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1、船舶电装预制件制作及电缆贯穿件隔堵工艺TECHNOLOGY OF CABLE PENETRATIO N&SEALING FOR STEEL SHIPpage 10 total 10预制件的工艺要求 Technology of cable penetration1.电缆贯穿件Cable transit若托盘表中没有特别注明,贯穿件的材料为普通A级钢。贯穿件制成后,将锐边及毛刺打磨,并进行防腐蚀处理,一般涂防锈底漆二度。The material of pen etrati on is ordinary steel (class A) in gen erally, if no specify

2、.The tran sit should be grin ded, and coati ng two layers.普通电缆贯穿件(无防火,及水密要求)见下图1Ordinary tran sit (no-fireproof n o-watertight) see draw ing 1.1.1 普通电缆框 Horizontal ordinary transit 表示方法 Express:DK L x Bx H x SDK-普通电缆框 Horizontal ordinary transit1.2普通电缆筒(无防火,水密要求) 见下图1。Vertical ordinary tran sit (no-

3、fireproof no-watertight)see draw ing 1.表示方法 Express:DT L x B x H x SDT -普通电缆筒 Vertical ordinary transitL长 length B宽 wide H高 high S 板厚 thickness小型普通电缆框、筒可用镀锌管压制代用。Mini ordi nary tran sits can be take n placed by pressed galva ni zed tube.r-BDrawing 1 DK(DT)i!Sign:DK广Jo工IB-BDT1.3 耐火电缆框 Fire-proof hori

4、zontal transit表示方法 Express:AWn L x B x 250 x SAW-耐火电缆框 Fire-proof horizontal transitL长 length B宽 wide 高 height -250mm S 板厚 thickness耐火等级详见下表 type number, see followed table 电缆框高度固定为the is fixed: 250mm类型参数Type名称Name耐火等级Fireproofi ng grade使用场所siteAW1DMT-W水密式A-60级耐火电缆框 DMT-W watertight grade A-60 firep

5、roofi ng tran sitA-60 , A-30 , A-15舱壁bulkheadAW3DMT-W水密式A-0级耐火电缆框DMT-W watertight grade A-0 fireproofi ng tran sitA-0舱壁bulkhead标记示例Sig nature:A W n型式序号 fire-proof grade1 无机型填料watertight1 A级水密耐火结构 fire-proof mark制作双侧型耐火电缆框(灌注孔和透气孔在舱壁两侧)的具体要求如下图2: 一般情况下,选用如图2的耐火电缆框。Double side fireproof transit (perfu

6、sion hole and ventilate hole in two sides), see: drawing 2: In gen erally, this kind of fire-proof tran sit will be priority used (see draw ing 2),图2 AW1 , 3双侧型耐火电缆框(trying ? t double type fr?prrfing transitbulkhead. nt. J.bulkhead /若为保证电缆必要的弯曲半径,在某些特殊区域,可选用如图3的单侧型耐火电缆框(灌注孔和透气孔在舱壁同侧)。For keep the n

7、ecessary bend radius, use the Fireproof tran sit of sin gle side ( perfusi on hole and ven tilate hole be same side deck) in some special space. see draw ing 3.图3 AW1,3单侧型耐火电缆框drawing 3 AW1,3 fireproof transit of single sideA-A405OFLJ160FrojncZiljdrcwirig synb l2 £ specially orientation cinefis

8、ion 5( in clndng fireproof transit of 胡辭 bii:perfusior bo.e 7?n:80见1.4 耐火电缆筒 Vertical fireproof transit表示方法为 express: AWn LX B x 215X SAWn 耐火电缆筒 Vertical fireproof transitL长 length B宽 wide height 高 215mm S -板厚 thickness n耐火等级详见下表 type number, see followed table 电缆筒高度固定为the is fixed: 215mm类型参数Type名称N

9、ame耐火等级Fireproof class使用场所siteAW2DMT-W 水密式A-60级耐火电缆筒 DMT-W watertight grade A-60 Fireproofi ng pen etrati onA-60,A-30,A-15甲板deckAW4DMT-W水密式A-0级耐火电缆筒DMT-W watertight grade A-0 Fireproofi ng pen etrati onA-0甲板deck制作具体要求如下图4:AW1、AW2型的电缆贯穿件的制作、安装要求同AW3、AW4型的贯穿件,只是在填料结束后,在船体包覆耐火绝缘层的一侧包覆耐火绝缘毡。包覆厚度按舾装专业的防火

10、绝缘布 置图的相应要求来定,一般不低于40mm厚。Requireme nt as followi ng draw ing 4:Make and installation of AW1、AW2is same as AW3、AW4, after stuffing ,the differenee is only covered fireproof insulation. The thickness not less than 40mm normally, the detail is accord ing to fireproof in sulatio n draw ing.DRAWING 41耐火型

11、电缆代 fire-proof pciic?tration"? svmbolz1.5 电缆管 见下图 5 Cable pipe ( see: drawing 5).电缆管用镀锌钢管切割或弯制成,分直管和弯管两种,切口的毛刺及锐边打磨光滑。直管 用于单根电缆的贯穿,弯管用于多根电缆的贯穿。直管上口须根据电缆外径配相应尺寸的填料函。机舱或露天区域用热缩套管密封,其它区域用橡皮泥封堵。露天甲板的电缆管须 配相应规格的套管以防腐蚀。Cable pipe made of galvanized steel tube, there are two types, one is straight pip

12、e with gland for sin gle cable, ano ther is goose n eck pipe for multi-cables. The cut edge should bee n grin ded to smooth. The tube stuff using thermal shrink tube in E/M or on open deck, for other area, the pipe should bee n stuffed plastice ne.表示方法为Express:DG X H-管子通径 diameter H-高 heightdraw ing

13、 5Ht01.6 填料函见下图 6 Cable gland ( see: drawing 6).单根电缆需贯穿B-0级水密壁时,可采用填料函并加焊长100的钢管。Sin gle cable passes through WT B-0 class bulkhead, the gla nd can be welded on 100 mm pipe.表示方法Express : TH X dTH-填料函 Cable gland d- 填料函尺寸 dimension of glanddraw ing 6JB-0 class bulkheadz -CO2.电缆支承件Cable support2.1 扁钢支

14、架 见下图 7, Flat steel ( see: drawing 7)用相应规格的扁钢弯制而成,切口的毛刺及锐边打磨光滑,镀锌2030卩。It made of smooth flat steel ,galva ni zed 203Qi表示方法为 Express: DB Lx B x H x§ or DB B x §L长 length B宽 wide H-脚高 height § 厚度 thickness如L、H的值缺省,则相应代表扁钢长度为 550、扁钢高度现场定 If no showing the data of L and H, please refer t

15、o the followed table.TypeLBH§155020现场定No requireme nt32550404Draw ing 6drawing symhol ;2.2电缆托架Cable tray制作托架的材料通常为钢质,且经镀锌防蚀处理In general, material of cable tray is galvanized steel, and the material.电缆托架可分为单层托架和多层托架:Cable tray divide mono layer tray and Multi-layer tray:H-脚高 highH-脚高 highH-脚高 hi

16、gh表示方法为express: DZ Lx H单层电缆托架 mo nolayer tray. L宽wide 或 or 2DZ L x H 双层电缆托架 double layer tray L宽 wide 或 or 3DZ L x H 三层电缆托架 three layer tray L宽 wide为便于船上安装,电缆托架一般可在车间预制成,见下图 7。Cable tray may be prefabricated in workshop for easy in stallati on. See drawi ng7.电缆的U型托片之间的间距参照表a确定。Space betwee n of U-ty

17、pe tray refer to the followed table . 组装件底脚之间的距离要求如下:Space betwee n support as followed: DZ150 DZ300< 900mm,DZ400 DZ800< 1500mm多层托架:折算为单层托架后,再按相应要求确定规格。For the selectio n for Multi-layer tray, please calculate to mono layer.Drawi ng 7电缆托架组合骨架及支脚的材料按下表来选择:Material of cable tray comb in atio n f

18、rame and support:电缆托架规格Cable tray type电缆托片规格Bracket组合骨架framework支脚 supportDZ150U-150Z-2U-2DZ200U-200Z-2U-2DZ300U-300Z-2U-2DZ400U-400Z-3L30X30 an gle ironDZ500:U-500Z-3L30X30 an gle ironDZ600U-600Z-3L45X45 an gle ironDZ700UT-700 30X30 an gle iron bracketL30X30L45X45 an gle ironDZ800UT-800 30X30 an gl

19、e iron bracketL30X30L45X45 an gle iron3.防火、水密隔堵Sealing3.1 使用橡皮泥、热缩套管 usi ng of plastice ne, thermal shrink tube舱室内的电缆管使用橡皮泥进行封堵;机舱、露天甲板处的电缆管、填料函等的密封 使用热缩套管,居住区域内电气箱上的填料函一般不须封堵。热缩套管施工工艺参照制造 厂标准要求如下:Cable pipe in cabinet to be sealed with plasticene; cable pipe and cable gland in engine room and ope n

20、 deck to be sealed with thermal shri nk tube, the cable gla nd on electrical panel no n eed seals in accommodati on area no rmally. Tech no logy of thermal shri nk tube should be accordi ng to maker' s sta ndard.3.1.1热缩套管的规格参见下表 Type of thermal shrink tube序号NO.型号规格TYPE缩前内径ORIGINALDIA缩后内径FINALLY

21、DIA缩前壁厚ORIG. THICKNESSP 1RSG-30/83080.32RSG-40/1240120.3r 3 dRSG-50/1550150.35:4RSG-60/1860180.35r 51RSG-70227022 :0.4:6RSG-90/2790270.47RSG-100/30100300.4518RSG-110/37110370.453.1.2根据电缆及填料函的规格选用热缩套管,可参照下表进行。The thermal shri nk tube can be selected as the correlati on table betwee n cable gla nd and

22、 thermal shri nk tube.电缆外径CABLE OUT DIA.填料函内径CABLE GLANINNER DIA填料函D尺寸D D DIMENSION OFCABLE GLAND安装后总外径:TOTAL OUT DIAAFT FITTING选用热缩套管Thermal shri nk tube dia.5-78M16 X121.930/86-1213M20 X127.530/811-1516M27 X1.536.940/1214-1819M30 X1.541.650/1517-2324M36 X1.547.350/1522-2728M42 X253.260/1826-3334M4

23、8 X263.570/2232-4142M56 X275.090/2740-4950M64 X380.7100/3048-5758M72 X392.4110/373.1.3热缩套管使用说明 Manual of Thermal shrink tube(1) 根据上表选择合适规格的热缩套管,通常所选热缩管收缩后的内径应小于电缆外径1mm以上,热缩管长度应大于要包覆长度的5-10%。Select the Thermal shri nk tube accordi ng above table, the dime nsion of Thermal shri nk tube should be small

24、er 1mm tha n cable out diameter no rmally, le ngth of the Thermal shri nk tube should be Ion ger 5-10% tha n the cover len gth.(2) 在要包覆的电缆部位的两端做上标记,用干净抹布去除灰尘和污物。Marked the cable before seal, outer sheath of cable should be clea ned.(3) 必要时可在预热后的电缆部位均匀缠绕上一层热熔胶带(厚度约为0.3mm左右),热熔胶带要压紧Preheating the oute

25、r sheath of cable, then wrap one layer thermal melt tape tightly (thick ness about 0.3 mm) if n ecessary.(4) 套好热缩套管,定位后用塑料焊枪或喷灯从热缩套管的中部开始沿园周方向加热 使其均匀完全收缩,然后由中间往一端逐步加热至完全收缩,端口有热熔胶溢 出,一端收缩完全后,用同样的方法加热收缩另一端,注意加热时一定要沿园周 方向移动,待完全收缩后依次向外扩展,以免产生皱折和气泡。After fit the thermal shrink tube, use the blowtorch to

26、heat. Heating the middle part of thermal shrink tube at first, when it shrink uniformly, then heating from middle to one end, after thermal melt tape extravasation and shrink fully, then do the other end as the same way. The cable and tube should be move around duri ng heati ng to avoid rumple and b

27、ubble.(5) 热缩套管收缩后,再重复加热一遍,使表面光滑平整,整个加热过程要快速移动 塑料焊枪。Reheating once again after shrink fully, during whole process, please move the blowtorch quickly to keep the surface lubricity and to avoid temperature too higher.(6) 在大、小头按连处,若尺寸相差过大或有尖锐角过渡,可在小头一端尺寸较小的 热缩管,用第(5)条的方法先使其收缩好,再套上另一根热缩管。或用热熔胶缠绕 紧,使其圆滑过渡

28、,再套热管。For the reducer, if dimension discrepancy is too large or there is acuity corner transition, fitted one small dimension tube or thermal melt tape on the small end at first, then use the big size thermal shri nk tube cover the whole part.(7) 若有弯角,应先从弯角处开始加热热缩管,使其先完全收缩后再向两边扩展。If there is ben ded

29、 corn er, it should be heati ng thermal shri nk tube from the ben ded parts, the n exte nd to both sides.(8) 待热缩管完全冷却后方可进行下一步操作,最好冷却时间在15分钟以上。After thermal shrink tube cooling fully, it can be done nextoperation; it is better thecooling time over than 15 minutes.3.2 耐火电缆框(筒)的隔堵工艺 Seali ng Tech ni ca

30、l for fireproof pe netrati on3.2.1 准备工作 Prepare Working3.2.1.1检查主要材料的出厂合格证件是否齐全Check the relative certificate of the materials.如对保管的或来料质量有疑问,可进行小样检验,取少量填料样品,按规定比例, 将A、B二组份混合调匀,如产品一天内不固化,即为失效If you doubt the quality of the stuff, please do the sample test, accord ing proporti on, mix part A an

31、d part B, if it can not solidify in one day, it must be no used.按照相关图纸将贯穿件内部的电缆敷设齐全,整理平直并保证清洁。Fini shed the cable layout accordi ng the draw ings , keep straight and clea ning.3.2.2 PD100膨胀堵料的施工 Construction of PD100 caulking3.221为灌注液态堵料的需要,先将防火电缆框两端或防火电缆筒下端填充膨胀堵料Before pour the sealing slurr

32、y, please fit the expansion caulking at the end of penetration. For the fire-proof horizontal penetration, it is both end; or for the vertical penetration, it is only low end.用膨胀堵料填入每根电缆之间以及与贯穿件内壁之间,大的间隙可重叠堵塞,应使 堵料与贯穿件端面相平,梳齿面必须向内放置,然后对膨胀堵料喷洒膨胀促进液,约法 30分钟后即可封堵开口,灌注密封填料。Being un der the con st

33、ruct ion, put PD100 caulk ing to the space betwee n cables and tran sits, the n spray ing expa nsion liquid to the caulk ing, the caulk ing start expa nds and after 30 minu tes, the space can be fully blocked, the n it is possible to pour the seali ng slurry.3.2.3 DMT-W 型无机电缆密圭寸填料的施工 Using way of the DMT sealing3.2.3.1 填料的配制 DMT sealing consists填料的配方包括A、B二个组份,A组份为粉料,B组份为溶液,A组份与B组份的 调配比例为6: 4 (重量比),出厂时已按比例分别装于( A)( B)二个容器内,施工时 只需将B组份溶液倒入粉料中调匀后便可使用。Seali ng con sists of A part (powder) and B part (soluti on): usually the mixture


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