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1、小学六年级小升初英语试卷(考试时间:60分钟 满分:100分)题号听力部分(20分)笔试部分(80分)总分-一-二三-一-二三四五六七八得分听力部分(20分)、根据所听录音作出判断,对的画笑脸,错的画哭脸( 6 分)、听录音,根据问句选择正确的答语(8分)()1.A. Yes, 1 do.B. No, they don't.C. No, he doesnt.()2.A. It 'over thereB. No, it 'not there.Ct 'two kilometres away()3.A. SummerB. FootballC. Rice()4.A. Y

2、es, he does.B. Yes, he has.C. Yes, he have.()5.A. Yes, I'm Miss Li.B. No, 1 'm not.C. Sorry, wrong nu mber.()6.A. Four.B. Six.C. Seve n.()7.A. He ' tall.B. He's eleve n.C. He'thi n.()8.A. Yes, I did.B. No, I did.C. I did my homework.英语试卷第3页共6页、根据所听录音和提供的图片完成对话。(6分)1.2.A: Good mor

3、ning,is theChan gjia ng Middle School from here?B: It ' s aboutaway.A: Excuse me,the woma n with long hairB: She's my, Miss Ding.笔试部分(80分)一、按要求写词、词组。(10分)2. three(序 数词)1. child(复数)3. heavy (比较级)4. get(过去式)9.和一样高(英文)Look! The boys are hav ing a _Who, NancyYang Ling does.Ya ng Ling?5. she(宾格)7

4、. jog(现在分词)6. fast(反 义词)8. halves(单数)10. do more exercise中 文)1.(2.(3. (4.(5.(6. (7.(8.(9.(10.(11.(12.(选择填空(把正确答案的序号填在括号内) (15 分) The students their homework every day.Now they their homework.A. do, doB. does, doing C. doing, are doing D. do, are doing) What' s wrong your pencil-box?A. about B. w

5、ith) These books are my .A. students B. students's) “ What are the students doing?“ Some books and othersC. forD. of13. (C. students'D. students ofat the blackboard.A. are looking, are readingB. are reading, are watchingC. are watching, are lookingD. are reading, are looking) -“ Can you help

6、 me with my English ?-“”A.I think. B. Sure. C. I can't think so D. No, thanks )That girl is new in our class . Do you know name?A. her B. she C. he ) I want the house. Can you D. his me?A. clean; helpB. to clean; help C. to clean; to help D. cleaning; to help) The children are TV now.A. watching

7、B. readingC. looking) What the man over there?A. is, doB. are, doing) When's your father's birthday?A. thirteenB. thirty) It ' s time to up.A. gettingB. got) One of the boys my brother.A. isB. areC. is, doingIt 's on the _C. thirteenthC. getsC. am)September 10th is .A. Women' s D

8、ay B. Children ' s ) The players are playing football.A. aB. anC. the) She can 'det rai bike. She goes to school _A. by a busB. take busC. on footD. seeingD. are, do of February.D. thirtiethD. getD. beCD.aMy id-autumn Day D. Teachers ' DayD. /D. on feet14.(15. (英语试卷 第 5 页 共 6 页四、用单词的适当形式

9、填空(8分)1. Do they like(swim)?2. The horse is as( thin) as the goat .3. It 'sten (rain) in spring in New York.4. That isn' t my coat.(My) is over there.5. Look! My sister(play) with the toy cars.6. It ' s Children ' s Day. All the students are very (excite).7. He (make) some cakes for

10、his friends yesterday.8. Tom's mother(have) a nice jacket.五、根据中文,完成下列各句(14分)1. -迈克游泳比大卫游得快吗?-不,他游得比大卫游得慢。-Mikefaster tha n David?-No, he swimstha n David.2. -他上周日做什么了?-他在家听音乐。-Whathe do last?-Hemusic at home.3. -这个标志什么意思?-它表示请勿践踏草地”。-Whatthismean?-It means “the”4. -学生们正在干什么?-他们正在谈论关于圣诞节的事。-What

11、are the stude nts doing now?-They areChristmas.英语试卷第4页共6页六、按要求改写句子(8分)1. He does housework on Sun days改为否定句)Hehousework on Sun days.2. Are these your pens?不改变原句意思,改写句子)Are these?3. The boy in the red shirt is Tom .(寸划线部分提问)boy is Tom ?4. We we nt fishi ng yesterday.改一般疑问句,作否定回答。)youfishi ng yesterda

12、y? No, we.七、 完形填空(根据首写字母的提示将短文补充完整。)(10 分)It is w in spring. The trees turn g and the flowers start togrow. I often fly k in the park. In s, the w is very hot andit often r. In autumn, the d get shorter and the nights get l . It'ofte n sunny and cool. I ofte n go w in the coun tryside. In win te

13、r, the days areshort, too. It'svery c. I ofte n play with snow after school.八、阅读理解(10分)A阅读短文并判断,正确的写“T”错误的写“F”Mr Brown looks out of the window. There is a boy in the street. He is eating asan dwich. There is a dog in the street, too. The boy says,“ Come here, goodgoing to give you some sandwiche

14、s. ” The dog coimedDoy kicks the dog. The dog runs away.Mr Brown comes out of the house and says to the boy,“ Come here. I ' mgive you some money. ” The boy is happy and goes to Mr Brown. But Mr Brown doesn' t give him any money. He kicks the boy.The boy cries and says, “Why did you kick me?

15、 I don'at sk you for money. ”“ The dog didn 't ask you for any sandwich.” Mr Brown says,“ but you kicked( )1. The boy is having some bread in the street.( )2. The boy doesn 't give the dog any sandwiches.()3. The boy likes the dog.()4. Mr Brown wants to give the boy some money.()5. Mr Br

16、own is going to give the boy a lesson.B 阅读短文,选择正确的答案(将序号填在括号内)Hello, my name is Fang Fang. I am a girl. I am ten. I live in Gaoyou. I have a big family. They are my father, my mother, my sister and me. My sister is twenty minutes older than me. We are twins.I study at a primary school. My school is

17、more than 100 years old. It is very big and beautiful. There are some trees and a lot of flowers in it. We study Chinese, Maths, English, Science, Art, PE and some other subjects. I like English best. I do well in playing the violin. My hobbies are growing flowers and surfing the Internet.I want to find a penfriend. My e-mail address is FangFang . Do's family?C.FiveC. new and beautifulyou want to be my penfriend? Write to me, please. 【选择正确的答案】( ) 1. How many people are there in Fang FangA . FourB. Three( ) 2. Fang Fang 's school isA. small but beautiful B. big and beautiful(


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