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1、Monitoring and structural characterization of PAHs in the environmentReporter:Yuxuan Wang Xinpeng Chu Xudong Lv010203IntroductionIntroductionDetection of PAHsContentsConclusionintroductionintroduction PAHsPolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbonscomposed of multiple aromatic ringsAnthraceneCoroneneintroducti

2、onintroductionn SourceSource fossil fuels (oil and coal) tar deposits incomplete combustion of organic matter cooked foodn Bad EffectsBad EffectsCarcinogenic and mutagenicintroductionintroductionn PropertiesProperties Solubility soluble in water: two-ring, three-ring PAHs insoluble in water: four or

3、 more ring PAHs Volatility high: two- to four-ring PAHs(gaseous form) low: five or more rings PAHs(solid state)1introductionintroductionn distributionPAHsWaterSoilAiremulsionparticledissolutionparticle vapor particledissolutionintroductionintroductionSampling1Extraction2Detection3n Monitoring proced

4、ure For gas: active sampling method passive sampling methodintroductionintroductionn Extraction Soxhlet Extraction low efficiency Ultrasonic Extraction timesaving, less solvent dosage, high efficiency Accelerated Solvent Extraction High recovery rate, less solvent dosage Supercritical Fluid Extracti

5、on combined with chromatography 2Detection of PAHsGC(GC-MS1、GC-FID、GC-TCD、GC-MS-MS)HPLC1(High Performance Liquid Chromatography)SERS2(surface-enhanced Raman Scattering)ImmunosensorGC(Gas Chromatography)A gas chromatograph with a headspace samplermixture separated on an adsorbent column in a flow sys

6、tem between two phasesMS(Mass Spectrometer)GC-MS(Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometer)Combine the advantage of GC and MSHPLC(High Performance Liquid Chromatography)Based column chromatographyHigh pressure liquid as mobile phase in the chromatographic processHigh pressure - up to 150 300kg / cm2High

7、speed - flow rate 0.1-10ml / minEfficient - up to 10,000 trays in a column while separating components up to 100 kinds per meterHigh sensitivity - UV detection sensitivity of up to 0.01ng.and Small sample consumptionImmunosensorBio-sensitive components: fixed biometric molecular layerTransducers: el

8、ectrochemical or photochemical detection element, biochemical recognition were converted into electricity, the optical signal.signal data processor: A data processor for receiving, processing, and signal a recording1. Non-labeled immune sensorMark ImmunosensorIndirect immunosensor refers indirectly

9、measure the immune response of the signal after amplification use markers given antigen or antibody concentration sensoruse the direct photoelectric signal produced by the reaction between antibody and antigen on the sensor surfaceImmunosensorMethods:Physical adsorption: Inorganic porous material, a

10、ctivated carbon, nano-particles, ion exchange resinEmbedding: Polyacrylamide, and other synthetic polymersCovalent bonding method: through covalent immobilized on the electrode substrate surfaceSelf-assembly: Antigen or antibody molecules through chemical bond spontaneously adsorbed on the solid-liq

11、uid or gas-solid boundary, ImmunosensorSchematic representation of the immunosensor3The anibody-based biosensor1 this instrument can detect 1 fmol of BaP in several minutes.Immunosensoru the interaction of the antigen/ hapten with the antibody must be rapid and reversible, thereby permitting competi

12、tive-equilibrium-binding operationu the immunoreagent reservoir must not be appreciably depleted during the measurement process; u the sensor must be capable of in situ regeneration, hence, repetitive operation is possibleImmunosensorPAHs air watersoilparticulate vapor emulsion Adsorption on the sus

13、pended solid dissolution Adsorbed on soil particles dissolution pre-treatment of PAHs2134Soxhlet ExtractionUltrasonic ExtractionASESFECommon detection method of PAHsGC-FIDGC-MSHPLC-UV/FL 010203 GC-FID has the characteristics of high selectivity, high resolution and high sensitivity . But ,it cant me

14、asure low volatility of PAHs well. GC-MS also has the same characteristics like GA-FID. And its more accurate than GA-FID in qualitativeaspects. The comparison of three methods HPLC-UV/FL can determine low volatility of PAHs well and effective separate isomers of PAHs. New detection method of PAHs C

15、hemical ionization is used in Separation of isomeric polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Riahi and Sellier used GC-PCI-MS in determinating different kinds of isomers of PAHs6. The micro column is also used as a separation column in this method. Analysis times of priority PHAs on 20 m and 10 m columns

16、are reduced by about 45% and 60% respectively in comparison with 30 m columns, and data quality is not affected 7.Chemical ionization mass spectrometryFast GC21 UPLC has small size filler and high-pressure pump . UPLC-MS is well used in simultaneous determinating benzoapyrene and eight of its metabo

17、lites 8. GC x GC have a stronger separation ability than GC-FID. Besides, Its results compare reasonably with GC-MS for high-molecular mass PAHs 9. GC x GC4 UPLCImmunosensor53 PAHs can be easily and simply determinated by using immunosensor.But the results is not very accurate.Structural characteris

18、tics of PAHsChemical composition analysisIRStructure determination Structural characteristics NMR MSXPS SIMS XRD Electrondiffractionneutron diffraction Mossbauer spectrum conclusion With the rapid development of modern analytical instruments and computer technology, HPLC,GC and MS have been used in

19、determinating PAHs. Besides, some new methods are developed and widely used in this field. These methods have characteristics of high selectivity, high resolution and high sensitivity .They play an important role in environmental monitoring. references 1 Choi, H.; Harrison, R.; Komulainen, H.; Delga

20、do Saborit, J. (2010).Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. WHO Guidelines for Indoor Air Quality: Selected Pollutants. Geneva: World Health Organization.2 Dayue Shanga, Marcus Kimb, Maxine Haberl, Rapid and sensitive method for the determination of polycyclicaromatic hydrocarbons in soils using pseudo

21、multiple reactionmonitoring gas chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry, Journal of Chromatography A, 1334 (2014) 1181253Vo-Dinh T, Fetzer J, Campiglia A D. Monitoring and characterization of polyaromatic compounds in the environmentJ. Talanta, 1998, 47(4): 943-969.4Costa J C S, SantAna A C, Corio P

22、, et al. Chemical analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopyJ. Talanta, 2006, 70(5): 1011-10165Yang Ping; Zheng Qiaoli; Xu He, et al. A Highly Sensitive Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Immunosensor forDetermination of 1-Pyrenebutyric Acid Based on the Bifunctionality of Nafion/Gold Nanoparticles Composite Electrode. Chinese journal of,2012,30(5) 1155-11626 Riahi K., Sellier N. Separation of isomeric polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by GC-MS: differentiation between isomers by positive chemical ionizatio


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