1、pep五年级英语下册u4the third period(第三课时)教案与反思 the third period(第三课时) 车前试验学校陈道锋 枫岭头中心学校张海泉 李坑中心学校李忠华 part a let s spell ?教学内容与目标 课时教学内容课时玉壶存冰心,朱笔写师魂。冰心冰心 东宫白庶子,南寺远禅师。白居易远师 落红不是无情物,化作春泥更护花。出自龚自珍的己亥杂诗其五教学目标 lets spell ?能够把握字母组合 th 在单词中发/或/的规章 ?能够依据 th 的发音规章读诞生词 ?能够根据 th 的发音规章拼写单词,并进一步提高在单线上抄写句子的力量,做到书 写规范正确
2、能够熟读本板块的单词,学习字母组合 th 在单词中的两种发音。 ?教学难点 能够通过课本动画观看单词结构,并依据发音规章试着读出新单词?推断读音。?教学预备 1.预习状元大课堂创优作业100分状元作业本中本课时的相关内容。 2.ppt课件?课文录音等。 ?教学过程 step 1: warm-up lead-in 1. greetings. 2. lead-in. the teacher shows a picture of a lady, whose name is thera. (课件出示:一位女士的图片) teaching purpose 通过ppt图片呈现的内容来猜想老师的伴侣的信息,引
3、出一系列包含字母组合th的单词,如:thera, birthday, thirty, fourth,既可以复习旧知,又可以引入本课的主题。 t: this is my friend. her name is thera. how old is she? when is her birthday? can you guess? ss: she is thirty. her birthday is on may 4th. make a competition between boys and girls. step 2: presentation 1.listen to the chant. (课
4、件出示:本部分chant音频) t: what are the most sounds in this chant? ss: / and /. t: great! 2. read the chant. (1)students read the chant and try to find out the words with “t” which sounds /or /. t: look at the chnt. can you find out the words wit “th”which sounds / or /? (2)check the answers: birthday/three
5、/thirteen/brother/the/third/ month. (出示课件) 3. create a situation. let students learn the words with “th which sounds “/”. the teacher shows somepictures. t: this is my brothers daughter. do you want to know anything about her? lets have a look. teaching purpose 通过chant让同学自主查找含有/和/发音的单词,感受th的发音。 teac
6、hing purpose 通过创设情境,让同学在轻松开心的氛围中学习本课时字母组合的发音。 teaching purpose 通过整体的趣味展现,再到同学的自主思索,让同学尝试着去归纳和总结th 组合的发音规章。老师适时地进行示范,可以起到事半 4. sum up. students try to sum up the prnunciation rules of “th”. the teacher demostrates. studens try to imitatethe pronunciation. t: bos and girls! can you find out te pronunc
7、iation rules of “th”? please discuss and say. 5. creat another situation. let studets learn te words with “th” wich sounds“/”. t: boys and girls! we know “th” can make the sound of /. and it has another sound. can you guess? no lets have a look! 6. read, lsten and chant. the teacher lays the recordi
8、ng of “read, listen and chant”. students imitate. try to spell and read out. teaching purpose 设计丰富多彩的趣味 活动,有助于同学对th组合 的两种不同发音的把握。 teaching purpose 同学通过倾听发音、观看词形等方法,在老师的引 导下进一步学习th组合在 不同单词中的发音,并适时 进行学问迁移。 t: there are some other words with “th”. please try to read. (课件出示:其他一些含“th”的单词) t: can you say
9、other words with “th”? step 3: practice 1. read and find. the teacher presents the words with “th”. t: look at the words! can you find their homes? check the answers. t: now! please read the words together! and then i will show you some tips. (课件出示:“th”发音小贴士) 2. listen, circle and say. (课件出示: lets s
10、pell其次部分图片) t: please listen to the recording. then circle the words you hear. (1)students listen to the recording. (2)students circle the words. (3)students check the answers with the teacher. (4)students read all the words loudly by themselves. teaching purpose 通过听词圈词和对比朗读,检测同学对th组合发音规章的把握状况,并进一步巩
11、固th组合的发音规章。teaching purpose 同学通过给单词找家的趣味练习,巩固th组合在不同单词中的发音。 step 4: consolidation extension 1. choose, write and say. (课件出示: let s spell 第三部分练习) 2. tongue twister. t : look! here is a tongue twister. try to read, please! and pay attention to the pronunciation of “th ” . 3. read a story. (课件出示:饥饿的毛毛虫
12、的英文绘本故事) t : please read the story. then find out all the words with “th ” and circle them. finally, try to guess what happened to the caterpillar. (1)let students read the story the very hungry caterpillar. (2)students circle the words with “th ”. (3)students try to read the new words by the syllab
13、les. (4)students predict the ending of the story. ?板书设计 ?作业设计 1. read the story after class. 2. try to find more words with “th ” and share them. 3. do the exercises. (见“状元成才路”系列丛书创优作业100分或状元作业本对应课时作业) teaching purpose 生动好玩的含有th 的单词的小故事有助于提高同学学习语音的爱好,让同学把语音学问运用到实际生活中,同时也可以提高同学的阅读力量, 拓宽同学的 ?教学反思 1.乐观
14、引导同学独立思索,查找规律,培育同学的学习自主性,提高同学自主探究的力量。 2.通过丰富多彩的活动来调动同学的学习乐观性。采纳 chant、绘本故事、绕口令等多种形式来激发同学的爱好,让同学体会到语音学习的乐趣。 3.充分利用各种资源来帮助教学。拓展活动中的绘本故事,能够有效地关心同学巩固th的发音规章。 4. 注意了同学学习策略的培育。 ?teaching contents teaching aims lets spell ?perceive and conclude the pronunciation rules of the letter combination “th” in word
15、s. ?read and write down the words that have the letter combination “th” according to the pronunciation rules. ?master the pronunciation of words which have the letter combination “th”. ?teaching priorities ?be able to read the words of this period expertly. ?teaching difficulties ?be able to read ot
16、her new words through the pronunciation rules. ?teaching procedures teaching stages teacher s activities students activities teaching purposes warm-up lead-in 1. greetings. 2. lead|in. show a picture and ask students some questions about the lady thera. 1. greetings. 2. guess the information about t
17、hera. stimulate students learning interest. experience the pronunciation of “th”. lead in the new lesson. 【素材积累】 1、冬天,一层薄薄的白雪,像巨大的轻软的羊毛毯子,掩盖摘摘这广漠的荒原上,闪着寒冷的银光。 2、抬眼望去,雨后,青山如黛,花木如洗,万物清爽,青翠欲滴,绿意径直流淌摘心里,空气中夹杂着潮湿之气和泥土草木的混合气味,扑面而来,清爽而湿热的气流迅疾钻入人的身体里。脚下,雨水冲刷过的痕迹跃然眼前,泥土地上,湿湿的,软软的。 【素材积累】 1、冬天,一层薄薄的白雪,像巨大的轻软的羊毛毯子,掩盖摘摘这广漠的荒原上,闪着寒冷的银光。 2、抬眼望去,雨后,青山如黛,花木如洗,万物清爽,青翠欲滴,绿意径直流淌摘心里,空气中夹杂着潮湿之气和泥土草木的混合气味,扑面而来,清爽
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