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1、最新代词练习题含答案一.单项选择代词1. While e-book sales this year have declined, it is still important for us to remember that thefigures are still higher thanfive years ago.A. one B. thatC. those D. they【答案】C【解析】句意:尽管今年电子书的销量已经下降,但是对于我们来说记住数字仍然高于五 年前的销售量仍然很重要。这里用代词those指代上文出现过的可数名词复数figures,故 选C。【名师点睛】代词that和those

2、用法:一、代词that的用法:代词that的指代为特指,并且我们通常归纳为“同物异指”,即代 词that指代的物体与前文中的物体是同样的名称,但是有不同的内涵,另外代词that可以 指代前文中的不可数名词,The climate of Jilin is not so mild as that of Jiangsu.吉林的气候不如江苏温和。代词that指代前文中climate,同样都是climate,前文中为吉林的气候,而后文中that所 指代的气候是江苏的气候,名称相同但内涵不一样,这就是所谓的"同物异指"。此处代词 that指代的climate即为不可数名词。代词that

3、与one的区别:that指代可数名词单数或者不可数名词,为特指,that代替可数名词单数时等同于the oneo one指代可数名词单数,为泛指。The weather in Beijing in winter is colder than that of Shanghai.北京的天气比上海的天气要 冷。As they are retired, Mr. and Mrs. Scot prefer a house in the country to one in a large city.因为*(也 们退休了,司各特先生和太太宁愿要一座农村里的房子也不愿要一座人城市里的房子。二、代词those的用

4、法that可代替不可数名词,也可代替可数名词单数,代替可数名词单数时等同于the one,表 示特指意义;those只能代替可数名词复数,等同于the onesoThe days in summer are longer than those in winter.夏天要比冬天长一些。此句中代词those指代前文中的复数the days。Despite the negative image of nuclear energy, actually its public safety risks are no greater than those of fossil fuels.代词those指代前

5、文中的public safety risks,指代前文中的复数名词用those符合题意,句 子意思为:尽管核能的形象比较负面,但是实际上核能的公共安全危害性还不如矿物燃料 的公共安全危害性大。2. I dislikewhen Jim said the UN was not a worthy organization,bringing everyone closer together.A. one; one B. it; oneC one; which D it; which【答案】B【解析】【详解】考查代词。句意:我不喜欢吉姆说联合国不是一个值得敬重的组织,一个让每个人更加亲 密的组织。第一空

6、用it作形式宾语,真正的宾语为when Jim said the UN was not a worthy organization;第二空用代词one,代指前面的名词organization。故选B。【点睛】当 hate/enjoy/like/1ove/prefer/appreciate/disIike 等表示情绪的动词后接 when 或 if 从句时, 通常要用it作形式宾语。made of natural3. Clothing made of mamade fibers has certain advantages over fibers like cotton, wool or silk

7、B. oneA. the onesD. whatC. that【答案】C【解析】试题分析:考查代词:句意:-人造纤维的衣服比天然纤维彖:棉花,羊毛或丝绸制作的 衣服有一定的好处。这里填的代词是泛指不可数名词Clothing,用that是特指可数名词单 数或不可数名词,而且后面还有后置定语,one是泛指前面的可数名词单数,the ones特 指前面的可数名词复数,what可以引导名词性从句,选C。考点:考查代词点评:代词首先要弄清它指代的是什么,指代的数量,指代可数名词单数还是不可数名 词,泛指还是特指,结合句意和代词本身的用法,再进行辨析。be finished?4. They have do

8、ne much of the work; when willA. the restB the otherC. anotherD. the others【答案】A【解析】答案:A代词用法。the rest可指代前面的不可数名词work,而其它三项均不可指代不可 数名词。.too.B. thatD one5. Km as big as human. In fact, I look likeA. the oneC. it【答案】D【解析】 考查不定代词。句意:我同人一样人,事实上,我看起来像一个人。此处用one代替前面 的human,故选D。6. If I have ever feared deat

9、h before, it wascompared to how I felt as the roller coasterthat moved faster and faster.A. anythingB somethingC nothingD everything【答案】c【解析】考查代词 o A. anything 任何事;B. something 某事;C. nothing 无事:D. everything 每件事, 一切。句意:如果我以前曾经害怕过死亡,那没有什么能与我的感觉相比,我感觉就像过 山车一样,移动得越来越快。此处指没有什么能比,故选C.7. I'd appreciat

10、eif you would like to teach me how to use this computer.A. thatB. thisC youD it【答案】D【解析】【详解】考查it做形式宾语。句意:如果你能教我如何使用这台电脑,我将不胜感激。此处it是形 式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的从句。固定句式:I would appreciate it if., M如果.我将 不胜感激"。故选D项。8. If the product is significantly different fromdescribed in the ad, you have everyright to co

11、mplain to the local authority.A. one B onesC. that D. those【答案】c【解析】考察指示代词用法。当上文的名词被第二次提到,通常用指示代词that (代指单 数名词和不可数名词)或those (代指复数名词)来替代,本句中,用that代指前面提到 的the product,为特指,故选C。9. In my opinion, there's no greater happiness than _ of succeeding in one's career.A. one B. itC. that D. those【答案】C【解

12、析】【详解】考查代词辨析,句意:在我看来,在一个人的职业生涯中,没有比成功更幸福了。one 个;it它;that那个;those那些。在比较级中,某个事物和另外一个事物作比较,后者用 that或者those代替,其中单数用that,复数用those。此处succeeding为单数,用that代 替,故选C。10. The foreign Minister said "that the two sides will work towards peace".A. It is no doubtB. There is our hopeC. There is no wonderD.

13、It is our hope【答案】D【解析】考查it作形式主语。句意:外交部长说:"我们的希望是双方朝着和平的方向发展"。通过 分析句子结构,可知引号中的句子把主语从句放在句末,故前面需要it作形式主语,构成 it +系动词+名词+ that从句结构。故选D.11. I agree with most of what you said, but I don't agree with.A. everythingB. anythingC. somethingD. nothing【答案】A【解析】试题分析:考查不定代词的用法。not everything意为"

14、不是所有的"。句意“我同意你说的人 部分,但不是所有的。"故选儿考点:考查不定代词的用法12. On average, the footprints discovered are 14 to 18 inches long, 5-9 inches wide and muchlarger thanof a human.A. thatB. onesC. thoseD. one【答案】C【解析】试题分析:句意:通常来说,被发现的长达14到18英寸,5到9英寸宽的脚印比人类的 脚印要人得多。A.that特指代指前文的可数名词单数或是不可数名词,B. ones泛指,代替 前文出现的可数

15、名词复数,C. those特指,代替前文出现的同一个可数名词复数,D. one 泛指可数名词单数。这句话里those代指footprintso故选C。考点:考查代词的用法。13. When shall we go to see the movie The Hun ger Games together? Make itday you like; it's all the same to me.A. oneB. anyC. anotherD. some【答案】B【解析】试题分析:考查形容词辨析。本句中的any意为"任意一个",another另外一个;some 些;one

16、 个;句意:一我们什么时候一起去看饥饿游戏这部电影啊?一你喜欢的随 便那一天都行,我都没关系的。根据句意可知使用any day,表示任意一天都可以。故B正 确。【名师点睛】本题要特别注意any意为“任意一个语气很强烈:another作形容词时,是指在原有的基 础上再加一(些),表示"再一(些)"或"另外一个(些)"的意思,在心理上至少有三个.another还可作代词,意思与作形容词时一样.它前面不能加任何冠词,后面也不能加s 【举一反三】The medicine is on sale everywhere. You can get it atchemis

17、t's.A. other B. some C. anotherD. anyK答案D D试题分析:考查代词:A. other其他,B. some 些,C. another另一个,D. any任何一个, 句意:这个药到处都在卖,你可以到任何一家药店买到它。选D。考点:考查形容词辨析14. The exam was easy, wasn't it?Yes, but I don't thinkcould pass it.A. somebodyB. anybodyC. everybodyD. nobody【答案】C【解析】本题考查不定代词的用法,somebody某人;anybod

18、y任何人everybody每人;nobody没人。 根据句意,可知选C。句意:-这场考试很简单,不是吗? -是的,但我认为不是每个人都 能通过。15. -Will $ 1,000the cost of the trip?-I'm afraid not. Perhaps I need$500.A. pay; anotherB. charge; moreC. cover; another D. afford; more【答案】C【解析】句意"1000美元够旅行的费用吗?”“恐怕不够,也许还需要500美元。"charge"收费”; cover“包括”;affor

19、d“买得起”。根据句意可知,用cover:在原来的基础上再多一些用 "another+数词"或"数词+more"表示,这里用another。故选C。16. Our monitor's breaking the record at the sports meeting was an exciting moment,all of us will always treasure.A. thatB. itC. oneD. what【答案】C【解析】考查替代。句意:我们的班长在运动会上打破了记录是一个令人兴奋的时刻,一个我们将 总是珍惜的时刻。a/an+单

20、数可数名词,用one代替,故选C。17. As the busiest woman in Norton, she madeher duty to look after all the otherpeople's affairs in that town.A. this B. it C. that D. one【答案】B【解析】【详解】考查固定用法。句意:作为诺顿最忙碌的女人,她有责任处理镇上所有其他人的事务。此 处为动词+形式宾语+宾语补足语+不定式结构,四项中只有it能作形式宾语,故B项正 确。18. Life comes in a package,includes happines

21、s and sorrow, failure and success, anddespair.A. OneB. whatC. one thatD. that【答案】C【解析】【详解】考查代词和定语从句。句意:生活是一个包裹,其中包扌舌快乐和悲伤,失败和成功,以及 绝望。分析句子可知,此处先用 one 代指 a package, includes happiness and sorrow, failure and success, and despair.是修饰one的定语从句,从句缺少主语,先行词是不定代词,故用 关系代词that,故选C项。【点睛】本题考查定语从句关系代词。确定定语关系词一般分

22、为三步:找出先行词;确定先行词在 从句中充当什么成分;考虑特殊情况。以本题为例:1. 找出先行词:one (指物)2. 确定先行词在从句中充当什么成分:先行词one在从句includes happiness and sorrow 中充当主语,故用关系代词which/that3. 考虑特殊情况:one是不定代词,关系代词用that故用that19. The official madeclear that he would do everything possible to solve the problem.A. itB. thisC. thatD. him【答案】A【解析】【详解】考查形式宾语

23、it。句意:该官员明确表示,他将竭尽所能解决问题。固定结构应当是: make it clear that+陈述句。it 在此是形式宾语,从句 he would do everything possible to solve the problem是真正的宾语。故选A。20. The most important promises we must keep arewe make to ourselves.A. OnesB. thoseC. theseD. them【答案】B【解析】【详解】考查代词。句意:我们必须遵守的最重要的承诺就是我们对自己做出的承诺。A. Ones泛指 上文提到可数名词复数

24、;B. those特指上文提到的名词复数;C. these这些;D. them他们。 分析句子可知,we must是定语从句,修饰The most important promises,是句子的主语; be动词后缺少表语,we make to ourselves是定语从句,修饰空格处。根据句意,此处指上 文提到的promises,由定语从句修饰表示特指。故用those,故选B。21. is believed that heavy smokers are more likely to develop serious illness.A. AsB. ItC. WhichD. What【答案】B【解

25、析】【详解】本题考查it用法。解题步骤:1.确定各选项用法:空格的位置是主语,A. As引导非限制性 定语从句;B.lt可以作形式主语;C. Which引导主语从句;D. What引导主语从句;2.确定 答案:根据believed后面的that可知,这是主语从句后置,前面用形式主语it代替。如果 选A,应将that改为逗号,C/D项的话,that前应添加动词。句意:人们认为,烟瘾大的 人更容易患重病。故选B。22. You may rely onthat Jennifer will come and help us if we are in trouble.A. itB. thatC. whi

26、chD. this【答案】A【解析】【详解】考查形式宾语it的用法。句意:如呆我们有困难,你可以相信詹妮会来帮助我们。it做 形式宾语时,常用于"动词+ prep + it + that-从句"结构,此处用it作rely on的形式宾语,真 正宾语为其后的宾语从句。故选A。【点睛】能用于"动词+ prep + it + that从句"结构的动词,常见的还有see to, look to, insist on, stick to, depend on, answer for 等。23. -Who can I turn to for help in face

27、 of difficulty, Mom?-My darling, if not, anybody else?A. meB. IC. mineD. myself【答案】A【解析】【详解】考查人称代词宾格。句意:一一面对困难我可以向谁寻求帮助,妈妈?一一亲爱的,如果不 是我,还会有其他人吗?此处是省略句,省略了 itis,所以用人称代词宾格。故选A。24. Among the ashes were not the bones of a beast, butof a bird.A. onesB. thatC. thoseD. what【答案】C【解析】【详解】考查代词用法。句意:在灰烬中的不是野兽的

28、骨头,而是鸟的骨头。A. ones -些;B. that 那个;C. those那些;D. what什么。这里those指代上文the boneso故选C。【点睛】ones泛指,替代前面出现的复数名词。指代上文出现的同类同一的事物。those特指,替代前面出现的同类名词,但不是同一个物体。相当于the+可数名词复数。25. is known to us all that the old scientist, forlife was hard in the past, stillworks hard in his eighties.A. As; whoseB. It; whoC. As; who

29、mD. It; whom【答案】D【解析】【详解】考查主语从句和定语从句。句意:众所周知,这位年老的科学家,过去他的生活很艰难, 在他八十多岁时仍然努力工作。It is known to us all that是个固定句型,意思是"众所周 知",这里it是形式主语,真正的主语是that引导的主语从句,如果用as的话,as is known to us all后面要用逗号与后面的句子隔开,没有that;第二空中句子包含一个"介词+ 关系代词"引导的定语从句,指人,只能用whom,故选D。26. Which of the following sentence

30、s is WRONG?A. There is no point in arguing with him further.B. There is no need to worry about your son - he's fine.C. There is no doubt that we will finish all the work in two days.D. There is a wonder that he remained alive after dropping form the tall building.【答案】D【解析】【详解】考查主语从句。句意:卞列哪句话是错的。

31、分析句子可知,D选项错误,正确的应该为:It is a wonder that he remained alive after dropping form the tall building。其中 it 作形式主语, 真正的主语为that引导的从句。故D选项正确。27. I'd appreciateif you could come and help me once more and I always appreciateme with my English in the past.A. this; you to helpB. it; your helpingC. it; you to

32、 helpD. that; you helping【答案】B【解析】【详解】考查it做形式宾语和动名词。句意:如果你能再来帮我一次,我将不胜感激。我一直很感 激你过去在英语方面对我的帮助。like, love, appreciate, hate, see to, depend on等词语接从 句时,要用it作形式宾语。appreciate one's doing sth"感激某人做某事"为固定短语。故B选 项正确。28. Astronomers have discovered that three planets have sizes and temperature

33、s similar to of Earth.A. them B. theseC. those D. ones【答案】C【解析】【详解】考查代词的指代。句意:天文学家发现了三个在大小和温度方面与地球相似的星球。根据 句意可知此处是三个星球的人小和温度与地球的大小和温度相似,因此空白处应该是代指 复数名词sizes and temperatureso those代指上文中的可数名词复数。故选C。【点睛】one, ones, that, those 与 it 的区分l.one指代上文提到的单数人的人或物,指"同一类中的一个",表示泛指意义:即:a/an十单 数可数名词;ones则

34、代指可数名词,表泛指意义。The population problem may be the greatest one of the world today. (one=a problem)2. that指上文出现的名词,表示同类的东西,一般不指人,既可指代可数名词单数,又可指代不 可数名词,常要求有后置定语修饰,表特指。The weather of this week is worse than that of last week.(that=the weather)3. those用来代替复数可数名词,常要求有后置定语,表示特指,即the+复数可数名词。The students in Cl

35、ass one are more than those in Class Two.(those=the students)4.it指上文提到的同一事物,与前面名词是同一物。Is this book yours, I want to use it.(it=your book)在本题中,此处是三个星球的大小和温度与地球的大小和温度相似,代指的内容为复数名 词sizes and temperatures,且表特指地球上人小和温度,故应用those。29. Istrue that the meeting will be held next week?A. thatB. heC. thisD. it【答

36、案】D【解析】【详解】考查it用法。句意:会议将于卞周举行,这是真的吗?此处it是形式主语,真正的主语是 that引导的主语从句。故选D。30. Have Max and Tina sold out all the English dictionaries?Yes, completely.is left.A. NoneB. NothingC. No oneD. Neither【答案】A【解析】考查代词。no one只能指人,但不具体指什么人,一般用来回答who。 none具体指什么 人或物,一般用来回答how manyo句意:卖完所有的英语字典了吗?是的,全部卖完了, 没有一本剩下来。故选儿3

37、1. You should makea rule to leave thingsyou can find them easily.A. it; whereB. it; thenC. that; thereD. this; when【答案】A【解析】考查代词及状语从句。句中it作形式宾语,真正宾语为to leave things where you can find them easily; where引导地点状语从句,选A。32. I finddifficult for us to understand old English today.A. itB. thatC. thereD. this

38、【答案】A【解析】试题解析:分析句子,可知find后面要跟一个宾语,由于本句的宾语是to understand old English today,故要用it作为形式宾语。根据句意,可知选A。句意:我发现今天我们很难理解古代的英语。考点:代词/不定代词33. -of us think the English examination was difficult.-But I still don't thinkcould pass it.A. All, everybodyB. None, anybodyC. All, anybodyD. None, everybody【答案】D【解析】试题

39、分析:考查部分否定和全部否定。none, nobody, no通常表示全部否定;否定词和 all, every, each连用,表示部分否定。句意:一我们中没有一个人认为这次英语测试难。 但是我仍然不是所有人都能通过这次考试。故D正确。【名师点睛】英语中的部分否定(即不完全否定)有如下一些表示方法:一、all的否定式:notall.(或:all.not)表示"并非都."、"不是所有的都."例如:Not all men can be masters. (=" All11 men cannot be masters.)并非人人都能当头头。Not a

40、ll bamboo grows tall.并非所有的竹子都会长得很高。二、both 的否定式:not.both (或:both. not)"并非两个 都."例如:I don't want both the books.我不是两本书都要。Both (the) windows are not open.两扇窗子并不都开着。三、every.的否定式:"不是每.都."例如:Not every book is educative.(或:Every book is not educative.)不是每本书都有教育意义的。Not everyone likes

41、this book并非人人都喜欢这本书。This flower is not seen everywhere.这花并不是随处可见的。四、always的否定式:"并非总是(并非一直).“例如:He is not always so sad.他并不是一直都这样悲伤。五、entirely, altogether, completely 和 quite 的否定式,"不完全.","并非完全."例如: The businessman is never to be entirely trusted.不可以完全信任商人。He felt not altogeth

42、er satisfied.他并不完全满意。I don't agree completely.我并不完全同意。What he did was not quite proper.他做的不十分妥当。六、all the time的否定式:"并非一直.”、”未必老是."例如: A foolish man doesn't make a mistake all the time.笨人未必老是犯错误。七、not.and.的否定式,被否定的往往是and后面的那一部分。例如: He did not speak clearly and correctly.他讲得清楚但不正确?Th

43、is film is not interesting and instructive.这部电影有趣但无教育意义。 She cannot sing and dance.她会唱歌但不会跳舞。如果将and换成or, not对其后面的两部分就全盘否定了。He did not speak clearly or correctly.他讲的既不清楚也不正确。如要对上述的all, both, every, always,以及entirely, altogether, completely, quite和all the time等词作完全否定,那就分别要用与之相对 应的全否定词,如 noz none, neit

44、her; no one, never, not (never). at all 等。All of them can do it.一 None of them can do it.Both are good.Neither is goodEverybody likes it. Nobody likes it.He is always late一 He is never late.We don't trust them entirely.- We never trust them at all.He was here all the time一 He was never here考点:考查

45、部分否定和全部否定34. Did you call on any of your old friends when you returned to your hometown ?of them They were all very busy A. NobodyB. NoneC. BothD Neither【答案】B【解析】考查代词:A. Nobody没有人,不能接of, B.None (三者以上)没有人,C .Both两者都 D .Neither两者都不,句意是:你回到家乡时拜访老朋友了吗?-没有,他们都很忙。说明 是三者以上都不,选B。35. Although we produce carb on whe n we breathe, the carb on we produce is much less tha n produced by a car.A. it B. the one C. what D. that【答案】D【解析】考查代词辨析。句意:尽管我们呼吸时产生二氧化碳,但我们产生的二氧化碳比 汽车产生的少得多。that指代此前面的不可数名词carbono指代前面的不可数名词,要用 that,而it是指同类同物,the one,其中的one指代可数名词的单数,what是“什么",不能 指代前面的不可数名词,因此选


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