1、胡壮麟语言学教程考点笔记课后习题答案详解第5版 电子书胡壮麟语言学教程考点笔记课后习题答案详解第5版 电子书内容简介作为语言学教程(第5版)(胡壮麟主编,北京 大学出版社)的学习辅导书,全书完全遵循该教材的章 目编排,共分12章,每章由两部分组成:第一部分为复 习笔记(中英文对照),总结本章的重点难点;第二部 分是考研真题与典型题详解,精选名校经典考研真题及 相关习题,并提供了详细的参考答案。1.梳理章节脉 络,浓缩内容精华。每章的复习笔记以该教材为主并结 合其他教材对本章的重难点知识进行了整理,并参考了 国内名校名师讲授该教材的课堂笔记,因此,2.中英双 语对照,凸显难点要点。3.精选考研真
2、题,补充难点习 题。另外,在笔记部分,对于在语言学教程第三版 或第四版提到而第五版删减的知识点我们也予以保留, 并用“大”标明,部分院校考研真题依旧会涉及这些知识 点的考查。相对于第三版或第四版,对于在第五版新增 加的知识点用“”标明,以便于使用不同版本教材的读 者使用。第1章 语言学导论1.1复习笔记本章要点:1. the definition and the design features of language语言的定义与特征2. the origin and the function of language语言的起源和功能3. main branches of linguistics
3、study语言学研究的范围和内容4. important distinctions in linguistics语言学的一些重要区分 本章考点:1. 有关语言的常考考点语言的定义;语言的基本特征(任意性、二重性、多 产性、移位性、文化传递和互换性);语言的功能(提供信息、人际交往、施为、表达情 感、寒暄、娱乐、元语言);语言的起源(神授说,人造说(“汪汪”,“噗噗”,“哟- 嘿-吼”理论),进化说)等。2. 有关语言学的常考考点(1) 语言学的定义,现代语言学与传统语法学研究的 三个显著区别。(2) 语言学研究的四个原则及其简要说明。语言学中 几组重要区别,每组两个概念的含义、区分及其意义。(
4、3) 普通语言学的主要分支学科及各自的研究范畴。(4) 宏观语言学及应用语言学的主要分支及各自的研 究范畴。本章内容索引:i. definition of languageii. design features of language1. arbitrariness2. duality3. creativity4. displacement5. cultural transmission6. interchangeabilityiii. origin of language1. the biblical account2. the bow-wow theory3. the pooh-pooh
5、theory4. the yo-he-ho theory5. the evolution theoryiv. functions of language1. informative function2. interpersonal function3. performative function4. emotive function5. phatic function6. recreational function7. metalingual functionv. definition of linguisticsvi. branches of linguistics1. microlingu
6、istics2. macrolinguisticsvii. important concepts and their distinctions1. descriptive vs. prescriptive2. synchronic vs. diachronic3. langue vs. parole4. competence vs. performance5. traditional grammar vs. modern grammar6. linguistic potential vs. actual linguistic behaviori. the definition of langu
7、age (语言的定义)language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. this definition has revealed five essential factors of language: systematic, arbitrary, vocal, symbolic and most importantly human-specific.语言是人类以口头交流的任意的符号系统。该定义揭 示了语言的五个要素:系统,任意,口头,符号,人 类。ii. the design featur
8、es of language (语言的定义特征)【考点:名词解释&填空】design features refer to the defining properties of human languages that distinguish it from any animal system of communication.语言的定义特征是人类语言区别于其他动物交流系统 的特点。1. arbitrariness (任意性)it is the core feature of language, which refers to the fact that there is no logi
9、cal or intrinsic connection between a particular sound and the meaning it is associated with. it is not entirely arbitrary at all levels. some words, such as the ones created in the imitation of sounds by sounds are motivated in a certain degree.任意性是语言的核心特征,是指符号的形式或者声音 与意义之间没有逻辑或内在联系。虽然语言从本质上讲 是任意的,
10、但也不是完全任意的。一些词语,例如一些 拟声词的发音与其意义还是有一定联系的。2. duality (二重性)duality refers to the property of having two levels of structures, such that units of the primary level are composed of elements of the secondary level and each of two levels has its own principles of organization. the property of duality only e
11、xists in such a system, namely, with both elements (e.g. sounds, letters) and units (e.g. words).二重性是指拥有两层结构的这种属性,底层结构是上 层结构的组成成分,每层都有自身的组合规则。二重性 只存在于这样的系统之中,既有元素又有它们组合成的 单位。3. creativity (创造性)creativity means language is resourceful because of its duality and its recursiveness, which enables human
12、beings to produce and understand an infinitely large number of sentences in our native language, including the sentences which were never heard before.创造性指语言的能产性,它能够使人造出和理解无穷 的长句,其中很多句子是以前从未听过的。4. displacement (移位性)displacement means that human languages enable their users to symbolize objects, even
13、ts and concepts which are not present (in time and space) at the moment of communication. displacement benefits human beings by giving them the power to handle generalizations and abstractions.移位性是指人类语言可以让使用者在交际肘用语言符 号代表时间上和空间上并不可及的物体、事件和观点。 移位性赋予人们的概括和想象力使人类受益无穷。5. cultural transmission (文化传递性)lang
14、uage is culturally transmitted. it cannot be transmitted through heredity.语言不是靠遗传,而是通过文化传递的。6. interchangeability (互换性)interchangeability refers to the fact that man can both produce and receive messages, and his roles as a speaker and a hearer can be exchanged at ease.互换性是指人可以是信息的发出者,也可以是信息的 接受者,即人
15、作为说话者和听话者的角色是可以随意更 换的。iii. origin of language (语言的起源)1. the biblical account (圣经的记载)language was god's gift to human beings.语言是上帝的恩赐。2. the bow-wow theory ("汪汪”理论)language was an imitation of natural sounds, such as the cries of animals, like quack, cuckoo.语言是模仿自然的声音,例如动物的叫声,如(鸭子) 的刮刮声,嘎嘎声,
16、布谷鸟的叫声。3. the pooh-pooh theory ("噗噗"理论)language arose from instinctive emotional cries, expression of pain or joy.语言来源于人本能的情感声音,表达疼痛或喜悦。4. the yo-he-ho theory ("哟-嘿-吼"理论)language arose from the noises made by a group of people engaged in joint labour or effort-lifting a huge hunt
17、ed game, moving a rock, etc.语言起源于原始人共同劳动时发出的有节奏的哼哟 声。5. the evolution theory (进化理论)language originated in the process of labour and answered the call of social need.语言起源于劳动的过程,满足了社会的需求。iv. functions of language (语言的功能)【考点:判断所描述的是语言的何种功能&名词解 释】1. informative function (信息功能)language is used to tel
18、l something, to give information, or to reason things out. the informative function is regarded as the most important function. declarative sentences serve this function.语言用来陈述某件事情,提供信息或用作推理。信息 功能是语言最重要的功能,一般出现在陈述句中。2. interpersonal function (人际功能)the interpersonal function is considered as the most
19、 important sociological use of language, by which people establish and maintain their status in a society.人际功能是语言最重要的社会功能。人们由此建立和 维持他们的身份和社会地位。3. performative function (施为功能)the performative function of language is primarily used to change the social status of persons, such as in marriage ceremonies
20、, the sentencing of criminals, the blessing of children, the naming of a ship at a launching ceremony, and the cursing of enemies. the kind of language employed in performative verbal acts is usually quite formal and even ritualized.语言的施为功能主要是用来改变人的社会地位,例如 在婚礼、判刑,为孩子祈福和在首航仪式上为船命名、 诅咒敌人。在这些言语行为中,语言通常
21、是非常正式 的,甚至是仪式化的。4. emotive function (感情功能)the emotive function of language is one of the most powerful uses of language because it is so crucial in changing the emotional status of an audience for or against someone or something.语言的感情功能是语言最有用的功能之一,因为它在 改变听者赞成或反对某人、某物的态度上作用非常关 键。5. phatic function (寒
22、暄功能)this function refers to expressions that help define and maintain interpersonal relations, such as slangs, jokes, jargons, ritualistic exchanges, switches to social and regional dialects.寒暄功能是指那些有助于确立和维持人际关系的表 达,例如俚语、玩笑、行话、礼节性的问候、社会方言 或地域方言的转用等。6. recreational function (娱乐功能)the recreational fun
23、ction refers to the use of language for the sheer joy of it, such as a baby's babbling or a chanter's chanting.语言的娱乐功能是指纯粹为了娱乐而使用语言,例如 婴儿的呀呀学语,歌者的吟唱。7. metalingual function (元语言功能)the metalingual function refers to the fact that our language can be used to talk about itself.语言的元语言功能是指语言可以用来讨
24、论语言本身。v. definition of linguistics (语言学的定义)linguistics is usually defined as the science of language or, the scientific study of language. it not only focus on a particular language, but is based on the systematic investigation of linguistic data, conducted with reference to some general theory of l
25、anguage structure. the four principles which make linguistic a science are exhaustiveness, consistency, economy and objectivity.语言学通常被定义为研究科学的语言,或对语言的科 学研究。它不仅仅关注某种特定的语言,而是基于一些 语言结构的综合理论,对语料进行的系统研究。语言学 研究的科学性可以归纳为:穷尽性、一致性、简洁性以 及客观性。vi. branches of linguistics (语言学的分支)1. microlinguistics一intra-discip
26、linary divisions (微观 语言学)phonetics语音学phonology音系学morphology 形态学syntax句法学semantics 语义学pragmatics 语用学2. macrolinguistics一interdisciplinary divisions (宏观 语言学)psycholinguistics 心理语言学sociolinguistics 社会语言学applied linguistics 应用语言学computational linguistics 计算语言学neurolinguistics 神经语言学vii. important concept
27、s and their distinctions (重要概 念及其区分)1. descriptive vs. prescriptive (描写式与规定式)to say that linguistics is a descriptive science means that linguists tried to discover and record the rules to which the members of a language-community actually conform and does not seek to impose upon them other rules, o
28、r norms, of correctness. prescriptive linguistics aims to lay down rules for the correct use of language and settle the disputes over usage once and for all. the distinction lies in describing how things are and prescribing how things ought to be.把语言说成描述性的科学是说语言学家试图发现和记 录同一语言共同体的成员所遵循的规则,并不是强加给 它们其他
29、规则或正确的标准。规定式的语言学目的在于 为正确使用语言定下各种规则,一劳永逸地解决用法上 的争议。它们最主要的区别就在于前者描述事情怎样而 后者规定事情应该如何。2. synchronic vs. diachronic (共日寸与历日寸)language can be studied at a given point in time or over time. when we study language at a particular time, it is called synchronic linguistics. when we study language developments
30、 through time, it is called diachronic or historical linguistics. synchronic linguistics focuses on the state of language at any points in history while diachronic linguistics focuses on the differences in two or more than two states of language over decades or centuries.语言研究可以是在一个给定的时间也可以是一段时 间。当我们
31、集中在某一点时间来研究语言时就叫做共时 语言学。当我们研究随着时间发展的语言时就叫做历时 语言学。共时语言学集中研究历史任何时期点的语言现 状,而历时语言学集中研究几十年或几百年的时期内两 个或比两个更多的语言状况的差异。3. langue vs. parole (语言与言语)saussure distinguished the linguistic competence of the speaker and the actual phenomena or data of linguistics (utterances) as langue and parole. langue refers
32、to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community. parole refers to particular realizations of langue.索绪尔用语言和言语来区分说话者的语言能力和言语 上(表达的)的实际表现或语料。语言是指一个语言群体 的所有成员所共有的抽象的语言系统。言语是指语言的 具体实现和运用。4. competence vs. performance (语言能力和语言应用) 【考点:解释saussure和chomsky的两对概念的异同】(1) chomsk
33、y made the fundamental difference between competence and performance.(2) a language user's underlying knowledge about the system of rules is called his linguistic competence.(3) performance refers to the actual use of language in concrete situations.(1) 乔姆斯基提出了语言能力和语言应用的根本区 别。(2) 一名语言使用者对于语言规则系统的潜在认识称 为他的语言能力。(3) 语言运用指在具体场景中语言的实际运用。5. traditional grammar vs. modern grammar (传统语 法与现代语法)traditional grammar can be considered as prescriptive; it is based on "high” (religious, literary) written language. it sets models for l
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