1、db2常用语句总结时间:2008-05-05 00:40来源:coderarea网络搜集 作者:点击:369次1、查找员工的编号、姓名、部门和出生日期,如果出生日期为空值,显示日期 不详,并按部门排序输出,日期格式为yyyy-mm-ddo selectemp no,emp name, dept, isnull(convcrt(char(10), birthday, 120),1、查找员工的编号、姓名、部门和出生fl期,如果出生日期为空值, 显示日期不详,并按部门排序输出,日期格式为yyyy-nini-ddo selectemp_no, emp_name, dept, isnull(conver
2、t (char (10),birthday,120),5 日 期不详')birthdayfrom employee order by dept2、查找与喻自强在同一个单位的员工姓名、性别、部门和职称 select emp_no, emp_name,dept,title from employee where emp name'喻 自强,and dept in (select dept from employee where emp_name="喻 自 强')3、按部门进行汇总,统计每个部门的总工资 select dept, sum(salary) from e
3、mployee group by dept4、查找商品名称为14寸显示器商品的销售情况,显示该商品的编号、销售 数量、单价和金额select a. prod id, qty, unit price, unit_price*qty totpricefrom sale_item a, product bwhere a. prod_id=b. prod_id and prod_name二t4 寸显示器'5、在销售明细表中按产品编号进行汇总,统计每种产品的销售数量和金额 select prod id, sum (qty) totqty, sum(qty*unit_price) totprice
4、 from sale_item group by prod_id6、使用convert函数按客户编号统计每个客户1996年的订单总金额 select cust_id, sum(tot_amt) totprice from sales where convert(char(4), order_date, 120)=' 1996, group by cust_id7、查找有销售记录的客户编号、名称和订单总额 select a. cust_id, cust_name, sum(tot_amt) totprice from customet a, sales b where a. cust_i
5、d=b. cust_id group by a. cust id, cust name8、查找在1997年中有销售记录的客户编号、名称和订单总额 select a. cust_id, cust_name, sum(tot_amt) totprice from customer a,sales b where a. cust_id=b. cust_id and convert(char(4), order_date, 120)二t997, group by a. cust_id,cust_name9、查找一次销售最大的销售记录 select order no, cust id, sale id,
6、 tot_amt from sales where tot_amt二(select max(tot_amt) from sales)10、查找至少有3次销售的业务员名单和销售日期 select emp_name, order_date from employee a, sales b where emp_no=sale_id and a. emp_no in (select sale_id from sales group by sale_id having count (*)>=3) order by emp_name11、用存在量词查找没有订货记录的客户名称 select cust_
7、name from customer a where not exists(select * from sales b where a. cust id二b. cust id)12、使用左外连接查找每个客户的客户编号、名称、订货口期、订单金额订 货fi期不要显示时间,fi期格式为yyyy-mm-dd按客户编号排序,同一客户再按 订单降序排序输出 selecta. cust id, cust name, convert(char(10), order date, 120), tot amtfrom customer a left outer join sales b on a. cust_id二
8、b. cust_id order by a. cust_id, tot_amt desc13、查找16m dram的销售情况,要求显示相应的销售员的姓名、性别,销 售口期、销售数量和金额,其屮性别用男、女表示select emp name 姓名,性别二 case a. sex when ' then '男' when ' f' then '女else '未end,销售日期二 isnull (convert (char 仃0), c. order date, 120),,日期不详 ) "qty 数量,qty*unit_price
9、as 金额from employee a, sales b, sale_item c, product dwhere d. prod_name=,16m dram' and d. prod_id=c. prod_id anda. emp_no=b. sale_id and b. order_no=c. order_no14、查找每个人的销售记录,要求显示销售员的编号、姓名、性别、产品名 称、数量、单价、金额和销售日期select emp no 编号,emp name 姓名,性另case a. sex when,nv then,男when ' f, then '女el s
10、e '未end,prod_name产品名称,销售日期二isnull (convert (char (10), c. order date, 120),'日期不详'),qty 数量,qty*unit_price as 金额from employee a 1 eft outer join sales b on a. emp no二b.sale_id ,sale_item c,product dwhere d. prod_id=c. prod_id and b. order_no=c. order_no15、查找销售金额最大的客户名称和总货款 select cust_name
11、, d. cust_sum from customer a, (select cust_id, cust_suni from (select custid, sum(totamt) as custsum from sales group by cust_id ) b where b.cust_sum = (select max(cust_sum) from (select custid, sum(totamt) as custsum from sales group by cust_id ) c ) )d where a. cust id=d.cust id26、选取编号界于'c000
12、1'和'c0004'的客户编号、客户名称、客户地址。select cust_id, cust_name, addrfrom customerwhere custid between 'c0001' and 'c0004'27、计算出一共销售了儿种产品。select count (distinct prod_id) as '共销售产品数' from sale_item28、将业务部员工的薪水上调3%。update employeeset salary二salary*1. 03 where dept=,业务29>由emp
13、loyee表中查找出薪水最低的员工信息。select *from employeewhere salary=(select min(salary ) from employee )30、使用join查询客户姓名为客户丙所购货物的客户名称,定单金额 ,定货日期,屯话号码select a. cust_id, b. tot_amt, b. order_date, a. tel_nofrom customer a join sales bon a. cust_id=b. cust_id and cust_name 1 ike '客户丙,31、由sales表中查找出订单金额大于e0013业务员在
14、1996/10/15这天所 接每一张订单的金额的所有订单。select *from saleswhere tot_amt>all (select tot_amt from saleswhere sale_id=,e0013, and order_date=,1996/10/15,)order by tot_amt32、计算'p0001'产品的平均销售单价select avg(unit_price)from sale_item where prod_id=, p000t33、找出公司女员工所接的定单 select sale id,tot amt from sales whe
15、re saleid in(select sale_id from employee where sexf)34、找出同一天进入公司服务的员工 select a. emp_no, a. emp_name, a. date_hired from employee a join employee b on (a. cmp_no!=b. cmp_no and a. datc_hircd=b. datc_hircd) order by a. date_hired35、找出目前业绩超过232000元的员工编号和姓名。select emp_no, emp_namefrom employeewhere emp
16、_no in(select saleidfrom salesgroup by sale_id having sum(tot_amt)<232000)16、查找销售总额少于1000元的销售员编号、姓名和销售额 select emp_no, emp_name, d. sale_sumfrom employee a, (select sale_id, sale_sum from (select sale_id, sum(tot_amt) as sale_sum from sales group by sale_id ) b where b. sale sum <1000 )dwhere
17、a. emp_no=d. sale_id17、查找至少销售了 3种商品的客户编号、客户名称、商品编号、商品名称、 数量和金额 selecta. cust_id, cust_name, b. prod id, prod name, d. qty, d. qty*d. unit_price from customer a, product b, sales c, sale_item dwhere a. cust id二c. cust id and d id二b. prod id and c.order no二d.order no and a. cust id in ( select cu
18、st_idfrom (select cust_id, count(distinct prod_id) prodid from (select cust_id, prod_idfrom sales e, sale_item fwhere e.order_no=f. order_no) ggroup by cust_idhaving count (distinct prod_id)>=3) h )18、查找至少与世界技术开发公司销售相同的客户编号、名称和商品编号、 商品名称、数量和金额 selecta. cust_id, cust_name, d. prod_id, prod_name, q
19、ty, qty*unit_pricc from customer a, product b, sales c, sale_item d where a. cust_id=c. cust id and d. prod id二d id andc. order_no=d. order_no and not exists(select f. *from customer x 、 sales e, sale_item f where cust_name二'世界技术开发公司,and x. cust_id=e. cust_id and e. order_no=f. order_no and not exists(select g. *from sale_item g, sales hwhere g. prod_id 二 f. prod_id and g. order_no=h. order_no andh. cust id二a. cust id)19、查找表中所有姓刘的职工的工号,部门,薪水 select emp_no, emp_name, dept, salary from employee where emp
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