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1、workshop take full responsibility. 3, w ill receivea month's materials and consumption and ret urns fromproduction te chnol ogy section for verification before the26th of the month, reporting dayof delay, assessmentof 30 yuan. 4 organization prior to 30t h at the end of each quarter, biotechnolo

2、gy section of each workshop and warehouseche ck once, found stock material inconsistent with t he reportingdata, assessment workshop materials for 50 Yua n, 100 Yuan, Director. 5, table fill, found register for nuclear materials monthly 50 Yuan, 100 Yuan, Dire ctor. 6, production technology section

3、toorganize the inve ntory work, lacks an assessment of 100 Yuan,delay inventory, asse ssmentof 50 Yua n a month. Sixth re cycling assessment rule 52nd parts and the availability of a fix value,by a repairman to judge, judgment as stipulated in the relevant asse ssment;obsolete equi pment the repair

4、of using values determined by the Busi ness Departmeaccounting asse ssmentperson 100 Yuan. 54th in the re cycli ng process, no worker who resellor glove and social agents steal,once discovered, labor contracts, and examination thecompetent head of 1000 Yuan,Manager 2000 Yuan 1000 Yua n, in charge of

5、 thecompany leader shi p. Seventh Festival safety monitoring appraisal rules 55th clothing withprotection 1,one of the habitual violation of the following a ssessment of 50: (1) entering production site inhigh heels,slippers, dresses, belts, coats, windbreaker, he alth pants, vest, etc. (2) the elec

6、tricianon duty stopped .4, superior to visit ourcompany guidance, need to l ook at, the leadership responsible for reception orservice explainour system,depending on thecircumstances, responsible leaders safe. 56th production safety management on site 1, from superior issuedcustomary in violationof

7、provisions of, an asse ssment of hazard levels according to 50-300. 2, daily easy violation violation highlightedbelow and according to the followingstandar d: (1) productionplant must have sufficient lighting inside and outside and found a light not lit checkpower Workshop 10, lamp andno lightbul b

8、s ea ch assessment workshop 10 Yuan. (2) inside andoutside theplant, all lifts,size hole musthave cover plates, stairs and platforms must be not less than 1 m of railingsnot less than 100 mm in height and trim, little evaluation 10. (3) the duty roomdoors are not locked, no bolts or other things, fo

9、und a examination 10. (4) free to store gasoline, kerosene, alcohol i n the workplace shouldbe pr operly keptor found a examination 10. (5) access to the distribution room shall be shut, distributi on r10. (6) all kindsof special e quipment mustbe used by the personnel management and follows: specia

10、l equipment must be used by the personnel management and non-professionals not allowed to tamper with, andoffenders assessment 10 yuan per person. specialworkshop take full responsibility. 3, will receive a month's materials and consumptionand returns from production te chnol ogy section for ver

11、ificationbefore the 26th of themonth, reporti ng day of delay, assessment of 30 yuan. 4organization prior to30th at theend of each quarter, biotechnology section of each workshopand warehouseche ck once, found stock material inconsistent with the reporting data, assessment workshop materials for 50

12、Yuan,100 Yuan, Director. 5, table fill, found register for nuclear materials monthly 50 Yuan, 100 Yuan, Director. 6, production technology se ction to organize the inventorywork, lacks an assessment of 100 Yuan,delay inveusing values determinedby theBusi ness Department, business judgment, each asse

13、ssment the responsibleperson 300 yuan, 500 Yuan,head, i s in charge of thecompany's leadership 1000 Yua n. 53rd workshop recycling classification account shouldbe established, no accounting asse ssmentperson 100 Yuan. 54th in the recycling proce ss, no worker who resell or glove andsocial agents

14、steal, oncediscovered, labor contracts, and examination the competent head of 1000 Yuan, Manager 2000 Yuan 1000 Yuan, in chargeof the company leadership. Seventh Festival safety monitoring a ppraisal rules 55th clot hing wit h protection 1, one of thehabitual violati onof the following asse ssmentof

15、 50: (1) entering producti on site i n high heels, sli ppers, dresses,belts, coats, windbreaker, health pants, vest, etc. (2) the electrician on duty stopped .4, superior to visit ourcompany guidance, need to l ook at, the leadership responsible for reception orservice explainour system,depending on

16、 thecircumstances, responsible leaders safe. 56th production safety management on site 1, from superior issuedcustomary in violationof provisions of, an assessment of hazard levels according to 50-300. 2, daily easy violation violation highlightedbelow and according to the followingstandar d: (1) pr

17、oductionplant must have sufficient lighting inside and outside and found a light not lit checkpower Workshop 10, lamp andno lightbul bs ea ch assessment workshop 10 Yuan. (2) inside andoutside theplant, all lifts,size hole musthave cover plates, stairs and platforms must be not less than 1 m of rail

18、ingsnot less than 100 mm in height and trim, little evaluation 10. (3) the duty roomdoors are not locked, no bolts or other things, found a examination 10. (4) free to store gasoline, kerosene, alcohol i n the workplace should10. (6) all kindsof special equipment must beuse d by thepersonnel managem

19、ent and follows: special equi pment mustbe used by the personnel management and nonprofessionals not allowed to tamper with, and offenders assessment 10 yuan per person. special第一单元时分秒1、钟面上有3 根针,它们分别是时针、分针 、秒针 ,其中走得最快的是秒针,走得最慢的是时针。(时针最短,秒针最长)2、计量很短的时间,常用秒。秒 是比分更小的时间单位。3、钟面上最长最细的针是秒针 。秒针走一小格的时间是1 秒。4

20、、秒表: 一般在体育运动中用来记录以秒为单位的时间。5、常用时间单位:时、分、秒。6、时间单位:时、分、秒,每相邻两个单位之间的进率都是60。1时 =60 分1分=60 秒半时 =30 分30分=半时7、分针走一圈,时针走一大格,是1 小时。秒针走一圈,分针走一小格,是1 分。8、计算一段时间,可以用结束的时刻 减去开始的时刻 。第三单元测量1、在生活中,量比较短的物品,可以用毫米( mm)、厘米( cm)、分米 (dm) 做单位。量比较长的物体,常用米 (m) 做单位。量比较长的路程一般用千米 (km) 做单位。2、运动场的跑道,通常1 圈是 400 米, 2 圈半是 1000 米。3、1

21、枚 1 分的硬币、尺子、磁卡、小纽扣、钥匙、身份证的厚度大约是1 毫米 。4、量比较短的物体的长度或者要求量得比较精确时,可以用毫米作单位。5、1 厘米中间的每一小格的长度是1 毫米。6、在计算长度时,只有相同的长度单位才能相加减;单位不同时,要先转化成相同的单位再计算。7、表示物体有多重时,通常要用到 质量单位 。称比较轻的物品的质量,可以用“ 克” 作单位;称一般物品的质量,常用“ 千克” 作单位;表示大型物体的质量或载质量一般用“吨”作单位。8、常用长度单位:米、分米、厘米、毫米、千米。9、长度单位:米、分米、厘米、毫米,每相邻两个单位之间的进率都是10。1米=10 分米 ,1分米 =1

22、0 厘米 ,1厘米 =10 毫米1 米 =100 厘米 1 千米(公里) =1000 米10、质量单位:吨、千克、克,每相邻两个单位之间的进率都是1吨 =1000 千克1千克 1000 克1000。第二、四单元万以内的加法和减法equi pment units management approaches and mea sures are require d, system failure,no control measure s examination of 100 Yuan. electric tools shouldbe required to identify or find a ex

23、amination 10. lifting gear must be in accordance with the regulations of periodicche cks, failed to pass the tests to stop using the offender assessment 100 at a time. Accidents,disorde r, abnormal according to t he worksafety assessment Ordi nance. (7) the operators to strictly enforce thepost oper

24、ation reg ulations, changecontrol, and shouldbe reported to the Chief Engineer appr oval, fight recklessly found equipment, in vi olation of, illegal operationonce assessment of 100 Yuan, causi ng abnormal acci dent and above in accorda nce with the safety assessment Ordinance. (8) wherechecki ng ou

25、tneeds improvement project, not yet implemented in the time allotted, not reported, each assessment unit of 50 Yuan,urged stillcannot becorre ctive action assessment of 100 Yuan. (9) production plant archite cture blows onuna ppr oved holes, placed on the floor, frame is overweight, worn hanging wir

26、e rope lifting weightsdoe s notche ck theof 100 Yuan. (10) because of work, open the cover does not cover the asse ssment in a timely manner of 100 Yuan, there are serious safety risks that heavier assessment. (11) hang 400V electrical circuit not fixed temporarypowersupply disassemble left out thre

27、ads after examination-50 Yuan. (12)non-pr oduction w orkers into the production site with a private conversation,bring chil dren into theproduction (construction), a number of assessment 50 Yua n. (13) in the fire district fire, does not deal with hot work assessment 100 Yuan, such as fire in the ta

28、nk and the cover weld unprotected, f eel free to work, adding assessment of 50 Yuan. (14) the wipe roll machi nery does not hold the rag (cotton), after throwi ng about. (15) inside a nd outside the factory mini . (4) smoke in the pr oduction area. (5) Spider-mannot wearing a seat belt. (6) the site

29、 does not wear a helmet (7) Savage is not the end of construction, doesnot obey orders and construction clean up. (8) the use of child labour or workers over 60 years old, dumb, deaf, incomplete limb, mobility of migrant workers. (9) workers enteringproduction site after drinking, whil e checking th

30、e guarYuan. 4, fine formalities assessment of safety supervision Bureauof the workersdirectly finance de partment after two daysdoes not apply for payment procedures penalty 50%. Eighth energy metering management rule 59th measuring instrument configuration,complete, accurate and appear/vulnerabilit

31、ies, not standby or inaccurate assessment task force 50, to theheadperson in charge 50 Yuan. 60thnew measuring instruments are not required to register or registration is not complete assessment responsible 30; account lacks an asse ssmentof measuring instrume nts responsible for 10 Yuan, beyond doe

32、s not update the last review responsibility for 30 yuan. 64t h energy-savingpoi nt, check twice a month, less an assessment of 150 Yuan for no reason, responsible for 50 Yuan, 100 Yuan, head. 65th is prohibited in an irrigated land, found ache ckequipment unit s management approaches and measures ar

33、e required,system failure, no control measures examination of 100 Yuan. electric tools should be required to identify or find a examination 10. lifting gear mustbe in acordance with the regulations of periodi c checkstop using the offender assessment 100 at a time. Acci dents,disorder, abnormal acco

34、rding to the worksafety assessment Ordi nance. (7) theoperators t o strictly enforce the post operation regulations, change control, and shouldbe reported to the Chief Engineer appr oval, fight recklessly found equipment, in violation of, illegaloperation once assessment of 100 Yuan, causing abnorma

35、l accident and above in accor dance with the safet y assessmentOrdinance. (8) where checking out needs impr ovement proje ct, not yet implemented i n the time allotted, not reported, each assessmentunit of50 Yuan,urged stillcannot be corrective action a ssessment of 100 Yuan. (9) production plant ar

36、chitectureblow s on unapproved holes, placed on the floor, frame is overweight, wornhangi ng wire rope lifting weightsdoe s not check thebearingcapacity evaluati on of 100 Yuan. (10) because of work, open the cover does not cover the assessment in a timely manner of 100 Yuan, there are serinon-produ

37、cti on w orkers into the production site with a private conversation, bring children into theproduction (construction), a number of assessment 50 Yuan. (13) in the fire district fire, does not deal with hot w ork assessment 100 Yuan, such as fire in the tank and the cover weld unprotected, f eel fre

38、e to work, adding assessment of 50 Yuan. (14) the wipe roll machi nery does not hold the rag (cotton), after throwing about. (15) inside and outside the factory mini . (4) smoke in the production area. (5) Spider-mannot wearing a seat belt. (6) the site does not wear a helmet (7) Savage is not the e

39、nd of construction, doesnot obey orders and constructi on cleanup. (8) the use of child labour or workers over 60 years ol d, dumb, deaf, incomplete limb, mobility of migrant workers. (9) workers entering production site after drinking, while checking the guardianof 50 Yua n. 4, fine formalities ass

40、essment of safety supervision Bureau of the w or kers directly finance department after twodays does not apply for payment procedures penalty 50%. Eighth energy metering management rule 59th measuring i nstrument configuration, complete, aappear/vul nerabilities,not standbyor inaccurate assessment t

41、ask force 50, to the head person i n charge 50 Yuan. 60th new measuring instrume nts are not required to registeror registration is not complete asse ssment responsible 30; account lacks an assessment of measuring instruments responsible for 10 Yuan,beyond does not update the last review responsibil

42、ity for 30 yuan. 64th energy-saving point, check twice a month, less an assessment of 150 Yuan forno reason, re sponsible for 50 Yuan,100 Yuan, he ad. 65th isprohibited in an irrigated land, found a checkworkshop take full responsibility. 3, w ill receivea month's materials and consumption and r

43、et urns fromproduction te chnol ogy section for verification before the26th of the month, reporting dayof delay, assessmentof 30 yuan. 4 organization prior to 30t h at the end of each quarter, biotechnology section of each workshop and warehouseche ck once, found stock material inconsistent with t h

44、e reporting data, assessment workshop materials for 50 Yua n, 100 Yuan, Director. 5, table fill, found register for nuclear materials monthly 50 Yuan, 100 Yuan, Dire ctor. 6, production technology section toorganize the inve ntory work, lacks an assessment of 100 Yuan,delay inventory, asse ssmentof

45、50 Yua n a month. Sixth re cycling assessment rule 52nd parts and the availability of a fix value,by a repairman to judge, judgment as stipulated in the relevant asse ssment;obsolete equi pment the repair of using values determined by the Busi ness Department, business judgment, each assessmeaccount

46、ing asse ssmentperson 100 Yuan. 54th in the re cycli ng process, no worker who resellor glove and social agents steal,once discovered, labor contracts, and examination thecompete nt head of 1000 Yuan,Manager 2000 Yuan 1000 Yua n, in charge of thecompany leader shi p. Seventh Festival safety monitori

47、ng appraisal rules 55th clothing withprotection 1,one of the habitual violation of the following a ssessment of 50: (1) entering production site inhigh heels,slippers, dresses, belts, coats, windbreaker, he alth pants, vest, etc. (2) the electricianon duty stopped .4, superior to visit ourcompany gu

48、idance, need to l ook at, the leadership responsible for reception orservice explainour system,depending on thecircumstances, responsible leaders safe. 56th production safety management on site 1, from superior issuedcustomary in violationof provisions of, an asse ssment ofhazard levels according to

49、 50-300. 2, daily easy violation violation highlightedbelow and according to the followingstandar d: (1) productionplant must have sufficient lighting inside and outside and found a light not lit checkpower Workshop 10, lamp andno lightbul bs ea ch assessment workshop 10 Yuan. (2) inside andoutside

50、theplant, all lifts,size hole musthave cover plates, stairs and platforms must be not less than 1 m of railingsnot less than 100 mm in height and trim, little evaluation 10.(3)the duty roomdoors are not locked, no bolts or other things, found a examination 10. (4) free to store gasoline, kerosene, a

51、lcohol in the w orkplace should10. (6) all kindsof special e quipment mustbe used by the personnel management and follows: special equipment must be used by the personnel management and nonprofessionals not allowed to tamper with, andoffenders assessment 10 yuan per person. specialworkshop take full

52、 responsibility. 3, will receive a month's materials and consumptionand returns from production te chnol ogy section for verificationbefore the 26th of the month, reporti ng day of delay, assessment of 30 yuan. 4 organization prior to30th at theend of each quarter, biotechnology section of each workshopand warehouseche ck once, found stock material inconsistent with the reporting data, assessment workshop materials f


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