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1、高一英语词语辨析人教版【同步训练信息 】一.本周教学内容:词语辨析up 1 捡起、捡起2 跌倒后 站起来1. pick3不刻意获得4 让人搭车eg .out挑选、辨论出、领悟( 1) he bent over to pick up his hat .( 2) i picked him up on my way home .2. devote vt.( 1)devote one s abilities to把自己的才能用在上( 2)devote one s attention to专心于( 3) devote oneself to献身于( 4)devote one s knowledge to把

2、自己的学问用于eg .he devoted his lifetime to sicentific research .3.( 1) die out灭亡、逐步消逝( 2) die off相继死去( 3) die of死于内因( 4) die from死于外因eg . the indian tribes have now almost died out . mr gaxton has died of a heart attack . the flowers are dying off because there has been no rain .4.keep宾语fromdoingstop宾语 f

3、rom doing阻挡做某事prevent宾语eg . from doingkepus foomthe heavy rainstoppedus foomarrivingon timeprevented us5. another pron.又一个,再一个eg .from( 1)i don t like this one , show me another .( 2) adj. here comes another bus .( 3) another +基数词 +名词复数he stayed there of another three days .6. make sure / certain肯定要

4、,保证做到,核实,弄清晰;thatclause弄清晰,保证做到make sureoftoeg .n. / dopronsth. 肯定要( 1) make sure that the doors are locked before you go out .出去之前,肯定要留意把门锁好;( 2) make sure to turn off the radio before you go out .出去之前,肯定要关掉收音机;7. notbut不是而是notbut句式用来否定but 之前,确定but 之后的内容,but 后面一般省略前面已显现的词语,以免重复;eg .mary isn t at sc

5、hool but at home today .8. though , although( 1) though 可用作倒装句中,相当于as,但 although不行;( 2) though 可作副词,放在句尾,意为“然而”;eg .( 1) poor though / as he is , he is happy .( 2)she said she would come to meet me , she didnt though .9.( 1) break the rule(s)违反规定( 2) obey / keep the rule遵守规章( 3) carry out a rule执行规章

6、( 4) work out a rule制定规章eg . anyone who breaks the rule is punished . we must obey the school rule .10. remind( 1) sb. about sth.提示某人、某事( 2) sb. of sth.使某人想起( 3) sb. to do提示某人做某事( 4) sb. of doing sth.提示某人已做了某事eg . he reminds me of his brother . please remind me to answer that letter .二.定语从句常见错误1. 关系

7、代词错用( 1) that和 which 误: i ve read all the books which you lent me .正: i ve read all the books that you lent me .析: 定语从句的先行词被all , some, any ,no, little, few, much, very等修饰时,关系代词要用that ; 误: this is the last lesson which mr green taught us .正: this is the last lesson that mr green taught us .析: 定语从句的先

8、行词被序数词或形容词最高级修饰时,关系代词要用that ; 误: is there anything else which i can do for you .正: is there anything else that i can do for you .析: 定语从句的先行词是everything,anything,nothing等不定代词时,关系代词要用that ; 误: they talked about the persons and things which they remembered in the old days .正: they talked about the pers

9、ons and things that they remembered in the olddays .析: 定语从句的先行词既有人又有物时,关系代词要用that ; 误: my hometown is no longer the place which it used to be .正: my hometown is no longer the place that it used to be .析: 定语从句中,关系代词充当从句的表语时,该关系代词要用that ; 误: dinner starts with a small dish , that is often called a sta

10、rter .正: dinner starts with a small dish , which is often called a starter .析: 关系代词that不能用于非限制性定语从句,但which 可以; 误: he lives in the room , the window of that faces the south .正: he lives in the room , the window of which faces the south .析: 关系代词that不能用于“介词+关系代词”结构,但which 可以;( 2) who 和 whom误: the man w

11、ith who i worked has left .正: the man with whom i worked has left .析: 关系代词who 指人,作主语;whom也指人,但作宾语;在“介词+关系代词”结构中,先行词是人,关系词用whom;先行词是物,关系词用which ;2. 关系代词漏用误: the student is standing there is our monitor .正: the student who / that is standing there is our monitor .正: the student standing there is our m

12、onitor .析: 定语从句中关系代词作主语时不能省略;这里也可以把定语从句改为现在分词形式作定语;3. 关系代词与关系副词混淆( 1) that / which和 when误: do you still remember the day when we first spent together .正: do you still remember the day(that / which) we first spent together .析: 先行词是时间名词时,定语从句的引导词用关系代词仍是关系副词“when”,取决于 该先行词在从句中充当主语/ 宾语仍是时间状语;这里先行词the da

13、y在从句中作宾语,关系代词可省略;( 2) that / which和 where误: i ll never forget the school where we visited last monday .正: i ll never forget the school(that / which) we visited last monday .析: 先行词是地点名词时,定语从句的引导词用关系代词仍是关系副词“where”,取决 于该先行词在从句中充当主语/ 宾语仍是地点状语;这里先行词the school在从句中作宾语,关系代词可省略;( 3) that / which和 why误: is t

14、his the reason why he gives for being late .正: is this the reason( that / which) he gives for being late .析: 先行词是reason 时,定语从句的引导词用关系代词仍是关系副词“why”,取决于该 先行词在从句中充当主语/ 宾语仍是缘由状语;这里先行词the reason在从句中作宾语,关系代词可省略;4. 定语从句主谓不一样 误: this is one of the rooms that is free now .正: this is one of the rooms that are

15、 free now .析: 当定语从句的先行词是one of结构时,先行词为of后的复数名词或代词,从句谓语用复数形式; 误: professorjohnson ishe onlyone oftheexpertswho know a littlechinese.正: professorjohnson isthe onlyone oftheexpertswho knows a littlechinese .析: 当定语从句的先行词是the ( only / very)one of结构时,先行词用one,从句谓语用单数形式;5. 定语从句重复用词( 1)关系词与疑问词重复 误: who is th

16、e man who shook hands with you just now .正: who is the man that shook hands with you just now .析: 如主句以疑问词who 开头,为了防止重复,定语从句的引导词要用that代替; 误: which is the books which you want to borrow from me .正: which is the book that you want to borrow from me .析: 如主句以疑问词which 开头,为了防止重复,定语从句的引导词要用that代替;( 2)关系词与被替

17、换词重复 误: this is the jacket which i bought it last month .正: this is the jacket which i bought last month .析: 关系代词which 已经在从句中充当宾语,it是余外的; 误: is this the museum where jane has worked there for twenty years .正: is this the museum where jane has worked for twenty years .析: 关系副词where 已经在从句中充当地点状语,there是

18、余外的;6. 定语从句介词错用 误: is this the cd player in which you spent 500 yuan .正: is this the cd player on which you spent 500 yuan .析: 有时,需要依据从句谓语动词的习惯搭配来判定详细的介词;这里是“spenton +名词”的搭配; 误: the baby of whom she takes good care is ten months old .正: the baby whom she takes good care of is ten months old .析: 含有介词

19、的短语动词一般不能拆开使用;又如:look after, care for, refer to等;【模拟试题】一.单项填空:1. is this the tv set she wants.a. to have repairedb. to be repairedc. to repair itd. to have it repaired2. who will youthe article into japanese .a. have translatedb. have translatec. have to translated. have translating3. can you have t

20、he washing-machineto my house .a. sendb. to sendc. sentd. sending4. those who have questions, raise your hands .a. askb. to askc. askedd. asking5. you had bettera visit to him soon .a. payb. to payc. paidd. paying6. now we could not do anything butfor him here .a. waitedb. waitingc. to waitd. wait7.

21、 the visit hasbecause of the rain .a. put offb. to put offc. to be put offd. putting off8. the children stoppedas the teacher came in .a. talkb. to talkc. talkingd. talked9. they stopped, but there was no more sound .a. listenb. to listenc. listeningd. listened10. if i can stop themthere , ill do it

22、 .a. gob. to goc. goned. going* 11. we all think it most foolishthis mistake .a. for you makingb. of you to makec. you to maked. for you to make12. there useda post office at the corner of the street .a. to beb. to beingc. to haved. to has13. this room is usedfood .a. to storeb. to storingc. storing

23、d. stored14. he s quite usedin all sorts of weather .a. flyb. to flyc. to flyingd. to flied15. doctor bethune went onthroughout the night .a. workb. workedc. to workd. working16. after he had read the new words , he went onthe text .a. readb. readsc. to readd. reading* 17. iyou off yesterday , but i

24、 didnt have time .a. hope to have seenb. hope to seec. hoped to have seend. hoped to see18. we don t needso early this time .a. leaveb. leftc. to leaved. leaving19. your shoes are dirty . they needbadly .a. washb. washedc. to washd. washing20. there is something wrong with the machine . it needs.a.

25、examineb. examinedc. to examined. to be examined二.阅读懂得:one way to make an egg stand up is to crack the thick end . this is a trick whichcolumbus is said to have used . another way is to shake a fresh egg and hold it upright a few minutes so the yolk ( n. 蛋 黄 ) will come down to the bottom . the yolk

26、 , the yellow part of the egg , is heavier than the white , and will make the egg heavier at thebottom . you should be able to stand it on end if you do everything right . a third way is to place a small amount of salt on a white cloth before the test . the egg willstand in(立在)the salt , and your fr

27、iends may think you are clever unless theysee the salt .fresh eggs will sink in water . if you find that an uncooked egg floats on the surface of water , you will know that it was laid a long time ago , and has becomestaleor bad . a trickcan be playedwitha freshegg , some saltand a glassjaralmost fu

28、llofwater.first you will fill the jar with water about halfway to the top . thenyou put in two tablespoons of salt and stir( v.搅拌) completely . even a fresh eggwill float in salt water . drop in your fresh egg and watch it float .next you gently place fresh water in the jar , pouring it against the

29、glass side insidethejarso it mixes very little with salt water . your egg will stay in a placeatthecentreofthejarofwater.itcannotsinktothebottombecause thesaltwater is too heavy . and neither will it rise to the top through fresh water .1. what will happen if you stand your egg on one end anyhow . i

30、t will.a. fall downb. stand uprightc. roll overd. float on the surface of water2. if you shake a fresh egg long enough , the yolk of the egg will.a. become heavierb. come to the bottomc. stand on endd. stand upright3. a bad egg.a. has no yolk in itb. sinks halfway in the waterc. sinks in the waterd. floats in the water4. a fresh e


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