



1、pep 学校英语五年级上英语期中试卷听力部分一、听音,挑选你听到的句子中包含的单词(每题 2 分,共 12 分);1.a:youngb:oldc:funnyd:kind2.a:politeb:strictc:cleverd:shy3.a:mondayb:tuesdayc:fridayd:thursday4.a:read booksb:play footballc:watch tvd:do homework5.a:sandwichesb:hamburgersc:saladd:hot dogs6.a:favouriteb:deliciousc:healthyd:thirsty二、听音标号(每空1

2、分,共 8 分);()()()()()()()()三、听音,挑选恰当的答句(每题2 分,共 10 分); 1.a:he's very funny.b:he's thirsty.c:i like him very much. 2.a:c:today is monday.they have english today.b:i have math and music.五年班姓名: 3a:c:i'd like some ice cream, please.i do my homework.b:i can see some birds. 4.a:c:i'd like so

3、me milk.i have noodles.b:he'd like some fish. 5.a:yes, it is.b:i like fridaysc:sandwiches.四、听音判定,与句意相符的写“t”,不相符的写“f”(每题2 分,共10 分);() 1. mr young is old, but he is very funny.() 2. miss wang will be our new chinese teacher.() 3. i have computer and pe on tuesdays.() 4. zhang peng often plays foot

4、ball here.() 5. id like some water, im thirsty.五、听音,把单词序号填在横线上(每空1 分,共 10 分); read books shy chinesestrictdelicious do my homework kind favouritehelpfulmondays1. what do you have on. we have english, math and.2. miss wang will be our new chinese teacher. shesand.3. chen jie is, but she is very.4. wh

5、at do you do on the weekend. i oftenand.5. whats yourfood.i have beef noodles, they are.笔试部分 六、按要求选词填空(每词1 分,共 5 分);(1) 挑选划线部分读音不同的单词()1.a: partyb: happyc: shyd: healthy()2.a: teab: eatc: headd: read()3.a: yellowb: windowc: flowerd: snow(2) 挑选一个不同类别的单词()4.a: deliciousb: sweetc: hotd: salad()5.a: sun

6、dayb: tuesdayc: fridayd: weekend七、按要求写词语(每词2 分,共 14 分);young(反义词)fun(形容词)help(形容词)做作业星期一有礼貌的沙拉八、挑选填空,把序号填在题前括号内(每题2 分,共 16 分) 1. we have english, math, and artmondays.a:inb:onc:for 2. miss white isart teacher.a:ab:anc:/ 3. i often play football on the weekend.me, too.a:how are you.b:who are you.c:wh

7、at about you. 4. whatyou like to eat.a:dob:wouldc:are 5. whoschinese teacher.a:youb:yourc:yours 6. is your science teacher.mrblack.a:whob:whatc:where 7. sandwichesmy favourite food.a:isb:amc:are 8. i like pemusic.a:butb:andc:so九、连词成句(每题2 分,共 10 分);1. is like what she(.)2. you read books park often d

8、o in this(.)3. do what thursdays have on you(.)4. favourite whats food your(.)5. like water some i d(.)十、阅读短文,判定正误,正确的写“t”,错误的写“ f”,(共 5 分);myname islinda.igo to school frommonday to friday. every morning i get up at 7:00. i have three classes in the morning and three in the afternoon. i have englis

9、h, chinese and science on monday morning. i like fridays very much. i have a pe class and i can watch tv on that day. 1. linda gets up at 7:00. 2. linda has five classes everyday. 3. linda likes maths very much. 4. linda likes fridays. 5. linda has english, chinese and science on monday morning.听力内容

10、及答案:一、cbdaba1. i like funny teachers2. miss wang is very kind, but sometimes shes strict, too.3. today is thursday.4. i often read books in this park.5. im hungry, id like some hamburgers.6. whats your favourite food.nooldes.二、7 2 3 1 5 8 6 41. polite2. helpful3. weekend4. play football5. monday6. h

11、amburger7. delicious8. wash my clothes三、 c b c a c1. whats your teacher like.2. what do you have on mondays.3. what do you do on saturdays.4. what would like to drink. 5.whats your favourite food.四、f t f t t1. mr is young and funny.2. well have a chinese teacher.3. i have computer and pe on thursdays.4. -hey, zhang peng. do you often play football here.-yes, i do.5. im thirsty, i would like some water.五、103742916851. what do you have on mondays . we have english, math andchinese.2. miss wang will be our new chinese teacher. shes kind and


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