高考英语一轮复习课时跟踪检测11 试题解析_第1页
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1、课时跟踪检测11(B2Unit 4).单项填空1Until the noise of the bus _, we were able to hear the program again.Adied from Bdied outCdied away Ddied off答案与解析:C句意:直到公共汽车的噪音逐渐消失,我们才又能够听到节目。die away“(声音、光线等)逐渐减弱,渐渐消失”;die out“消失,灭绝”;die off“相继死去”;die from“死于”。依据句意可知,该处说的是声音的消失,选C项。2I'd appreciate _ if you would like

2、to teach me how to use the computer.Athat BitCthis Dyou答案与解析:B句意:如果您愿意教我如何使用电脑,我将不胜感激。appreciate后面不能跟人作宾语,这里用it来指if从句中提到的情况。能用在此结构中的常见动词有like, love, appreciate, hate等。3She was afraid _ the yard because she was afraid _ by the big dog _ at the gate.Ato go into; to be bitten; layBof going into; to bit

3、e; layingCof going into; to be bitten; lyingDto go into; of being bitten; lying答案与解析:D句意:她不敢进院子,因为她害怕被躺在门口的狗咬到。be afraid to do因害怕而不敢做;be afraid of doing担心/害怕某事会发生。4After the new president of the USA came to power, a new rule _ soon.Acame into being Bcame into useCcame into the market Dcame into blos

4、som答案与解析:A句意:美国新总统上台执政后,一条新的规定很快出台了。come into being“形成,出现”;come into use“开始使用”;come into market“上市,进入市场”;come into blossom“开花”。5“The child's life is not in danger any more,”the doctor said _.Ain service Bin reliefCin peace Din charge答案与解析:B句意:“孩子的生命不再处于危险中了,”医生如释重负地说。in 2 / 14service“在使用中”;in re

5、lief“如释重负地,轻松地,欣慰地”;in peace“平静地,安详地”;in charge“主管,看管”。6We are _ about your experience in the army.Adying for hearing Bdying of hearingCto die to hear Ddying to hear答案与解析:Dbe dying for的意思为“迫切想要”,后接名词或代词,不接动名词或动词不定式;be dying of doing sth.“因(做)某事而要死”,是一种夸张的说法,并非真的要死。如:We are dying of laughing.(我们笑得要死)

6、,实际上指的是笑得很厉害。be dying to do sth.的意思为“迫切要做”,be to die to hear的结构不合逻辑。7The British government often says that providing children with _ to the information superhighway is of great importance.Aprevention BprotectionCallowance Daccess答案与解析:Dprevention“阻止;防止”;protection“保护;防卫”;allowance“津贴,补助,宽容,允许”;acce

7、ss to sth./sb.“(使用某物或者接近某人的)机会或权力;(接近或进入某地的)方法;通路”。句意:英国政府经常说提供给孩子们便利地使用信息高速公路的机会是非常重要的。8The little girl was _ losing her life, but she is now _.Ain the danger of; out of dangerBin danger of; out of the dangerCin the danger of; out of the dangerDin danger of; out of danger答案与解析:Din danger (of)表示“处境危

8、险,有的危险”;out of danger意为“脱离危险”。注意在这两个介词短语中,danger前不用冠词。9Too much smoking and drinking _ him greatly, which meant bad living habits had an _ on his health.Aaffect; effect Baffected; effectCaffected; effects Daffect; effects答案与解析:Baffect为及物动词“影响”;effect为名词。另外have an effect on为固定搭配,意为“对有影响”,故选B项。10More

9、attention should be _ the equipment in our factory so that we can increase our production.Apaid to improving Bpaid to improveCtaken to improve Dtaken to improving答案与解析:Apay attention to“注意”为固定短语,其中to为介词,后应用名词或动名词作宾语。11The two countries used to be _ war with each other, but now they are _ peace.Aat;

10、in Bin; atCat; at Din; in答案与解析:C句意:这两个国家以前常常处于战争状态,现在他们和平了。at war意为“处于战争中”;at peace在句中作表语;in peace在句中作状语。12After a heated discussion at the meeting, a new plan came _ being, which would have a great effect _ the future life of the people.Ainto; for Bto; toCfrom; at Dinto; on答案与解析:Dcome into being“形成

11、;产生”;have a great effect on“对有巨大影响”。13When she heard that her life was in _ danger, she felt quite at _ loss.Athe; the Ba; aC/; a Da; /答案与解析:Cin danger“在危险中”;at a loss“迷惑;茫然”。14The thief escaped from prison and passed the days _ discovery.Ain favour of Bin fear ofCon account of Dat the mercy of答案与解析

12、:Bin favour of“赞成;支持”;in fear of“担忧;忧虑”;on account of“为(某种)理由;因”;at the mercy of“任由摆布”。15How many passengers were in the plane?It _ 100,20 Japanese _.Acontained; included Bcontained; includingCincluded; contained Dcontained; containing答案与解析:Acontain“容纳,包含”;include“包括”。句意:飞机里有100名乘客,包括20名日本乘客。第二个空可用s

13、b./sth. included或including sb./sth.。.阅读理解A There are literally hundreds of national parks and wildlife areas in Africa that you can travel to. Here are the top four travel destinations in Africa:TanzaniaSerengeti NP During the annual migration, when the wildebeests and zebras pack_up and leave their

14、 living areas to find fresher ones, the Serengeti is an astonishing place to be. It's a very good travel spot in Africa at other times of the year too but the migration has been ranked by many as one of the wonders of the natural world.KenyaMasai Mara NP If you want to see the big cats, this wil

15、dlife park is the best of the best. Lion, leopard and cheetah abound and they are relatively easy to spot because of the grassland vegetation which means you get good views for miles around. Another big plus is the fact that going off­road is allowed and it is a big advantage because the animal

16、s will rarely oblige you and stay next to the major roads.South AfricaKruger National Park For the variety of species no other place in Africa can come close to the Kruger Park. And because it is so large it has a number of different ecosystems that you can pass through in your search for animals an

17、d birds. It is one of the best managed parks in Africa and the accommodation is well­equipped, too.ZambiaSouth Luangwa National Park South Luangwa is a diamond in the rough, just waiting for enough exposure to bring it to its rightful place in the crown of prime Africa trips. It has been regard

18、ed as one of the best places in Africa to see the special leopard and it is the birthplace of the walking travel.16. The underlined phrase “pack up” in Paragraph 2 means _. A. rise B. suffer C. gather D. scatter17. Kruger National Park is different from the other parks in that _. A. there are many k

19、inds of species B. there are a lot of high trees C. it is the largest park in Africa D. the hotels own enough rooms18. People like South Luangwa National Park because _. A. there is a diamond in the park B. it is the best park in Africa C. they can see wildlife on foot D. it is the best wonder in th

20、e world19. The writer's purpose in writing the text is to _. A. tell us something about natural animals B. discuss some problems in African travel industry C. persuade more people to travel to Africa D. introduce to us some top natural parks in Africa答案与解析:在非洲有成百上千的国家公园和野生地带供游客游览和观光。在有的地方可以看到动物大

21、迁徙、有的地方则有各种珍奇动物种类;此外,你还可以看到各种不同的生态环境等。16C词义猜测题。根据Serengeti NP这一部分的意思可知,这里指羚羊和斑马聚集到一起,然后迁徙到新的地方。17A细节理解题。根据Kruger National Park一节中的“For the variety of species no other place in Africa can come close to the Kruger Park.”,再结合全文可知,Kruger National Park有丰富的物种,这一点是不同于其他公园的明显特点。18C细节理解题。根据South Luangwa Nati

22、onal Park一节中的最后一句可得出人们喜欢这个公园的原因。19D主旨大意题。根据全文的结构及内容看,这是一篇介绍非洲国家公园的文章,作者从一个比较客观的角度告诉人们这些公园是喜欢大自然和野生动植物的游客的游览胜地。B Living in a green area can make you live longer, according to the research published today. The research also shows that the difference in life expectancy (平均寿命) between rich and poor beco

23、mes smaller among those who live in an environment with parks and trees. Richard Mitchell, from Glasgow University, and his colleagues, found that the gap between the number of deaths of people on high incomes and the number of deaths of those on low incomes in green areas was half that compared wit

24、h figures relating to built­up areas. Green spaces, classified by the researchers as “open, undeveloped land with natural vegetation”, encouraged people to walk and be more active. Exercise in these settings could have greater benefits than exercise elsewhere, the researchers said. The benefits

25、 potentially go beyond exercise. Studies have shown that being around green spaces can reduce blood pressure and stress levels, and possibly help patients recover faster. A number of researchers have looked at the effects of greenery on our well­being. But few studies had looked at whether livi

26、ng in green areas reduced health inequalities, the Glasgow team said. Using information from a land­use database of 2001, the researchers divided the pre­retirement population of England into four groups according to income level, and five groups according to access to green space. They th

27、en looked at death rate for 20012005. They found that the inequality in death rate from all causes relating to lack of money was less in those populations in the greenest areas compared with the figures for people living in more built­up places. They found an even stronger relationship when it

28、came to deaths from certain diseases such as heart conditions and stroke (中风). There was no difference, however, in deaths from lung cancer. The researchers said that changing the physical environment was an easier way to fight against poor health than using media campaigns or giving out information

29、 on health. “The result of the study is clear, environments that promote good health might be very important in the fight to reduce health inequalities.”20. The underlined word “that” in Paragraph 2 refers to _.A. the gap B. the number of deathsC. the income D. the living area21. What was the specia

30、l point of the Glasgow team's research? A. They offered a scientific definition of “green spaces” B. They encouraged people to exercise in green areas. C. They studied the effects of greenery on people's diseases. D. They focused on the influence of greenery on health inequalities.22. What a

31、dvice would the researchers probably give according to the last paragraph? A. More health information should be given to the public. B. People should take more exercise every day. C. More trees and grasses should be planted in cities. D. People should fight against health inequality.23. What is the

32、main idea of the passage? A. People should live in green areas. B. Green spaces promote good health. C. Income influences health less than environment. D. Exercise in green areas benefits people a lot.答案与解析:研究人员根据数据分析得出结论:生活在绿色地带或经常到自然中活动能够延长寿命。改善人们的居住环境要比仅仅靠媒体传播的一些健康方面的知识更有利于提高人们的健康水平。20A词义猜测题。文章第二



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