



1、Part I1. A. Quite a lot. B. My pleasure . C. Thank you very much .D. Yes, but he ' not in .2. A. Wait a minute . B. Yes, I do . C. See you later. D. Fine, tha nks .3. A. Take it easy. B. Mi nd your step. C. Very much . D. So am I.4. A. At 16:30. B. No, tha nks.C. Here we are . D. Can I help you

2、.5. A. This way, please s faraway .D.Take care.6. A. Find a new apartme nt. B. Give up his pla n.C. Get a new job. D. Put forward a suggesti on .7. A. A professor . B.A n engin eer. C. A stude nt leader D. A social worker.8. A. He took the wrong medici ne . B. He has a headache .C. He has broken his

3、 arm . D. He got a heart attack .9. A. Germa n. B.Japa nese. C. Spani sh. D. Fren ch.10. A. He is out of work. B. He has been ill for days .C. He is short of money . D. He lost his credit card .Look ing for an apartme nt can be a difficult job. The first thing to 11 is how much money you can spend .

4、 You cannot rent a home if it ' too 12_ .Secondly, where the home is located is also important. You don' want a home too 13 from work . You might want to spend a little more money to be closer to your office .Any way, before you look for a place to live in, you should 14 of_ all the things y

5、ou want and n eed. This will be easier for you to make the 15 .Part II16. You can ask these expertsadvice in job hun ti ng .A. on B. over C. from D. for17. If you want to get there before dark, you should start your journeyA. at times B. at once C. in pers on D. in detail.18. The play was so bori ng

6、I could hardly keep myself from falli ng asleep.A. thatB. which C. what D. whether19. We hope that our customers canadva ntage of this new service .A. have B. carry C. take D. bring20. The un employme nt rate has become much lowerthe gover nment took these measures.A. but B. si nee C. if D. while21.

7、 The rope is not strong eno ugh tothe weight of the big case .A. c on duct B. produceC. make D. support22. He atte nded school in En gla nd for several years ,afterhe retur ned home .A. what B. that C. which D. whom23. You can trust our product as we havecon trol over its quality .A. strict B. limit

8、ed C. little D. n atural24. A new study finds out that a kid can learn without what he is doing .A. realize B. realized C. realizi ng D. to realize25. last year, traffic accide nts have decreased by 10% this year .A. Related to B. Compared with C. Compared about D. Dealt with26. You'd better mak

9、e a phone call (check) . whether the email has bee n received .27. We had been working for almost 16 hours, and we (final) finished the task .28. The Prize in Economics (establish)in 1968, that is , more than half a century ago.29. He is thinking of (leave) his job and going to Germany for further s

10、tudy.30. Most people attending his lecture have found that have learn something (use) .31. This library is the (modern) building I have ever visited in this city .32. Potatoes can provide about one-third of our daily (require) of Vitamin C.33. After she had the report (type) ,she put it on the direc

11、tor 'desk .34. If you had asked him again , he might (change) his mind .35. Moder n means of ( com muni cate)can en able more people to work from home .Part IIITask 1On decidi ng to buy your first home, you 're likely to be excited and full of en thusiasm? (热 情) . However , you should take c

12、are to plan well and understand the process to avoid any un expected problems .Here are some things you'll n eed to con sider to help you get started .First, think about what you n eed and what you want from your new home .Perhaps you n eed to be close to your place of work because you don '

13、 drive . It may be that you want a large garde n to satisfy your garde ning hobby .Be sure to un dersta nd the differe nces betwee n n eeds and wants as it'likely you ' need to give up some of your wants .Then ,use the intern et , your local library and your friends and family to find out al

14、l you can about the buying process. You'll need to make decisions down the line and it will help if you un dersta nd the buying process.At this stage, you will normally need to contact a mortgage( 按揭)adviser to see how much money you can borrow .O f course , these are lots costs related to buyin

15、g a home which not be immediately clear to first time buyers .36. If you want to buy your first home, you are advised to.A. borrow some money from bank . B. save eno ugh money in adva nee .C. un dersta nd the buying process . D. get to know the hous ing age nt.37. When buying a new home, the first t

16、hing you should con sider is .A. the size of the garde n B.your n eeds and wantsC. your job and in comeD. the environment38. The purpose of con tact ing a mortgage adviser is.A. to see whether the prices of the home is reas on able .B. to ask about the legal issues related to the buyingC. to make su

17、re you un dersta nd the buying process.D. to find out how much money you can borrow .39. If you are a first time buyer , you may not be aware of.A. the various costs related to the buying a home .B. the history of the home you want to buyC. the time whe n you can move inD. the n ame of the house own

18、er40. The passage is writte n mainly for.A. house owner B. mortgage advisers C. house compa nies D. first time home buyers Task 2June 5,2014Dear Mr. Blake , It was very enjoyable to speak with you about the assista nt acco unt man ager positi on at the Smith & Smith Co. Ltd .The job seems to be

19、very good match for my skill and in terests. In Additi on to my keen interest , I will bring to the position strong writing skills and the ability to encourage others to work well with the department. My art background will help me to work with artists on staff and provide me with an un dersta nding

20、 of the artistic of our work .I un dersta nd your n eed for office work support . My basic trainings and orga ni zati onal skills will help to free you to deal with larger issues . I n eglected to men tio n duri ng my in terview that I had worked for two summers as a part time office worker. This ex

21、perie nee helped me to develop my skills as an office secretary .I appreciate the time you took to in terview me . I am very in terested in work ing for you and look forward to heari ng from you about this positi on .Best regards,John Smith41. The job positi on Joh n Smith applies for is .A. office

22、secretary B. chief artist officerC. assista nt acco unt man ager D. product ion departme nt man ager42. The writer believes that he will be able to bring to the position .A. his writi ng skills B. his positive attitude C.his creative thinking D. his overseas experie nces43. The writer believes that

23、his art background is helpful _.A) to en courage people to work hardB. to train employees for the compa nyC. to improve acco un ti ng workD. to work with artists on staff44. The writer said that duri ng the in terview he forget to men ti on .A. his training as an office secretaryB. his tha nks for t

24、he in terview give nC. his work experie nces as a part-time office workerD. his understanding of the company ' artistic work45. John Smith write this letter in order to .A. i nquire about the date of the in terviewB. express tha nks to the job in terviewC. ask for postp oning the in terviewD. co

25、mpla in about the in terviewTask 3Apteryx Compa ny Ltd.Apteryx Ltd.is a software development company. We create and develop software applicati ons and systems, which are the leadi ng products in the bus in ess field. Our curre nt products include medical imaging solutions and applications for indepe

26、ndent medical practices and large medical suppliers both at home and abroad .We also provide software development services.Apteryx Ltd. Believes in a fun and creative compa ny culture and offers great ben efits to its employees in cludi ng in-services career trai ning ,free lun ch, coffee or tea bre

27、aks, great retireme nt package ,and a relaxed atmosphere .Apteryx Ltd. is an EqualOpport un ityEmployer offeri ng a great work en viro nmen t ,challe nging career opport un ities and attractive salaries. Join our teams! Apteryx Ltd.313 S High St Ste 200Akro n, OH 44308Apteryx Compa ny Ltd.Type of co

28、mpany : a 46companyProducts : software application and systemsService inten ded for : in depe ndent 47 practices and suppliers, both at home and abroadCompany culture : fun and 48Benefits offered :1) in-service career 492) free lunch ,coffee or tea breaks3) great 50 package4) a relaxed atmosphereCom

29、pa ny websiteTask 4Airli ne serviceA Freque nt flight passe ngerJLuggage check-i nB Flight nu mberK Self check-i n servicecBoard ing timeL?Seat select ionD Start ing airportM Flight pun ctualityEGround serviceN Ticket refundFDelayed flightO -Babbage claimGTicketi ng servicePBabbage compe nsatH Ticke

30、t deliveryQ First classI On li ne ticket book ing51.)行李托运()登机时间52.()售票服务()常旅客53.()始发机场()航班延误54.()座位选择()送票服务55.()行李提取()航班号T ask 5Two simple but effective tips for havi ng a bus in ess talkPrepareGather as much in formatio n as you can before the bus in ess talk. Practice mak ing your case. Think of t

31、he resp onse you might received and imag ine how you will an swer .Try and imagi ne everyth ing that could possibly occur duri ng the talk , and prepare a resp onse .Take Your TimeIt is importa nt to be men tally prese nt and willi ng to con sider what the other party says. Feel free to walk away fr

32、om the talk for a moment to collect your thoughts and reconsider your positi on. The other party might say somethi ng that cha nges your idea of the bus in ess deal .Responding too quickly might cause you to miss something important .Take the time to take a breath , drink a glass of water and remind

33、 yourself of what you aim to get out of the bus in ess talk.56. What should you do first in prepari ng for a bus in ess talkGather as muchas you can.57. What should you do before you prepare a resp onseTry to think of that could occur during the talk.58. What is importa nt duri ng a bus in ess talkB

34、eing men tally prese nt and willi ng to think about what says.59. Why does the writer en courage you to walk away the talk for a mome ntIn order to collectand recon sider your positi on.60. Why is it bad practice to make a quick resp onseIt might cause you to.Part IV61. If anything should go wrong w

35、ith your computer ,refer all services to qualified services pers onn el.A. 如果你不会使用这台计算机,务必向专业人士进行咨询。B. 如果这台计算机出现问题,请送到专门维修店进行修理。C. 你的计算机出现任何毛病,都得找合格的维修人员维修。D. 你的计算机出现问题,请按此地址与维修人员进行联系。62. As our products are popular both at home and abroad, their dema nd is in creas ing year by year .A. 由于我们的产品在市场上十分畅销,目前已经供不应求了。B. 由于我们的产品在国内外很受欢迎,故需求量在逐年增加。C. 随着我们产品质量


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