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1、旅游文体翻译译前简述初得知“文体与翻译”期末作业时,内心竟有些小小的窃喜。自选文体,大大提升了选择的自由度,与此同时又可以好好地利用起自己平时的一些兴趣与爱好,何乐而不为?因为自己热爱旅行,热衷于赏赏风景、逛逛人文,闲来无事也爱翻看旅游杂志,所以很快就确定了主题旅游文本翻译。还是比较保守的选择了英译中,希望自己可以更好的领会原文意思,并运用中文词句的各种含义,以求达到原文此情此景的各种重现。在原文材料的选择上,我根据老师的一些要求进行查找,比较单一的景点介绍的文本字数明显不够,但多个景点介绍的文本篇幅又实在太长,无奈之下,我选择了“The Top 10 Tourist City”作为我的原文文

2、本,并选取了其中三个自己比较向往的城市来进行翻译,分别是 Venice, Italy、 Pisa, Italy和New York。翻译心得首先需要做的是明确旅游文本的内涵及特点。旅游文本属“呼唤型”文本,包括旅游景点介绍、旅游宣传广告、旅游告示标牌、民俗风情画册、古迹楹联解说等各方面的内容,而其中尤以景介翻译坐具旅游文体特色,也是旅游翻译中的重点和难点。旅游文体的翻译,不但要传达原文信息,而且要注意它自身的特殊性。旅游资料的功能是通过对景点的介绍、宣传,扩展人们的知识,激发人们旅游、参观的兴趣。因此,旅游文体翻译的最终目的就是通过传递信息来吸引旅游者。翻译这类资料,译者要考虑到译文的可读性及读

3、者的接受效果,所以,译者的自由度相对较大。简单来说,旅游文本是一种信息型文体,以描述见长,与民俗文化不可分离,特点可概括如下:1.短小精悍;2.生动活泼;3.通俗易懂;4.信息量大;5.集文学性、艺术性、宣传性和广告性于一体。然而当我明确特点,真正开始翻译的时候,才发现,即使是明确了内涵和特点,怀着无比的热忱,也并非一帆风顺。更多的我需要思考,也需要不停的查阅和一些必要的自我校正。首先在词汇上的翻译,旅游文本中会出现一些特定的专业名词或是已经约定俗成的名词。如Piazza San Marco、The Leaning Tower of Pisa、Piazza dei Miracoli、Times

4、 Square这些景点词汇,它们分别被译为圣马克广场、比萨斜塔、比萨奇迹广场以及纽约时代广场,这些已经是约定俗成的一些中文译名了,无需自己再进行翻译创作。但同时此处也引发了我的一些思考,意大利的广场一词均译为“Piazza”,而美国时代广场则选用“Square”一词。查阅后发现“广场”一词还可译作“Plaze”,而三者的区别在于 “Piazza”为意大利语中的广场 ;而“Plaza”是指 城市中的露天大广场,一些较高级的场所更愿意用这个单词;而“Square” 则是广场的总称,是使用最为广泛的翻译。旅游文本在词汇上的另一个特点是常用优美的文学性较强的形容词。如“Enchanting”,译为“风

5、姿迷人的” ; “Smelly and teeming ”,我把其译为“臭气熏天的”;“Busy ”译为“熙熙攘攘的”;“Sweaty”一词则译为“气喘吁吁、汗流浃背的”。最为特殊的是“Gaudiest”这个词,本意是“庸俗的,俗气的”,贬义的色彩比较重,但考虑到用在这里是形容美国时代广场 ,应略带褒义至少应基本保持中性词,查阅一些资料后,我将其译为“俗丽的”(庸俗艳丽她的装扮在简单中透着精致),我觉得这是一个比较特殊,也是自我感觉译得比较好的一个词。其次是句法上的翻译,总体来说,句法比词汇更为复杂,也更难掌控。第一,句型需要灵活多变,长短不一。例如“New York deserves its

6、 reputation as one the greatest cities on the planet./In 2011, more than 50 million domestic and international tourists visited the Big Apple to experience world-class culture in its museums and Broadway shows, eat at some of the finest restaurants representing every imaginable type of cuisine, and

7、wander through its historic ethnic neighborhoods and expansive green spaces like Central Park.”原文中是典型的短句和长句的结合。而我的译文如下“纽约当之无愧为地球上最伟大的城市。/2011年,到访纽约的中外游客超过500万人次。/他们参观了纽约的博物馆,观看了百老汇演出,在高档餐厅品尝各式美食,徜徉于历史悠久的民族居住地,到访全面绿化的中央公园,只为体验一下世界一流文化。”我将其切分成了三个短句,更便于读者的阅读与理解。第二,频繁使用修饰语。“Venice is one of the most enc

8、hanting, romantic and remarkable cities in the world.”开篇便接连使用了三个形容词来形容威尼斯的美好,我的译文如下“威尼斯便是世界上最迷人,最浪漫,最引人注目的城市之一。”再如“We visit Venice during the summer, when it's hot, smelly and teeming with loud Americans complaining about the price of a gondola ride.”此处也是连用三个形容词来形容威尼斯的夏天,我的译文如下:“我们来威尼斯的时候正是夏天一个热

9、烘烘的,臭气熏天的,熙熙攘攘的美国人抱怨缆车价格高的季节。”第三,时态多为现在时(景区历史或传说除外),因此在翻译时也要注意,明显带有过去色彩的词语或句子要避免出现。第四,以设问或反问形式来激发读者兴趣。例如“What, you didn't buy your ticket?!That's OK.”译文如下“什么?你们没有买票?没关系。”总体来说,旅游翻译不同于文学、科技和政治经济类翻译,她的功能重在“诱导”和 “呼唤”受众。但旅游翻译同样有一个美学标准和文化观念的问题,同样需要考虑文本的功能特征和翻译策略,考虑形式与

10、内容的关系,也同样需要完备的理论知识和翻译技巧。此次尝试旅游文本的翻译上,我学到了很多,也收获了很多,希望自己以后能有更多的机会翻译一些自己感兴趣的文本,希望自己再接再厉,不忘初心。原文文本2. Venice, ItalyIf you visit during the right time of year - preferably months that don't rhyme with "dune," "reply" or "dog guest" - Venice is one of the most enchanting,

11、 romantic and remarkable cities in the world. That's when the city's 60,000 full-time residents go about their daily routine of eating delicious regional cuisine, wandering through world-class museums and hanging out in the Piazza San Marco sipping cappuccino and eating gelato.Or at least th

12、at's what we assume the locals do. We've never seen an actual local, because like the rest of the world's tourists, we visit Venice during the summer, when it's hot, smelly and teeming with loud Americans complaining about the price of a gondola ride.Speaking of complaining about gon

13、dola rides, have you seen the price of a gondola ride? Eighty euros ($107) will buy you and five friends 40 minutes on the crowded Grand Canal. The price jumps to 100 euros after 7 p.m. And if you want the gondolier to sing a romantic tune while you dig through your fanny pack for more traveler'

14、s checks, that's going to cost you extra, of course.The moral of the story: If you don't want to be treated like a tourist, don't visit Venice in August, or take the water bus like a local, wherever they are.8. Pisa, ItalyWorkers laid the original stone foundation of the Leaning Tower of

15、 Pisa in 1173. Their rookie mistake - building an eight-story stone and marble tower topped with several tons of church bells on loose, sandy soil - would become the most famous architectural blunder in the world. More than 800 years later, the tower remains a "can't miss" destination

16、for more than a million gawking tourists every year.And what an experience it is! First, there is the inconvenient fact of getting to Pisa, which is a three-hour-plus train ride from Rome and nearly an hour train ride from Florence. But then you're at the tower, right? No, that would be about a

17、mile away from the train station. But don't worry, you'll have plenty of company alongside the hundreds of other sweaty tourists who are also speed-walking their way past pushy trinket vendors and stalls of knockoff handbags and watches.The site of the actual tower is actually quite beautifu

18、l. The tower is one of three Romanesque structures on a vast green square called the Piazzi dei Miracoli. Good thing you bought your entrance ticket online (18 or $24) before you came, or else you might be waiting in that two-hour line to begin the arduous climb up the leaning tower. What, you didn&

19、#39;t buy your ticket?! That's OK, while you wait in line, the rest of the group can each take the obligatory staged photo of pretending to hold up the tower. Don't be discouraged that every single other person who has ever visited Pisa has done the exact same thing. It doesn't mean you&

20、#39;re not original. It just means you're in Pisa.10. New YorkNew York deserves its reputation as one the greatest cities on the planet. In 2011, more than 50 million domestic and international tourists visited the Big Apple to experience world-class culture in its museums and Broadway shows, ea

21、t at some of the finest restaurants representing every imaginable type of cuisine, and wander through its historic ethnic neighborhoods and expansive green spaces like Central Park. Yet for some indefensible reason, a full 80 percent of all visitors to New York choose to converge on the gaudiest and

22、 least authentic intersection in the city: Times Square.Times Square's big attraction is its famous "lights," aka giant billboard ads for underwear and perfume, and Jumbotron TV screens streaming CNN. Then there's the whole New Year's Eve thing, which must be thrilling for peop

23、le whose idea of a great time involves subzero temperatures, hordes of drunk tourists and the threat of imminent trampling. But other than that, Times Square is an out-of-towners-only wasteland of knickknack shops (don't forget to buy your pointy green Statue-of-Liberty crown!), bad street theat

24、er, chain restaurants, and shady vendors selling knock-off handbags and pirated DVDs.A side effect of former Mayor Rudy Giuliani's successful effort to rid Times Square of the peep shows, porn theaters and prostitutes who ran the place for much of the '60s, '70s and '80s is that Time

25、s Square is now entirely devoid of anything particularly "New York." It's more like America's most crowded mall, where parking is $20 an hour, exactly how long you'll wait for a table at a local Times Square restaurant like Applebee's.(选自于一旅游杂志)翻译文本2.意大利的威尼斯如果你在合适的时间去威尼斯的话,



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