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1、The Lost Generation Lost Generation refers to the generation after the World War I. Meanwhile, it also refers to the young writers who lived as expatriates(移居国外者) in Western Europe for a short time. The term Lost Generation was coined by Gertrude Stein (格特鲁德.斯坦 )to refer to a group of American liter

2、ary notables (A person of distinction or great 名人 )who lived in Paris in the 1920s and 1930s. Significant members included Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Sherwood Anderson, Waldo Peirce, and Gertrude Stein herself. 第1页/共58页第一页,编辑于星期五:十八点 十分。The Lost Generation Because most of his works take

3、the war as background, describe the pains and hurt the war brings to human being, and reflect a younger generations aimlessness and loss of the beliefs after the World War I, these works immediately won the responses from many people who survived the war physically but were afterwards spiritually an

4、d morally adrift ( without direction or purpose). Then, Hemingway became the spokesman for what the Gertrude Stein had called “The Lost Generation”.第2页/共58页第二页,编辑于星期五:十八点 十分。The Lost Generation The Lost Generation is also called the Sad Young Man by F. Scott Fitzgerald in his book which describes th

5、e disillusioned younger generation after the First World War. 第3页/共58页第三页,编辑于星期五:十八点 十分。Life born in a small town called Oak Park in Illinois near Chicago father: a successful physician, middle class, love fishing and hunting; mother: music teacher a happy childhood; a lover of brutal sports, such a

6、s boxing and football in middle school Though his father hoped him to be a physician, Hemingway refused to enter university. He chose to be a reporter. During the WWI, he wanted to join the army but was refused because of his poor eyesight. Then Hemingway came to Italy to work as an ambulance driver

7、. He was seriously wounded in the battlefield. The nightmarish war experience changed his life.第4页/共58页第四页,编辑于星期五:十八点 十分。 *the second child, and first son ; *raised in Oak Park, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago ; *music lessons were useful in his writing and a lifelong passion for outdoor adventure and

8、 for living in remote or isolated areas;第5页/共58页第五页,编辑于星期五:十八点 十分。 *attended Oak Park and River Forest High School and excelled both academically and athletically; *first writing experience was for the schools newspaper and yearbook;Hemingway at the time of his graduation from high school, 1917第6页/共

9、58页第六页,编辑于星期五:十八点 十分。*worked as a reporter for The Kansas City Star( 堪萨斯星报) before World War I for only six months ;第7页/共58页第七页,编辑于星期五:十八点 十分。*joined the Red Cross AmbulanceCorps(红十字会战场服务队);*on July 8, 1918, wounded butcarried an Italian soldier to safety, received the Italian Silver Medal of Braver

10、y;*when in the hospital, met and fell in love with Agnesgnis , a Red Cross nurse but rejected;第8页/共58页第八页,编辑于星期五:十八点 十分。*began as a freelancer(自由职业)and foreign correspondent for the Toronto Star Weekly;*also worked as an associate editor of the Co-operative Commonwealth, a monthly journal;*met Hadle

11、y Richardson, the first wife,and married in 1921; Hadley Richardson第9页/共58页第九页,编辑于星期五:十八点 十分。*settled in Paris and covered the Greco-Turkish War for the Toronto Star;*made friends with James Joyce, F. Scott Fitzgerald ;*His marriage to Hadley broke up as he was working on The Sun Also Rises because

12、of his affair with Pauline Pfeiffer, divorced in January 1927 and married Pauline Pfeiffer, second wife, in May. The 2nd wife第10页/共58页第十页,编辑于星期五:十八点 十分。*In 1928,they moved to Key West, Florida, to begin their new life together;*his father committed suicide; *During the early 1930s Hemingway were bus

13、y with hunting, fishing, bullfighting, traveling and writing;Hemingway house第11页/共58页第十一页,编辑于星期五:十八点 十分。*in 1937 he reported on the war for the North American Newspaper Alliance (NANA) *he used this experience in Spain as the background for For Whom the Bell Tolls ;After the war, Hemingway divorced

14、with Pauline and married Martha Gellhorn, his third wife in 1940 and wrote the famous novel, For Whom the Bell Tolls, which was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize;第12页/共58页第十二页,编辑于星期五:十八点 十分。*in Europe from June to Dec. 1944 ;*involved in the war activities as a war correspondent and in 1947 awarded a B

15、ronze Star for his bravery during WW II;*He left Martha in 1945 when preparing to return to Cuba and meanwhile, he had asked Mary Welsh, Time magazine correspondent, to marry him on their third meeting;第13页/共58页第十三页,编辑于星期五:十八点 十分。* had a series of accidents and health problems after the war ;*When h

16、e traveled to the site of WW I and began to work on Across the River and Into the Trees(过河入林);*The next year wrote Old Man and the Sea the best I can write ever for all of my life“ and won the Pulitzer Prize in May 1952 and In October 1954 received the Nobel Prize in Literature;第14页/共58页第十四页,编辑于星期五:

17、十八点 十分。Discouraged by a troubled family background, illness and the belief that he was losing his gift for writing, he quite deliberately shot himself with his favorite shotgun in the early morning hours of July 2, 1961;第15页/共58页第十五页,编辑于星期五:十八点 十分。Life After the war, he still worked as a reporter. H

18、e was sent to Paris and knew Pound, Gertrude Stein, Sherwood Anderson and some other famous writers who encouraged him to write. He also worked as a war reporter in the Spanish Civil War and the WWII. He is a tough guy with rather masculine manner. In all his life, he loved tough games, such as boxi

19、ng, hunting, deep-sea fishing, bullfight and so on. He was injured many times. In all the operations, 237 steel fragments were taken out from Hemingways body. He also suffered 3 car accidents and 2 air crushes. He was admired as a hero by lots of people and his life style was imitated. In 1961, Hemi

20、ngway shot himself with gun in his home. 第16页/共58页第十六页,编辑于星期五:十八点 十分。Achievements Major ThemesArtistic features第17页/共58页第十七页,编辑于星期五:十八点 十分。Works (1)“The Sun Also Rises” 1926 (Deep illusion of the whole generation after the WWI; the characters indulged themselves in depraved life to make themselves n

21、umb) (2)“A Farewell to Arms” 1928 (a tragic story about war and love) (Hero and heroine: Frederic Henry and Catherine Barkley) (3)“For Whom the Bell Tolls” 1940 (Spanish civil war) (also a story about war and love) (the title of the novel: from John Donnes sermons )第18页/共58页第十八页,编辑于星期五:十八点 十分。Works

22、(4)The Old Man and the Sea” 1952 (In 1954, Hemingway got the Nobel Prize) a quite special novel in all his novels symbolism Santiago mankind; sea nature and environment; marlin purpose of life; shark the evil force which control humans fate theme: the importance of life lies in the process of search

23、ing and resistance第19页/共58页第十九页,编辑于星期五:十八点 十分。Major Themes*The “Nada” Concept*Grace under pressure*Code Hero第20页/共58页第二十页,编辑于星期五:十八点 十分。1.The Nada Concept“Nada” (“nothing”) In the last part of the short story A Clean and Well-lighted Place, there is an evaluation about nada: “It was not fear or drea

24、d It was all nothing and a man was nothing too Some lived in it and never felt it but he knew it all was nada Hail nothing full of nothing, nothing is whit thee.”第21页/共58页第二十一页,编辑于星期五:十八点 十分。1.The Nada Concept *Man is born into a naturalistic and indifferent universe that has no purpose, meaning, or

25、der, or value *“Nada” is then focused on 1. mans confrontation with the absence of God2. indifference and hostility of the universe3. absence of purpose, order, meaning, value第22页/共58页第二十二页,编辑于星期五:十八点 十分。Motifs for Nada *Death-is inevitable and ever present *Darkness & Disorder-chaos, “unknowabi

26、lity”, and hostility of universe. *War or “violent encounter”-ever-present pain and death *Bad Nerves-the recognition of “nada” brings on fear, anxiety, & loss of control *Insomnia -symbol of mans attempt to, and his inability to, stop thinking about nada *Despair-absence of hope and confidence第

27、23页/共58页第二十三页,编辑于星期五:十八点 十分。2.Grace under Pressure -It signifies courage.DP: Exactly what do you mean by guts?EH: I mean, grace under pressure.-Ernest Hemingway(an interview with Dorothy Parker, New Yorker, 30 November 1929)第24页/共58页第二十四页,编辑于星期五:十八点 十分。2.Grace under Pressure In the general situation

28、 of his novel, life is full of tension and battles; the world is in chaos; man is always fighting desperately a losing battle. However, though life is but a losing battle, it is a struggle man can dominate in such a way that loss becomes dignity; man can be physically destroyed but never defeated sp

29、iritually. (Hays, 1990: 622-623)第25页/共58页第二十五页,编辑于星期五:十八点 十分。2.Grace under Pressure For example :The Old Man and the Sea-while Santiago is struggling to fight off the sharks who are tearing apart the magnificent fish he has caught, he thinks to himself: “Man is not made for defeats. A man can be des

30、troyed but not defeated.”The Sun Also Rises -Jake Barnes says, “I did not care what (the world) was all about. All I wanted to know was how to live in it.” For Whom the Bell Tolls- Robert Jordan knows that death is not to be feared if he can live his life to the fullest during the 72 hours he has wi

31、th the Spanish Loyalists; it could mean the same as a full life of 72 years. “Across the River and into the Trees”-Richard Cantwell struggles to maintain dignity in the face of impending death.第26页/共58页第二十六页,编辑于星期五:十八点 十分。3.The Hemingway Code Hero The phrase, Hemingway code hero originated with scho

32、lar Philip Young. He uses it to describe a Hemingway character who lives correctly, following certain principles of honor, courage, and endurance which in a life of tension and pain make a man a man. 第27页/共58页第二十七页,编辑于星期五:十八点 十分。Typical traits for the code hero1.The Hemingway hero is not a thinker,

33、he is a man of action. But his actions are based upon a concept of life.2. “Grace under pressure” is their motto3.The Hemingway code heroes are best remembered for their indestructible spirit. “A man can be destroyed but not defeated. -From The Old Man and the SeaMaintaining free-will and individual

34、ism, never weakly allowing commitment to a single woman or social convention to prevent adventure, travel, and acts of bravery.5.Admitting the truth of Nada第28页/共58页第二十八页,编辑于星期五:十八点 十分。Conclusion From Hemingways novels a clear developing process can be found. From the lost state at the beginning, he

35、 gradually found out the significance of life and the principles human should hold in a meaningless world. “The Old Man and the Sea” can be taken as a conclusion of his ideas. Common theme of his novels: “grace under pressure” Hemingway heroes: a noble but tragic hero; fighting with the overwhelming

36、 force; though he knows that he will be defeated at last, he decides to act like a hero Significance of “Hemingway heroes”: restoring the human dignity in the 20th century 第29页/共58页第二十九页,编辑于星期五:十八点 十分。Artistic FeaturesThe iceberg technique Language style第30页/共58页第三十页,编辑于星期五:十八点 十分。Hemingways Iceberg

37、 Theory “I always try to write on the principle of the iceberg. There is seven-eights of it under water for every part that shows. Anything you know you can eliminate and it only strengthens your iceberg. It is the part that doesnt show.” “I sometimes think that my style is suggestive rather than di

38、rect. The reader must often use his imagination or lose the most subtle part of my thoughts.” “If a writer of prose knows enough about what he is writing about ,he may omit things that he knows and the reader, if the writer is writing truly enough, will have a feeling of those things as strongly as

39、though the writer had stated them. The dignity of movement of an iceberg is due to only one-eighth of it being above water.” - Hemingway第31页/共58页第三十一页,编辑于星期五:十八点 十分。Hemingways Language Style *Deceptively simple *Understatement and omission (see Iceberg Theory) *Repetition *Focus on facts “Find what

40、gave you the emotion; what the action was that gave you the excitement. Then write it down making it clear so the reader will see it too and have the same feeling as you had.”第32页/共58页第三十二页,编辑于星期五:十八点 十分。 Few adjectives or adverbs, few conventional emotive language, few authorial comments *Simple ,s

41、hort ,conventional words and sentences *Concise, vivid He noted that, “a writers style should be direct and personal, his imagery rich and earthy, and his words simple and vigorous. The greatest writers have the gift of brevity, are hard workers, diligent scholars and competent stylists”第33页/共58页第三十

42、三页,编辑于星期五:十八点 十分。Hemingways style Reviewing Hemingways first novel in 1926, the New York Times wrote: “No amount of analysis can convey the quality of The Sun Also Rises. It is a truly gripping story, told in a lean, hard, athletic narrative prose that puts more literary English to shame”.166 The Su

43、n Also Rises is written in the spare, tightly written prose for which Hemingway is famous, a style which has influenced countless crime and pulp fiction novels(庸俗的小说 ).167 It is a style which some critics consider Hemingways greatest contribution to literature.168 But the simplicity is deceptive. He

44、mingway uses polysyndeton .plsndtn (连接词的连续使用 )to convey both a timeless immediacy and a Biblical grandeur. Hemingways polysyndetonic sentenceor, in later works, his use of subordinate clauses169 - uses conjunctions to juxtapose startling visions and images; 第34页/共58页第三十四页,编辑于星期五:十八点 十分。 the critic J

45、ackson Benson has compared them to haikus.170 Many of Hemingways acolytes klait (助手)misinterpreted his lead and frowned upon all expression of emotion; Saul Bellow satirized this style as “Do you have emotions? Strangle them.”171 Hemingway, however, was not trying to eliminate emotion but to portray

46、 it more scientifically. Hemingway thought it would be easy, and pointless, to describe emotions; he sculpted his bright and finely chiseled (凿过的,轮廓清晰的)collages of images in order to grasp the real thing, the sequence of motion and fact which made the emotion and which would be as valid in a year or

47、 in ten years or, with luck and if you stated it purely enough, always. This use of an image as an objective correlative is characteristic of Ezra Pound, T.S. Eliot, James Joyce, and of course Proust and is also part of the Japanese poetic canon. Hemingways writing style, in other words, is not artl

48、ess but poetic.第35页/共58页第三十五页,编辑于星期五:十八点 十分。by Ernest Hemingway 1952The Old Man and the Sea第36页/共58页第三十六页,编辑于星期五:十八点 十分。第37页/共58页第三十七页,编辑于星期五:十八点 十分。OutlineBasic content: context, plot, rolesFocal point: the old mans character, “code hero”Difficult point: the relationship between the old man and the

49、 marlin (or the sea)第38页/共58页第三十八页,编辑于星期五:十八点 十分。Basic content ContextIt was published in 1952 after the bleakest ten years in Hemingways literary career and was the last novel published in Hemingways lifetime. But it was an instant success. This short novel won the 1953 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction a

50、nd played a significant role in Hemingways selection for the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954.第39页/共58页第三十九页,编辑于星期五:十八点 十分。The bleakest ten years 1940: For Whom the Bell Tolls1950: Across the River and Into the Trees (self-parody)1952: The Old Man and the Sea (an act of literary revenge)第40页/共58页第

51、四十页,编辑于星期五:十八点 十分。Rising ActionClimaxFalling ActionAfter eighty-four successive days without catching a fish, Santiago promises Manolin that he will go “far out” into the sea.Santiago conquers the marlin. On the way back, he encounters the sharks and struggles with them.Sharks destroy the marlin. Sa

52、ntiago arrives home only with the marlins skeleton.第41页/共58页第四十一页,编辑于星期五:十八点 十分。1.Santiagosntia:gu 2.Manolin3.the marlin4.sharks5.the sea第42页/共58页第四十二页,编辑于星期五:十八点 十分。Questions Focal point: After the first shark attack, Santiago says: “Man is not made for defeata man can be destroyed but not defeated

53、.” At the end of the story, is the old man defeated? Why or why not? Difficult point: Whats the relationship between the old man and the marlin (or the sea) ?第43页/共58页第四十三页,编辑于星期五:十八点 十分。第44页/共58页第四十四页,编辑于星期五:十八点 十分。reasonmanifestation significancefailure(destroyed)pridethe marlins skeletonouter, ma

54、terialvictory (not defeated)endurance, determination, confidence, bravery, knowledgeableearns the respect, achieves the natural self, confirms his heroic personalitiesinner, spiritual第45页/共58页第四十五页,编辑于星期五:十八点 十分。Code Hero (Tough Guy)“A man who lives correctly, following the ideal of honor, courage a

55、nd endurance in a world that is sometimes chaotic, often stressful, and always painful.”-by Hemingway第46页/共58页第四十六页,编辑于星期五:十八点 十分。the spirit of code hero Endurance: to accept pain, even loss Pride: of knowing that one has done ones best Courage: act truly according to ones own nature Will: to face d

56、efeat or victory He is a man of action but not a thinker.第47页/共58页第四十七页,编辑于星期五:十八点 十分。the relationship between Santiago and the marlin (or the sea)第48页/共58页第四十八页,编辑于星期五:十八点 十分。the seabrotherhoodSantiago(Manolin)the marlin catchchallengesharksdefend oneselfinvade第49页/共58页第四十九页,编辑于星期五:十八点 十分。His Writi

57、ng Code heroEmphasis on Emotion3Iceberg principle12Colloquial style4第50页/共58页第五十页,编辑于星期五:十八点 十分。writing style (iceberg principle) 1. What is the iceberg principle? 2. How does Hemingway use it in The Old Man and the sea? 3. Which phrases embody this principle fully?第51页/共58页第五十一页,编辑于星期五:十八点 十分。Iceberg principle “I always try to write on the principle of the iceberg. There is seven-eighths of it underwater for every part that shows. Anything y


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