1、Unit 8 (Page 170) Orders & Acknowledgement (订货与回复)外贸流程客户资源客户资源询盘、发盘、还盘订单定金或L/C采购订货、工厂安排生产完工、检验、装箱船务订舱(booking)拉货物到码头装船出提单出提单跟踪货物到货跟踪货物到货投诉投诉If a buyer is interested in the sellers letter or accepts the sellers offer,he may send out an order form or an order letter.An order is a written notificat
2、ion of purchase from buyers to sellers, demanding sellers to supply the goods and services in accordance with the order.Nowadays,many a big company uses serially-numbered books of order forms for their convenience and efficiency.Yet,in some cases,order letters are necessary due to their unique advan
3、tages. Sellers should acknowledge the receipt of orders in written form without delay.Introduction An order is a written notification of purchase from buyers to sellers, demanding sellers to supply the goods and services in accordance with the order. Nowadays, many a big company uses official printe
4、d order forms, which save time and ensure that no information maybe ignored. Sellers should acknowledge the receipt of orders in written form without delay, no matter he or she accepts or rejects them.An order may cover accurate and full descriptions of thefollowing specifics.1. Name of goods, catal
5、ogue No. and sample No. (商品名称、目录号码和样品编号)2. Price of goods, including unit price and total value. (价格包括单价和总价)3. Quality requirement, grade, model name/number and specification (质量要求、品级、型号和规格)4. Quantity of goods (商品数量)5. Origin and material (原产地与使用材料)6. Weight, dimension, color and pattern (重量、尺寸、颜色、
6、式样)7. Packing and marking (包装和标志)8. Terms of payment(付款条件)9. Delivery requirements, including place, date, mode of transport, whether the order will be carriage paid or carriage forward, etc.(送货须知 ,包括地点、日期、运输方式、运费到付还是运费付讫等)10. Documents, such as Bill of Lading, Commercial Invoices,Insureance Police.
7、 (货运 单据,比如提货单,商业发票,保险单 等)11. Special features and others, for example, alternatives if exact goods required are not available. (特殊性能和其他注意事项,例如,如果所要的商品没有现货供应,是否同意以别的商品代替等等。)How to place an order :(订货信函由三部分构成)A letter of order is composed in the following three paragraphs:1. The first paragraph is to
8、refer the buyer to the previous contact and acknowledges that you have received the order(向买方提及之前的联系,确认收到 订货信)2. The second paragraph is for you to give the description in great detail of your order. It starts with the typical and standard expression Please send. The sequence of a number of items is
9、 necessary and should be clearly followed.(第二段 详细描述订单的细则,使用订货信标准的开始语言, 如:Please send.订单条款依次按顺序排列。)3.The last paragraph is to state the terms and the form of payment, the anticipated date of delivery and the mode of transport. (最后一段,说明付款 条件和方式以及装运日期, 运输方式)How to reply to an order :(订单回复注意事项) 1. Answe
10、r immediately when receiving the order . 2. Repeat the date and contents of the order. 3. Say you accept/book/enter/confirm the order, if you accept the order. 4. Comment on your product and offer your cooperation. 5. Do not just say you cannot do something but give reasons and offer your assistance
11、. Order of Pillowcases and the Sellers Acknowledgement ( Letter 1 An order )a.Order of PillowcasesDear Sirs, Our Order No.1Please forward the following merchandise to us: Quantity Pattern No Catalogue No Prices 600 pillowcases 18 45 US $ 1.60 each 500 pillowcases 21 65 US $ 1.70 each (All the prices
12、 are FOB Shanghai) Delivery: During SeptemberPayment: By Letter of Credit to be opened in accordance with our agreementPacking: Usually packing in strong bales, with gunny bag cover and waterproof material.Please acknowledge this order immediately on receipt and inform definite delivery date. This o
13、rder is of no avail if it is not signed by a responsible person of our firm.Faithfully yours,(signature) John SmithNotes on Letter 11. Our Order No.1 我方一号订单(注明订单号码便于查询)2. Please forward the following merchandise to us: 请装运以下物品 这是订单规定的固定套语。 Pillowcase=pillow slip 枕套3. FOB: abbr. Free on Board 船上交货价格,
14、离岸价格 cf: CIF :abbr. Cost;Insurance and Freight 到岸价格 ,抵岸价4. Letter of Credit 缩写为:L/C信用证Notes on Letter 15.in accordance with 与一致,依照;禀承;秉承;因(according to) e.g.We should make decisions in accordance with specific conditions. 我们应当根据具体情况做出决定。 e.g. . He acted in accordance with his beliefs. 他按照自己的信念行事。6.U
15、sually packing in strong bales, with gunny bag cover and waterproof material. 按通常方法,以粗麻布袋和防水材料包装,再用结实大包包装成捆。 A. bale 大包; 包; 捆; 压块 B . gunny adj. 粗麻布袋Notes on Letter 17.Please acknowledge this order immediately on receipt and inform definite delivery date.收到此订单之后恳请立即确认,并通知我方确 定的发货日期。 A . acknowledge
16、v 承认;告知已收到 (确认)。 B on receipt (of) 收到.之后 e.g. On receipt of your check, we shall ship the goods immediately. 收到贵方支票后, 货物立即便可装运. C. definite adj确定的; 明确; 定的; 明确的 反义词 : indefiniteNotes on Letter 18.This order is of no avail if it is not signed by a responsible person of our firm.未经我公司负责人签字,此订单无效。 A be
17、of no avail= be not available , invalid 无效的 B . responsible person 负责人Order of Pillowcases and the Sellers Acknowledgement(Letter 2 Acknowledgement of an order )Gentlemen,Thank you for your Order No.1 for pillowcases and assure you that all the items you required are in stock. We are happy that you
18、become one member of our customers.We confirm with you the following order for the pillowcases at the prices stated in your letter of December 3rd Quantity Pattern No Catalogue No Prices600 pillowcases 18 45 US $1.60 each500 pillowcases 21 65 US $1.70 each(All the prices are FOB Shanghai)Delivery: D
19、uring SeptemberPayment: By Letter of Credit to be opened in accordance with our agreementPacking: Usually packing in strong bales, with gunny bag cover and waterproof material.For the above order, we enclose our Purchase Confirmation No.216 in duplicate. Please sign and return one copy for our file
20、at your earliest convenience.We are expected to arrange the establishment of the relative Confirmed Irrevocable Letter of Credit through the bankers and shall inform us by fax as soon as it is opened.We thank you again for the above order and hope that this will lead to an enduring cooperation betwe
21、en us.Yours truly,Notes on Letter 2 1. in stock 有现货的;备有现货;现存 e.g. The store had childrens shoes in stock. 这家商店童鞋有现货。 in (或 out of) stock 有(或无)现货的2.We confirm with you the following order for the pillowcases at the prices stated in your letter of December 3rd 你方以12月3日信中说明的价格向我公司订购枕套,现确认如下: A confirm
22、确认 B. with you 向你(确认) C. at the(a ) price 以.的价格 D. stated 陈述的,说明的,Notes on Letter 2 3.we enclose our Purchase Confirmation No.216 in duplicate. (对于以上订单),我们随信寄上216号购买确认书,一式两份。 A enclose v 随信寄上,把.装入信封 e.g.Please return the completed form, enclosing a recent photograph. 请将填好的表格寄回,并附上近照一张。 B. Purchase C
23、onfirmation 确认书 ( to be continued )Notes on Letter 2 C. duplicate dju:plkt 复制,副本;成对,二倍(1)使重复、使加倍、使有双份 -We have some stock left, and shall be able to meet your requirements if you wish to duplicate your last order. (2)adj.复制的,成对的,副的,完全一样的 duplicate documents 单据副本 duplicate order 同样价格和条件的重复订货(3) n.完全相
24、同的东西,复制品,副本 -We are sending you herewith our Sales Confirmation No.123 in duplicate. in duplicate (in two copies )一式2份in triplicate/ trplkt】in three fold/in three copies 一式3份in quadruplicate kwdru:plkt】 (in four copies ) 一式4份in quintuplicate kwntju:plkt 】 (in five copies) 一式5份in sextuplicate sekstju
25、:plket 】 (in six copies ) 一式6份in septuplicate septju:plkt 】 ( in seven copies) 一式7份in octuplicate ktju:plkt 一式8份in nonuplicate 一式9份in decuplicate 一式10份 Notes on Letter 23.at your earliest convenience 在你方便的时候尽早. 4. We are expected to arrange the establishment of the relative Confirmed Irrevocable Let
26、ter of Credit through the bankers and shall inform us by fax as soon as it is opened. 我方现在安排通过银行开立有关保兑的不可撤销的信用证,一经办 妥,即刻以电传方式通知贵方。 A. the establishment 确立,确定,确认 B. irrevocable 不可撤销的 C. letter of credit (缩写为 L/C)信用证Order of Tea and the Sellers Acceptance (Letter 3 Placing an order) (P180)a. Placing A
27、n Order of TeaDear Sirs,Thank you for your speedy samples, along with the quotation for your tea of October 5th.We have made selections from the samples you sent on October 30th. We found the quality of the tea meetsour requirement and we take pleasure of placing you the order as follows, which we c
28、ommend to your immediate and best attention:200 kilograms Xihu LONGJING tea230 kilograms Shifeng LONGJING teaAs it is the first time for your goods to be introduced here, we think the relevant literatures may help promote the sales. Hope you will send us them when you are at your earliest convenienc
29、e.We shall be obliged if you will kindly let us have the shipping advice immediately after you effect shipment.Our order is subject to your acceptance of our usual terms of payment, viz.30 days after sight. If this first order proves satisfactory, we shall be happy to place further orders with you.Y
30、ours faithfully, Notes on Letter 3 1. speedy adj. happening or done quickly or without delay 迅速的;尽 快的快的,迅速的;敏捷的 e.g.We wish you a speedy recovery (= from an illness or injury) . 我们祝愿你早日康复。 a speedy reply 即时的答复2. along with:和一起一道,随着;除以外(还);以及;连同 e.g.Tobacco is taxed in most countries, along with alco
31、hol. 和酒一样,烟草在多数国家都要征税. e.g. Im sending you the book along with the material concerned. 书和有关资料一并寄上。 Notes on Letter 3 3.meet the requirements 满足.的要求/需求 类似的表达方式还有 fulfill the demands meet the needs satisfy the requirements4. as follows 如下 e.g.The text is as follows. 原文如下。 e.g.The explanation is as fol
32、lows. 说明如下。 Notes on Letter 3 5.the relevant literatures may help promot the sales 相关的宣传资料会有助于推销 A relevant adj. 有关的,中肯的;相关联的 e.g. These comments are not directly relevant to this enquiry. 这些意见与这项调查没有直接联系。 e.g. Do you have the relevant experience? 你有相关的经历吗? B. literature 文学;文学作品;文献; 不可数名词印刷品;宣传品 e.g
33、.I am sending you literature from two other companies that provide a similar service. 我把另外两家提供类似服务的公司的宣传资料发给你。 Notes on Letter 3 6.We shall be obliged if you will kindly let us have the shipping advice immediately after you effect shipment. 如蒙装运之后立即寄送装船通知,我们将不胜感激。 A be obliged 感激,感谢(=be grateful, th
34、ankful, appreciative) e.g.I would be obliged if you could read it to us. 您若能把它读给大家听,我将不胜感激 e.g.Thank you very much indeed, Doctor, I am extremely obliged to you. 大夫,太感谢您了,您真是我的大恩人B. shipping advice 发货通知书Notes on Letter 3 7.Our order is subject to your acceptance of our usual terms of payment, viz.30
35、 days after sight. 我们的订单以贵公司接受我方通常的付款条件 为有效期,即从提单日期起30天见票付款。A. be subject to 以.为准;常遭受, 视.而定,根据.而定 e.g.Carpets may be included but thatll be subject to contract. 可能有地毯,但那要依据合同。 e.g. All orders will be subject to our written acceptance. 此报盘没有约束力。所有订单以我方书面接受为准。B. viz. 即,就是(读做namely);亦即 e.g.Three subjec
36、ts must be taken, viz., English, mathematice and history. 三个科目是必修的,即英文,数学和历史Order of Tea and the Sellers Acceptance (Letter 4 Acknowledgement of an order)(P183)b. the Sellers AcceptanceDear Sirs,We thank you very much for your kind order for our tea which we have received. It has our immediate and c
37、areful attention.You may rest assured that the tea under the order has been carefully packaged in chest to prevent damage in transit. We shall send you the shipping advice and the invoice at the time of shipment by this May.The terms of payment you suggested are acceptable, and you may rely on us to
38、 give all your orders prompt attention.Since it is the best season for tea, we hope you make full use of the opportunity. I am sure you will be pleased to collect good comments on our tea from your consumers, and build up a market for the product in your country.We hope this will lead to more consid
39、erable orders.Yours faithfully,Notes on Letter 41. It has our immediate and careful attention. 我们会予以立即而认真的办理2. You may rest assured that the tea under the order has been carefully packaged in chest to prevent damage in transit. 请放心,该订单项目下的茶叶已经用专用的茶叶包装箱细心包装好, 以防运输途中受损。 A. rest assured :确信无疑,放心 e.g.Yo
40、u can rest assured that we will do our best. 你放心吧,我们会尽力而为的。 e.g. But you may rest assured that the payment is guaranteed. 但是你尽可以放心,我们的付款是有保障的。 B. prevent.from.阻止.做. 防止.Notes on Letter 43.you may rely on us to give all your orders prompt attention. 你可以完全放心,我们会迅速办理贵公司所有订单的。 rely on 依赖;依靠;信任 e.g. You c
41、an rely on me for help. 你可指望我来帮忙。 e.g. You may rely on my early arrival. 你放心好了, 我会早到的。 e.g. You cant rely on the weather. 天气是靠不住的。4. we hope you make full use of the opportunity. 我们希望你们能充分利用这次良机 make (full/better/good) use of 利用 e.g. We suggest that the local clinic ( should ) make better use of the
42、se medicinal herbs. 我们建议当地 医疗站 更好地利用这些草药. Notes on Letter 45.collect good comments on our tea from your consumers, and build up a market for the product in your country. 从客户中受到好评,并在你方国内打开市场。 A. comment (on) 意见,评论,客户点评 e.g. Have you any comment to make about the cause of the disaster? 你对发生灾难的原因有何评论?
43、e.g. She made helpful comments on my work. 她对我的工作提出了有益的意见。 B . build up 逐步建立;增进; e.g. It is easier to pull down than to build up. 拆房容易盖房难. e.g. The students in middle schools should build up a solid foundation in English. 中学生学习英语时应打下牢固的基础. Notes on Letter 46. considerable adj. 相当的; 相当; 相当大 (多) cf. c
44、onsider v 考虑 considerate adj.体贴的,提别人着想的 considering prep 鉴于,考虑到 considered adj. 深思熟虑的 consideration n 体贴,考虑 周到ExercisesI.Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.1. We confirm exchange of letters _ the subject article. A. to regard B. regarded C. regarding2. We are pleased to _ business only on these terms.A. transact B. transaction C. transacting
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