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1、Chen Huanming 陈焕明陈焕明 A teacher of the Marketing Section in the Business College, SJZUE. 商学院市场营销教研室教师 MBA from CEIBS(中欧国际商务学院)E-mail: QQ: 43189156Tel.Pre-class discussing topic In your own word, talking : What is Human Resource Management?Managers must find ways to get the highest level

2、of contribution from their workers. And they will not be able to do that unless theyare aware of the many ways that their under-standing of diversity relates to how well, or how poorly, people contribute. R. Roosevelt Thomas Jr.Human Resource ManagementThe process of attracting, developing and maint

3、aining a talented and energetic workforce to support organisational mission, objectives and strategies. Human Resource ManagementA distinctive approach to employment management which seeks to achieve competitive advantage through the strategic deployment of a highly committed and capable workforce,

4、using an integrated array of cultural, structural and personnel techniques. HRM Includes:Employment Issues Discrimination, Equal Employment Opportunity Harassment Affirmative Action Diversity Management Occupational Health and Safety Industrial RelationsHRM Includes:Employment Issues Recruitment Sel

5、ection Induction / Orientation Training and Professional Development Performance Appraisal and Management Career Development Quality of Work Life Retention and TurnoverHRM vs PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT Integral part of line management responsibilities. Emphasises the management of organisational culture a

6、s the central activity of senior management. HRM represents the discovery of personnel management by chief executives. Purpose of Human Resource ManagementMODULE GUIDE 15.1 Human resource management attracts, develops, and maintains a talented workforce. Government legislation protects workers again

7、st employment discrimination. Employee rights and other issues complicate the legal environment of work. Labor relations and collective bargaining are closely governed by law. Purpose of Human Resource Management Human Resource Management involves attracting, developing, and maintaining a quality wo

8、rkforce. Basic Responsibilities of Human Resource Management 1. Attract a quality workforcehuman resource planning, recruitment, and selection. 2. Develop a quality workforceemployee orientation, training, performance appraisal. 3. Maintain a quality workforceretention and career development. PURPOS

9、E OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENTLegal Aspects Of HRMDiscrimination When someone is denied a job or position for non job related reasonsEqual Employment Opportunity The right to employment and advancement without regard to race, religion, sex, color or national originAffirmative Action An effort to giv

10、e preference in employment to women or other minorities Employment criteria justified by capacity to perform a jobComparable Worth Persons performing jobs of similar worth should receive comparable payBona-fide Occupational Qualifications Employment criteria justified by capacity to perform a jobHRM

11、 ACTIVITIESJob analysis defines a job in terms of specific tasks and responsibilities and identifies the abilities, skills and qualifications needed to perform it successfully.Human resource planning or employment planning is the process by which an organisation attempts to ensure that it has the ri

12、ght number of qualified people in the right jobs at the right time.Employee recruitment is the process of seeking and attracting a pool of applicants from which qualified candidates for job vacancies within an organisation can be selected.Employee selection involves choosing from the available candi

13、dates the individual predicted to be most likely to perform successfully in the job.HRM ACTIVITIES (cont)Performance appraisal is concerned with determining how well employees are doing their jobs, communicating that information to the employees and establishing a plan for performance improvement.Tr

14、aining and development activities help employees learn how to perform their jobs, improve their performance and prepare themselves for more senior positions.Career planning and development activities benefit both employees (by identifying employee career goals, possible future job opportunities and

15、personal improvement requirements) and the organisation (by ensuring that qualified employees are available when needed).Employee motivation is vital to the success of any organisation. Highly motivated employees tend to be more productive and have lower rates of absenteeism and turnover.翻译一 企业的人力资源

16、管理职能集中在管理工作中人的方面。它包括在聘用过程的不同阶段中,预选、筛选和选定后,帮助企业有效地与人打交道的种种活动。 An organizations human resource management function focuses on the people aspect of management. It consists of practices that help the organization deal effectively with its people during the various phases of the employment cycle, pre-sel

17、ection, selection, and post-selection.翻译二 大多数企业设有人力资源管理部,然而,这个部门并不单独承担企业人力资源管理活动的责任。这个责任由人力资源专业人员和部门经理一起承担。 Most firm have an HRM department. However, this department does not have sole responsibility for a firms HRM practices. This responsibility lies with both HR professionals and line managers.翻译

18、三 为了成功,一个企业必须获得并保持优于竞争对手的能力,即,一个企业必须开发一种竞争优势或与竞争相关的优越的市场位置。企业可以通过两种方法之一来达到这一目的:成本优先或产品差异化。 To succeed, an organization must gain and maintain an edge over its competitors, that is, a firm must develop a competitive advantage or superior marketplace position relative to its competition. Firms can accomplish this aim in one of two ways: through cost leadership or product differentiation.翻译四 越来越多的以研究为基础的证据显示,一个企业的人力资源管理活动可以对竞争优势有相当强大的影响。 A growing body of research-ba


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