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1、新人教版小学五年级英语上册期末测试总复习汇总(一)Class _Name _一根据中文总意思完成以下短文Hi !I am Mike/Amy. I am 12. I am _and _(.又高又壮) I am _(. 有礼貌的)I am c_(聪明的) and(努力的 . My favourite _(食物)is_(三明治) . They are(美味的) and _(新鲜的) . My favourite _(饮料)is _(茶). It is _(健康的). I dont like(冰激淋). It is too_(甜的).My favourite class is(音乐). Because

2、 it is f_(有趣的 ). From _(星期一)to F(星期五)Ihave_ ,_and语(文,数学,英语 ). On the _(周末), I often_(洗衣服) and_(看电视) . Sometimes I _(做作业)I am _(有用的)at home. I can(画漫画) . I can(说英语) and(唱英文歌) . But I cant(练武术) .I can't _(游泳)。I live ina big _(房子) _(在.的旁边 ) the nature park. _(有)a_(森林) There _a(小河) beside it.二找出划线部分

3、发音不同的单词(先整体读,再认真体会划线部分的读音)() 1. A. cowB. knowC. brownD. brown() 2. A. funnyB. shyC. happyD. family() 3. A. readB. seaC. greatD. eat() 4. A. teaB. beefC. breadD. feet() 5. A. flowerB. snowC. yellowD. window() 6.A. politeB. FridayC. kindD. strict() 7.A. cakeB. dadC. SaturdayD. sandwich() 8.A. foodB. g

4、oodC. lookD. book() 9.A. balloonB. roomC. noodlesD. cook() 10. A. houseB. mouseC. downD. slow() 11. A.aboutB.houseC.youngD. count三、连词成句。(注意首字母大写,正确书写标点符号, 写完检查)(1)Have,a, cooking,I,yourgrandma,with(.)_1(2) our,Ms Wang,will be,new,Chinese,teacher (.)_(3) have, and, today, beef, noodles, fish, we, san

5、dwiches (.)_(4) not, but, like, vegetables, carrots, I (.)_(5) Mr, old, is, funny, Smith , and (?)_(6) Mr,old,is,funny,Smith,and(.)_(7) at, Robin, home, often. sports, plays (.)_(8) ofen, you, do, listen, music, to, weekend, the, on (?)_(9) ofen, do, you, basketball, play, the, on , playground (?)_(

6、10) next, have, will,we, Tuesday, an, English, party (.)_(11) have, I, English, an, clock, at, three, class (.)_(12) any, can, you, fu, kung, do (?)_(13) can, do, what, you, the, for, party (?)_(14)learn, kung, fu, today, will,we, some (.)_(15) can, I, cartoons, wash, draw, and, clothes (.)_(16) bee

7、f, are, noodles, favourite, my, food, and (.)_(17) beef, is, noodles, favourite, my, food, and (.)_2(18) are ,in,there,lot,of,flowers,the,beautiful(.)_四、按要求完成句子(对应词就是反义词)1.写出它们的缩略形式或完整形式1. she s=_ 2.Wed.=_3. What s_=4、I d=_5.they re=_6. we ll =_ 7. don t=_ 8. is not= _9. aren t=_10. I am=_11. you ar

8、e=_12. Let s =_2. 写出下列单词对应词1.strict_2. young _3. short_4. Mr _5. thin_6. active(活跃的 )_7. big_8.he_9.boy_10. man_11. him_12. you_3. 写出下列单词的复数(没有找 /)1.is_2. onion_ 3. tomato_ 4. sandwich _5. hamburger_ 6. carrot_7.potato_8.16. you_ 17. I_ 18.this_ 19. that_ 20.sheep_五单项选择(找出每题的关键词,明白它要考什么)()1. Is she

9、_? No, she s old.A. activeB. youngC. funny()2. _the young man? _ is our music teacher.A. Who, sheB.Who, he sC. Who s, he() 3. What s she like? _.A. She likes apples.B. She s strict and kindC.She is our principal.()4、Amy _ astudent . She _ short hair. I _ astudent too.A 、is , haveam ,B、ishasareC、areh

10、asam()5、Mymother_ateacher .she _ music .A 、dolike.B、islikesC、islike()6、Heoftenplay _ ping-pong . I oftenplay_pipa .A 、/theB、thetheC、the/()7、What s _favouritefood ?A 、yourB、 yoursC、you3()8、_ ismyfriend ._nameisSarah. Do you like _?A 、Heherher.B、 SheshesheC、 Sheherher()9、_is the first day of a week?A

11、、Wednesday .B、MondayC、 Sunday()10、_is the second day of a week?A 、Tuesday .B、MondayC、Sunday() 11. I _ like ice-cream. It s sweet.A. don tB. can tC. am not() 12. _ you helpful at home? Yes, _A. can, I canB. do, I doC are, I am() 13._some ice-cream in the plate.A There isB. There areC. It is() 14. Wha

12、t_you_on the weekend? I play the pipa and do some kungfu.A. do doB. dohaveC. would like() 15.I love beef and chicken._so nice.A. It isB.IsC. They are(16) There _(is /are)a clock, three pictures on the wall.(17) There _ (is /are )two maths books, one water bottle on the desk.(18) I don t like fish_(a

13、nd/but) beef is OK.(19) Are these rabbits? Yes,_(There are/these are/they are)(20) _(Do/ Are/Can/Is ) your aunt strict? Yes, but she is kind ,too.)(21) There _ (is/are )any bread on the plate?六、阅读短文,判断正(Y )误( N)I am Sarah .i am in Class One ,Grade Five. Mr. Zhang is my PE teacher. He s tall and sHe

14、is Funny. He can play basketball and do some Kungfu. His favourite food are noodles.Miss White is my English teacher. She is helpful. I like her very much. She can sing Englishsongs and play the pipa. On the weekend, she often goes to the park.()1.Sarah s PE teacher is Mr.Zhang.()4.Sarah s Englishac

15、herte is helpful()5.Miss White often plays basketball on the weekend.4新人教版小学五年级英语上册期末测试总复习汇总(二)Class _Name _一选出每组中不同类的单词。() . TuesdayB. weekC. FridayD. Monday() . playB. doC. readD. tree()3. danceB. youngC. singD. speak()4. wonderfulB. plantC. clockD. cartoon()5. SaladB. hotC. freshD. thirsty二、情景搭配,

16、请将B 栏中的答句写在A 栏相应的问句中。() 1.What can you do?A. No, there aren t.() 2.What do you have on Tuesdays?B. I can make the bed() 3.What's your favourite food?C. He is strong.() 4.What's he like?D. We have math and P.E.() 5.Are there any fish in the river?E. Sandwich.三、根据图片提示,填写单调或短语补全下列句子。1.She can _

17、 _ _.2.Tom wants to_.3.I often_ _on the weekend.4.Alice often_on Friday.四、单项选择。()1.Can he play_ piano?- Yes, He can.A. a.B. theC. /()2. Are there _rivers in the village ?A.someB. anyC. Yes, He can()3._is behind the tree ?- It s a catA. WhatB. WhereC. How()4.I s there a river in front of the mountain

18、 ? -_A. Yes, there areB. Yes, there isC. Yes, it is()5. _-A sandwich, please.5A.Do you have a sandwich?B.What would you like to eat?C.What would you like to drink()6. What _he do?A. He likes singingB. He can singC. He sings a song.() 7.There_two bedrooms, a kitchen and living room in my house.A. amB

19、. isC. are() 8.Can he go _usA. andB. withC. to()9.There is a duck _the lake.A.overB. ofC. on()10.He often _football and _TVA.play; watchB. plays; watchesC. playing; watching()11、I often watch TV _ Mondays.A. inB.onC. at()12、What _ you do on Saturday?A. doB. isC. are()13、What _ you like to eat?-Idlik

20、e some fish.A. doB.wouldC. have()14. There are many _ in the park.A. girlB. TeachersC.Student()15. There is _ English book on the desk.A. anB. aC. for()16. What _ is it today?A. the dayB. dayC. days() 17. Whats your _ food? -Fish. Its delicious.A.likeB.loveC. favourite()1 8. Lets _ togetherA. singin

21、gB. singC. sings() 19. Can you _ cartoons?A. drawsB. drawC. drawing() 20. Can you do _ kung fu?A. someB. anyC. a()21.What _he do?A. He likes singingB. He can singC. He sings a song.() 22.There_two bedrooms, a kitchen and living room in my house.A. amB. isC. are() 8.Can he go _usA. andB. withC. to()2

22、3.There is a duck _the lake.6A.overB. ofC. on()24.He often _football and _TVA. play; watchB. plays; watchesC. playing; watching五、连词成句1English,sing,songs,can, I(.)2. there,so,picture,here,many,are(.)3. buildings,are,there,all,nature,tall,in ,park,the (?)4.is,there ,a, bed,big(.)5. like,what,to,would,

23、eat . you(?)六、请将单词填写完整。1.yung 年轻的2.funny 可笑的3.thrsday 星期四4.Wedesday 星期三5.healhy 健康的6.dace 跳舞7.sim 游泳8.betwe n 在.之间9.pant 植物10.bilding 建筑物 高楼七、选出不是同一类的一项。()1.A. MondayB. FridayC. friend()2.A.sandwichB. hamburgerC. noodles()3.A. waterB. sweetC. fresh()4.A. kindB. SundayC. clever()5.A. besideB. behindC

24、. photo()6.A. riverB. saladC. lake()7.A. houseB. villageC. mouse()8.A.singB. sweetC. Hot()9.A.treeB.flowerC. hamburger()10.A.applesB. bananasC. forest八、完成句子1.EnglishyourteacherlikeWhats ( ? )_2.oftenyoubooksthedoreadweekendon ( ? )_73.wouldWhatlike eattoyou( ? )_4. IsabigTheremyroominbed(.)_5.manyTh

25、ere trees in park the are ( .)_九、对话配对()1.What s your math teacher like?A. Yes,sheis.()2.What can you do?B . We have Chinese.()3.Is she young?C. I like beef.()4 .What do you have today?D. I can cook.()5.Whats your favourite food?E. He s thin and short.十、根据句意,用所给词的适当形式填空1. I am_at home.(help)2. I have

26、 maths English and music on_. (Monday)3. Mike_a hamburger in this morning. (have)4. Can you do_kung fu?(some)5. Ms Wang will_ our Chinese teacher.(be)十一、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。This is Jack s bedroom. It s new and nice. There is a bed and a chair in it. Theneardesk is the window. There are some flowers on t

27、he desk . A bookshelf is behind the bed . Thereare some English books on the bookshelf . There is a picture on the wall. There are somepeople in the picture . The man is his father. The woman is his mother. Who is the boy? Do you know?()1.Jack s bedroom is new and nice .()2.There is a desk on the be

28、d.()3.The bed is behind the bookshelf.(). The bookshelf is on the wall.()5.There are some people in the picture .8新人教版小学五年级英语上册期末测试总复习汇总(三)Class _Name _一、写出下列单词的中文意思。funnypolitehelpfulweekendwashcleversaladteafreshforestriverbuildinglakehouselake二、选择正确的图片,将正确答案的序号写在相应题号前面()1. - What can you do?- I c

29、an do some kung fu.AB.()2. We have English and PEP on Wednesday.A.B.()3. -Can he cook?- No, he can play basketball.A.B.()4. - Do you often do homework on weekends? -Yes, I do.A.B()5.We can sing English songs.A.B三、选择题。()1、hard-workingA 工作努力的B 严格的()2、finish my homeworkA 完成我的作业B 帮我做作业()3、on the weekend

30、A 星期二B 周末()4、read a storybookA 写故事书B 看故事书()5、play footballA 踢足球B 打篮球9()6、I m hungryA 我饿了B我渴了()7、draw cartoonsA 照相B画漫画()8、go to the forestA 去森林里B 去郊外()9、go boatingA 船B去划船()10、 tall buildingA 高楼B 大房子四、选择最佳答案,并将序号填在题前括号内。()1、What do you have _Tuesday?A onB in()2、I can _English songs.A readB sing()3、_th

31、ere a lake?AIsB Are()4、There _ many tall buildings in the park?A isB are()5、They_ delicious.A isB are()6、_ she strict?AIsB Are()1.-_ your maths teacher? -Mr. Lee.A. WhatB. Who sC. What s()2.- Is she young?- _A. Yes, she isn t.B. No, she isn t.C. Yes, he is.()3.Amy and I _ polite.A. amB. isC. are()4.

32、 I have art _Sundays.A. inB. onC. on the()5 _ is the second day in a week.A. SundayB. TuesdayC. Monday()6. There _ a chair, a desk and a bed in the room.A. isB. areC. has()7. - Can you play _ ping-pong, Jim? - No, I can t.A. theB. /C. a()8. - What would you like to _?- I d like some water.A. haveB.

33、drinkC. eat五、根据给出的首字母填空,把句子补充完整。1. Eat more vegetables and fruit. They are very h_.2. We usually go to school from M_ to F_.3. Look! There are many small boat on the l_.4. He can do many things. He often helps others(他人) . He is _.105.The candy and the cakes are too s_.6.He often says“ hello ” to ev

34、eryone. He is a pboy.7.I d like a s_ and some t_ for lunch today.六、根据图片或上下线提示,选词填空。rainbowpaintbirthday1.Today is my. I cana.cowwowcount2._!There are many _s.Let s.七、根据给出的图片填空。Come and look at my newroom. There is a big bed in it. You can see a 1._ 2._the bed. Itnices.There is a 3. _on the wall. It

35、s4._the window. There 5._ two 6._on the window. 7._ the door, there is a 8._.Where is the9._ ?It s 10. _the books andthe computer.八、选出正确的答句,把序号填到问句前的括号里。()1.Whos your English teacher?A.Hes tall and strong.()2.Whats he like ?B. Mr Carter.()3.What do we have on Mondays ?C. I often do homework.()4.What

36、 do you do on Sunday?D. We have Chinese and English.()5.What would you like to eat?E. Apple . They are sweet .()6.Whats your favourite food?F. I d like some sandwiches .()7.What can you do?G. No, there aren t.()8Arethere anyfish in the river?H. I can do kung fu.11九、结合图片,选择正确的句子补全对话,其中有一项多余的。Miss Whi

37、te:We ll have a Christmas party next Tuesday. (1)_Zhang Peng:(2) _Miss White:Wonderful! How about you, John?John:(3) _with Tom.Miss White:Cool! What about you, Kate?Kate:(4) _with Amy.KateMiss White:Thank you.十、根据给出的图片,选择恰当的单词填空,使短文完整通顺。short,tall,funny, strong, him,bigMr HuMr Hu is my science teach

38、er. He is not _. He s_. He has _ hair. He has a _ mouth.He is very _. We all like _.十一、阅读理解。读短文,判断文后句子的正(T) 误(F)I m Wu Yifan. I m eleven years old. I m a good student at school. I can speak English well,sing English songs, dance and play basketball. I m also a good child at home. I can help mymother

39、 cook the meals and wash the clothes. My sister is eight years old. She can play thepipa and draw cartoons. But she can t cook. My brother can do some kung fu. But he canplay the piano.() 1. Wu Yifan can sing English songs ,dance and play basketball.() 2. Wu Yifan s sister can cook the meals.() 3. Wu Yifan s brother can play the piano.() 4. Wu Yifan is eight years old.(


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