1、abstract writingintroduction an abstract is a condensed version of a longer piece of writing that highlights the major points covered, concisely describes the content and scope of the writing, and reviews the writings contents in abbreviated form.parts of an abstract motivation:why do we care about
2、the problem and the results? problem statement:what problem are you trying to solve? what is the scope of your work? approach:how did you go about solving or making progress on the problem? results:whats the answer? conclusions:what are the implications of your answer? length 100150 words,15 of the
3、full paper u.s.a.: 250 words for master thesis abstract,350 words for doctor dissertation abstract.第一部分第一部分 摘要的内容摘要的内容一、说明性摘要 简明介绍论文涉及的议题和论点,主要概括论文的涉及范围、研究方向和研究目的,不涉及论据和结论。 容易理解,但无法提供更多的详细信息sample 1role of pathway in self-access centersabstract this article discusses some roles for self-access pathw
4、ays, particularly in cultures which have no tradition of self-study. it suggests how pathways might influence the design and running of self-access centers, and gives an illustration of how pathways were designed and employed in a center in china. feedback is based on mini-survey distributed to thir
5、ty users.analysis: 1. main points (1) roles for self-access pathway (2) influence to the design and running of self-access center (3) how pathway were designed and employed in a centre in china 2. original materialsample 2 from the aspects of english title, authors signature and affiliation, english
6、 abstract and english keywords, the paper describes the writing characteristics, patterns and some errors that should be avoided in abstract writing. at the time, it stresses paying attention to the objectiveness, science and language style of abstract writing. the standardization of english abstrac
7、t writing will be beneficial to the sci-tech papers to be quoted by international abstract journals, and to the impacts of scientific research in china. 使用范畴 一般在一般在科研科研论文中不予使用论文中不予使用 刊登在文献索引期刊中 讨论性文章、综述性文章、图书或某些会议论文集二. 信息性摘要 是原文内容要点的总结,报道原文献中的具体内容:知识背景或文献回顾研究的主要目的和范围所使用的研究手段和方法主要研究结果和结论、以及建议等。要求 结构完
8、整,语言简洁易懂,反映论文的基本面貌,一般情况下能够代替阅读论文全文。 重点突出文中提及的新发现,新结论。 要注解标题,给出答案,描述步骤,突出与传统研究的差异。 此类文摘篇幅稍长,一般为100250词,多者可达500词1000词。example 纳米纳米zno生长及性质分析生长及性质分析 growth and properties of nano zno abstract: by using low-pressure metal-organic chemical vapor phase d e p o s i t i o n ( l p - m o c v d ) technology, z
9、no nanorods(纳米柱) were grown with zno particles as catalyst on si (111) substrates surface. x-ray diffraction (xrd), raman spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (sem), photoluminescence (pl) were used to characterize the crystalline quality, crystal structure, surface properties and optical prop
10、erties of the zno nano-rod samples. the results show that zno nano-rods have a preferential c-axis orientation. (轴择优取向性) oxygen partial pressure was found to have important influence on the growth of zno nanorods. when oxygen partial pressure is low, the growth of zno is based on vls growth mechanis
11、m; when oxygen partial pressure is high, the growth of zno is based on vs growth mechanism; zno growth can be optimized by changing the flow rate of n2o. currently the use of mocvd and zno catalyst(催化剂) for the growth of nano-zno arrays are less reported. the paper has enriched zno nano-materials sy
12、nthesizing methods, and the growth control mechanism was discussed. 摘要: 利用低压金属有机化学气相沉积(lp-m0cvd)技术,在表面含有zno颗粒作为催化剂的si(111)衬底上制备了zno纳米柱阵列。采用x射线衍射(xrd)、喇曼光谱 (raman)、扫描电子显微镜(sem)、光致发光(pl)谱分析了样品的晶体结构质量、表面性质和光学性质。结果表明,生长出来的纳米zno具有较好的轴择优取向性。发现氧分压对zno纳米柱的生长有重要影响:当氧分压较低时,生长基于vls机制;当氧分压较高时,生长基于vs机制;通过对n2o流量的
13、控制可实现对zno纳米材料的可控生长.使用范畴 研究或试验报告 研究论文及专题论文第二部分第二部分 摘要的撰写要求摘要的撰写要求writing principles 行文原则principle a.b.c. a: accuracy b: brevity c: claritya: accuracy accurate expression by right wordse.g. symtom -sigh safety - security safety precautions, safety belt, safety valve, safety island, safety operation (安
14、全,平安) security council, security category,security van (安全,保障,保护) b: brevity use short sentences mostlye.g. the onset of chronic leukemia is frequently so insidious that it is accidently discovered when a blood count is obtained for other reasons or when the patient reports to his physician that he
15、has noted a few enlarged lymph notes or felt, while bathing, a firm left quadrant abdominal mass. change the long one into short: the onset of chronic leukemia is frequently so insidious. it is accidently found when a blood count is obtained for other reasons. sometimes the patients own discovery of
16、 a few enlarged lymph notes and firm left quadrant abdominal mass may lead to its diagnosis. get rid of the unnecessary words in a sentence. e.g. english language is about one-half redundant. to: english is half redundant.c: clarity well-structured, not exaggerated, specifically describede.g. the cr
17、oss-section was (6.250.26)*10-24cm2*not: the cross-section was measured. be objective do not use following words: perhaps, maybe, likely, possibly, probably do not use tendentious comments 缩短摘要的方法 1. 摘要中的第一句话尽量不要与题名重复。e.g. a wave function for the h center in lif. a wave function for the h center in
18、lif(白血病抑制因子) is proposed assuming a linear combination of appropriate molecular orbits(分子轨道).a linear combination of appropriate molecular orbits is assumed. the 2. 取消一些不必要的词句。 e.g. in this paper, it is reported that, extensive investigations show that. the author discusses , this paper conerned wit
19、h. 3. 减少或取消对过去研究情况的描述或者不必要的背景信息。 可以对物理量单位及通用词语适当简化。 e.g. 3km for three kilometers, 5s for five seconds u.s. for the united states第三部分第三部分 摘要的文体摘要的文体语言特点语言特点u谓语动词很简单而句子其余成份相对复杂。u大量使用be和have的变化形式做谓语动词。u使用不提及人的陈述句。1. 尽量使用短句子,但也应避免简单单调。 e.g. an enhancement, which is named as abc, is proposed to get a mo
20、re powerful object-oriented method. 改为:an enhancement, abc, is proposed. it is a more powerful object-oriented method.2. 正确使用冠词、包括the, a, an3. 用预置短语分开或者用连字符断开名词组,避免长形容词修饰名词 4. 造句时尽量使动词靠近主语。e.g. the de-colorization in solutions of the pigment in dioxane, which were exposed to 10 h of uv irradiation,
21、was irreversible. 改成 : the de-colorization was irreversible after 10 h of uv irradiation while the pigment was dissolved in dioxane. 5. 尽量应用重要的事实开头,避免短语或者从句开头e.g. from data obtained experimentally, fuel consumption in a reactor core was determined. 改成: fuel consumption in a reactor core was determin
22、ed from data obtained experimentally 6. 删繁就简, 用合适的短语代替从句,用合适的词代替短语e.g. has been found to increase increased was considered to be was it would seem that seemingly 7. 摘要中尽量避免使用第一人称we,i为主语。e.g. in this paper, we discuss the application conditions of this method the application conditions of this method
23、 are discussed.摘要的时态 一般现在时(主要时态) 一般过去时 现在完成时一般现在时 叙述研究方法和目的example: this article sets out four of the main misconceptions, discusses why they have arisen, and why they can be so described. 介绍研究背景中不受时间影响的普遍事实。example coffee has several metabolic effects that could reduce the risk of gallstone formati
24、on.咖啡具有几种可降低胆石形成的代谢作用。 报道研究结果example: the results show that the period of induction and the patent period of stressor can be initially confirmed by the electrical conductivity of medium and the variability of soluble protein in tomato. 陈述结论,提出建议或是描述一般规律example: in doing this, the article attempts to
25、 define some important characteristics of communicative language teaching as it is practiced at present.一般过去时一般过去时 介绍研究过程:example: in order to separate and extract the substance, tomato was firstly cultured in totally nutrient solution, then shifted to the incompletely nutrient solution till the per
26、iod of 3 leaves and core.现在完成时现在完成时 描述已做过的工作,以表达延续性example: man has not yet discovered an effective cure for the common cold.(人类至今尚未发现一种有效治疗感冒的方法。) 介绍研究背景中某种研究动向example: the patients have been followed for 15 to 32 years since the beginning of their disease.ei 数据库建议 用过去时态叙述作者工作; 用现在时态叙述作者结论。灵活选用不同时态
27、 原则: 以基本时态为基础(一般现在时和一般过去时),根据句子需要选用example: however, little has been done on how to make the operation schedules after the job sequences have been determined.摘要的语态 目前,英文摘要仍以被动语态具多,这种语态“可以在主语部分集中较多的信息,起到信息前置,语义鲜明突出的效果。” 主动语态有增长的趋势,认为“主动语态表达的语句文字清晰、简捷明快,表现力强,动作的执行者和动作的承受者一目了然,往往那给人一种干净利落、泾渭分明的感觉。”摘要中的
28、语法修辞(1) 力求简捷 at a temperature of 250 to 300 at 250 to 300 at a high pressure of 2 kpa at 2 kpa has been found to increase increased from the experimental results, it can be concluded that the results show(2) 能用名词作定语的不用动名词作定语,那用形容词作定语的不用名词作定语 measuring accuracy measurement accuracy experiment results
29、 experimental results(3) 可直接用名词或名词短语作定语的情况下,要少用of句型 accuracy of measurement measurement accuracy structure of crystal crystal structure(4) 可用动词的情况尽量避免用动词的名词形式 measurement of thickness of plastic sheet was made thickness of plastic sheet was measured (5) 一个名词不宜用多个前置形容词来修饰,可改用复合词,兼用后置定语 thermal oxidat
30、ion apparent activation energy apparent active energy of thermo-oxidation (热氧化的表面活性能量)exercise a detailed study of the melting behavior of oriented isotactic polypropylene has been carried out using differential scanning calorimetry. (用dsc 研究聚丙烯的熔融行为) the orientation in isotactic polypropylene was p
31、roduced by extruding it in solid phase(固体拉伸取向). at extrusion ratio (er ) greater four, two melting peaks were observed. with increasing er, the lower temperature peak was found to shift to higher temperature. the corresponding shift in the higher temperature peak was much less (两个熔融峰及其随拉伸比的变化). it i
32、s shown that these peaks originate in the melting of crystalline species having different degrees of crystal disorder and stereo-block character(存在不同晶体).此例回答了如下四个问题: 回答做了什么? (研究工作范围) 用dsc 研究聚丙烯的熔融行为 回答怎样做的? (实验要点) 固体拉伸取向 回答结果如何? (主要结论) 两个熔融峰及其随拉伸比的变化 回答原因何在? (结果的解释,结论) 存在不同晶体第四部分第四部分 常用句型和表达方法常用句型和表
33、达方法回顾某领域已取得的研究结果或介绍相关知识 常用动词: present, summarize, review, outline 句式: is presented in this paper. this paper reviews the method for dealing withthis article summarizes the theory on阐明论文写作和研究目的 常用词: 名词:purpose, aim, objective, goal 动词:aim, attempt to, initiate, intend to, seek 句式: the purpose of this
34、 study is to explore new methods on the paper attempt to define in terms of the study is aimed at finding out the basic similarities between and the main objective of the work is to justify the primary goal of this research is the main objective of our investigation has been to obtain some knowledge
35、 of based on recent research, the author intends to outline the framework of the authors are now initiating some experimental investigation to establish陈述论文观点和作者观点 常用词: argue, account for, address, characterize, concern, contribute, describe, disclose, deal with, devote to, explain, introduce, prese
36、nt, report句式: this paper presents the mathematical model and its algorithm used for the calibration and experiment design of multivariate force sensors are discussed. this paper reports the preparation and quantum confinement effects of the principles and methodology of language teaching are describ
37、ed in this article. this paper is mainly devoted to we concern the assessments of the new method for介绍研究过程和研究范围 常用词 过程:analyze, consider, discuss, examine, study, investigate, state, propose 范围:contain, cover, include, outline, scope, field, domain句式: the characteristic of was investigated. the pape
38、r analyzes the possibility of we study the one-step-synthesis method for in this paper. this article discusses the method of calculation of the principle of constructing is proposed this paper states the reasons for this study identifies some procedures for this article outlines the preliminary proc
39、ess of the scope of the study covers our study includes the paper contains the specific topic on 介绍计算、测量 常用词: calculate, compute, determine, estimate, measure, work out 句式: this paper determines the proper temperature for the cooling rate was calculated by means of the rational rage of power is meas
40、ured by in the paper, we measured the orientation and estimated parameter for the author worked out the probability of the author has computed equilibrium constant k and 阐 明 论 证 常用词: confirm, demonstrate, find, identify, indicate, monitor, note, observe, point out, prove, provide 句式:the result of ca
41、lculation shows thatthe initial particles are found to be it is found that the amorphous silicon nitride show a tendency in it is noted that can be found in the result provides a sound basis for the study of those properties indicate the experimental results demonstrate that the effects of were obse
42、rved and monitored.说明试验过程 常用词: experiment, test, sample 句式: the samples of pyroelectric ceramics (电释热陶瓷)were collected by we sampled the blood and urine of the blood screening test for the aids antibody has been carried out on we experimented on the sintering property(流延特性) of the new protocol archi
43、tecture for distributed multimedia systems has been tested in 介绍应用、用途 常用词: application, use及其动词形式 句式: in this paper, the czochralski crystal growth method has been applied in technique is used to the application of the new design is to develop and maintain 展示研究结果 常用词: result, cause, increase, lessen
44、, as a result, result in, arrive at 句式: as a result we have got pure particle of the result of observation show that the finding of our research on methodologies in is the results of calculation show that the minimum velocity arrives at the relationship between and is characterized by the room tempe
45、rature resistivity is lessened to 介 绍 结 论 常用词: conclude, summary, to sum up, lead to, in conclusion, conclusion 句式: it is concluded that the absorption spectra of two kinds of particles include we concluded that it is concluded that the conclusion of our research is on the basis of , the following c
46、onclusion can be drawn finally, a summary is given of to sum up, we have revealed our argument proceeds in the research has led to the discovery of 进 行 评 述句式 there are hardly any data about middle management is considered as the go-between of the shapes and locations of these inclusions are believed to be related to the finding is acknowledged as essential to . existing methods are not sufficient for it is difficult to improve the therapy under the conditio
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