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1、八年级下期末考试英语试卷临川一中20132014学年度下学期期末试卷八年级 英语卷面满分:120分 考试时间:120分钟 命题人:罗英 审题人:吴鑫一、听力(25分)a) 听短对话(每小题1分,共5分)每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的a,b,c三个选项中选出最佳选项。( )1. how many pieces of piano music has the girl learned?a. two b. four c. five( )2. whats the boys favorite story?a. little red riding hood b. snow white c. journe

2、y to the west( )3. where does the girl want to go?a. mount tai b. mount tang c. mount huang( )4. what are they going to do this sunday?a. to watch where are we going, dad? at home.b. to see the film where are we going, dad?c. to talk about the film where are we going, dad?( )5. how many students wen

3、t the old peoples home last weekend?a. one b. two c. threeb)请听下面三段对话和两段独白,每段对话或独白后面有几个小题,从题中所给的a、b、c、三个选项中选出最佳选项。(15分)听下面一段对话,回答6、7 小题( )6. why didnt joyce go to school?a. it was raining hard. b. she hurt her leg. c. her parents were ill.( )7. who might mr. smith be? a. joyces teacher. b. joyces fat

4、her. c. joyces doctor.听下面一段对话,回答第8至10小题。( )8. whats the matter with mary?a. she feels tired. b. she has a cold. c. she lost her keys.( )9. what time did she go to bed last night?a. at 11:00 b. at 12:00 c. at 1:00( )10. what did she do yesterday evening? a. watched a match. b. saw a movie c. did her

5、homework.听下面一段对话,回答第11至13小题。( )11. where did jane go last weekend? a. the childrens hospital. b. the old peoples home. c. the childrens home.( )12. what did they do there?a. they did some cleaning. b. they sang some songs. c. they washed clothes.( )13. what day is it tomorrow? a. friday. b. saturday

6、. c. sunday.听下面一段独白,回答第14至16小题。( )14. what is mikes job in new york?a. a postman. b. a reporter. c. an actor. ( )15. what did mike really want to see?a. the views of australia. b. the views of canada. c. the views of the usa. ( )16. when did the train leave new york?a. at 10:30 pm on monday. b. at 1

7、1:20 pm on friday. c. at 9:30 am on sunday.听下面一段独白,回答第17至20小题。( ) 17. what was li hong like before?a. shy. b. serious. c. careless.( )18. what was she afraid to do in the english classes?a. recite texts. b. answer questions. c. write compositions.( )19. when did she begin to show interest in english

8、?a. five years ago. b. at the age of 16. c. after going to middle school.( )20. how did she learn english in her free time?a. by reading english stories. b. by learning to english songs.c. by going to the english corner.c) 听短文,补全五个句子。每个空格不超过3个单词21. the speaker had a lot of time when he was_.22. the

9、speaker used to spend lots of time playing _ with friends.23. the speaker used to watch tv or _ with his grandmother in the evening.24. the speaker has to study for almost _ hours in the evening now.25. the speaker _ has time for concerts now.二单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)( )26. may i surf the internet now no,_

10、you have finished doing the dishes.a. unless. b. if. c. because. d. when( )27. would you mind staying in such a noisy room? no, but my son needs a _ place to study in. a. cleaner b. safer c. quieter d. quicker( ) 28. can you deal with the problem all by yourself? will solve it in an hour. a. very we

11、ll b. take it easy c. youre welcome d. its a piece of cake( )29. the young man used to _to work, but he is used to _to work now.a. drive, walking. b. drove, walked. c. drive, walks. d. driving, walk( )30. i saw mr. smith in the office at ten yesterday morning.that impossible. he _ an english party w

12、ith us then.a. has b. had c. was having d. has had( )31. ive finished my homework. what about you? not _. .a. already; yet b. already; still c. yet; yet d. yet; already( ) 32. can you come back home at four oclock tomorrow? _ . i will have an important meeting at that time. a. yes, i hope so b. im a

13、fraid not c. im afraid so d. i disagree( ) 33. how much is the model plane? sorry, its not for sale. a young man _ for it.a. pays b. has paid c. had paid d. was paying( )34. mr. and mrs. white are lovely couple. they _ for ten years.a. have been married b. have married c. got married d. marry( )35.

14、you forgot to send the business e-mail to the manager.oh; my god, _.a. so i did b. so did i c. i did so d. i didnt do so ( )36. the worlds population is growing _ and there is _ land and water for growing rice.a. larger; less b. larger; fewer c. more; less d. more; fewer ( )37. helen loves to talk a

15、bout travel. she _ many places.a. has gone tob. has been toc. has gone ford. has been from( )38 do you know _she will take part in the meeting?everybody knows that she never misses any meeting.a. when b. why c. how d. whether( )39. please let me know _.a. what did she do an hour agob. what she did a

16、n hour agoc. what she has done just nowd. what has she done just now( )40. hello, sandy. this is jack. what are you doing? im watching a match. it started at 7 . and _ on for another half an hour. a. has been b. was c. had been d. will be三完型填空(25分)a)先阅读短文,掌握其大意。然后从各小题所给的a、b、c、d四个选项中选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。

17、a boy lost his arms in an accident and his father lost his life. since then, he had to 41 the arms of his younger brother. except for writing with his toes(脚趾头), he could hardly do   42 in his life.as the two brothers grew up together, they had lots of  43 and they often argued(争吵). t

18、hen one day, his younger brother  44 him. so he was very sad and didn't know  45 to do.a girl lost her 46 because of a fire. though her elder sister wanted to  47  her, she decided to be completely independent (独立的). at 48 , she always studied hard. once she wrote the followi

19、ng in her composition, "i am  49 . though i lost my hands, i still have legs. though my wings are broken, my heart can 50 fly."one day, the boy and the girl were both invited  51  a television interview program. they both were asked to 52 something on a piece of paper with t

20、heir toes. the boy wrote "my 53 brother's arms are my arms"  54  the girl wrote "broken wings,  55   heart".( )41. a. go on  b. work on c. look for d. depend on( )42. a. anything b. something c. nothing d. everything( )43. a. questions  

21、0;   b. hobbies c. problems d. differences( )44. a. hit b. left c. loved d. hated( )45. a. who b. where   c. what   d. which( )46. a. legs b. feet c. hair d. hands( )47. a. leave b. take care of c. write to d. forget( )48. a. school b. library c. classroom d. dormitory(

22、宿舍)( )49. a. sad b. lucky c. excited d. shy( )50. a. already b. even c. only d. still( )51. a. to b. on c. for              d. from( )52. a. read b. draw c. write d. paint( )53. a. elder b. younger c. bigger d. smaller( )54. a. until b

23、. so c. while d. when( )55. a. jumping b. broken c. beating d. flyingb)先阅读短文,掌握其大意,然后从下列所给的词或词组中选出最恰当的10个,并用其适当形式填空,每个单词只能用一次。as hopes experiences puts speciallike often future understand believeeverybody dreams. some people think dreams can tell us about the 56 . other people think dreams tell us a

24、bout ourselves. it's 57 our brain is talking to us. why are dreams 58 strange and hard to understand?some people think our brain uses symbols to talk to us. when we fly,swim,or fall down in our dreams,it has a 59 meaning. lots of doctors help people 60 their dreams. they find that dreams tell us

25、 about our 61 and fears.these days,many scientists 62 that dreams are very important. during the day, we have many 63 , and our brain receives a lot of information. when we dream,our brain throws away information that is not important, and 64 the most important information into our memories. 65 we l

26、earn more about the brain, we may find answers to our questions about dreams.四阅读理解。(40分)a)请阅读下面短文,根据短文内容从每题所给的a、b、c、d、四个选项中选出最佳选项,并将其填到相应位置。aprof. smith,i should like to say that you gave us an unforgettable entertainment on friday. it was most enjoyable. it was very kind of you.to margaret, id like

27、 to have you return any of the things you are not using. i need to be using some of these now. if you need some of the things still, please let us talk about which ones. thank you. harveywed. 11 marchfootballhensley against mayfair the yearly football match between hensley school and mayfair school

28、will be held on saturday. however, if there is heavy rain the match will be held on sunday 15 at the same time. ( ) first note is a note of _. . a. leave b. thanks c. excuse d. being sorry( )67. according to the second note, harvey would like to _. a. borrow some things b. lend margaret something c.

29、 get something back d. have a talk with margaret( )68. from the third note, it all depends on _whether the football match will be held. a. hensley school b. mayfair school c. both of the two schools d. the weatherbpeople thought jack was the most boring man in the world, but he didnt know why. he th

30、ought he was an interesting man. after all, he had a hobby-collecting stamps. jack thought that was enough.jack didnt want people to think he was boring, so he decided to be famous for something else. he wrote a letter to a local newspaper, and asked them if they wanted to write an article about a l

31、ocal man with the biggest stamp collection in the world. the local newspaper wrote back to him, telling him that the queen of england hand the biggest stamp collection in the world.then jack thought perhaps he could be the best accountant(会计师) in the world! he told a friend that he was the best acco

32、untant in the world.“ how do you know ” asked his friend.“ well” jack didnt know.“ jack,” said his friend, “perhaps you are the most boring man in the world!”“ yes! thats it.” he phoned the newspaper, “would you like to do an interview with the most boring man in the world”“ thats interesting!” said

33、 the man from the newspaper.the next week there was a big article in the news paperthe most boring man in the world! there was a picture of jack in his office with his stamp collection. after that, he was famous, and he was interesting because he was so boring.( )69. what was jack interested in?a. d

34、rawing picture b. writing articles c. collecting stamps d. playing football( )70. what does the underline word “it” refer to? a. he wanted to be interviewed by the newspaper. b. a big article in the newspaper. c. he was the most boring man in the world. d. he wanted to be famous.( )71. what can we l

35、earn from the passage? a. the newspaper interviewed jack because of his stamps. b. jacks friend worked in a post office and didnt believe him. c. jack got some stamps from the queen of england. d. jack became famous because he was boring.( )72. which would be the best title for the passage?a. the be

36、st accountant in the world b. the most boring man in the world c. the most famous newspaper in the world d. the biggest stamp collection in the worldcthe world has many beautiful sounds. we can hear the songs of birds and laugh of people. we can listen to cool music and news reports. and all this is

37、 due to(归功于)our ears! they bring us a world of sounds. but some people cant hear any sound at all. some are born deaf. others can hear well in their childhood, but too many loud sounds hurt their ears later on. in china, 6 children out of 1000 have hearing problems when they are born. they can t hea

38、r ordinary sounds clearly. children who have hearing problems usually also have learning problems at school. a lot of things can cause hearing problems. for example, too much earwax is not good for our hearing and noise louder than 85 decibels(分贝) can hurt our ears and make us lose our hearing for a

39、 short time or even for ever. hearing is a problem for all of us. so we should do our best to give our ears special care. dont forget the following: try to stay away from places with too much noise. if you have to go, wear earplugs(耳塞). a pair of earplugs can cut the noise by 30 decibels. when swimm

40、ing, remember to put earplugs into your ears to stop water from getting in. never put anything sharp into your ears. if you think you have too much earwax, ask your parents to help you clean it out.keep these things in mind! then you wont ask “what” when you are older.( ) the first paragraph, the wr

41、iter wants to _. a. tell us many beautiful sounds. b. describe the sounds.c. teach us how to use ears. d. show the importance of ears( ) word earwax means _in chinese.a.耳膜 b. 耳鸣 c. 耳垢 d.耳疾( ) underline sentence means _.a. when you are older, you know it is not polite to ask “what”b. when you are old

42、er, you still have good hearingc. when you are older, you wont ask questionsd. the older you are, the less questions youll have( ) of the following is not mentioned in the passage?a. hearing problems caused by diseases(疾病). b. people with hearing problems.c. ways to protect our ears. d. danger of lo

43、ud noise.dgoldfish as petsin many countries people like to keep goldfish as pets. goldfish come from the family of fish known as carp(鲤鱼). many adult goldfish are golden. others are bright red, orange, black and white. some have spots of blue and purple. pet goldfish grow to be about two or three in

44、ches long. they usually live less than five years. pet goldfish should be fed once a day. they eat worms, insects, crumbs(面包屑) and plants. goldfish owners shouldnt out their fish tanks in sunny windows. goldfish do not have eyelids so the bright sunlight could harm their eyes.goldfish farmsyou can b

45、uy goldfish at a pet store. pet-store owners do not get their fish from rivers or lakes. instead, they order the fish from goldfish farms. goldfish farms raise large numbers of goldfish. one goldfish farm in maryland covers 100 acres of land. it produces five million fish every year.goldfish in the

46、wildgoldfish that lives in the wild are bigger than pet goldfish. wild goldfish may be as long as one foot. goldfish in the wild usually live about 15years. some wild goldfish have been known to live as long as 50 years. unlike pet goldfish, wild goldfish are usually dull green. they do not look at

47、all like the colorful, fancy breeds(品种) you see in pet store and fish tanks.( )77. according to the passage, pet goldfish .a. should be fed twice a day b. usually live more than five years c. are colorful and some have spots of blue or purple d. usually grows in rivers or lakes( )78. what is the thi

48、rd paragraph mostly about?a. the differences between wild goldfish and pet goldfish b. the colors of wild goldfish and pet goldfish c. the living areas of wild goldfish d. the food that wild goldfish eat( )79. why shouldnt goldfish tanks be put near sunny windows?a. because the bright sunlight could

49、 harm their eyes. b. because goldfish like the dark. c. because the sun heats the water. d. because the sun changes their colors.( )80. from the passage we know that wild goldfish_. a. only eat plants b. are much shorter than pet goldfishc. live longer than pet goldfish d. are more colorful than pet

50、 goldfishb)请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后根据短文内容从下面方框的七个选项中,选择五个适当的句子还原到短文中,使短文意思通顺,结构完整。  can we live without salt no, salt is very important to us. animals need it, too. most of the salt in our country comes from the sea. 82. _ when the sun dries up (使干枯) the water, people can get salt from the ground

51、. the salt is white, clean and beautiful.       there are a lot of salt wells (井) in sichuan. a salt well is much like a water well. people bring the well water up to the ground and then dry it in big jars over fire. 83. _ we can also get salt mines(矿). a salt mine may be found under the ground. 84. _ people there no longer need salt from other places.     in the northwest of our country, there are many salt lakes. 85. the salt in a big lake even can meet the needs


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