



1、姓名 上海牛津小学英语语法知识总结一般现在时定义:表示经常发生或习惯性的动作、状态。句中通常有usually(通常),often(经常),every day(每天),sometimes(有时),always(总是),at weekends(在周末),on sundays(在星期天)等表示经常性时间的短语。构成:1、当谓语是be动词时,一般现在时的构成:主语be动词其他如:i am a student(我是一名学生). he is jims father(他是吉姆的爸爸). they are from japan(他们是来自日本。).2、当谓语是行为动词时,一般现在时的构成:主语(非第三人称单数

2、)动词原形其他 如:i often watch tv at the weekends(我经常在周末看电视). 主语(第三人称单数)动词的第三人称单数形式其他 如:jim usually visits his grandparents on sundays(吉姆通常在周末看望爷爷奶奶。). 3、动词三单形式的变化规则: 一般情况下,直接加s 如:read-reads,swim-swims 以s,x,sh,ch,o结尾,加es 如:wash-washes,watch-watches,do-does 以辅音字母y结尾,变y为i,再加es 如:study-studies,fly-flies 不规则变化

3、 如:have-has4、一般现在时的句型转换:肯定句否定句一般疑问句及回答they watch tv every day.they dont watch tv every day.do they watch tv every day?yes, they do. / no, they dont.she watches tv every day.she doesnt watch tv every day. does she watch tv every day?yes, she does. / no, she doesnt.一般现在时习题:1、ann (like) maths. she thin

4、ks it is too difficult.(安 数学,她认为它太难了)2、our english teacher always (give) us some useful advice.(我们的英语老师总是给我们一些有用的建议。)3、it (take)me about eight hours from shanghai to wuhu by train.(从上海至芜湖坐火车需花八小时)4、why does he always (have )toothache?(为什么他总是牙痛?)5、what time (do) your plane leave for hong kong tomorro

5、w?(你们的飞机明天几点飞往香港?、6、peter usually (draw) pictures at home. (彼得总是在家画画。)7、tom never (tell) lies. (汤姆从不说谎。)8、how (do) it feel? it (be) soft. (它感觉如何?它很软。)现在进行时定义:表示现在或现阶段正在进行或发生的动作。句中常有now,look,listen等词。如:i am washing clothes now.(我现在正在洗衣服)构成:be动词(am/is/are)+ 动词现在分词(v-ing)动词现在分词构成: 一般是在动词原形后加ing 如:read-

6、reading,drink-drinking,eat-eating,look-looking 以不发音的e结尾的动词,去掉e,再加ing 如:write-writing,make-making,ride-riding,take-taking 以重读闭音节结尾,如末尾只有一个辅音字母,要双写这个字母,再加ing 如:sit-sitting,swim-swimming,put-putting,run-running,stop-stopping,get-getting,begin-beginning,jog-jogging,forget-forgetting动名词其实就是动词的现在分词,它既有名词性

7、质(可作主语),又有动词性质(可带宾语)。如:my favourite indoor activity is collecting stamps.(我最爱的室内运动是集邮。)5、现在进行时的句型转换:肯定句否定句一般疑问句及回答he is running now.he isnt running now. is he running now?yes, he is. / no, he isnt. they are making a puppet.they arent making a puppet. are they making a puppet?yes, they are. / no, the

8、y arent.现在进行时习题:1、look, she (swim in the pool)(看,她正在水池里游泳。)2、look!the girl in the hall. (看,这个女孩正在跳舞。)3、look!tom (sit) on the bench.(看,汤姆正坐在长凳上。)4、look, the farmer (water) the crops on his farm.(看,这个农民正在农场上浇灌庄稼。)5、listen! the girl (sing)(听,这个女孩正在唱歌。)动名词习题: (collect) stamps is my favourite indoor acti

9、vity.(集邮是我最爱的室内运动)my sister likes (swim) (我妹妹喜欢游泳。)please stop (talk) (请停止说话.)many people like (travel ) by bus.(许多人喜欢坐巴士出行。)i like (make ) models. (我喜欢做模型。)chinese people enjoy (eat) dumplings.(中国人喜欢吃饺子。)we must stop (pollute ) them and keep (they) clean.(我们必须停止污染它们并保持他们清洁。)i can save water by not

10、(play) water games.(我们不能通过打水仗来节约用水。)i like (do) puzzles at home.(我喜欢在家拼拼图。)my favourite outdoor activity is (watch) television.(我最爱的室外运动是看电视。)we really enjoy (work) (我们真的喜欢工作。)i am poor at (learn) english. 一般过去时定义:表示过去某个时间里发生的动作或存在的状态。常和表示过去的时间状语连用,如:a moment ago(一个月之前),just now(刚才),yesterday(昨天),la

11、st week(上周),this morning(今天早上)等。如: jim went to the supermarket yesterday.(吉姆昨天去超市的。)构成:主语动词的过去式其他动词过去式的变化规则: 一般在动词原形末尾加ed 如:play-played,listen-listened,look-looked 结尾是e的动词,加d 如:live-lived,like-liked,taste-tasted 辅音字母y结尾的动词,变y为i,再加ed 如:study-studied,carry-carried,cry-cried 末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节词,双写这个辅音字母,

12、再加ed 如:stop-stopped,plan-planned 不规则变化 如: go-went(去) fly-flew(飞) have/has-had(有) eat-ate(吃) come-came(来) do-did(做) blow-blew(吹) make-made(做) put-put(放) take-took(带)lose-lost(丢失) am/is-was(是) are-were(是)buy-bought(买) write-wrote(写)一般过去时的句型转换肯定句否定句一般疑问句及回答he watched tv yesterday.he didnt watch tv yest

13、erday. did he watch tv yesterday?yes, he did. / no, he didnt.they played games just now.they didnt play games just now. did they play games just now?yes, they did. / no, they didnt.一般过去时习题:1、quyuan (be) born about two thousand years ago,(屈原大约出生于两千年前)2、he (be) born in 1990.(他1990年出生的。)3、in the past,

14、there (be) only single-decker buses.( 在过去,只有单层巴士。)4、we (go) to a restaurant for lunch yesterday.(昨天我们去餐厅午餐的。)5、i (go ) home at five yesterday afternoon.(我昨天下午五点回家的。)6、tom (have ) lunch with his family last spring festival.(汤姆去年春节和家人共进午餐的。)7、mike and his sister (be) in japan last year. (麦克和他的妹妹去年在日本。

15、)8、 (do)you (go) to parties yesterday?(昨天你去了晚会吗?)9、did you (make ) a model plane last night?(你昨天晚上做了一架模型飞机吗?)10、the wind became a typhoon and (blow) fiercely.一般将来时定义:表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态,以及打算、计划或准备某事。句中一般含有表示将来的时间状语,如:tomorrow morning(明天早上),next week(下周),this afternoon今天下午)等表示将来的时间状语。构成: be gong to +动词原形

16、 如:they are going to los angeles.(他们准备去洛杉矶。) will +动词原形 如:they will go swimming this afternoon.(他们今天下午将去游泳。)be going to 和will 区别: be going to表示经过事先安排、打算或决定要做的事情,基本上一定会发生;will则表示有可能去做,但不一定发生,也常表示说话人的临时决定。be going to表示近期或眼下就要发生的事情;will表示的将来时间则较远一些。如:he is going to write a letter tomorrow. i will meet

17、her one day. be going to还可以用来表示有迹象表明某件事将要发生,常用于天气等自然现象。如:look! its going to rain.4、一般将来时句型转换:肯定句否定句一般疑问句及回答she is going to have a picnic tomorrow.she isnt going to have a picnic tomorrow.is she going to have a picnic tomorrow?yes, she is. / no, she isnt.they will go swimming this afternoon.they will

18、 not(wont) go swimming this afternoon.will they go swimming this afternoon?yes, they will. / no, they wont.一般将来时习题:they are (go) go los angeles. (他们准备去洛杉矶。)hes going to (leave) home at seven tomorrow morning.(他准备明天早上七点离开家。)i think peter will (weigh) 75 kilograms in 10 years time.(我认为彼得十年后将重75千克。)gra

19、ndma is going to (leave) home tomorrow morning,(奶奶将在明天早上离开家。)im going to (visit) my uncle this sunday,(这个星期天我将去看望我的叔叔。)may will (be) 168 centimetres tall.(梅将有168高。)he (go) to leave home at seven tomorrow morning.(他准备明天早上七点离开家。)现在完成时定义:(1)现在完成时表示过去发生或已经完成的动作对现在造成的影响或结果。 (2)现在完成时可以用来表示发生在过去某一时刻的、持续到现在

20、动作(用行为动词表示)或状态(be动词表示)常与for(时间段),sine(时间点或者过去的句子)连用。构成: 助动词have/has+过去分词有以下标志性单词:1、以already, just和yet为标志。如:grandma has already bought aunt judy plenty of t-shirts and several silk scarves.(奶奶给茱迪阿姨买了好些t恤衫和几条丝巾。)2、以ever和never和before为标志 如:i have never been to beijing before.(我以前从没去过北京。)3、for+一段时间 如:he

21、has bought the car for one year.(他已经买车一年了。)现在完成时的句型转换:肯定句否定句一般疑问句及回答i have lived in china for ten years.i have not lived in china for ten years.have you lived in china for ten years.yes, i have / no, i havent.he has lived in china for ten years.he has not lived in china for ten years.has he lived in

22、 china for ten years.yes, he has/ no, he hasnt.过去分词:规则动词的过去分词的构成规则与规则动词的过去式的构成规则相同。不规则动词:原形、过去式及过去分词bring-brought-brought(带) get-got-got(得到) write-wrote-written(写) buy-bought-bought(买)put-put-put(放) pack-packed-packed(打包) live-lived-lived(居住) do-did-done(做)过去分词:规则动词的过去分词的构成规则与规则动词的过去式的构成规则相同。现在完成时习题

23、: have you (bring) your suitcase?(你带了你的行李箱吗?)he (buy) the car for one year. (他买这车已经一年了。)has she (call ) you yet?(她还打你电话的?)they have already (do) a lot of things.(他们已经做了很多事情。)i have (be) to hefei before. (我以前去过合肥。)have you (get) any us dollars?(你有一些美元吗?)i have already (write) down mays address.(我已经写下

24、梅的地址了。)aunt judy (live) in los angeles for six years.(茱迪阿姨已经住在洛杉矶六年了。)i (live) in wuhu for ten years.(我已经在芜湖生活了十年了。)后加动词原形的单词:1、情态动词后:有can (could), may (might), must, have to(不得不), shall (should, will (would) would rather(宁愿)等。 2、助动词后:do, does, did. 3、动词不定式to后 习题:1、you should (wear) more c

25、lothes.( 你应该多穿点衣服)people cannot (live) without air and water.(人们没有空气和水无法生存)my little brother likes to (have ) some cake.i am going to (take ) a bath. we must (stop) cutting down forest. (我们必须停止砍伐森林。)let help you.(让我来帮助你。)big waves in the sea may (sink) ships and boats.(海里的巨浪可能将船只沉没。)i would rather (have) have some bread.(我宁愿要点面包。)you can (travel) by train.(你能坐火车旅行。)i have to (practise) english more.(我不得不多加练习英语用所给单词的适当形式填空:1、i can see leaves (blow) slightly when there is a (gently) wi


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