



1、序号no检查内容items检查标准inspection standard是否执行yes or no是yes否non/a1施工方案constructionscheme脚手架搭设编制专项施工方案,按规定进 行编、审、批。preparation of scaffoldingspecial construction plan.andprepare, review and approval according脚手架结构设计进行设计计算。design and calculation of the scaffold structure脚手架搭设超过规范允许高度,专项施工 方案按规定组织专家论证。more t

2、han specification allows the scaffold erection height, in accordance with the provisions, organize experts to special construction plan2架体基础the scaffold based立杆基础平实,并应釆取防水措施,符合 专项施工方案要求the scaffold -based stud base level, conform to the requirements of the special construction plan立杆底部冇底座、楚板或垫板的规格符合

3、 规范要求vertical bar at the bottom of base plate, plate and plate specifications conform to the requirements of the specification按规范要求设置设置扫地杆according to the specification requirements set up longitudinal and transverse rod sweeps the floor扫地杆的设置和固定符合规范要求采取排 水措施sweep the floor bar set and fixed drainag

4、e measures conform to the specificationrequirements3架体稳定the stability ofthescaffold架体与建筑物结构拉结符合规范要求frame body and architecture structure of rachel way or spacing conforms to the specification requirements架体剪刀撑斜杆与地面夹角应在45° -60° z间,跨越46根立杆,应采用旋转 扣件与立杆固定bracing frame body diagonal angle with

5、the ground should be between 45 0 to 60 °, spanning four to six root poling, rotating fastener should be adopted and the vertical rod fixation门架立杆的垂直偏差应小于架体步距的 1/500,且不超过±3mmdoor frame upright vertical deviation should be less than an interval of 1/500, and not more than ± 3 mm设直交叉支撑保

6、证门架稳定set the cross support guarantee the stability of the door frame4杆件锁臂arm lock body bar架体杆件、锁愕应该规范要求进行组装, 严禁使用不同型号的配件,bar codes and locking arm should be assembled according to the require, it is forbidden to use different types of accessories门架顶层、连墙件设置层必须设置纵向水 平加固杆door frame at the top, even the

7、 wall set up layer must be set longitudinal reinforcement bar门架高度40m时,至少每四步应设置一 道纵向水平加固杆;门架高度40m时, 每步门架应设置一道纵向水平加固杆。the door frame height > 40 m, at least every four steps should set a longitudinal reinforcing bar; the door frame height > 40 m, each door frame should be set a longitudinal rein

8、forcing rod5脚手板scaffold floor脚手板材质、规格符合规范要求scaffolding specifications, material meets the requirements脚手板应铺设严密、平整、牢固 scaffolding is spread jaid strictand secure6交底与验收disclosure andacceptance架体搭设前应进行安全技术交底,并应有 文字记录for disclosure and had record架体分段搭设、分段使用时,应进行分段 验收(搭设前,对基础进行验收;门式架 搭设完毕或毎搭设2个楼层高度时,进行 分

9、段验收;门式满堂脚手架、模板支架搭 设完毕或每搭设4步高时,进行验收)the frame body section, authors, used for acceptance of every block(befbre the erection, carried out on the basis of acceptance; gantry frame build-up or set-up 2 floor height, each segment acceptance; gantry and scaffolding, templates support build-up or every ere

10、ction of 4 steps, high acceptance)搭设完毕应该组织验收,相关责任人签字 确认,并留存验收记录whether frame body build-up to complete the acceptance formalities, quantitative acceptance content, and confirmed by the person to sign7架体防护scaffolding frame body protection作业层按照规范要求设置防护栏杆和挡脚 板according to the specification requirements

11、set protective railings and skirting board8构件材质components material门架不应有严重的弯曲、锈蚀和开焊components material door frame should not have severe bending, corrosion and open welding门架及构配件的规格、型号、材质应符合 规范要求door frame and components of the specification, type, material should comply with the specification requir

12、ements9通道escapeway架体应设置人员上下专有安全通道set personnel dedicated channel up and down10荷载load施工荷载在设计规定范围内the constmction load within the scope of the design rules荷载堆放不均匀uneven load pile up11补充问题/additional questions:检查结论/check result:安全/safed 需要整改/need rectificationa 立即停工/stop worka立即整改项口/rectification item检杏人签字/li期sigivdate ofinspector受检单位签字/ fl 期 sign/date of examinee unit备注/notes:1. 是否执行中根据检查情况打讨'/mark tick (7) if the i


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