附上一份医生证 明,医生说我必须卧床休息儿天。我一恢复就回学校。敬上 田野1月10日例二:公共英语二级考试作文范文:请假条题目要求王军的外婆上星期从楼上摔下来,跌断了右腿,现在卧床。王军的母亲李一花 为此向刘老师请假,说明家屮的情况,王军的父亲现在北京开会,需要王军在家照顾外婆, 大约3天。请根据上述提示用英文写一张请假条,约80-100词,不要根据中文翻译写作文。dear mr. liu,i'm li

7、 jun's mother. fm writing to ask for permission for li jun's absence. the fact is that he has to stay at home to take care of my mother who had a serious fall from upstairs and got her right leg broken last week. fm sure he will be back in three days when my husband returns from a meeting in

8、 beijing.thank you.sincerely,li yihua亲爱的刘先生:我是李军的妈妈。我写假条来请求您允许李军请假。事实是,他必须在家照顾我的妈 妈,她上星期从在楼上摔下,右腿骨折。我保证三天之后当我的丈夫从北京开会回来,他 就返校。谢谢。恳切地, 李艺华 例三:7:30 a.m.dear m匚 david,i very much regret i was unable to attend school this morning owing to a severe attack of illness. i am enclosing here with a certificat

9、e from the doctor who is attending me, as he fears it will be several days before i shall be able to resume my study. i trust my enforced absence will notgive you any serious inconvenience.sincerely yours,peter亲爱的大卫先生:我非常遗憾,由于突得重病,我无法上今天上午的课。附上一份医生证明,他担心在恢 复学习之前还需几天吋间。我相信我迫不得已的缺席不会给您造成任何不便。敬上,彼得上午7点

10、30分例四:dear mr. brown,i beg to inform you that i shall be unable to attend classes tomorrow owing to important business in my family.i shall be very much obliged if you will grant me my application.xiao mei亲爱的布朗先生:我恳切地告知您,由于家有要事,我无法上明天的课。如果您准许我请假,我将非常感激。肖梅例五:病假条(note asking for sick leave)nov. 3rddea

11、r miss smith,i'm really sorry that 1 shall not be able to attend class today. i have caught a serious cold. enclosed please find a certificate from the doctor who says i must stay in bed for two days. fll resume my studies as soon as i feel bette匚sincerely yours,jim史密斯小姐:您好!很抱歉我今天不能去上课了。我患了重感冒,附

12、上一张医生证明,他说我得卧 床两天。一旦身体好转我便到校上课。吉姆11月3日例六:事假条(note asking for compassionate leave)oct. 3rdmr. zhang,i beg to apply for one week's leave of absence from the 5th to the 11th instant, both days inclusive, in order to return home to see my uncle, who is now dangerously ill.to support my application,

13、i herewith submit a telegram to the effect received from my father.yours respectfully,li tao张先生:因我叔父病危,我打算回家探望,要求请假一周,从本月五日起至十一日止。现附上父 亲为此发來的电报,以便您准假。李涛10月3日notes1. owing to,因为,由于e.g. owing to the rain the match was cancelled.因为下雨,比赛取消 了。2. inconvenience n.不便,困难e.g. i was put to/i suffered great inc

14、onvenience.我感到极不方便。they have been at great inconvenience in order to help us.为 了 帮助我们,他们遭遇 了 极大 的困难c3. oblige vt.施惠,答应要求而作e.g. please oblige me by closing the door.请替我关上那个门。i am much obliged to you.我非常感激你。4. herewith adv.(正式用语)同此,并此,附此三、常用句型 useful expressions1. will you please excuse my absence on

15、saturday?请星期六准假一天。2.1 beg to apply for three days' leave of absence from 10lh to 12th.我想从10日到12日请假三天。3 please give an extension of leave for as many days 请准予续假。4. enclosed please find a certificate from the doctor. 附上医生证明一张。练 习 exercisesi. fill in the blanks with proper words 模版填空请假条(事假)to:perso

16、n's name, supervisorfrom:person's name, accounting departmentdate:datesubject: casual leave of absencejohn, i would like to know if i could ask for a casual leave of absence fromdate todate.yesterday i received a letter from my parents, who are both over 70, telling me that a big flood took

17、place at my home village, causing serious damage to my house. as the only son of my parents, i should be back to assess the situation, and help them to get over these difficulties. though 1 cannot stay at home for too long a time, i should at least make arrangements for repair work. i believe my rel

18、atives in the village and my neighbors will also come to help financially i have no difficulties.i will call you at l:30p.m of you can call me at any time.ii. translate the following into chinese.英译汉dear mr. pike,i very much regret i was unable to attend school this moming owing to a severe attack of illness. i am enclosing here with a certificate from the doctor who is attending me, as he fears it will be several days before i shall be able to resume my stu


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