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1、U2T1-1Unit 2 Looking DifferentTopic 1 I have a small nose教学内容分析及课时分配建议:本话题为第二单元的第一个话题。它承接并拓展了第一个单元中询问个人信息、介绍国籍、名词单复数以及形容词性物主代词的表达法等内容。此外,本话题主要学习描述人物外貌特征的句子如:I/You/They have. He/She/It has. Do you/they have.? Does he/she have.?以及相应的回答。同时描述人物外貌特征的形容词如:big, small, round, long, wide等也都是本话题将学习的重点。语音方面将学习

2、元音字母o,u,辅音字母及组合r, ng, y的发音规则,以及复习句子的语音语调,帮助学生养成拼读单词的习惯和能力。本话题的最终目标是通过学习使学生能够在实际生活中自由地使用目标语并能学以致用。本话题建议用5课时完成:第一课时:Section A-1a, 1b,1c, 2a, 2b第二课时:Section A-3a, 3b Section B-1a,1b,1c,2第三课时:Section B- 3, 4,5 Section C-4a, 4b第四课时:Section C-1a, 1b, 1c, 2, 3a, 3b, project第五课时:Section D-Grammar and Functi

3、ons, 1, 2, 3, Project第一课时 (Section A-1a, 1b,1c, 2a, 2b)教学设计思路:本课时通过呈现人物图片引导学生复习第一单元所学的有关询问他人信息、介绍国籍等有关用语。在复习有关询问他人信息的同时增加头部器官的学习。之后老师通过介绍自己的头部器官特征教授I have a. 的句型。并通过介绍班里其他同学的特征引导学生学习She/He has.接着老师设计“猜猜我是谁的游戏”,在游戏中完成 Do you have.? Does she have.? 的学习,在学生完成听力任务之后,学生分组灵活应用所学句型。. Teaching aims1. Knowle

4、dge aims:(1) 掌握黑体词:head, hair, eye, face, nose, mouth, neck, guess, have, big, know, right, wide (2) 学习I have a. She/He has.Do you have.?等句型 。2. Skill aims:(1)能够听懂询问头部器官特征的句子,以及相应的答语。(2)能够自由谈论询问他人头部器官特征的话题。(3)能够读懂有关询问有关谈论他人头部器官特征的简短对话。(4)能够用英文写出部分头部器官的单词,及能够用I /You/They have . She/He has.写句子。3. Emot

5、ional aims: 培养学生善于观察生活中的人和物的特征。4. Culture awareness: . The key points and difficult points1. Key points:(1)Words and expressions : head, hair, eye, face, nose, mouth, neck, guess, have, big, know, right, wide (2)Sentences: I /They/ You have. Do you have.? Yes, I do. No, I dont.2. Difficult points: I

6、 /They/ You have.的一般疑问句的变化。. Learning strategies1. 学会认真倾听,学会从他人处获取相关信息。2. 学会从图片中获取相关信息。. Teaching aids录音机/多媒体/小黑板/图片V. Teaching proceduresStage 1(5mins):Getting students ready for learning and revisionStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose(Class activity)Greet and warm up. Show studen

7、ts some cards.T:Good morning, boys and girls!T: Here are some name cards. Tell me who they are, please.T: You can choose one card from them and ask me questions according to the information on the card.T: She is 12.T: She is in Class4, Grade7.T: She is from Canada.T: Oh, I know . She is Jane.Greet a

8、nd warm up.Ss: Good morning, Miss Li!S1: Maria, Jane , Kangkang and Michael.(Ss choose the name card of Jane)Ss:How old is she?Ss: What class is she in?Ss: Where is she from?Ss: She is Jane.Ss: Yes, you are right.通过游戏的形式复习已学知识,并呈现部分新句型。Remark:老师也可以将游戏中的名片换成学生的名片。Stage 2(18mins):Pre-listeningStepTeac

9、her activity Student activity Designing purpose1 (Group work)Show a photo of a big head and teach the new words.T: Here is a head. Work in groups and read new words according to the phonetic symbol.T: nose /nuz/T: face/feIs/T: mouthLearn new words according to the phonetic symbol.Ss: /hed/ /I/he/nek

10、/Ss: noseSs: faceSs: mouth通过音标学习新词。2.(Class activity)Design a game: I Say You DoT: Boys and girls, lets play a game. I will say the new words one by one. You touch the right place.T: Touch your head.T:Touch your nose.T: Oh, you did wrong. So you are out.But you can help me to give instruction.S1: To

11、uch your ears.S1: Touch your nose.S1: You are wrong.Play the game and practice the new words.Ss: OK.Ss: head.Ss: nose.S1:Great!Ss: ears.Ss: nose.通过游戏巩固新词汇。3.(Class activity)Teach new structures.T: Lets speak out the name of our body parts.T: Yes, you are right. Look at me.I have a small head. Follow

12、 me please: I have a small head.T: I have small eyes. I have small eyes, not big eyes. Follow me please: I have small eyes.T: I have big ears.T: How about you?T: You have long hair. Attention, please. There is no a or -s. Long hair, short hair, long neck, short neck.T: Yes, she is right. She has sho

13、rt hair. S3 has a big head. S2 has a big nose. S1 has big eyes. He has. She has.T: Practice in groups to introduce your friends.T: I have a big head.T: I have a wide mouth.T: Yes, you are right. How about group2.Learn new structuresSs: head, hair, ear, eye, neck, nose, mouth, face.Ss: I have a small

14、 head.Ss:I have small eyes.Ss: I have big ears.S1:I have big eyes.S2: I have a big nose.S3: I have a big head.S4: I have.hair.S4: I have long hair.S5: I have short hair.S6: She has a small head.S6:She has a small nose.Group1:S1: I have a big nose.S23456: She has a big nose.S2: I have big head.S13456

15、: He has a big head.S3: I have a big mouth.S3: I have a wide mouth.S12456: He has a wide mouth.Group2: .通过老师的动作和口头示范。学习句型。并通过练习进行巩固。4.(Class activity)Design a game. Who am I?T: I will choose a group. Stand up a student in this group. I will ask you question. You all answer. I will speak out the name

16、 according to your answer. Understand?T: I turn around. Group 1. Are you ready?T: Do you have big eyes?T: You can answer: Yes, I do. No, I dont.T: Do you have a big head?T: Oh, I know. You are Owen.T: Do you have long hair.T: Oh, I know. You are Sally.T: Now I choose group 2. I turn around. Are you

17、ready?T: Do you have a wide mouth?T:Do you have.Play the game and learn the new sentence patterns.Ss: Yes.Ss: Yes.Ss: Yes.Ss: Yes, I do.Ss: No, I dont.Ss: No.Ss: Yes, I do.Ss: Yes, you are right.Ss: Yes.Ss: Yes, I do.通过活动的形式学习Do you have.以及相应的答语。5.(Individual work)Guide the Ss to finish 2a and 2b.T:

18、 Fill in the blanks with “have has”. We will check the answers together.T: Yes, you are right. So can you tell me how to use have, has?Finish 2a and 2b by themselves.S1:I have a wide mouth.S2: You have a round face.S3: She has long hair.S4:He has a big head.S5: We have big ears.S6: They have small e

19、yes.S7: It has a long neck.Ss: They/ We/ I/You have. She/ He/It has.独立完成2b,检测学生对have,has的掌握情况。Remark:在练习的过程中老师注意观察,关注内向的学生。Stage 3(8mins):While-listening StepTeacher activity Student activity Designing purpose(Individual activity)Play the record of 1a, and guide the Ss to finish 1b and 1c.T:Listen t

20、o 1a ,try to understand the conversation. The picture can help you understand it.T: Listen to 1a again and finish 1b.T:Read 1a and check your answers.T:Listen to 1a again and read after the tape.T: Listen to 1c and match the words with the picture.T:Look at the pictures. Try to fill in the blanks ac

21、cording to the pictures. And then listen to the tape and check the answers.Listen to 1a and finish 1b and 1c.Ss: T,F,F,FSs: Yes.Ss: nose, eyes, faces, hair, mouth, ears听录音训练听力。Remark:多让学生模仿录音里的语音语调,学习地道的英语。Stage 4(6mins):Post-listeningStepTeacher activity Student activity Designing purpose1(Group wo

22、rk)Design a guessing game.T: Work in groups. Put your name cards together. Then one of you choose one card and dont look at the name. You can ask your group members questions. Try to guess the name according to the answers.T: Great!T:Yes, you are right. And I hope everyone of you can enjoy the game.

23、Use new structures.Group1:S1: Do you have long hair?Ss: Yes, I do.S1: Oh, I know. You are a girl. Do you have big eyes?Ss: No, I have small eyes.S1: Oh, I know. You are Star.Ss: You are right.Group2:S1: Do you have a long neck?Ss:Yes, I do.S1: Do you have big ears?Ss: No, I have small ears.S1: Do you have a small nose?Ss: No, I have a big nose.S1: Oh, I know. You are Wendy.在游戏中综合运用中心句型。Remark:老师鼓励学生多说,培养学生敢说不怕犯错的习惯。Stage 5(3mins):Summarizing and assigning homeworkStepTeacher activity Student activity Designing purpose1(Class activity)Encourage the Ss to summarize the key poin


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