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1、Building on the GE values, develop employeeskills & competencies for personal development, job mastery & business growth !基于基于GE价价值观值观, ,协协助助员员工提高技工提高技艺艺及才干,及才干,使其使其胜胜任任任任务务, ,从而从而实现实现个人个人职业职业开展及公司开展及公司业务业务生生长长!生长生长日语培训日语培训培训战略与运营战略坚持一致培训战略与运营战略坚持一致Business Strategy - Training Strategy 运营战略运

2、营战略培训战略培训战略Growth - help business and our people grow by Japanese language training生长生长-经过日语培训协助企业和员工生长经过日语培训协助企业和员工生长保管保管 经过多样的技术和言语培训留住优秀员经过多样的技术和言语培训留住优秀员工工 效率效率 经过专业技艺培训提高专业才干和实际经过专业技艺培训提高专业才干和实际才干才干开展开展 经过指点力培训开展指点者经过指点力培训开展指点者效率效率职业技艺职业技艺指点力开展指点力开展保管精英保管精英一切阶层的职业开展工具一切阶层的职业开展工具全体员工全体员工Self Nom

3、ination or Mandatory (NEO) & 6 Sigma NMDC, Mgmt Fundamental BELS, FOL MgmtNomination企业指点力企业指点力 ALP 普通技艺与才干普通技艺与才干通达才干通达才干 & 新手指点新手指点根底指点力根底指点力 BTC E-Learning Function Training Business Introduction Blended Japanese training program NEO (0-1 mths) Six Sigma (6-12mths) Professional SkillsTrain

4、ing MBA, BDA, MSE sponsorship流程经理级以上流程经理级以上Nomination orby job requirement Professional Skills & Leadership Skills for PL & Above 经理级以上经理级以上Nomination orby job requirementProfessional Skills & Leadership Skills for Mgr Commercial SkillsBy Session C Nomination All Staffse-learning Topic s

5、haringClassroom traininge-Learning Q&Ae-learning Topic sharingClassroom training e-Learning Q&Ae-learning Topic sharingClassroom training e-Learning Q&Ae-learningTopic sharingClassroom traininge-Learning Q&A日日语语才干才干2级级日日语语才干才干1级级经过经过混合的培混合的培训训使日使日语语从中从中级级到高到高级级 A learning organizatio

6、nto foster talents through blended training Available to allemployees言语言语 English ( Global English /Classroom) Japanese ( Jpn e-Learning/ Classroom)财务财务 Japanese Accounting II Japanese Accounting IIIProfessional Skills Classroom trainingIT/PC Skills ExcelPower pointAccess 18 Months Influencing Skill

7、s Presentation Skills Team BuildingPA/PD & Above Pls refer to course description from page 15 for detailed course information Pls refer to the below attachment for training schedule Pls refer to monthly training announcement for detailed agendaLearning makes our life colorfulMBTITeam Building Sk

8、illsSocialStyleInfluencing SkillsTime MgmtPresentation SkillsTrust & Stress MgmtSDO ldrs/OMs: If you wish to have your bubble take the above training, please contact Florence Zhang (6256) for scheduling Pls refer to course description from page 15 for detailed course information Pls refer to cou

9、rse description from page 15 for detailed course informationProcess Leader & AbovePL以上级以上级 18 Months PIE Motivation / Retaining Valued employees (e-learning) CAP Work Out 问题处理 & 发明性思想) Process Leader Pls refer to course description from page 15 for detailed course information Pls refer to th

10、e below attachment for training schedule Pls refer to monthly training announcement for detailed agendaOperations Manager & Above营运经理级以上营运经理级以上0-12 Months 12 MonthsSDO leaders & above Effective Coaching (people care) Hiring the Right People Project Management Management Fundamental Executive

11、 Presence & Strategic Thinking Board Simulation -FFNP II COPC (Customer Operations Performance Center) -under confirmation Facilitation FFNPOperations Manager & Above Pls refer to course description from page 15 for detailed course information Pls refer to the below attachment for training s

12、chedule Pls refer to monthly training announcement for detailed agendaCourse Description课程简介课程简介课程名称课程名称课程简介课程简介培训对象培训对象 / 参加资格参加资格报名方式报名方式联络人联络人变革加速流程 - CAP(1天) 通过学习CAP作为变革模式既解释了实现变革成功的必要因素又以及如何去做的工具PL above (HV above)经理&HR提名Teresa管理原则(3小时)半天课程,为刚刚走上领导岗位的人员设置,介绍管理的基本概念,针对什么是经理,经理的角色等树立明确的认识PL a

13、bove (HV above)自由报名Teresa管理基础(1天)帮助经理快速了解Gecis专门的运营系统,包括Session I & II, Session COM above (HV above)自由报名Teresa设定目标 (1小时)回顾并强调定义清晰目标的重要性,并针对设定符合SMART原则的目标进行练习OM above (HV above) / Hi-pot PL (TT, 18 months)经理&HR提名Teresa招聘甄选人才(1天)回顾并学习运用面试相关的主要内容,包括岗位描述的书写,设计以行为为基础的面试问题,面试的结构以及法律相关的注意事项等。OM abo

14、ve (HV above) / Hi-pot PL (TT, 18 months)经理&HR提名Teresa有效的辅导技能(1天)强调GE的领导者作为辅导人的重要性以及为有效的指导提供相应的工具和技能 OM above (HV above) / Hi-pot PL (TT, 18 months)经理&HR提名Teresa决策及授权(3小时)通过对团队有效性的探讨,重点理解决策、授权和建立信任的技巧OM above (HV above) / Hi-pot PL (TT, 18 months)经理&HR提名Teresa新经理发展课程 - NMDC(4.5天)为有领导经验的经

15、理而设,内容包括:通过360度反馈认知个人的领导强项及发展需求,财务,情境领导等。OM aboveSession C 提名Teresa战略思考 & 高层面前的展示了解战略思考的主要组成部分并将之应用于工作中;学习如何发展,保持executive presence并从中获益,进而促进自己的职业发展SDO Ldr above经理&HR提名Teresa课程名称课程名称课程简介课程简介语言语言培训对象培训对象报名方式报名方式联络人联络人影响技巧影响技巧培训由两部分组成,网上课程和课堂培训。在网上课程(可选)当中,学员们将学习影响他人的技巧和技能,如影响力介绍,如何做一个有效影响者,运用

16、沟通模型(询问,回应式倾听,阐明)来进行影响,冲突管理和制定影响策略。在课堂培训中,学员们将着重练习网上学习到的技巧和技能,同时了解自身的互动风格,并学习运用互动风格来有效影响他人。中文全体员工 ( 其中PA/PD要求工作满18个月以上)EMS 3分以上经理&HR提名Wei Li项目管理本课程旨在让参加者了解项目、项目管理的概念和原理,同时了解项目管理的工具使用方法。中文OM & Above员工 (其中OM级员工要求工作满6个月以上EMS 3分以上经理&HR提名Wei Li主持协调技巧本课程描述了有效主持协调的行为,旨在帮助参加人员能够随时随地运用主持协调技巧来建立和维

17、持一个高效的团队。中文OM & Above员工 (其中OM级员工要求工作满12个月以上EMS 3分以上经理&HR提名Florence ZhangWork Out该课程能够帮助Gecis的专业人士通过强化训练,掌握一门重要的领导和专业技能WorkOut, 以及组织WorkOut有关的知识和技能。中文PL & Above员工 (其中PL级员工要求工作满12个月以上EMS 3分以上经理&HR提名Wei Li沟通技巧(1)本课程帮助您认识沟通的障碍以及如何减少沟通障碍的方法,同时您将学到被GE称之为放之四海而皆准沟通模型(如何阐明观点、回应型倾听,有技巧的询问)。中文P

18、A & PD6 MonthsEMS 3分以上经理&HR提名Teresa Fu课程名称课程名称课程简介课程简介语言语言培训对象培训对象报名方式报名方式联络人联络人沟通技巧(2)本课程中您将学到如何在战略方面实现内在沟通及人际关系,如何不卑不亢表达自己的观点,如何与你的同事、上级进行沟通,如何实现跨部门、跨文化的有效沟通,如何在谈判过程中有效运用沟通技巧,以及如何运用沟通进行冲突管理。同时次课程也向您介绍沟通模型及其它相关基本技巧以实现有效沟通。中文PL & AboveEMS 3分以上经理&HR提名 Wei Li演讲演示技巧演讲演示技巧主要讲授有效设计演讲内容及进行

19、现场演示的技能。每个学员在课堂中都会得到现场演讲的机会进行实战练习,并要求在课堂培训前准备演讲内容(Power Point文件)中文全体员工 ( 其中PA/PD要求工作满18个月以上)EMS 3分以上经理&HR提名 Wei Li团队建设技巧团队建设技能将介绍建立并维护一个高效团队的基本技能。无论做为一名团队领导者还是团队成员,或两者兼而有之,你将通过培训进一步认识作为一名高效团队成员的价值。该培训将介绍团队的目标、角色、流程对团队效率的影响,并探讨团队成员关系与保持高效团队之间的关联性,以及如何运用沟通技能促进成员间关系。该培训还会就团队的不同发展阶段进行探讨。中文全体员工 ( 其中P

20、A/PD要求工作满18个月以上)EMS 3分以上经理&HR提名FlorenceZhang时间管理技巧时间管理技巧着重强调找出真正重要的事儿。学员可以通过学习以终为始的思维方式帮助我们专注于个人目标,从而根据目标识别真正重要的事儿来实现有效时间管理。同时介绍著名的时间管理矩阵,帮助我们理解并认知如何生活在第二象限。最后介绍处理突发事件的基本技巧。中文PL & Above员工 (其中PL级员工要求工作满6个月以上EMS 3分以上经理&HR提名 Wei Li日文书写Email技巧本课程将向我们介绍日文书写Email的基本法则及书写Email时需要注意的礼节。学员可以通过培训学

21、习有效书写Email的经验技巧。日文全体员工自由报名Wei Li课程名称课程名称课程简介课程简介语言语言培训对象培训对象 报名方式报名方式联络人联络人企业财务知识介绍介绍基础财务概念、体系及基本技术中文PL above经理 &HR 提名Teresa Fu面向非财务人员的财务讲座通过对财务报表及财务分析知识的介绍,使学院更深层了解财务管理及技术,理解企业中的财务语言,提高学员对企业运营的理解。中文OM above经理 &HR 提名Teresa Fu沙盘模拟:面向非财务人员的财务知识采用沙盘模拟的培训方式:沙盘上展示出现金流量、经营场地、固定设备、产品原料、客户应收帐款、银行贷款、

22、供应商应付帐款、工资、行政费用、市场推广、利息、税等企业运营指标。学员通过移动“筹码”和其它道具来表现企业运营,因为所有指标都由实物代表,所以学员能够清晰地观察到每一步决策对于企业整体财务状况的影响。中文SDO LdrAboveCEO & HR提名Florence Zhang课程名称课程名称课程简介课程简介语言语言培训对象培训对象报名方式报名方式联络人联络人创造客户价值 (CCV)创造客户价值培训是一门以客户为中心的销售技巧课程,课程设计目标旨在学员在现有能力基础上扩展咨询销售方面的知识和技能。课程专注于客户决策过程和购买周期。英文/中文 TM/BD经理 & HR提名Wei L

23、i麦尔碧斯类型指标(MBTI)(MBTI)MBTI通过麦尔碧斯类型指标介绍人类的心理类型及行为特点。麦尔碧斯类型指标是一种自我报告的调查. 它可以描述出人之间的差别, 这种差异可能导致误解或误会. MBTI可以帮助您看到自身的力量和特有的才干.这些认识可以使您更深刻地了解自己、自己的动机、力量和潜在的发展前景;也可以使您更深刻地了解和欣赏与您类型不同的人。了解MBTI类型将能够帮助您更积极地认识自我, 促进合作,建立有效的团队。中文全体员工 ( 其中PA/PD要求工作满18个月以上)EMS 3分以上自由报名FlorenceZhang社交风格本课程通过社交风格模型介绍帮助我们发现自己倾向的行为类

24、型,并通过别人的行为识别他们的行为倾向,从而了解不同人的喜好并暂时调整自身风格有效影响他们,实现个人有效性(例如影响“老虎”时要具有时间观念,以结果为导向.;要用个人关系和感情等来影响“考拉”,赢得他们的支持。学会真诚地认可“孔雀”的创新观点,并真诚的给与赞赏,以开放的方式进行沟通;与“猫头鹰”沟通时提供细节、事实和数据,从而影响他们帮助深入、系统的分析问题。通过本课程的详细讲解帮助我们有效运用为人处事的“白金法则”。中文全体员工 ( 其中PA/PD要求工作满18个月以上)EMS 3分以上自由报名Wei Li课程名称课程名称课程简介课程简介语言语言培训对象培训对象报名方式报名方式联络人联络人领

25、导商数这个课程向领导者教授如下几个话题:)注意你的手下;)任何目标都不会自动实现;)你的权利来自哪里;)强化团队意识;)企业文化是看不见的软件;)思考力决策力执行力。讲师通过亲身体验和形象案例来支持并讲解个主题,通俗易懂,相信每个人会从中受益匪浅!中文全体员工自由报名Wei Li高效会议管理技巧本课程教授如何高效地准备、主持和跟踪一个会议。中文全体员工自由报名Wei Li赢在执行力此课程向领导者教授如下几个话题:1)执行力-如何完成任务的学问; 2)执行力马上执行-别管加西亚是谁,只管把信带给他;3)执行力的衡量标准-按质、按量完成自己的工作任务; 4)决策的首要问题不在速度,而在是否可行和是

26、否有方法;5)我们更需要一个执行型的企业领导人-他要打造一个执行力企业文化,还要建构一个执行力团队;6)执行力-一步一个脚印。中文PL级以上员工自由报名Wei LiCourse NameIntroductionTarget Audience /CriteriaEnrollmentContactPersonCAP - ChangeAcceleration Process(1 Day)To learn that as a model of change, CAP is both toexplain what is necessary and tools to help usdiscover wha

27、t to do to achieve successful changePL above (HV above)Manager & HRNominationTeresaManagement Principles(3 H)To introduce the management concept, help peopleset up the mindset on what is manage, the role ofa manager, etc.PL above (HV above)Self EnrollmentTeresaManagementFundamentals (1 Day)To he

28、lp managers upgrade Gecis specific operationsystem, inc.Session I & II, Session COM above (HV above)Self EnrollmentTeresaSetting Goals (1 H)To review & emphasize the importance of definingclear goals & to provide practice in developingSMART goalsOM above (HV above) /Hi-pot PL (TT, 18mont

29、hs)Manager & HRNominationTeresaHiring the Right People(1 Day)To review & practice key interviewing-related topicsincluding job description writing, developingbahavior-based questions, interview structure & legalaspect, etc.OM above (HV above) /Hi-pot PL (TT, 18months)Manager & HRNomi

30、nationTeresaEffective CoachingSkills (1 Day)To stress the importance of the GE leaders role asa coach and to provide tools and techniques foreffective coachingOM above (HV above) /Hi-pot PL (TT, 18months)Manager & HRNominationTeresaDecision Making &Delegation (3 H)To complete the discussion

31、of effective teams byfocusing on the skills of decision making,delegating, and building trustOM above (HV above) /Hi-pot PL (TT, 18months)Manager & HRNominationTeresaNew ManagerDevelopment Course -NMDC (4.5 Days)Designed for experienced managers, inc. 360feedback to analyze personal leadership s

32、tyles &development needs, Finance & situationalleadership, etc.OM aboveSession CNominationTeresaStrategic Thinking &Executive PresenceTo discern key elements of Thinking Strategicallyand how those elements can be applied to dailywork; to learn how to develop, maintain & profit fromex

33、ecutive presence to advance careerSDO Ldr aboveManager & HRNominationTeresaCourses/SessionIntroductionLanguageTargetAudience/criteriaEnrollmentContactPersonInfluencing SkillsThis course introduces employees to the art of influencing through a two-partprogram. Part one is an online course that co

34、vers power of Influencing,Introduction to Influencing, Effective Influencers, Communication Process as aKey to Influencing, Inquiry, Reflective Listening, Advocacy, Conflict Managementand Planning an Influencing. Part two is held in the classroom whereparticipants focus on practicing the influencing

35、 skills that are taught in the onlinesegment as well as explore how their interaction preferences play a role in theapproaches they take to influence others.ChineseAll Employees(PA/PD18Months)Highly Valued (Code 3 above)Manager &HRNomination Wei LiProjectManagementLearning project, project manag

36、ement concept and principles. Understand sometools during using project management.ChineseOM & Above (OM 6-12 Months)Highly Valued (Code 3 above)Manager &HRNomination Wei LiFacilitation SkillsThe online course covers the tools and tips that are needed to plan and facilitatea meeting and how

37、to follow-up once the meeting has been held. Tips on howto run a virtual meeting are also provided. In the classroom, participants get topractice the tools presented in the online course.ChineseOM & Above (OM 12-18Months)Highly Valued (Code 3 above)Manager &HRNominationFlorenceZhangWork OutL

38、earning how to prepare for and facilitate a WO meeting, how to follow-uponce the WO has been conducted. Practice facilitating WO meeting session.ChinesePL & AboveEmpoyees ( PL12-18 Months)Highly Valued (Manager &HRNomination Wei LiCommunicationWorkshop (1)Through the training, participant wi

39、ll recognize communication barriers amongpeople and the ways on reduce communciation barriers; The course willintroduce the very famous communication model (Ask, Inquiry , ReflectiveListening and Strategy). It could helps you to communicate effectively in dailywork and life.ChinesePA/PD6 MonthsHighl

40、y Valued (Code 3 above)Manager &HRNomination Teresa FuCourses/SessionIntroductionLanguageTargetAudience/criteriaEnrollmentContactPersonCommunicationWorkshop (2)In this course, you will learn the Intro-Communication and interpersonalrelationship skills, Communication model and other basic skills.

41、 It will alsointroduce you how to assert yourself, how to communicate with your peers,how to communicate upward, how to realize cross-function & Cross-culturecommunication, how to communicate in negotiation situation and how tocommunicate in conflict management.ChinesePL & AboveHighly Valued

42、 (Code 3 above)Manager &HRNomination Wei LiPresentationSkillsPresentation skills training focus on designing and delivering a presentation.Participants will have the opportunity to practice in front of the group in theclass. The course will also provide tips when presenting.It is required to bec

43、ompleted before attending the classroom session.ChineseAll Employees(PA/PD18Months)Highly Valued (Code 3 above)Manager &HRNomination Wei LiTeam BuildingTeam Building Skills focuses on building the skills necessary to develop andmaintain dynamic teams. Whether you are a team leader, team member,

44、or both,you will, through the training, recognize the value of being an effective teamplayer,.ChineseAll Employees(PA/PD18Months)Highly Valued (Code 3 above)Manager &HRNomination Wei LiTime ManagementAs we know, we can effectively manage time if we could truly focus on themost important things.

45、In this course, you can learn how to identify the trulyimportant things according to the thinking of beginning with end in mind. thencome out the goals through having mision statement and personal values. It alsointroduce you the Time Management Matrix to know how to live in the matrix II.at last, y

46、ou can learn basic skills to handle unexpected things.ChinesePL & AboveEmpoyees ( PL 6 Months)Highly Valued (Code 3 above)Manager &HRNomination Wei LiJapanese EmailWriting SkillsThe training introduce you the basic rules and ettiquettes for communication inEmail, you will also learned some k

47、ey tips for writing an effective emailmessage.ChineseAll EmployeesSelfEnrollment Wei LiCourse NameIntroductionLanguageTargetAudienceEnrollmentContact PersonFinance Language ofBusinessThis course addresses basic financial management philosophies,concepts, and techniquesChinesePL aboveManager &HRN

48、ominationTeresa FuFinance for Non-FinancialProfessionals(FFNP)A more in depth view of financial management theories andtechniques for the professional with a basic knowledge of financialstatements and financial analysis. You will learn the financiallanguage of business and increase your understandin

49、g of howbusinChineseOM aboveManager &HRNominationTeresa FuBoard Simulation:Financefor Non-financeBoard simulations make a very rapid transition from introducing thebasics of business thinking, such as the difference between cashand profit, and the dynamics which drive profit and cash flow for yo

50、urbusiness.ChineseSDO LdrAboveCEO & HRNominationFlorence ZhangCourses/SessionIntroductionLanguageTargetAudience/criteriaEnrollmentContactPersonCreate ClientValuesCreating Client Value is a client-centric selling course, designed to build onexisting capabilities and expand know ledge and skills i

51、n consultative selling.Thecourse takes a new approach by focusing on the clients decision-makingprocess, the buying cycleChineseTM/BDManager &HRNomination Wei LiMBTIMyers-Briggs Type Indicator is a self-report questionnaire designed to identifyvaluable differences betw een people that can be sou

52、rce of muchmisunderstanding and miscommunication. Taking the MBTI inventory andreceiving feedback w ill help you identify your unique gifts. The informationenhances understanding of yourself, your motivations, your natural strengths,and your potential areas for grow th. It w ill also help you apprec

53、iate people w hodiffer from you. Understanding your MBTI type is self-affirming and encouragescooperation w ith others.ChineseAll Employees(PA/PD12-18Months)Highly Valued (Code 3 above)SelfEnrollmentFlorenceZhangSocial StylesThrough the training, you w ill learn social style model, it introduce you

54、4different style behavior character(Relater/koala, Expresser/peacock,Director/Tiger and Analyzer/ow l). by using the social style tool w e w ill bebuilding the critical understanding of our ow n preferences for interacting w ithothers, and other peoples preferences. so that w e could develops a self

55、aw areness of yourself and others, then flex ow n style to meet otherspreference so that presents point of view in a w ay that enlists others support.ChineseAll Employees(PA/PD 12-18Months)Highly Valued (Code 3 above)SelfEnrollmentWei LiBasic Level ClassParticipant number: 25 peopleDuration: 100 cla

56、sses (1 class/ hour)Tuition fee: RMB 800/personInstructor: 80 classes Native instructor/20 classes foreign instructorMaterial: New Concept/BECTime: 17:45-19:45pm Each Monday & ThursdayVenue: Gecis Training room Medium Level ClassParticipant number: 25 peopleDuration: 100 classes (1 class/ hour)Tuition fee: RMB 900/personInstructor: 80 classes Native instructor/20 classes foreign instructorMaterial: New Concept/BECTime: 17:45-19:45pm


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