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1、the development trend of mechanical and electrical integration机电一体化的发展趋势the development of modem science and technology, which greatly promoted the different subject crossing and permeability, leading to the engineering technology revolution and transformation. in engineering, electronic and compute

2、r technology because of the rapid development and its like the penetration of mechanical industry by the formation of the electromechanical integration, the mechanical industry technical structure, mechanical products, function and composition, production methods and management system changed, that

3、industrial production by "mechanical electrification11 entered the hmechanical and electrical integration11 feature stage of development.现代科学技术的不断发展,极大地推动了不同学科的交叉与渗透,导致了工程领域 的技术革命与改造。在机械工程领域,由于微电子技术和计算机技术的迅速发展及其像 机械工业的渗透所形成的机电一体化,使机械工业的技术结构、产品机构、功能与构成、 生产方式及管理体系发生了巨大变化,使工业生产由“机械电气化”边入了 “机电一体 化”

4、为特征的发展阶段。mechanical and electrical integration is refers to the lord in institutions function, power function, the information processing functions and control function introduce electronic technology, mechanical and electronic device design and software combined form the floorboard of the system.机电

5、一体化是指在机构的主功能、动力功能、信息处理功能和控制功能上引进电子 技术,将机械装置与电子化设计及软件结合起来所构成的系统的总称。mechanical and electrical integration development so far has also become has its system of new disciplines, along with the development of science and technology, will also be with new contents. but its basic characteristics can be sum

6、marized as: mechanical and electrical integration from the viewpoint of system, the integrated use of mechanical technology, microelectronics technology, automatic control technology, computer technology and information technology, sensing measurement and control technology, power electronic technol

7、ogy, interface technology, information technology and software programming technology transformation groups such as technology, according to the system function target and optimize organizational goals, reasonable configuration and layout the function units, in a multi-function, high quality, high r

8、eliability, low energy consumption on the significance of achieving specific function value, and to make the whole system optimization system engineering technology. the resulting function system, becomes a mechanical and electrical integration system or mechanical and electrical products.机电一体化发展至今也

9、已成为一门有着自身体系的新型学科,随着科学技术的不断 发展,还将被赋予新的内容。但其基本特征可概括为:机电一体化是从系统的观点出发, 综合运用机械技术、微电子技术、自动控制技术、计算机技术、信息技术、传感测控技 术、电力电子技术、接口技术、信息变换技术以及软件编程技术等群体技术,根据系统 功能口标和优化组织口标,合理配置与布局齐功能单元,在多功能、高质量、高可靠性、 低能耗的意义上实现特定功能价值,并使整个系统最优化的系统工程技术。由此产生的 功能系统,则成为一个机电一休化系统或机电一休化产品。therefore, hmechanical and electrical integration”

10、 covered htechnologym and "product” two aspects. just, electromechanical integration technology is based on the group technology is conveying rate of a comprehensive technology integration, not mechanical technology, microelectronics technology and other new technology, piecing together the sim

11、ple combination. this is mechanical and electrical integration and electrical by the formation of the mechanical electrification in the fundamental difference between the concept. mechanical engineering technology is pure technical development to the mechanical electrification, still belongs to the

12、mechanical system, and its main function is still instead of and magnified physical strength. but development to the electromechanical integration, one of the microelectronics except can replace some mechanical parts of the original functions, but also can give many new features, such as automatic d

13、etection, automatic processing information, automatic display, automatic regulation and control record automatic diagnosis and protection, etc. that is an electromechanical product not only human hand and body extension, or human senses and the look in the eyes of the mind, with the characteristics

14、of the intelligent mechanical and electrical and mechanical electrification on the function of the essential difference between.因此,“机电一体化”涵盖“技术”和“产品”两个方面。只是,机电一体化技术是 基于上述群体技术有机融合的一种综合技术,而不是机械技术、微电子技术以及其它新 技术的简单组合、拼凑。这是机电一体化与电气所形成的机械电气化在概念上的根本区 别。机械工程技术有纯技术发展到机械电气化,仍然属于机械系统,其主要功能依然是 代替和放大的体力。但是发展到机电一

15、体化后,其屮的微电子装置除可取代某些机械部 件的原有功能外,还能赋予许多新的功能,如自动检测、自动处理信息、口动显示记录、 自动调节与控制自动诊断与保护等。即机电一体化产品不仅是人的手与肢体的延伸,还 是人的感官与头脑的眼神,具有智能化的特征是机电一体化与机械电气化在功能上的木 质区别。the development of mechanical and electrical integration can be divided into three stages, before the 1960 s for the first stage, the stage is called the pr

16、imary stage. in this period, consciously or unconsciously people using electronic technology to improve the preliminary results of mechanical products performance. especially in the second world war, war stimulated mechanical products and electronic technology, combined with the mechanical and elect

17、rical combined with military technology, to civil war, to the post-war economic recovery plays an active role. then the research and development, from the overall perspective is still in a spontaneous state. as the development of electronic technology has not yet reached a certain level, mechanical

18、technology and electronic technology union is impossible to wide and deep development, has developed product can more easily机电一体化的发展大体可以分为3个阶段,20世纪60年代以前为第一阶段,这一阶 段称为初级阶段。在这一时期,人们自觉不自觉地利用电子技术的初步成果来完善机械 产品的性能。特别是在第二次世界大战期间,战争刺激了机械产品与电了技术的结合, 这些机电结合的军用技术,战后转为民用,对战后经济的恢复起了积极的作用。那时研 制和开发从总休上看还处于自发状态。由于当

19、时电子技术的发展尚未达到一定水平,机 械技术与电子技术的结合还不可能广泛和深入发展,已经开发的产品也无法大量推广。20 century 70 80 s for the second stage, can be called a vigorous development stage. this time, the computer technology, control technology, the communication technology development, the development of the electromechanical integration is esta

20、blished. large, very large scale integrated circuit and microcomputer of rapid development, and for the development of the electromechanical integration for good material base. the period of characteristics: 1, mechatronice a word first in japan is generally accepted, to about 1980 s in the world sc

21、ope from a widespread recognition; 2, electromechanical integration technology and products to get great development; three, all countries all start of mechatronics technology and products to a lot of attention and support20世纪7080年代为第二阶段,可称为蓬勃发展阶段。这一时期,计算机技术、控 制技术、通信技术的发展,为机电一体化的发展奠定了技术基础。大规模、超大规模集

22、成电路和微型计算机的迅猛发展,为机电一体化的发展提供了充分的物质基础。这个时 期的特点:k mechatronice 一词首先在h本被普遍接受,大约到20世纪80年代末期在 世界范围内得到比较广泛的承认;2、机电一体化技术和产品得到了极大发展;3、各国 均开始对机电一体化技术和产品给以很大的关注和支持。the 1990s, began the electromechanical integration technique to intelligent direction of the new stage, electromechanical integration into the furth

23、er development period. on one hand, optical, communication technology, into the electromechanical integration, microfabrication technology is also in the electromechanical integration work in four feet, the emergence of a light machine electricity integration and microelectromechanical integration a

24、nd other new branch; on the other hand the mechanical and electrical integration system model design, analysis and integration method, mechanical and electrical integration and development trend of the subject system are studied. at the same time, because of artificial intelligence technology, neura

25、l network technology and fiber technology the great progress made, for electromechanical integration technology of wide space opened up development. these studies, will enable the electromechanical integration further the establishment of a complete basis and gradually formed a complete system of sc

26、ience. from the late 1980 s, china began in this study and application. the state council established electromechanical integration leading group and the technology as ”863 project11. in the formulation of the ninth five-year plan and 2010 years when the program for the development of the full consi

27、deration of the international on of the electromechanical integration technology development trend and the possible impact of. many colleges and universities, research institutions and some large and medium-sized enterprise of this technology and the development of application, do a lot of work, and

28、 obtained some achievements, but with japan and other advanced countries still have quite the gap20世纪90年代后期,开始了机电一体化技术向智能化方向迈进的新阶段,机电一体 化进入深入发展时期。一方面,光学、通信技术等进入了机电一体化,微细加工技术也 在机电一体化中崭露头脚,出现了光机电一体化和微机电一体化等新分支;另一方面对机 电一体化系统的建模设计、分析和集成方法,机电一体化的学科体系和发展趋势都进行 了深入研究。同时,由于人工智能技术、神经网络技术及纤技术等领域取得的巨大进步, 为机电一体化

29、技术开辟了发展的广阔天地。这些研究,将促使机电一休化进一步建立完 整的基础和逐步形成完整的科学体系。我国是从20世纪80年代才开始在这方面研究和 应用。国务院成立了机电一体化领导小组并将该技术列为“863计划屮。在制定九五 规划和2010年发展纲耍吋充分考虑了国际上关于机电一体化技术的发展动向和rtl此可能 带來的影响。许多大专院校、研究机构及一些大中型企业对这一技术的发展及应用做了 大量的工作,还取得了一定成果,但与日本等先进国家相比仍有相当斧距。mechanical and electrical integration is the collection of machinery, ele

30、ctronics, optical, control, computer, information science of overlapping comprehensive. it depends on the development and progress of relevant technology and promote development and progress. therefore, the mechanical and electrical integration of the main development direction are as follows:机电一体化是

31、集机械、电子、光学、控制、计算机、信息等多学科的交叉综合。它 的发展和进步依赖并促进相关技术的发展和进步。因此,机电一体化的主要发展方向如 下:3.1 intelligent3. 1智能化intelligence is the 21st century electromechanical integration of the development of a important development direction. artificial intelligence in the mechanical and electrical instrument builders study spe

32、cialized attention paid, robot and numerical control is an important application. here said the "intelligence" is the description of the behavior of the machine, is based on the theory of control, the absorption of artificial intelligence, operations research, computer science, and fuzzy m

33、athematics, psychology, psychology, physiology and chaotic dynamics and other new ideas, new method, simulation human intelligence, make it has judgment reasoning, logical thinking and decision-making ability and so on, in order to get higher control goals. admittedly, make the mechtronie product ha

34、s people exactly the same intelligence, it is not possible, is unnecessary. but, high performance, high speed micro mechanical and electrical products to have lower intelligence or partially intelligence, it is entirely possible and necessary智能化是21世纪机电一体化发展的一个重要发展方向。人工智能在机电仪特化建设 者的研究日益得到重视,机器人与数控化就是

35、重要应用。这里所说的“智能化”是对机 器行为的描述,实在控制理论的基础上,吸收人工智能、运筹学、计算机科学、模糊数 学、心理学、心理学、生理学和混沌动力学等新思想、新方法,模拟人类智能,使它具 冇判断推理、逻辑思维、自主决策等能力,以求得到更高的控制目标。诚然,使机电一 休化产品具有人完全相同的智能,是不可能,也是不必要的。但是,高性能、高速度的 微处理使机电一体化产品就有低级智能或人的部分智能,则是完全可能而乂必要的。3.2 modular3. 2模块化modularity is an important and difficult engineering. due to mechanica

36、l and electrical products and various manufacturers, research and development with the standard machine interface, electrical interface, power interface, environmental interface electromechanical integration of the products unit is a very complicated but very important things. such as developmentcol

37、lection slowdown, intelligent speed regulation, motor in one of the power unit, has the visual, image processing, identification and function of distance control unit, and various can complete typical operating mechanism. so, can use standard unit quickly develop new products, at the same time it ca

38、n expand the scale of production. the need to develop the standard, so that each department, the matching of the unit and interface. due to the conflicts of interest that the recent international or domestic it is difficult to make a standard, but can be by some big enterprises established gradually

39、 formed. obviously, from electrical product standardization and serialization of the benefits of to be sure, no matter whether the mechanical and electrical product production enterprise, scale will give electromechanical integration enterprise to bring the bright future模块化是一项重要而艰巨的工程。由于机电一体化产品种类和生产

40、厂家繁多,研制和 开发具有标准机械接口、电气接口、动力接口、环境接口的机电一体化产品单元是一项 十分复杂但又非常重要的事。如研制集减速、智能调速、电机于一体的动力单元,具有 视觉、图像处理、识别和测距等功能的控制单元,以及各种能完成典型操作的机械装置。 这样,可利用标准单元迅速开发出新产品,同时也可以扩大生产规模。这需要制定各项 标准,以便各部门、单元的匹配和接口。由于利益冲突,近期很难制定国际或国内这方 面的标准,但可以通过组建一些大企业逐渐形成。显然,从电气产品的标准化、系列化 带来的好处可以肯定,无论是对生产机电一体化产品的企业,规模化将给机电一体化企 业带来美好的前程。3.3 netw

41、ork3.3网络化in the 1990 s,computer technology, outstanding achievements is network technology- the rise of the network technology and the rapid development of science and technology, to industrial production, political, military, education every people daily life with a great change. all kinds of netwo

42、rk will the global economy, production to link a piece, the competition between enterprises will globalization. new mechanical and electrical products once developed, as long as the original function, reliable quality, will soon sell well all over the world. due to the popularity of the network, the

43、 network based on all kinds of remote control and monitoring technology is in the ascendant, and remote control terminal equipment itself is mechanical and electrical products. the fieldbus and local area network technology is household appliances network has become a half, using the home network wi

44、ll all kinds of home appliances connected to computer as in the center of computer integrated home appliance system, so that people in the home the convenience of share all kinds of hi-tech and happy. therefore, mechanical and electrical products in development direction is network.20世纪90年代,计算机技术等的突

45、出成就就是网络技术。网络技术的兴起和飞速发 展给科学技术、工业生产、政治、军事、教育一举人们日常生活带来了巨大的变革。齐 种网络将全球经济、生产连成一片,金业间的竞争也将全球化。机电一休化新产品一旦 研制出来,只要其功能独到,质量可靠,很快就会畅销全球。由于网络的普及,基于网 络的各种远程控制和监视技术方兴未艾,而远程控制的终端设备木身就是机电一体化产 品。现场总线和局域网技术是家用电器网络化已成人势,利用家庭网络将各种家用电器 连接成以计算机为中心的计算机集成家电系统,使人们在家里分享各种高科技带來的便 利与快乐。因此,机电一体化产品无疑朝着网络化方向发展。3.4 miniaturizati

46、on3.4微型化miniaturization emerged in the 1980 s, refers to the electromechanical integration to miniature machine and the trend of the development of the micro field. foreign called it microelectromechanical systems, referring to geometry size does not exceed 1 cm electromechanical integration of the

47、products, and to the micro, to the nanometer level development. microelectromechanical integration product volume small, less energy consumption, sports flexible, in biological and medical treatment, military and information etc, it has incomparable advantage. microelectromechanical integration is t

48、he bottleneck of micro mechanical technology, microcomputer electricity integration products processing and the precise processing technology, namely the ultra precision technology, it includes photolithography and etching technology two kinds微型化兴起于20世纪80年代末,指的是机电一体化向微型机器和微观领域发展的 趋势。国外称其为微电子机械系统,泛指几

49、何尺寸不超过lcm的机电一体化产品,并向 微米、纳米级发展。微机电一体化产品体积小、能耗少、运动灵活,在生物医疗、军事、 信息等方面具有不可比拟的优势。微机电一体化发展的瓶颈在于微机械技术,微机电一 休化产品的加工采用精细加工技术,即超精密技术,它包括光刻和蚀刻技术两类。3.5 green3. 5绿色化industry developed has brought people great changes. on one hand, the material is rich, life and comfortable; on the other hand, the resources reduc

50、e, and the ecological environment is serious pollution. the bathroom, people appeal to protect the environment resources, a return to nature. green product concept in this called for under the sound arises at the historic moment, the greening is the trend of the times. green products in its design,

51、manufacture, use and destruction of life process, meet certain to protect the environment and human health, at the request of the ecological environment harmless or harm is few, resource utilization rate is extremely high. design the green electromechanical integration of the product, has broad pros

52、pects. mechanical and electrical integration of products mainly refers to the green, when used, polluting the ecological environment, is disposed to recycling.工业的发达给人们带來了巨大的变化。一方面,物质丰富,生活舒适;另一方面, 资源减少,生态环境受到严重污染。浴室,人们呼吁保护环境资源,回归自然。绿色产 品概念在这种呼吁声下应运而生,绿色化是时代的趋势。绿色产品在其设计、制造、使 用和销毁的生命过程中,符合特定的环境保护和人类健康的

53、要求,对生态环境无害或危 害极少,资源利用率极高。设计绿色的机电一体化产品,具有远大的发展前途。机电一 体化产品的绿色化主耍指,使用时不污染生态环境,报废后能回收利用。3.6 systematic3. 6系统化systematic features of the system structure are one of the open and patterns of further bus structure. system can be flexible configuration, still with clipping and combination, and at the same t

54、ime sons is coordinated control system for reality and comprehensive management. performance is the second communication function greatly strengthened, and the general except rs232 outside, still have a rs485, dcs personified. the future of mechanical and electrical integration pay more attention to

55、 product the relationship with the people, the personification of the electromechanical integration has two meanings. the layer, mechanical and electrical integration of the final product use object, how to give the mechtronie product of human intelligence, emotion, and human nature is becoming more

56、 and more important, especially for household robots, its top state is the man-machine integration. another layer is imitating biological mechanism, to study various mechanical and electrical products. in fact, many of the electromechanical integration products are inspired by the animal was develop

57、ed.系统化的表现特征之一就是系统体系结构进一步采用开放式和模式化的总线结构。 系统可以灵活组态,进行仍以剪裁和组合,同时寻求现实多了系统协调控制和综合管理。 表现之二是通信功能的大大加强,一般除rs232外,还有rs485、dcs人格化。未来的 机电一体化更加注重产品与人的关系,机电一体化的人格化冇两层含义。一层是,机电 一体化产品的最终使用对象是人,如何赋予机电一体化产品人的智能、感情、人性显得 越来越重耍,特别是对家用机器人,其高层境界就是人机一体化。另一层是模仿生物机 理,研究各种机电一体化产品。事实上,许多机电一体化产品都是受动物的启发研制出 来的。360毕业设计网友情提供the e

58、mergence of the electromechanical integration is not isolated, it is the crystallization of the development of many science and technology, and is the social productivity development to a certain stage request inevitably.机电一体化的出现不是孤立的,它是许多科学技术发展的结品,是社会生产力发展 到一定阶段的必然要求。英文the development of modem scie

59、nce and technology, which greatly promoted the different subject crossing and permeability, leading to the engineering technology revolution and transformation. in engineering, electronic and computer technology because of the rapid development and its like the penetration of mechanical industry by the formation of the electromechanical integration, the mechanical industry technical structure, mechanical products, function and composition, production methods and management system changed, that industrial


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